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Mathura Refinery Officers’ Club

Indoor Games Tournament

10th March, 2019 (Sunday)
Timing :- (9.00AM to 8.00PM)
Name of participant ………..……………………………………………....
Name and Employee no. of participant’s relative in officer
Age, Gender and Contact no. of participant ......,.................
Events (you need to tick off the events in which you want to participate)
 Men’s singles Table Tennis (Age > 22)
 Men’s doubles Table Tennis (Age > 22)
 Ladies’ random doubles badminton ( Age>22 )
 Men’s random doubles badminton ( Age>22 )
 Mixed doubles badminton (Husband +Wife)
For any queries contact:-
1) Rajnish Bothra (Mob No.-9412277109)
2) Shankar Kumar (Mob No.-9412277801)
3) Sunil Madan Morey (Mob No.-9958390689)

1) One participant can participate in more than one event.
2) Event will be organized after getting more than four participant for the
respective event.
3) Please fill the form completely and submit the form in officer club/ any member
of officers’ club committee. It can also be submitted the form in soft copy to the
above given mob no or to any member of officers club committee.
4) In case of any confusing decision, Decision taken by sports committee will be the
l final decision.
5) Prizes will be given to all participants of mixed doubles badminton.

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