SK 237

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Call for 1 Romanian participant

Youth Exchange: [SK-237] NatureCalling!, 22.03.2019-31.03.2019, Lazy
pod Makytou, Slovakia

Key info

Arrival day: 22.03.2019

Departure day: 31.03.2019

Project type: Erasmus+, Youth Exchange

Venue: Lazy pod Makytou, Slovakia

Sending organisation: Asociatia GEYC, Romania,​ ​

Hosting organisation: Youthfully Yours Slovakia

Certification: Youthpass, recognized at European level

Application deadline: First come, first served, based on the relevance of the

About the project:

Climate change is one of the most threatening issues in the world today. It is clearly one of the
greatest destabilizing forces which blasts global economy, worsens human health and leads to
a huge damage for our future and the future of the planet.
Despite the growing interest in climate change - education, awareness-raising and spreading
the knowledge among youngsters still need to be implemented urgently.
According to our survey conducted among youngsters aged between 18 – 25 years, from
different slovak high schools, 65% of respondents doesn’t know about any local ecological
activity in which they can participate. By means of this project, we attempt to raise the ecological
Apply now​:​ ​

awareness of young Europeans, educate them on the topic of climate change and
environmental protection.

➢ Develop the knowledge about climate change, environmental prevention and protection
➢ Strengthen digital competences to raise ecological awareness
➢ Promote intercultural dialogue for acceptance and tolerance of diversity
➢ Share local or national examples, experience and best practice in protection natural
➢ Raise ecological awareness
➢ Promote sense of initiative among youngsters
➢ Share experience and best practice in environmental protection
➢ Strengthen Communication skills as Public speaking

Target group:

● Young people, 18-25 years old and no age limit for the group leader, interested in the
topic of ecology.

Selection criteria:

➔ Motivation towards the topic of the project;

➔ Willingness to share their experiences
➔ Be committed to attend for the full duration of the course
➔ Be able to work in English language

About the location:

The project will take place in Lazy pod Makytou- near Púchov - small village surrounded by
stunning nature.
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Project timeline:

● Apply​ here​;
● Within 2 days after receiving the acceptance e-mail​- the participants will be required
to confirm the participation;
● Within 3 days after confirming the participation - ​ participants will be required to
arrange their travel;
● 22nd - 31st of March 2019​ - the project takes place;
● 1st - 7th of April 2019 - assuring project visibility and dissemination of results according
to ​​;
Apply now​:​ ​

Financial details:

The organizers will cover the following costs with the support of the European Commission:
● 100% of meals, accommodation, activities costs, materials.
● Transport cost up to 140 EUR per participant (Note: the reimbursement will be done
after the project by bank transfer).
Please note that GEYC is not charging a participation fee for this project.

Participants will be required to cover:

● a co-funding covering GEYC’s administrative costs (the amount will be paid in RON, by
bank transfer, after the participants are selected). Please don't transfer any amount
before you receive the confirmation e-mail:
1. 150 RON for GEYC Community members;
2. 200 RON for participants outside GEYC Community;
● A participation fee of 25 EUR, required by the hosting organization

Please don't transfer any amount before you receive the confirmation e-mail.
● (if needed) medical insurance;
● (if needed) any other personal costs.

What to bring, what to prepare:

● Comfortable clothes and shoes, any medicine you think you will need;
● Prepare to present your organisation at professional level.
● Prepare to present your local culture and traditions;
● At least one laptop per country, in order to develop the project results.
● Little Homework: No stress! It's enough to think about a few questions: What kind of
ecological activities you reflect in your community? Have you or your peers created an
Eco-action project before? What about your personal affliction with climate change,
ecology or protection of environment?

Other important information:

● In order to start their travel, Romanian participants should own a valid ID or passport;
● Arrangements regarding medical insurance are the responsibility of the participants. We
recommend you to bring your​ European Health Card​;
● You are allowed to arrive or depart max. 2 days before or 2 days after the YE.
Apply now​:​ ​

● Participants will receive the travel reimbursement by bank transfer to their sending
organisations. The reimbursement will be done ONLY after receiving ORIGINAL
invoices, tickets, all the boarding passes.
● Participants will be accomodated in rooms with a maximum of 3-4-5 people, divided by
gender. Bathrooms are shared, also divided by gender.
● In order to be eligible, Romanian participants should start their travel from Romania.
● The selected participants will need to assure the visibility & dissemination of results for
this project:​​;

For more information, contact us at ​​, ​subject: “[SK-237] - Questions”.

​Apply now!

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