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Reference books – (1) USMLE – Step 2 CK Kaplan (2) Oxford Handbook of C I Medicine

1. Drug for hypertension most commonly used during pregnancy – alpha methyl DOPA
2. MVP patient required prophylaxis for endocarditis during dental procedure when
assoc with MR
3. Temporal Arteritis – (case of a typical patient with s/s given) old lady with pain over
one side of head.
4. Temporal Arteritis – diagnosed by ESR
5. Most common cause of pneumococcal Pneumonia and how to diagnose (patient with
shaking chills, with signs of high fever and difficulty breathing)
6. Anaemia – Anaemia of chronic diecease with RA TH  treat underlying diseases.
7. Most common cause of traveler’s diarrhea – E.Coli Management of Traveller’s
8. Appendicitis in elderly patients sc chances of perforation.
9. Case scenario of a typical case of Guillain Barrre Syndrome
10. Management of recurrent acne (papules & pustules)
11. Source of infection of Schistomiasis and how it infects.
12. In (gout – pseudogout) how the diagnosis  cynovial fluid, monosodium urate
13. Vaginal Pruritus & discharge – candidiasis, no itching – Bact. Vaginosis.
14. Stahylococcal food poisoning.
15. Pseudomonas colitis due to toxins by clostridium difficile.
16. Metartarsal stress fracture
17. DIC platelet count, PT & PTT schistocytes
18. Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo
19. Carcinoid syndrome – diag – urine for 5 HIAA
20. Migraine – Diagnosis (patient with s/s)
21. Clinical Difference of Pleural effusion & pericardial tamponade
22. Cl. Diff. of pericarditis & Cardiac tamponade
23. PDA – continuous machinery murmur
24. Glaucoma – acute angle closure glaucoma – management
25. Optic neuritis – diagnosis
26. Orbital Cellulitis – pH Diagnosis
27. Breast lumps – Mammography findings
28. Medical ethics – Autonomy, Veracity, Informed consent
29. Best for diagnosis of Iron deficiency Anaemia – S. Ferritin.
30. Diagnosis of H.Pylori
31. Coarctation of aorta – diagnosis – ASD
32. Acute intermittent porphyria – diagnosis.
33. Polycythemia Vera – Diagnosis.
34. Roseola }
Erythema infectiosum }
Rubella } Diagnosis
Rubeola (Measles) }
Varicella }
35. Hep B – Antigen & Antibody
After vaccination – Ag & Ab
36. Panic disorder – sign & symptoms
37. Therapy of psychotic disorder
38. Therapy of depression (antidepressants) – drugs, side effects, SSRI, TCA, MAOI,
39. Diff. bet Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform disorder, Brief psychotic disorder
40. Borderline personality disorder
41. ADHD – m/m
42. Hypochondriasis, Malingering, Factitious disorder (diff)
43. Case control study, cohort study (diff)
44. Ectopic pregnancy (diagnosis)
45. Endometriosis
46. PID & IUCD (Management)
47. Fibroid – M/M
48. Developmental milestones
49. Parvovirus EB19 – erythema infectiosum
50. Erb Palsy
51. Acute Otitismedia – most common complication
52. Epiglotitis & Viral croup (Diff)
53. Developmental Dysplasia of hip (diagnosis)
54. Nocturnal enuresis (m/m)
55. Sleep walking, nightmares (m/m)
56. Breath holding spells (m/m)
57. Toxic shock syndrome (cause, symp – diagnosis)
58. Inf. Mononucleosis – cause
59. Osteosarcoma, Ewing Sarcoma, osteoid osteoma (diagnosis)
60. Cystic fibrosis
61. Strep throat in – cause – diagnosis – TH
62. Impetigo – cause, TH
63. Uterine atony
64. PPH
65. Mitral Stenosis
66. Klinefelter’s Syndrome
67. Polycystic ovary syndrome
68. Ankylosing spondylitis - Diagnosis

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