Lesson 63 Finding The Area of A Parallelogram

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Date: February 4, 2019

Subject: Mathematics 4

1:40 – 2:20 IV – Arroyo

2:20 – 3:10 IV – Marcos
3:40 – 4:30 IV – Osmeña

Lesson 63: Finding the Area of a Parallelogram


1. Visualize the area of a parallelogram

2. Derive the formula for finding the area of a parallelogram
3. Find the area of a parallelogram


Topic: Finding the area of a parallelogram

Allotted Time: 50 minutes
References: K to 12 Grade4, Curriculum, TG, LM, pp 202-204
Materials: Flush Cards, Visual Aid
Integration: Value Focus appreciation of beauty


A. Preliminary Activity

1. Drill/Review/Motivation

1. Drill Conduct a quick drill on Multiplication and Division. Encourage accuracy

and speed. Provide exercise similar to the ones given below.
a. 6 X 9 b. 7 X 2 divide by two c. 8 X 3 d. 12 X 5 divide by 10
2. Review
How to find the area of a rectangle?
Give some examples
Review the characteristics of a parallelogram

B. Presentation
1. Present these figures to the class. = 1cm2

1. 4.




2. Discussion
What shapes are in the figures?
C. Activity

Group the class in five. Have each group assigned figure or parallelogram to find
the area

D. Analysis

How did you find the area of the parallelogram in the grid?

E. Generalization

How can be completed the area of a parallelogram?

What is the formula to get the area of a parallelogram?
How can be expressed the unit of a measurement?

F. Application

A residential lot in the shape of a parallelogram has a base of 16m and a height
of 12cm.
What is the area?


Find the area of each parallelogram using the formula.

1. 2.

h=4cm h=9cm

b = 9cm b = 3cm


h = 15m

b = 25cm

A parallelogram has a base of 8cm and a height of 6cm. What is the area of a parallelogram
with base and height twice a long?


A. Number of pupils who got 80% in the 4 – Arroyo

evaluation. 4 – Marcos
4 – Osmeña
B. Number of pupils who need remediation. 4 – Arroyo
4 – Marcos
4 – Osmeña
C. Does the remediation help the pupils? 4 – Arroyo
Number of pupils who learned the lesson. 4 – Marcos
4 – Osmeña

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