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23/09/2016 REFERENCE
1. Summary Result

Description Unity Check

Shackle and Sling
Sling Stress Ratio 1.33
Shackle Stress Ratio 0.88

Dimensional Check
Outside Radius Check OK
Pin Hole Diameter Check OK
Total Padeye Thickness Check NOT OK
Total Cheeck Plate Thickness Check OK

Stress Check around the Hole

Bearing Stress Check 0.59
Shear Stress Check 0.56
Shear Stress Check at Weld (Cheek Plate 1 - Main Plate) 0.72
Shear Stress Check at The Base of Padeye 0.75
Tension Failure 0.37
Tearout Failure 0.40

Stress Check at the End of Padeye

Von Mises Stress Ratio 1.12

Sling Selection
Sling Type Cable Laid Sling
Sling Diameter 289 mm

Shackle Selection
Shackle Type Green Pin P-6033
Shackle WLL 700 MT

Padeye Selection
Main Plate Thickness 75 mm Main Plate Radius 400 mm
End Main Plate Thickness 60 mm
Cheek Plate 1 Thickness 75 mm Cheek Plate 1 Radius 350 mm
Cheek Plate 2 Thickness 0 mm Cheek Plate 2 Radius 0 mm
Pin Hole Diameter 221 mm

2. Code and Reference

a. TEP - 9001 - DBS - ST - BP5 - 0001 Structural Design Basis
b. AISC - ASD 9 Ed. Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design
c. DNVGL - ST - N001 Marine Operation and marine warranty
d. Sling Catalogue
e. Shackle Catalaogue Green Pin Catalogue

3. Load Comparison
SACS applicable Load = 597 MT
Design Load for Padeye Check = 600 MT OK

23/09/2016 REFERENCE

4. Shackle and Sling Design

Sling Force
Maximum Sling Static Load (SSL) = 600 MT = 5886 kN

Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) = 1.10 Design Basis

Skew Factor (SKL) = 1.00 Ch. 8.9.4
Consequences Factor (CF) = 1.30

Load Factor = DAF x SKL x CF = 1.43 Design Basis

Ch. 8.9.4
Design Sling Load (DSL) = 858 MT = 8417 kN

Sling Selection
Nominal Safety Factor for Sling (γsf) = 4.94 DNVGL-ST-N0001
γf γc γr γw γm = 4.9 sect
2.3 γr γw = 4.5
Lifting Factor γf = 1.30 sect
Consequences Factor γc = 1.30 sect
Sling Reduction Factor γr = 1.77 (Maximum of γs and γb) sect
Termination Factor γs = 1.25 sect 16.4.7
Bending Factor γb = 1.77 sect 16.4.8
Sling Bending Diameter = 380 mm Shackle Catalogue
Wear Application Factor γw = 1.10 sect 16.4.10
Material Factor γm = 1.50 sect 16.4.9

The width available for the sling shall be not less than 1.3d (limited to 1.25d + 25 mm), where d is nominal DNVGL-ST-N0001
sling diameter in mm. sect
1.3d = 375.7 mm OK
1.25d + 25 mm = 386.25 mm

Minimum Breaking Load MBL = SSL x γsf/CF = 3263.374 MT = 32014 kN

Sling Type = Cable Laid Sling
Sling Diameter = 289 mm
Sling MBL = 2461.5 MT

Sling UC = 1.33 > NOT OK

Shackle Selection
Shackle Type = Green Pin P-6033 Green Pin
Working Limit Load WLL = 700 MT
Derrated Factor φ = 97%
Pin Diameter b = 215 mm
Inside Jaw Width e = 315 mm
Inside Length f = 751 mm
Width Bow g = 540 mm

Criteria Shackle Selection DNVGL-ST-N0001

The shackle WLL should not be less than the static sling load sect 16.5.2
Working Limit Load WLL x φ = 678.7608 MT
Maximum Sling Load P = 600 MT
WLL > P > OK

The shackle dynamic load is to be less than the minimum of the following values DNVGL-ST-N0001
Shackle WLL x DAF x φ = 746.6369 MT sect 16.5.2
Shackle MBL / 3.0 = 1131 MT
Shackle MBL = 5 x WLL = 3393.804 MT Green Pin
Shackle Unity Check = 0.88 OK

23/09/2016 REFERENCE
5. Padeye



Criteria Padeye
Main plate height, Mp,h = 1000 mm
pin hole diameter (dh) = 221 mm
radius of main plate (Rm) = 400 mm
radius of cheek plate 1 (Rc1) = 350 mm
radius of cheek plate 2 (Rc2) = 0 mm
main plate thickness (tm) = 75 mm
Yield Stress (Fy) of Main Plate = 325 MPa
Yield Stress (Fy) of Cheek Plate 1 = 325 MPa
Yield Stress (Fy) of Cheek Plate 2 = 325 MPa

cheek plate (1) thk, tce1 = 75 mm

cheek plate (1) thk, tce2 = 0 mm

1. The outside radius of the padeye main plate shall be no less than the diameter of the pin hole. sect
Rm > dh --> OK

2. Pin-holes should be bored / reamed, and should be designed to suit the shackle proposed. sect
The pin hole diameter shall be 2 mm or 3% larger than the diameter of the shackle pin,
whichever is the greater, up to a maximum of 6 mm
b + 2 mm = 217.0 mm Min Pin Hole Diameter 221 mm
b + (3% x b) = 221.5 mm Max Pin Hole Diameter 221 mm
b + 6 mm = 221.0 mm Status OK

3. The pad eye thickness at the hole shall not be less than 75% the inside width of the shackle sect
Rm + 2 Rc1 + 2 Rc2 = 225 mm NOT OK
0.75 x e = 236 mm

4. The total thicknesses of cheek plates on one side of the main plate should not exceed 100% sect
of the main plate thickness. The cheek plates should be symmetric either side of the main plate.
tce1 + tce2 = 75 mm OK
tm = 75 mm

Padeye Design Forces

Padeye Cordinate X = -10.00 m Location of Padeye = Row C-2
Y = -15.00 m
Z = 48.80 m

Hook Cordinate X = -0.37 m Hook Cordinate X = -0.26 m

(FEED) Y = -0.47 m (SACS) Y = -0.03 m
Z = 74.56 m Z = 80.32 m

23/09/2016 REFERENCE
To FEED Cordinate To SACS Cordinate
Lx = 10 m Lx = 10 m
Ly = 15 m Ly = 15 m
Lz = 26 m Lz = 32 m
Lxy = (Lx2 + Ly2)0.5 = 17 m Lxy = (Lx2 + Ly2)0.5 = 18 m
Lxyz = (Lx2 + Ly2 + Lz2)0.5 = 31 m Lxy = (Lx2 + Ly2 + Lz2)0.5 = 36 m
β1 = 56 deg β2 = 60 deg

β = β2 - β1 = 4.6 deg

Out of Plane Angle = 4.6 degree

Design Sling Force (DSF) = 858 MT

F (Out of Plane) = MAX DSF x sin β = 68.1 MT = 667.90 kN sect

3% x SSL

fy β
C α γ

Mp h

Stress Check arround the hole

Bearing Stress Check
Bearing Force, Fb = 8417 kN
Bearing Area, Ab = 48375 mm2 b x (t m + 2 t ce1 + 2t ce2 )
Bearing Stress, Fb/Ab = 174 MPa
Allowable Bearing Stress, 0.9 x Fy = 292.5 MPa AISC Sect J8
UC = 0.59 OK

Shear Stress Check

Shear Force, Fs = 8417 kN
Shear Area, As (γ - γ) = 115275 mm

[(R m - 0.5d h )t m +(R c1 - 0.5d h )2t ce1 +(R c2 - 0.5d h )2t ce2 ] x 2
Shear Stress, Fs/As = 73 MPa
Allowable Shear Stress, 0.4 x Fy = 130 MPa AISC Sect F4
UC = 0.56 OK

Shear Stress Check at Weld (Cheek Plate 1 - Main Plate)

Shear Force at Cheeck Plate 1, Fscheek 1 = 2817 kN
SQRT( (DSF x t ce1 /(t m + 2 t ce1 + 2t ce2 )) 2 + (3% DSF) 2 )
Cheek plate welds shall be proportioned and designed with due regard to possible uneven bearing DNVGL-ST-N0001
across the padeye/cheek plate thickness due to combined nominal (3%) and actual lateral loads sect

23/09/2016 REFERENCE

Fillet Weld Size, tw1 = 35 mm

Fillet yield Strength, Fyw = 482 MPa (70 ksi)
Weld Shear Area, Aw1 = 27209 mm2 0.707 x Π x R c1 x t w1
Shear Stress at Weld, Fscheek1/Aw1 = 104 MPa
Allowable Shear Stress, 0.3 x Fyw = 145 MPa
UC = 0.72 OK

Shear Stress Check at The Base of Padeye

Shear Force, FsBase = 7289 kN DSF sin θ θ = 60 deg
Shear Area, AsBase = 75000 mm2
Shear Stress = 97 MPa
Allowable Shear Stress, 0.4 x fy = 130 MPa AISC Sect F4
UC = 0.75 OK

Tension and Tearout Failure

Tension Force, Ft = 8417 kN
Area at Cross Section, At (α - α) = 115275 mm

[(R m - 0.5d h )t m +(R c1 - 0.5d h )2t ce1 +(R c2 - 0.5d h )2t ce2 ] x 2
Tension Stress, Ft/At = 73 MPa
Allowable Tensile Stress, 0.6 x fy = 195 MPa AISC Sect D1
UC = 0.37 OK

Tearout Area, As (β - β) = 142467 mm

t m ( Π R c1 x 2R m )
Tearout Stress, Fs/As = 59 MPa
Allowable Shear Stress, 0.45 x fy = 146 MPa AISC Sect D3.1
UC = 0.40 OK

Stress Check at the end of padeye

taw taw

Main plate height, Mph = 1000 mm

Main plate thickness, Mpt = 60 mm
Stiffener Plate 1 width, t1w = 400.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 1 thickness, t1t = 40.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 2 width, t2w = 0.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 2 thickness, t2t = 0.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 3 width, t3w = 0.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 3 thickness, t3t = 0.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 4 width, t4w = 550.00 mm
Stiffener Plate 4 thickness, t4t = 40.00 mm
Depth 1, d1 = 0 mm
Depth 2, d2 = 440 mm
Depth 3, d3 = 0 mm
Centre of pinhole to base of padeye, C = 550 mm
Neutral Axis, na = 542.35 mm from top of stiffener 1

23/09/2016 REFERENCE

About x - x axis
A (mm2) Y(mm) AY (mm3) AY2 (mm4) Ixx (mm4)
Area T1 32000 20 6.40.E+05 8.73.E+09 4.27.E+06
Area T2 0 0 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00
Area T3 0 0 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00
Area T4 44000 980 4.31.E+07 8.43.E+09 5.87.E+06
Area Main 60000 500 3.00.E+07 1.08.E+08 5.00.E+09
TOTAL 136000 7.38.E+07 1.73.E+10 5.01.E+09

About y - y axis
A (mm2) X(mm) AX (mm3) AX2 (mm4) Iyy (mm4)
Area T1 16000 230 3.68.E+06 8.46.E+08 2.12.E+09
Area T2 0 30 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00
Area T3 0 0 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00
Area T4 22000 305 6.71.E+06 2.05.E+09 5.20.E+09
Area Main 60000 0 0.00.E+00 0.00.E+00 1.80.E+07
TOTAL 98000 1.04.E+07 2.89.E+09 7.34.E+09

Ixx = 2.22.E+10 mm4

Iyy = 7.34.E+09 mm4

Forces on Padeyes

Centre of pinhole to base of padeye, C = 550 mm

Sling Load (DSF) = 8417 kN

Out-pane Load (F) = 668 kN
Fx = F = 668 kN
Fy = DSF x Sin θ = 7289 kN
Fz = DSF x Cos θ = 4208 kN

Mx = = 3.58.E+09 Nmm
My = = 3.67.E+08 Nmm

Check Axial and Shear Stress along a section base of the padeye
fs = fvx + fxy

fvy = 0.00 MPa

fvx = 8.79 MPa
At Point A fbx = 84.35 MPa fs = 8.79
fby = 23.02 MPa
faz = 30.94 MPa
fvy = 121.49 MPa
fvx = 0.00 MPa
At Point B fbx = 84.35 MPa fs = 121.49
fby = 0.00 MPa
faz = 30.94 MPa

23/09/2016 REFERENCE
fvy = 0.00 MPa
fvx = 0.00 MPa
At Point C fbx = 0.00 MPa fs = 0.00
fby = 0.00 MPa
faz = 0.00 MPa
fvy = 0.00 MPa
fvx = 0.00 MPa
At Point D fbx = 0.00 MPa fs = 0.00
fby = 0.00 MPa
faz = 0.00 MPa
fvy = 121.49 MPa
fvx = 0.00 MPa
At Point E fbx = 70.67 MPa fs = 121.49
fby = 0.00 MPa
faz = 30.94 MPa
fvy = 0.00 MPa
fvx = 8.79 MPa
At Point F fbx = 70.67 MPa fs = 8.79
fby = 23.02 MPa
faz = 30.94 MPa

Compute Von Mises combined stress, fc = [ (faz + fbx +fby)2 + 3fs2]0.5

Allowable combined stress, 0.66 x Fy = 214.50 MPa

fc (Mpa) UC Status
At Point A 139.16 0.65 OK
At Point B 239.94 1.12 NOT OK
At Point C 0.00 0.00 OK
At Point D 0.00 0.00 OK
At Point E 233.68 1.09 NOT OK
At Point F 125.57 0.59 OK

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