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Pre Vocational Assessment and Training Tool (PVAT)

Name of Student: Admn. No.:

Date of Birth: Age: Sex:


Any Associated Condition:

Father Name: Contact No.

Mother Name: Contact No.:

Date of Baseline Assessment: Assessed by:

Date of 1st Quarter evaluation: Evaluated by:

Date of 2nd Quarter evaluation: Evaluated by:

Date of 3rd Quarter evaluation: Evaluated by:

Date of Summative evaluation: Evaluated by:

Any other Significant Information (Please specify):

A. Generic skills:

A1 Personal BL 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr SE
1. Eats complete meal independently
2. While eating politely asks for food to be
3. After eating empties plates in trash can and
washes it
4. Select food and order in a public dining
5. Use toilet independently
6. Washes and dries hands after toileting or
when needed.
7. Close door of toilet for normal privacy in
8. Obtains help for any toileting problem
9. Ask the location of toilet in new situations
10. Choose the correct toilet f/m in a public
11. Washes face with soap.
12. Dresses and undresses independently
13. Tie bow knot with a shoe laces.
14. Maintains self( Nail cutting, Haircut and
shoe polish) odoured free and groomed.
15. Combs hair including oiling and plating
16. Shaves properly/ maintains menstrual
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

A2 Domestic
1. Moping and cleaning the living area/Work
2. Makes bed independently
3. Dusting the household equipments
4. Arrange things in room /class/ work place
at appropriate place
5. Is able to On / off the gas stove
6. Cutting the vegetables and fruits
7. Cleaning the pulses and rice
8. Making tea and sandwich
9. Use of mixer juicer and grinder
10. Washing utensils
11. Arrangement of dining table for serving
12. Washing clothes. 2
13. Ironing the cloths and placing them
appropriate place
14. Mending cloths
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores
A3 Communication
1. Follows directions/instructions
2 Answering questions after listening a story.
3 Response to jokes with expressions
4 Follows announcements with appropriate
5 Speaks in phrases and sentences
6 Communicate address and telephone number
if required.
7 Expresses feelings, likes and dislikes
(verbally and Non verbal)
8 Express his /her likes and dislikes.
9 Carries on Meaningful conversation with
other person
10 Maintaining telephonic conversation
11 Summarizes TV/Radio programs
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

A4 Social Skills
1. Greets others/ friends/superiors upon
meeting (verbally/non verbal)
2. Say sorry /thanks/please when required.
3. Complete given activity/task
4. Follow routine activities at home and work
5. Ask permission while entering or going out
from the classroom.
6. Uses items with permission that belongs to
7. Sharing possessions with others ( Classroom
/ home and community)
8. Appropriate interaction with opposite sex
9. Receives phone calls and passes massage to
appropriate person
10 Manages or Asks help if needed.
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

A5 Safety Skills
1. Use of sharp objects
2. Understanding environmental hazards
3. Understanding of safety precautions of fire
4. Understanding sign of danger
5. Understanding of safety precautions of
6. Understanding traffic safety and signs
7. Use of first aid.
8 Follow safety measures while using
electronic equipments.
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

A6 Academics
Reading symbols of Community use:
1. (Police, Bank, ATM, Telephone booth
Restaurant, Post Office, Fire Service,
Hospital, Red Cross, Bus Stop/Railway
Station /Airport)
2. Reading own name and address.
3. Reading symbolic instructions
4. Reading two word phrases.
5. Reading number on measuring tape
6. Reading numbers on weigh measures
7. Reading price tags
8. Read menu card to order in a restaurant
9. Reading news paper

10. Reads and follow directions with objects to

be assembled
11. Reads out a recipe for cooking
12. Tells time on clock independently.
13 Writing own address
14 Filling the various (bank /post office/Leave)

forms etc.
15 Listing the items required for shopping.
16 Writing the measurement of object.
17 Writing day /date and month
18 Writing a leave letter/form when required.
19 Numbers 1-100 meaningfully.
20 Money transactions up to Rs. 100
21 Saves money from earnings and gifts.
22 Operating bank account
23 Operates ATM
24 Use of calculator
25 Understand profit and loss
26 Billing the Ptoduct
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores
A7 Community Orientation
1. Travels independently by public / private
transport in familiar route/place.
2. Goes on foot or bicycle to a familiar place
and back
3. Obeys traffic signals
4. Uses community facilities ( Police/
Railway station/Hospital/Bus Stand
and post office etc)
5. Avails services from Sampark center
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores:

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modeling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

Quantification of Achievement:
S,No. Area Total BL 1st Qtr 2nd 3rd SE
Scores Qtr Qtr
A1 Personal (16) 80

A2 Domestic skills (14) 70

A3 Communication (12) 60

A4 Social (10) 50

A5 Safety Skills (8) 40

A6 Functional Academics (25) 125

A7 community orientation (5) 25

B. Work Related Skills:

Work related soft skills BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE

Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Reach at work place in time

2 Does not take leave without reason

3 Wear prescribed dress at work station

4 Follow teacher instructions

5 Cooperation with co-workers

6 Completion of given work/task in time

7 Dependability on other workers

8 Flexibility according to time and work

9 Adaptability towards new situations

10 Maintain the quality of product.

11 Maintain hygiene in work situations

12 Care of equipments and tools

13 Responsibility towards given work

14 Avoid unnecessary complaints

15 Participate in work related social activities

16 Care of own and others belongings

17 Accepting her/his own mistakes

17 Follows departure routines

Total Scores
Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2
(Modeling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Cutting and Tailoring Section

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Number concept/colors concept/ shapes
2 Threading a needle
3 Use of scissors
4 Cutting of paper and cloth
5 Identification of tools like: measuring tape,
scissor/needle/scale/sewing machine etc.
6 Tacking of buttons
7 Running stitch
8 Filling colors in given picture and diagram
9 Use of brush and water colors
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Pottery Section

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Concept of Shape/size/color
2 Use of hammer
3 Beating to soil and pouring skills
4 Use of flier for tying wire
5 Mud balls preparation
6 Transportation of objects from one place to
7 Eye hand coordination and fine motor skill
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Masala Powder

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr

1 Cleaning the machine with duster

2 Identification of raw masaalas (Jeera,
3 Identification of other grains
4 Identification of pulses
5 Identification of utensils
6 Identification and use of sieves
7 Concept of more and less/big small
8 Nut bolting / screwing / unscrewing
9 Closing the massala boxes by using tape
10 Picking out unwanted materials from the
11 Spreading the specific raw spice evenly.
12 Identification of simple tools like(hammer,
screw driver etc)
13 Use of Simple tools like(hammer, screw driver
15 Switching on the sealing machine
16 Object counting
17 Weighting 100g/200g/1kg etc.
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Candle Making and Chair Caning

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Removal of chair cane from cane roll
2 Use of scissor
3 Knotting the cane
4 Put cane through wholes of caning frame
5 Object counting up to 20.
6 Identify parts and functions of candle moulds
7 Identification of tools like hammer, screw
driver, scissor, cutter, kettle, induction
8 Identification of wax
9 Identification of thread
10 Perform basic maintenance work like cleansing,
of moulds.
11 Threading of candle moulds
12 Assembling candle moulds
13 Counting of candles in dozens
14 Packing of candles
15 Pouring liquid
16 Operation of induction heater
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores
Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2
(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Book Binding

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Identification of scissors
2 Identification and use of hammer
3 Use of scissor
4 Nailing/un nailing
5 Threading needle
6 Knotting a thread
7 Object counting
8 Identification of size/shape/thin/thick
9 Tearing of pages
10 Identification and use of knife
11 Concept of left and right
12 Identification of alphabets and numbers
13 Glueing/guming
14 Identification of hard board /card board
15 Paper setting.
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Cooking and Bakery

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Identification of raw material/equipments/
utensils/grains/spices/other ingredients
2 Use of material and equipments
3 Sorting / differentiation
4 Cleaning and washing raw material.
5 Cutting and pealing
6 Use of lighter and match box
7 Operation of gas stove
8 Maintaining hygiene
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modelling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age:

Sex: IQ:

Trade: Paper Recycling Section

S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Identification of tools like: hammer, scissor,
needle, scale.
2 Use of simple tools like: hammer, scissor,
needle, scale.
3 Screwing and nut-bolting activity.
4 Cutting of paper
5 Pasting skills
6 Coloring skills.
7 Concept of shape, size and color.
8 Folding of paper.
9 Making envelope
Tearing waste paper in small pieces.
Cleaning and dusting of work area.

Total Scores

Score Pattern:- 0 (Dependent/Not Exposed/Not applicable) , 1 (Physical Prompt), 2

(Modeling), 3 (Verbal Prompt), 4 (Cueing) , 5 (Independent)

C. Pre requisite Skills for Vocational Training
Name of Student: Age: Sex:

Trade: Carpentry
S.N. Items / Section BL 1st 2nd 3rd SE
Qtr Qtr Qtr
1 Identification of measuring tape
2 Use of Measuring Tape
3 Identification of gazes
4 Use of Gazes
5 Identification of level (Water)
6 Use of Levels
7 Identification of Chisels (Tesi)
8 Use of Chisels
9 Identification of Saw (different sizes)
10 Use of Saw
11 Identification of Adge (different sizes
12 Use of Adges
13 Identification of Wood planer (different sizes)
14 Use of Wood planer (different sizes)
15 Identification of Iron planer (different sizes)
16 Use of Iron Planers
17 Identification of Drill (Electrical and manual)
18 Use of Drill
19 Identification of Different types of bits
20 Use of Different sizes of bits
21 Identification of Vices and cramps
22 Use of Vices and cramps
23 Identification of Hammers and types of nails
24 Use of Hammers and types of nails.
25 Identification of tools store.
26 Storing of tools and equipments in a safe manner
27 Save the equipments from water, dust and fire.
28 Sharpening of tools
29 Rubbing the wood with sand paper
30 Nailing/un nailing/nut bolting/screwing/
nscrewing by using appropriate tool.
31 Switching /un switching electrical equipments.
32 Ply and cenmica discrimination
33 To cut the size of bid for photo frames
Any Other ( Please specify):

Total Scores

Total Scores:

S.N. Part BL 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr SE

A Generic Skills

B Work Related skills

C Pre Requisite Skills

Total Scores

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