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Lesson Plan Format:

Teacher: Leanne Thiec Grade Level: Third

I. Content and Standards: CC.1.2.3.F Determine the meaning of words and
as they are used in grade-level text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral
meaning as
well as shades of meaning among related words. C.C.1.2.3.J Acquire and
accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and
words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal
C.C.1.3.3.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-
meaning words
and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing flexibly
from a
range of strategies and tools.
II. Prerequisites: Students will need to know the definitions of the specified
III. Essential Questions: Why might you want a note deciphered? If a
forecaster was mistaken about the weather what could be the
consequences? How
can a person cause a catastrophe? What is a fortunate thing you would like
to have
happen to you? What can make it difficult to translate a letter? How might
bothersome pet act? If you were hiking in the woods, what might you have
dodge? Which would make more of a din, a person whistling or pans falling
on the
kitchen floor? If the ground started heaving under you, what would you do?
kind of repairs would a bicycle need?
IV. Instructional Objective: Students will identify definitions and match
them with
vocabulary words. They will be able to correctly place the words in
sentences using
context clues in the sentence structure.
V. Instructional Procedures: (Before) [15 minutes] I will show a
powerpoint of the
pictures from the Robust Vocabulary Reinforcement Walk from the
previous day to
discuss the vocabulary words. I will use essential questions to discuss in
groups the
vocabulary words. (During) [25 minutes]: Half of the students will be given
vocabulary word. Half of the students will be given a definition of a
vocabulary word.
Students will find their partner. Students will then need to go the board to
find the
sentence that their vocabulary word fits into correctly. I will use these
sentences to review for the class the vocabulary words and their use in
(After) [10 minutes]: A vocabulary word matching will be given for
assessment. The
music video, “La Cucaracha (The Dancing Cockroach Video)” will be shown.
Students will be encouraged to safely dance and wiggle.
VI. Materials and Equipment: Power point pictures from picture walk,
sentence strips,
vocabulary words, vocabulary definitions, tape, matching vocabulary
assessment, “La Cucaracha (The Dancing Cockroach Video)”, media player.
VII. Assessment/Evaluation: Matching definitions and words will be
assessed. Correct
use of sentence context clues to properly place vocabulary words will be
Additionally, the vocabulary word matching assessment will be evaluated.
Participation will be monitored.
VIII. VII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities: Switch A: Students will
activity with minimal examples. Switch B: Students will complete activity
with several
examples. Switch C: Students may need prompting and various examples.
IX. Technology: A powerpoint will be used to show the Robust Vocabulary
Reinforcement walk pictures. The video “La Cucaracha (The Dancing
X. Self-Assessment Teacher observation and student progress monitoring
will be
continual. As students are completing work and discussing, switch
approaches may
be adapted to meet the developing needs. More or less group work will be
used as
students communicate and create correct plural nouns. Also, considering
misunderstanding will result in clarification and possible reteaching

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