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(Voice over) April: Thank you and you may now all be seated. At this point, let me start off introducing the ones
Everyone is encourage to take some pictures from the photobooth while the programme is not yet who stand as witnesses, the Couple’s Principal Sponsors. Pls. stand or waive your hand for
starting. recognition.

April: Dear friends, we would like invite you now to transfer at the reception area. Find your seats Mr. Rogelio Ortega Mrs. Florida Ortega
and settle down, as we will start in a few minutes. Mr. Wilfredo Quindor Mrs. Felisa Salud
Mr. Lolito Tapil Mrs. Erlinda Ismael
(background music…after a few minutes) (DAHIL SAYO) Engr. Carlito Quindor Mrs. Sylvia Quindor
Errol: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of the couple and their parents….Welcome Mr. Rey Curativo Mrs. Valmorie Curativo
to the Bambo-Edjan Wedding Reception right here at Terranova Garden Multi-purpose Hall and Mr. Joevanni Gievarra Mrs. Virginia Macaya
Catering Services, New Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan. I am Mr. Errol R. Solidarios Hon. Nelson P. Repiedad, Sr. Mrs. Ma. Luz Alarcon
Mr. Arnel M. Gayomali Mrs. Marilyn Llano
April: and Ms. April Jane O. Cabaluna, Mr. Romeo Dela Cruz Mrs. Celsa Gerogalin
Mr. Arlensito Quindor Mrs. Nolina Quindor
All: and we are your hosts for today. Mr. Arnel Tolentino Mrs. Minerva Marchan
Mr. Josary G. Sandaya Mrs. Josie Llano
April: We thank all for gracing this joyful occasion especially to those who took a leave of
absence from work and to those who have traveled many miles just to be with us. Errol: Thank you Mesdames and Gentlemen.
May all of you be able to fulfill your primary duties and responsibilities in guiding and protecting the
Errol: And now . . . Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the entrance of our entourage starting
from our Principal Sponsors down to our Secondary Sponsors. Everyone is encourage to dance marriage of JM and MJ, and that, you may inculcate to them the Christian virtues and values of
with the tune Dahil Sayo by Inigo Pascual. the Sacrament of Matrimony for them to produce good children of God and of our society.

Entrance of the Bride and Groom

April: Today calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct honor to introduce to you, for the very
first time our couple as husband and wife. So without any further ado, Ladies & gentlemen, please
all stand as we welcome with a hand of applause…
All: Mr. & Mrs. John Michael and Maria Jane Edjan-Bambo

April: Congratulations, JM and MJ… and best wishes to both of you.

Errol: So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen our new lovely couple. Let us again give them a
big hand of applause.

Best Man & Maid of Honor April: The ones who clothe the couple as one were
Mr. Christian Nieles and Mrs. Maria Quennie B. Nieles
April: The ones who guided the couple’s way were…
The chosen Best Man of the entourage is, Mr. John Paul Geollegue Errol: and the ones who bind the couple together were
Mr. Leover G. Valence and Mrs. Dolly Valence
Errol: The chosen Maid of Honor of the entourage is Ms. Manilyn D. Mayor

April: The ones who assisted in the needs of the couple were… the Groomsmen & Bride’s maid Bearers
April: The ring bearer, who carefully carried the symbol of love of the couple, is Blu John Gian B.
April: Our dashing Groomsmen are: Villanueva
Scaven G. Valence Errol: The coin bearer, who carried the symbol of treasure, is John Nino Zapico
Jomar T. Edjan
Jaylord T. Edjan April: The Bible bearer, who carried the symbol of faith, is Blu Yvan B. Villanueva
Khalil Jezrah B. Azue
Charles Edjan Flower Girls
Jaime Biag, Jr. Errol: The little girls who showered with flowers the aisles of the couple were…
Joss Stephen Haryhnez Patenio
Joshua A. Tolentino Dianne Margaret B. Villanueva
Angelie Rose T. Mayor
Errol: Our dazzling Bridesmaid are: Danerose M. Gerogalin
Zairen Marie B. Bambo
Maria Winnie G. Bambo
Bhaby Laica T. Llano Liane Antonette Manalo
Maria Esabel T. Edjan
Faye V. Girogalin April: A wedding like this brings two people and their families together. It refreshes the family ties
Imee Podadera and friendship that have gone stale and almost forgotten against the toil of time and distance.
Roxanne D. Santiago
Errol: So again I would like to request the people concerned to please stand to be recognized as
Janel T. Cruz
you are called.
Rhea Ann B. Gerogalin
April: Friends, Family and Relatives of the Groom
Errol: Friends, Family and Relatives of the Bride
Secondary Sponsors:

Errol: At this point, we’re going to introduce to you the rest of the entourage. April: On behalf of the couple, I would like to thank you all for coming and for being part of this
The ones who lighted the path of the couple were momentous event.
Mr. Dante G. Gerogalin and Mrs. Roselle M. Gerogalin

Errol: Today, we are privileged to join JM and MJ in their first symbolic meal as a husband and Errol: This time, let’s fill our glasses with any drink that we can get and join the best man for the
wife. symbolic wine toast. Let’s call in Mr. Paul Geollegue

April: The arms of the couple will intertwine as they drink the wine. As the wine is poured, our
April: It is said that a successful marriage involves three hearts becoming one. The hearts of the
newlyweds now make their wishes for a continuing flow of good fortune, a better future and the
husband, the wife and the God at the center.
best of life possible for them.
Errol: So let us give thanks to the one who made this all possible, the author of life, love and
Errol: So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. At this point, our meal is ready, Bon appetite!
relationships. Our one true God. To lead us into prayer and also to say grace before meals, may I will now give the floor to Ms. Apple Christy V. Almero to entertain you all while having your meal.
we call on Mrs. Rhea Sablaon. =========================================================================
Picture Taking (After most of them have already finished eating)
Errol: Pls. be seated.
April: Family and friends, I guess everyone is enjoying the sumptuous food prepared by Bambo –
Cutting of the Wedding Cake Edjan Families. At this point, the newlywed would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone
personally for your presence. May we request our family and friends by table to have a photo
April: May I now request JM and MJ to do the honors of cutting the wedding cake and wine toast. opportunity with our newlywed couple. First we have Table # 1……..

Errol: The cake cutting ceremony, which has been a part of the wedding celebrations since the Money Dance ( A thousand Years Music Background)
Roman times, is a symbol of good luck and fertility Errol: Ladies and Gentlemen, find your purses and wallets, it’s now time for our Money Dance
where you will get your chance to financially bless our couple.
April: The husband and wife will put their hands together to slice the cake. The two hands moving
as one with purpose, symbolizes that the two will work in unity to reach common goals for their April: May we request our ushers to provide our ninongs and ninangs with safety pins and
shared future and their life together as one. envelopes.

Errol: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the cake has been cut. JM and MJ will now give (when finished)
each other the first slice of the wedding cake. The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s Errol: Thank You all for your generosity that will indeed go along the way for the couple.
willingness to fulfill each other’s needs. Creating a bond so simple and yet so strong.
April: At this juncture, may I call in Ms. Apple Christy to serenade our newlywed couple.
Wine toasting

April: To symbolize and celebrate the blending of your two lives into one, I invite you to perform the
wine ceremony.

Best Man's Toast to the Bride and the Groom

Games for Bouquet and Garter

April: And now, we will move on to the funs of this reception programme.

(Speeches/Messages of the Closest Family…)

Errol: Well, to add some fun in our celebration this afternoon, we’re going to have a game! But
before that, may I call on all the single ladies to gather here in front of our couple. Errol: JM and MJ, I hope you guys are holding up nicely. Today is for you, so enjoy and treasure
every moment of it. In every corner of this venue are all the people who love you guys the most—
(as the single ladies play the game…) and we are happy to present 6 among them who have been part of your journey and who have
rooted for you every step of the way.
Errol: First, we will have a game for the ladies. Now, you have to form into circle. We will play the
game, “Pick me my Love!”
April: Let’s hear some words from the most important people in the lives of the couple.
April: All of you will dance as the music plays and when it stop, everyone will pick one rolled paper Let's hear it first from one of the Couple’s Principal Sponsors, Mrs. Erlinda Israel
and open it and read the secret message.
Errol: And now Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear another message from one of the Couple’s Principal
Errol: The lady who is holding a rolled paper containing the message “Congratulations! You are the Sponsors, Mrs. Marilyn Llano
next Bride!” will be our bride to be. Ready, set, go…. Play Music!
April: May I also call Mr. Rey Curativo to give his message to our newly we couple.
(game for the bachelors and as the bachelors lines up….)
April: So now, we already have the winner of the game and the winner of the game will turn out to Errol: And last but not definitely not the least, from our Principal Sponsor, Ms. Celsa Gerogalin
be our Bride-to-be… So, please come forward Ms. _______________________.
April: It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently from childhood to
Errol: And to find her match … May I call now the bachelors and hope you know what you’ll gonna adulthood. They have been our source of comfort, support and inspiration. Without them, our
do here. newlyweds will not be here.
(as the single ladies lines up in front….) Errol: Let us welcome the parents of the couple to give their message.
April: And let me call this game “Filled me with your Air”. All of you will be given a balloon that First, may I call on the mother of our bride, Mrs. Babylyn T. Edjan.
contains secret message. You are going to inflate the balloon by blowing it using your mouth until
it explodes. Then get the rolled paper and read the secret message. April: Next will be our Groom’s Father, Mr. Gaudencio U. Bambo
Errol: The gentleman who is holding a rolled paper containing the message “Congratulations! You Exchanging of Vows (Music Perfect Ed Sheeran)
are the next Groom!” will be our groom to be. So, game now? On my cue…. Play music!....Ready, Errol : At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, may we call on our groom and bride to give their
set, go… message to one another as a newlywed couple.
Let us have first our groom, JM. (Thank you)
April: At this moment, may I ask our Bride to take a seat for the traditional removal of the garter.
(JM to remove the garter) and instate the garter to the next bride to be.
April: And of course, our Bride, MJ. (Thank you)

(Ad lib) Pre-Nup Photo Slideshow


Errol: At this moment, let us direct our attention to the screen and watch the Pre-Nup photo
slideshow of our couple by Mr. Bart Torres Baylon (Ask others to stand up to have a better view)

Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds

April: And as they would like to express their happiness and gratitude in celebrating this special
day with you, I now give the floor to the newlywed couple to share with us some words of thanks.
Errol: Thank you very much Mr. & Mrs. John Michael and Maria Jane Edjan-Bambo

April: Well, I guess that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen we have finally come to the end
of our program.
24 May 2018
Errol: It has been a great time and a wonderful occasion with you all. Thank you very much. This
is Errol R. Solidarios St. John the Baptist Cathedral
April: And April Jane Cabaluna,
Terranova Garden
All: Your hosts. Enjoy the rest of the day.

Mr. Errol R. Solidarios

Ms. April Jane O. Cabaluna

Bambo – Edjan Nuptial


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