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SIS (Service Information System) Web

Lesson 1 - Basics:
Basic Navigation, Utilities, Highlights, Product Identification
Lesson 2 – Text Searches:
Parts Search, Basic Search, Advanced Full Text Search
Lesson 3 – Universal Access Methods:
Product Structure, Document Structure, SMCS Code, As Shipped
Engine, Filter Search, Media Search

Lesson 4 – Access Methods – Product ID Not

Required (Admin access):
Similar Parts Search, NPR, Kits Information
Lesson 5 – Access Methods – Product ID Not Required
(Admin access):
Kits Information, Engine Perf. Specs., Flash Software Files, Injector
Trim Files, Repair Option BUILDER Data, Other Repair Process Info.,
Service Forms

Intended for viewing as a MS PowerPoint slideshow.

Administered Access Methods (dependent upon
The access methods
included in this
presentation are
dependent upon the
user’s type and
profile modified by
their SIS Web
coordinator. The
links to these
methods do not
appear if they are not
in the user’s
assigned type or

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SIS Web Similar Parts Search

• The SIS Web Similar Parts Search allows

users to:
• View the physical attributes of over 70,000
select Cat part numbers.
• Search for select Cat part numbers using
desired physical attributes.
SIS Web Similar Parts Search

• Who uses the SIS Web Similar

Parts Search?
• Dealer part counter personnel
• Service department personnel
• Technical support personnel
• Product Support Salespeople
SIS Web Similar Parts Search

Parts available in SIS Similar Parts include:

• Hardware • Small electrical parts

• Seals • Knobs
• Gaskets • Fluid line couplings,
• Lamps and bulbs adaptors, fittings, and caps

• Other common parts

SIS Web Similar Parts Search

Access SIS Web at

Click on Similar
Parts Search to
begin your search.
SIS Web Similar Parts Search:
Three Methods
You have two methods
to search for a part
using the attributes for
a part type: Keyword
Tree and Keyword
Search. You can also
find the attributes of a
specific part by
KEYWORD TREE searching for a specific
part number.
Similar Parts Search: Keyword
Tree Method

Browse the Keyword

Tree to see the index of
all part types available.

Expand each category by selecting

the carrot (>) until you reach the
desired product, such as a Standard
English Hex-Head Bolt.

Return to Index Return to Three Methods

Similar Parts Search: Keyword Search
You can use the Global
Search to find the
attributes list for
desired parts.

Enter some or
all of the desired
part or part type name. Click on ‘Find’ to populate
the drop down menu with
valid search results. The
search results are a list of
Keyword Tree paths that
include the keyword.
Similar Parts Search: Keyword Search

After choosing a The key word search

folder path from the results yield all
drop down on the product folders
right, the Keyword containing the key
Tree will expand with word. Scroll down to
your folder selection select the desired
highlighted. product folder.
Similar Parts: Attributes

Users are able to select the desired

attributes for the part they are seeking to
identify as a Cat part number.
Graphic reference
numbers correspond to
the Ref numbers shown
with the attributes.

Enter any desired part

attribute values or scroll
down the lists of attribute
values for parts in the
folder and select the
desired attribute. Click the
Search button.
Similar Parts: Attributes

Cat part numbers

meeting the
attribute values
entered are

The search yielded

197 part numbers; to
view the next 50
results, select Next.
Similar Parts Search: Specific Part

Users with a Cat part

number can find the
attributes of that Cat part
with a search by Part
Number. To search for the
dimensions or attributes
of a specific part number,
enter it into the Part No.
field, such as 1A1135 and
click FIND
Similar Parts Search: Specific Part
The attributes for the part
Part No. 1A1135 is a Hex-
Head Bolt with English number entered are listed.
Standard Threads. The system can be used
to search for similar Cat

To search for a
substitute with the
same thread size, clear
attributes 2, 3, 4, 5,
and Coating/Plating,
by scrolling to the top
of the menu where
there is a blank space,
then select Search.
Similar Parts Search: Specific Part

Alternative Cat parts are

located and displayed

These results are for a

To sort the data, click on the search with the criteria
Sort button. .62-11 threads and Steel
1170 MPa Tensile
Strength Minimum yields
19 results.

Return to Index Return to Three Methods

SIS Web Similar Parts Search

Select the attributes that are

most important, and add them to
the New Sort/Display Order list.
Click the OK button to re-
display the list.
SIS Web Similar Parts Search

On the Search Results screen,

users will be able to add the parts
meeting their search criteria to the
parts list.

After you have entered a quantity

for the parts you want added to the
parts list, click the Add to Part List

Return to Index Return to Search Methods

Numerical Parts Record
Some users may prefer to open NPR in a separate SIS Web
application. This method permits the user to search part
numbers and available media without leaving the NPR
results page. Two instances of SIS Web will be running at
one time.

To open the second instance of SIS Web.Open Internet

Explorer and then type in the Internet
Explorer address window to open a copy of SIS Web. Log
in to CWS. You will be at the Main Menu.
Numerical Parts Record
The NPR (Numerical
Parts Record) is the
primary reference
for usage and
information for all
Caterpillar parts.

Select the NPR link

from the SIS Main
Menu to perform an
inquiry by part
number. Use the
second instance of
SIS Web.
Numerical Parts Record
Enter a valid Part
Number and click
Search to display
the NPR which may
include: next level
replaced parts
information and
links to relevant
SIS documents.

1R-0718 was entered

in the Part Number
field. Results
Numerical Parts Record
Links to additional information is provided. SMAU1296 is a link to a
Service Magazine published August 12, 1996. *Select the link to go to
the publication. Select the the appropriate article. The black text in
column (3) is microfiche location information. Where used or sized is
the next higher part number level or group level.
See the Numerical Parts Record (NPR) Inquiry topic in SIS Help for additional
explanations of symbols and abbreviations.
1R-0756 is the serviceable
replacement for 1R-0718.
*See the slides that follow
for an alternate method to
searching for a Service
Magazine article. Don’t
select the media link for the
alternate method.
Numerical Parts Record

The Service Magazine (SM) link

results are shown. All of the articles in
the August 12, 1996 Service Magazine
are shown and the 1R-0718 fuel filter
article may not be obvious. An alternate
method to find the appropriate SM
article follows. Also, it is necessary to
return to the Main Menu before you can
access NPR again. If you use two
instances of SIS Web, you can stay at
the NPR page and search on the first
SIS Web instance.
Numerical Parts Record – Alternate
Media Search

At the Main Menu of the first

instance of SIS Web, enter the
Product ID and select Basic
Search. If you don’t know the
product ID, select Advanced Full
Text Search.
Numerical Parts Record – Service
Magazine Search

Select Service Magazine as the Information Type. Enter the Part

Number and the Publication Dates of one day previous and one day
after the Service Magazine publication date of August 12, 1996. Select
Search All Text and select Search.
Numerical Parts Record – Search

The complete results are displayed. In this case, the only article displayed is
the one article that contains the desired information. Return to the second
instance of SIS Web to reference other NPR information if desired. You
don’t have to go back to the Main Menu and then go through the NPR data
entry process again.

Return to Index
Kits Information
Kits Information
provides all of the
required parts for a
particular procedure
in one consist.

Seven different
methods are
available to search
for Kits Information.
Select Kits
Information with the
left mouse button to
Kits Information
Engine Kits,
Transmission Kits,
Torque Converter
Kits and Drive Train
Kits each have
additional filters
that appear in the
Includes window.

Select an Include
filter if desired and
select search. All
relevant kits are
provided if an
Include is not
Engine Kits require an
Engine Serial Number
to continue. Engine
arrangement is Kits Information
optional and will
narrow the search

Transmission Kits
require the
Arrangement part
number to continue.

Torque Converter Kits

require a torque
converter group part
number to continue.

Drive Train Kits

require a machine
serial number.
Kits Information – Engine Kits

results for engine
serial number
8WL00500 with
arrangement 125-
0973 are displayed.

Includes were not

selected on the
initial kits search

Select the
appropriate kit part
Kits Information
Hydraulic Cylinder
Seal Kits, All
Gasket and
Bearing Kits and
Kits Consist – by
Kit Number do not
have additional
filters that appear
in the initial
window. Select
the desired search
to continue.
Hydraulic Seal Kits
Kits Information
require a cylinder
group part number to
locate the available

All Gasket and

Bearing Kits search
provides four options.
Enter the appropriate
data in one of the
options to access All
Gasket and Bearing
Kits information for
that option and select

Kit Consist requires a

Kit Number to
continue. Enter the Kit
Number to view the
Kits Information- All Gasket and
3116 was entered as
the Engine Model
Bearing Kits
data for All Gasket
and Bearing Kits.

All Gasket and

Bearing Kits search
provided all kits fro
the 3116 engine. The
kits are sorted by
Engine arrangement
number in the right
hand column.

Locate the
appropriate Engine
Arrangement and
select the Kit Type
in the left column.
Kits Information – All Gasket
and Bearing Kits
The results for
engine serial
number 8WL00500
with arrangement
125-0973 are

Select the
appropriate Kit
Part Number to
view the parts

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