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Bulacan State University

College of Science

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Major in Computer Science

Project Contract

Mark Gabriel C. Abilong

Pancit Canton Supplier

This contact defines and establishes agreed-upon rules and guidelines for completing Advance
Multimedia Project. The group shall:

 Meet at least three days a week. The time and location will be decided and agreed by the group
leader and its members.
 Further meetings will be scheduled as necessary. The will agree upon the division of labor for
individual and partner activities.

If there are any infractions of the contract's stipulations, the actions or consequences will be based on
the violations and its degree. Members violating the contract will receiieve warnings before the
corresponding action must be taken. The following punissihments will be implemented:

 First offense-the member will be advised to undergo in a counseling with the group leader and
its members.
 Second offense-the member will be warned for the removal from the group.
 Third offense-the member will be forced to resign from his position and will be totally removed
from the group.

To be signed on the 3rd week of February 2019 at Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Province of

Mark Gabriel C. Abilong Mark Emil T. Sarmiento

Pancit Canton Supplier Vape Juice Dealer

Mrs. Evangeline Gonzales

Instructor of BSM CS 3A-G2

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