CBM Part 3

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CBM Assignment: Part 3

Kayla Turley
Student Name: Witzel
Student School: Riverside Elementary
Student Grade Level: 3rd grade
Skill you are monitoring: Oral Reading Fluency. Blending and letter sound correspondence.
Skill level: First grade oral reading fluency
Name of assessment used: DIBELS Next. Oral Reading Fluency
Student goal (revised from part one due to assessment change):
By 12/9/2018, Witzel will, read 52 correct words per minute with no more than five errors, on
four out of five trials.
A. Correct Words/Slope:
Since data was last reviewed, Witzel is reading substantially better. He has more than doubled
the amount of correct words read per minute over the past ten weeks. Witzel is increasing an
average of 2.16 words correct per minute per week. Initially he read 16 correct words in one
minute. He is now reading 36 correct words per minute.
B. Error Words:
The trend for Witzels errors per minute is in a downward slope. On 11/12/2018, Witzel read with
8 errors in one minute, this is also the amount he initially started with. Other than those data
points, Witzel is making progress towards decreasing his errors in one minute, reading as few as
three and four errors on his last three probes.
C. Observations:
Witzel still struggles with vce words and often misses them during his given probes. Though, the
amount of vce words he is reading is increasing. On the last given probe, he only missed one of
the vce words.
D. Comparison to Goal:
Witzel did not meet his goal. Witzel missed 9 days of school in a three-week period. Due to
behavior he did not attend reading group on 6 school days. This means that over the past 7
weeks, Witzel has not received instruction in reading on 15 school days. Witzel was also pulled
from mainstream courses, where he receives some of his reading instruction on 11/7/2018
(shown with the orange line on the graph). Witzel is not making as significant progress as he was
when he was attending school, reading groups, and mainstream courses. For Witzel to be
successful in reading we need to work on his behaviors in the classroom.
If I was to continue working with Witzel on his reading skills, I would put reinforcements in
place to try and motivate him to meet his goals. I would set up goals for behavior expectations
and amount of words correct per minute each day. If behaviors were keeping Witzel from
receiving reading instruction after these were in place, I would consider doing a functional
behavior assessment on Witzel to try and address the problem behaviors that are keeping him
from receiving this much needed instruction.
Next Steps
A. Summarize Change or No Change to Instruction: At this point, I would not make any
changes to Witzel’s instruction.
B. Rationale for Change or No Change to Instruction: Witzel is still making large gains
towards meeting his goal. When Witzel was receiving reading instruction on a regular
basis, his words read correct per minute was increasing at more than double the rate per
week that it is now. Witzel receiving reading instruction is important to him meeting his
goals in reading. The instruction process was proving to be successful when he was
attending reading group.
Future goal
By May 2018, Witzel will when given a first-grade reading probe, read 80 correct words in one
minute with 95% accuracy on three consecutive probes.
There are about 20 weeks left in the year. If Witzel continues to increase 2.2 words per week, he
would be able to read about 80 words per minute. This would be a realistic goal because his
behaviors are progressively getting worse. Until we can stabilize his classroom behaviors +2.2
words a week is ambitious.
At the beginning of the year, Witzel was struggling identifying letter sounds accurately, doing
about 23 in one minute. We made the decision to progress monitor him using DIBLES Next -
Nonsense Word Fluency. He made large gains past his letter sounds in a matter of weeks. When
he initially started reading the first grade Oral Reading Fluency passages, he was reading 16
correct words in one minute with 8 errors. This was extremely low for first grade text. He
quickly began making gains in reading. As of 12/7/2018 he is reading 36 correct words per
minute with only 4 errors on a first-grade probe. Witzel has missed a lot of school over the past 7
weeks. Our data show that his growth in reading is slowing substantially, starting when he got
sick. Since Witzel has come back to school his behaviors have escalated immensely. Because of
these behavior concerns, Witzel has been pulled from mainstream courses. Witzel has refused to
attend reading group on 6 school days. He is still making growth in the amount of words correct
per minute, but we know and data shows, that he is capable of much more.

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