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A Guide to

ROSA 6.0

ROSA 6.0 Information
– Download program
– Installation instructions
– ROSA FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) –
– A Guide to ROSA 6.0 program
– ROSA version history

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 2

New Temperature Correction Factor (TCF)

• Incorporated new TCF

• Based on tests carried out by FilmTec (2003-2004)
Note: The published TCF documents will be updated.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 3

Effect of Temperature
Pressure: ROSA 5.4 and 6.0


Brackish Water
Pressure, psig

• ROSA 6.0 predicts a higher

ROSA 5.4
ROSA 6.0

feed pressure at

temperatures < 25°C


0 10 20 30 40
Temperature, C
• ROSA 6.0 predicts lower
Permeate quality: ROSA 5.4 and 6.0 permeate TDS at
temperatures < 25°C

Permeate TDS, ppm

• ROSA 6.0 predicts higher

permeate TDS at
ROSA 5.4
ROSA 6.0

temperatures > 25°C


0 10 20 30 40
Te mpe rature , C

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 4

Effect of Temperature
Pressure: ROSA 5.4 and 6.0

Pressure, bar


50 ROSA 5.4
ROSA 6.0
• Both show similar pressure
0 10 20 30 40 • ROSA 6.0 predicts lower
Temperature, C
permeate TDS at
Permeate quality: ROSA 5.4 and 6.0
temperatures < 25°C
• ROSA 6.0 predicts
significantly higher permeate
Permeate TDS, ppm


TDS at temperatures > 25°C

ROSA 5.4
120 ROSA 6.0

0 10 20 30 40
Temperature, C

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 5

Improved Calculation Model
for NO3 Rejection
1 .2 R O S A 5 .4
R O S A 6 .0

Comparison based on 125m3/hr

m g /l N

0 .8
at 75% Recovery, 25°C, TDS
0 .6 607 mg/l, pH 7.6,
14:6 pv configuration, 6 el/pv,
0 .4
and FILMTEC™ BW30-400
0 .2 elements.

N a o n ly m ix e d C a o n ly

• More hardness improves the NO3 rejection while more sodium

has the opposite effect.
• Based on tests carried out at FilmTec (2003).
• It applies to XLE, LE, BW30LE, BW30, SG, and LP membranes.
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 6
Print Out: System Design Overview

Two reports are available in ROSA 6.0:

• System Design Overview: Contains system design diagram with each stream clearly
numbered, and summary of key system design parameters.
• Detailed Report: Contains detailed information on system design.
Both reports can be printed and/or emailed separately.
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 7
User Data:
ROSA menu Æ Options Æ User data



1. To save all three files (.rosa, .html, overview.html), select default project
directory by clicking on “Change” and select folder destination.
2. ROSA reports can now be printed in English, Chinese or Spanish by selecting
it as your default report language in the User Data section.
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 8
System Design Overview & Detailed Report:

Energy and power consumption, osmotic pressure and net driving pressures
are included in the System design overview and Detailed report
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 9
Configuration Section: Blending option has been added for
both single and double pass systems.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 10

Detailed Report: Total blended product = permeate + blended flow
% system recovery = (total blended flow / raw feed flow) x 100%

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 11

Detailed Report: Permeate quality contains extra column which
displays the blended permeate quality.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 12

EVA (Element Value Analysis) Spreadsheet is Incorporated
into ROSA 6.0. (ROSA menu Æ Options Æ EVA)

EVA is an Excel spreadsheet which allows you to compare the

economics of two membrane systems.
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 13
How to Use EVA Spreadsheet
1. Go to the ROSA menu
2. Choose “options”
3. Choose “Element Value Analysis (EVA)”
4. Choose “new”
5. Choose column one or two if you want this particular projection to be summarized
in column one or two of EVA
6. Save it as .xls file
7. Create another case or projection in ROSA and perform calculations
8. Repeat Steps 1 through 3
9. Choose “open” and select column one or two depending on which column you
chose in Step 5. If you chose column one in step 5, then choose column two and
visa versa.
10. Find the Excel spreadsheet you saved your EVA in “My documents” and open it.
11. You should be able to see the two ROSA projection cases in column one and two.
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 14
Ability to Save ROSA Projections in Any
Folder on Your Computer
• Overview.html – An html file that contains the system design overview which includes the
system design diagram and projection summary information. This is a read-only file and can
be emailed to others.
• .html - An html file that contains the ROSA Detailed Report. This is a read-only file and can be
emailed to customers.
• .rosa - A ROSA project file. When the User double clicks on a .rosa file, it will actually use the
ROSA program to open the projection file, and the User can modify or run projections from
here. This can be emailed to the others; it can be opened and modified as long as the ROSA
6.0 program is in their computer.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 15

ROSA Projections
• Save multiple (10) case outputs (.html and overview.html)
• Ability to rename each case
• View each case in .html (Detailed report) and
overview.html (System design overview and flowchart)
• Open ROSA projection with multiple cases by opening
ROSA program

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 16

Detailed Report: Individual stage composition of permeate and concentrate
have been added. Osmotic pressure and NDP have been included in the
Detailed Report.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 17

ROSA Project Converter Converts Previous ROSA 5.x Data to ROSA 6.0:
(Start Æ ROSA Æ ROSA Project Converter Æ Select ROSA 5.x project
database to convert Æ Select folders to write ROSA 6 files into)




09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 18

Three Ways to Create Second Pass Feed Pressure
In the Configuration Section:
1. Calc: ROSA automatically calculates the booster pressure
required to produce specified permeate flow.
2. Spec: ROSA allows the User to specify the booster pressure.
3. None: No booster pressure in the second pass. Need to specify
permeate backpressure in the first pass to create feed pressure in
the second pass.

Note: This allows ROSA 6.0 to calculate energy/power

consumption accurately according to the design parameters.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 19

1. Calc: Automatically calculate the booster pump
pressure in the second pass. (Default)

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 20

2. Spec: Specify a booster pump pressure in the second pass.

Booster pressure

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 21

3. None: No booster pump in the second pass, but
permeate backpressure in the first pass.

Permeate backpressure

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 22

Print Out of System Design Overview: Definition of
recoveries are clearly defined by stream numbers.

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 23

Definition of Recoveries in a Single Pass System
Product flow
% Recovery = X 100%
Feed flow

without side streams Pass recovery = system recovery

(no B and 4) =7/2=8/1
with product blending (B) Pass recovery = 7 / 2 = 7 / (1 – B)
(no 4) System recovery = 8 / 1 = (7 + B) / 1
with internal stage recycle (4) and no product blending (B) Pass recovery = system recovery

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 24

Definition of Recoveries in a Double Pass System

Product flow
% Recovery = X 100%
Feed flow

No recycle, no product blending Pass 1 recovery = 7 / 2 = 7 / 1 Pass 2 recovery = 7A / 2A System recovery = 8A /1

(no R, B, 4, and 4A)

with only product blending (B). Pass 1 recovery = 7 / 2 = 7 / 1 Pass 2 recovery = 7A / 2A = 7A / System recovery = 8A / 1
(no R, 4 and 4A) (1A – B) = (7A + B) / 1

with only concentrate flow recycle from 2nd pass to the Pass 1 recovery = 7 / 2 Pass 2 recovery = 7A / 2A System recovery = 8A / 1
1st pass feed (R). = 7 / (1+R)
(no B, 4, and 4A) (Pass recovery greater than 100%
not possible)
with blending (B) and concentrate flow recycle from 2nd Pass 1 recovery = 7 / 2 Pass 2 recovery = 7A / 2A System recovery = 8A / 1
pass to the 1st pass feed (R) = 7 / (1 + R) = 7A / (1A - B) = (7A + B) / 1
(no 4 and 4A) (Pass recovery greater than 100%
not possible)

09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 25

Example of Product Blending

Please Note:
• Pass feed flow (1000 gpm) + blend permeate (100 gpm) = system feed flow (1100 gpm)
• Pass perm flow (750 gpm) + blend permeate (100 gpm) = system perm flow (850 gpm)
• System recovery (%) = system perm flow / system feed flow x 100%
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 26
Example of Pass 2 Concentrate Recycle to Pass 1 Feed

Please Note:
• Pass 1 feed flow shown (1100 gpm) includes the pass 2 conc. to pass 1 feed stream (50 gpm)
• Pass 1 feed flow (1100 gpm) = system feed flow (1050 gpm) + pass conc. to pass 1 feed (50 gpm)
• System feed flow (1050 gpm) = pass 1 feed flow (1100 gpm) – pass 2 conc. to pass 1 feed (50 gpm)
09/2004 A Guide to ROSA 6.0 Pg. 27

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