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‘TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS FOR FM BROADCAST STATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES {4994 Revised Edition) By: TECHNICAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE. of the KAPISANAN NG MGA BRODKASTER SA PILIPINAS ARCADIO CARANDANG, JR. LEONCIO GALANG CARLOS SALIUAN, JR. ROMUALDO LINTAG .. SALVADOR CASTILLO ‘ALFREDO CERALDE. FILOMENO BABAS .. ROLANDO AGBAY ERNESTO CLAUDIO Chairman, ‘Vice-Chairman NTC Representative Member Member Member Member Member Member ENDORSED BY: Kihara 1g) Na Mea Kapisanan Ng Mga Brodkaster ‘sa Piipinat 82 Pilipinas APPROVED BY: aA a Mi E. BENEDICTO Il Commissioner ‘National Telecommunication Commission TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3. Allocation of Frequencies for FM Broadcast Stations 4. Classes of FM Broadcast Stations... 5. Technical Requirements . 6. Broadcast Auxiliary Services 7. Operating Requirements ... B 9. FM Broadcast Translators and Signal Boosters .... |. Public Information File 10. Annexes .. FM BROADCAST STANDARDS 4. INTRODUCTION The Increasing Importance of the rate of FM. broadcasting in the Philippines has encour aged broadcast enginears and the National ‘Telecommunications Commission topool thelr resources together and come up with tochni- cal Standards and rules and regulations relat- Ing to FM broadcast. ‘These technical standards and regulations were derived from CCIR recomendations, relevant engineering data and rules and regu- lations of the Federal Communications Com mission, and other data supplied by manufac: ‘turers of radio equipment and by licensees of FM broadcast stations. These standards and regulations shall be revised from time to time tobe effective and compatible with technical progress. 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS 2.1 FM broadeast band ‘That portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 88 MHz to 108 MHz. ‘The band Is divided into 100 channels. 2.2 FM broadcast channel ‘A band of frequencies 200 kilohertz wide and is designated by its center frequency. Channels for FM broadcast stations begin at 88.1 megahertz and continue in successive steps of 200 ilohertz to and including 107.9 megs- hertz. 2.3 FM broadcast station ‘Astation employing frequency mody- lation in the FM broadcast band and Intended to be received by the general public, 2.4 Frequency Modulation A system of modulation where the Instantaneous frequency varies in pro- portion tothe instantaneous amplitude Of the modulating signal, and the in- stantaneous radio frequency is inde- Pendent of the frequency of the modu- Jauing signet. 25 Center frequency ‘The camer frequency allocated by ‘the Authority, 2.6 Frequency Swing The instantaneous departure ofthe frequency of the emitted wave from the center frequency resulting from mocu: lation. 2.7 Antenna heignt above average terrain (HAAT) means a. The heightof the radiation centor of the antenna above the terrain 3 to 46 kilometers from the an- tena. (Generaily,a different an- tena height will be determined for each radial direction from the antenna. ‘The average of these various heights is considered as the antenna helght above aver- ‘age terrain). b. Where circular or elliptical polari- zation is empleyed the antenna height above average terrain shall bbe based upon the helght of the radiation center of the antenna which transmits Ue horizontal ‘components of radiation. 2.8 Antenna fieid gain ‘The ratio of the effective free space field Intensity produced at 1.6 Kilometers in the hortzontal plane ex- ‘pressed in milivalts per meter for one (1) Kilowatt antenna input power, to 137.6 millivolts per meter. 29 Antenna power gain The square of the ratlo of the raot- ‘mean-square free space field strength produced at 1.6 kilometers inthe hori- zontal plane, in millivolts per meter for fone (2) Kilowatt antenna power, to 137.6 millivolts per meter. This ratio ‘should be expressed in decibels (a8). AI specified for a particular direction, ‘antenna power gain is based on the fleld strength in that drection ony). 2.40 Effective radiated power (ERP) ‘The product of te wansmitterpower (Wensmitter output power less trans- mission line loss) multiped by (a) the antenna power gan of (b) the antenna fleld gain squared, Where circular or elliptical polarization is employed, the term “effectve radiated power” Is

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