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Submitted To:
(Amity Institute of Information Technology)
Guided by: Submitted By

M/S Richa Singh Rishabh Arora




I RISHABH ARORA student of BCA hereby declare that the project titled ‘‘health monitoring
and management using internet of things” which is submitted by me to Amity Institute of
Information Technology Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of the degree of BCA(EVENING) has not been previously formed the
basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar tile or recognition.

The Author attests that permission has been obtained for the use of any copyrighted material
appearing in the Dissertation/ Project report other than brief excerpts requiring only proper
acknowledgement in scholarly writing and all such use is acknowledged.

This is to certify that Mr .Rishabh Arora...., student of BCA(evening) in (Name of
Programme) has carried out the work presented in the project of the Term paper entitle
of First year programme of Bachelor of Technology in ..AIIT.... from (Name of the
Institution, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh under my supervision.

Name & signature of the faculty Guide

Amity Institute of (Name of the Institute), AUUP
Table of Contents

Segment I :

Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Segment II:

Health Care and Internet of Things ----------------------------------------------------- 9

a.) The internet of things---------------------------------------------------------- 9

b.) A model for future internet of
Things healthcare system----------------------------------------------------- 9
1.) Wearable sensing element& central node--------------------------- 9
2.) Short range communication------------------------------------------ 10
3.) Long range communication------------------------------------------- 10
4.) Secure cloud storage design &machine learning ---------------- 10

Segment III:

Communication in Health Monitoring------------------------------------------------------ 13

a.) Bluetooth low energy

b.) Zig bee

Segement IV:

Wearable Healthcare Systems------------------------------------------------------------------15

a.) Heartbeat sensors-------------------------------------------------------------------------15

b.) Respiratory rate sensors-----------------------------------------------------------------16
c.) Body temperature sensor---------------------------------------------------------------17
d.) Heartbeat oximeter sensor-------------------------------------------------------------17

Segment V:

Cloud Data and Processing----------------------------------------------------------------------18

a.) Hybrid Cloud---------------------------------------------------------------------------18
b.) Context aware concentration by means of smart devices------------------19
c.) Privacy of the data concentrator--------------------------------------------------19
d.) Secure data storage in the cloud--------------------------------------------------20

Segment VI:


In the ongoing advancement of, Internet of things (IOT)

makes all items interconnected and it has been perceived as

the specialized unrest. One of the application is in health care to

screen the patient well being status web of things makes

restorative supplies more effective by permitting ongoing

checking of patient well being, In which secure information of patient's

also, lessen the human blunders. In web of things patient's

parameters get transmitted through restorative gadgets by means of a portal,

where it is put away and investigated.

The noteworthy challenges in the execution of internet of things for

medicinal services applications are checking all patients from different

places. Hence web of things in the restorative field draws out the

answers for powerful patient checking at diminished cost and furthermore

lessens the exchange off between persistent result and malady

administration. In this paper talk about, observing patient's

body temperature and heart beat utilizing arduino board


Healthcare is a fundamental piece of life. Tragically, the consistently maturing populace and the
related ascent in constant sickness is putting noteworthy strain on current medicinal services
frameworks , and the interest for assets from clinic beds to specialists and attendants is to a
great degree high. Clearly, an answer is required to diminish the weight on social insurance
frameworks while proceeding to give superb care to in danger patients.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been generally recognized as a potential answer for reduce the
weights on social insurance frameworks, and has in this manner been the focal point of much
late research. A lot of this examination takes a gander at observing patients with particular
conditions, for example, diabetes sickness. Additionally inquire about hopes to fill particular
needs, for example, supporting restoration through steady observing of a patient's advance.
Crisis social insurance has additionally been recognized as a probability by related works
however has not yet been generally looked into.

The first segment Segment I of the paper includes introduction of a paper which involves all the
details about the all the terms of internet of things used in health care.

The rest of this paper is organized as takes after. Segment II explores the field of Internet of
Things, putting center around the arrangement of human services utilizing IoT innovations.
Segment IV looks at regular sensors that could be utilized as a part of an IoT medicinal services
frameworks, showing a few cutting edge sensors that have been produced in ongoing
exploration. Segment V examines cloud innovations and the manners by which they can be
utilized as a part of IoT medicinal services frameworks. Segment VI closes the paper,
condensing the key discoveries and repeating the territories where additionally inquire about is
Health Care and Internet of things
The Internet of Things remains a comparatively new field of analysis, and its potential use for
health care is a district still in its infancy. In this section, the internet of Things is explored and
its suitableness for health care is highlighted. Building on the revenant themes from these
works, a generic and standardized model for future end-to-end IoT health care systems is
projected, with the aim of guiding the long run development of such systems.

A. The Internet of Things

Many definitions of the internet of Things exist, however at the foremost basic level it is
delineated as a network of devices interacting with one another via machine to machine (M2M)
communications, enabling assortment and exchange of information . This technology permits
automation among an oversized vary of industries, likewise as allowing the gathering of huge

While the same fields seem immensely totally different to aid, the analysis conducted inside
them verifies the believability of associate IoT-based aid system. Existing systems in alternative
fields have evidenced that remote observance of objects, with knowledge assortment and
coverage, area unit realizable. this could thus be dilated and custom-made for observance the
health of individuals and coverage it to relevant parties reminiscent of caretakers, doctors,
emergency services, and aid centers.

B. A Model for Future Internet of Things healthcare Systems

1.) Wearable Sensing Element & Central Nodes
Wearable sensing element nodes area unit people who measure physiological conditions.
counseled sensors area unit} people who measure the very important signs - pulse, a rate of
respiration, and blood heat - as these area units the essential signs for determination of
important health. additional sensors that would be enforced area unit vital sign and blood
atomic number 8 sensors, as these parameters area unit typically taken aboard the 3 very
important signs. Special-purpose sensors appreciate blood-glucose, fall detection, and joint
angle sensors may even be enforced for systems targeting a selected condition.

The central node receives information from the sensing element nodes. It processes this data,
could implement some higher cognitive process, then forwards the data to associate degree
external location. a frenzied central node would be most well-liked to a smartphone as battery
life may well be improved by having solely practicality relevant to an attention IoT system.

2) Short-Range Communications
For sensors to speak with the central node, a short-range communications methodology is
needed. There area unit many vital needs to contemplate once selecting short-range
communications normal, together with effects on the form, security, and latency.

The chosen methodology ought to haven't any negative effects on the form, as any such effects
may cause further health considerations for patients. It ought to conjointly offer sturdy security
mechanisms to make sure that sensitive patient information can not be accessed by associate
degree assaulter. Finally, low-latency is important for time-critical , appreciate a system that
monitors important health associate degreed imply an automobile if the necessity arises. In
such systems, time delays may well be the distinction between life and death. In applications
that aren't time-critical, low-latency wouldn't have to be compelled to be prioritized as
extremely, however, remains preferred.

3) Long-Range Communications
Data obtained by the central node isn't helpful unless one thing is finished it. This information ought to
be forwarded to a info wherever relevant parties (such as caretakers or doctors) will firmly access it.
Their area unit once more many concerns once choosing an acceptable long-range communication
normal to be used in an exceeding attention system, together with security, error correcting capabilities,
lustiness against interference, low-latency, and high convenience.

As with short-range communications, sturdy security is vital to make sure that sensitive patient
information remains personal and can't be altered or imitated. Low-latency is once more vital in time-
critical applications, appreciate the emergency attention, wherever delays in communication may have
harmful effects on patients. High-quality error correcting capabilities and vital lustiness against
interference area unit essential, because these make sure that the message sent is that the same as the
message received. this can be vital all told attention applications, however notably in emergency things.
Lastly, high convenience is important to make sure that messages are going to be delivered in the least
times, no matter wherever the patient is physically settled. Again, this can be of explicit importance to
time-critical applications, however, is preferred for all systems.

4) Secure Cloud Storage design & Machine Learning

Medical data obtained from patients should behold on firmly for continued use. Doctors take pleasure in
knowing a patient’s anamnesis, and machine learning aren't effective unless massive databases of data
area unit offered thereto. supported the literature, cloud storage is that the most viable methodology
for storing information. However, providing accessibility for attention professionals while not
compromising security may be a key concern that ought to be addressed by researchers developing
attention IOT systems.

Additionally, machine learning has repeatedly been known within the literature as a way for rising
attention systems , tho' it's not been widely explored. Machine learning offers the potential to spot
trends in medical information that was antecedently unknown, offer treatment plans and medical
specialty, and provides recommendations to attention professionals that area unit specific to individual
patients. As such, cloud storage architectures ought to be designed to support the implementation of
machine learning on massive information sets.

Fig : Overview of the proposed model

Segment III :
Interchanges identified with Internet of Things for social insurance can be characterized into
two fundamental classifications: short-go correspondences, and long-extend correspondences.
The previous is utilized to convey between gadgets inside the WBAN, while the last gives
association between the focal hub of the WBAN and a base station, (for example, a human
services supplier). In this paper, the two kinds of correspondences are considered with measure
up to significance.

1) Bluetooth Low Energy

BLE was created by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) to give a vitality productive
standard that could be utilized by coin-cell battery worked gadgets, including wearables. It
additionally planned to empower IoT, associating little fringe gadgets to preparing gadgets, for
example, cell phones.

The range for BLE is 150m of every an open field ; it would be significantly less in non-perfect
conditions. It likewise has a low inertness of 3ms, and a high information rate of 1Mbps .

BLE works in the 2.4GHz band, a band additionally utilized by great WiFi and ZigBee. This may
subject it to some clamor, yet strength to impedance is actualized through recurrence jumping
crosswise over painstakingly chose channels and a 24-bit cyclic excess check (CRC) . This
strategy makes BLE sufficiently vigorous to clamor for use in a medicinal services framework.

Power utilization in BLE is to a great degree low. In , it is demonstrated that a 180 mAH coin cell
battery could run a BLE chip for 18 nonstop hours, making 21.6 million exchanges. In any case,
if the chip was controlled off when not required, battery would last any longer. In the event
that a wellbeing sensor transmitted its information at regular intervals (or 2,880 times each
day), at that point the battery could hypothetically run the BLE chip for around 20.5 years
notwithstanding the way that it would bite the dust from self-exhaustion a long time before at
that point. With cautious equipment outline and low-vitality programming, BLE would plainly
be reasonable for medicinal services applications.
2) Zig Bee

The Zig Bee standard was outlined by the ZigBee Alliance, particularly to provide minimal effort,
low-control systems for M2M correspondences. It expands on the IEEE 802.15.4 physical
standard . It is usually known as the standard for work systems, yet it can likewise be utilized as
a part of the star topology expected of a WBAN with one focal hub and numerous detecting

Diverse ZigBee modules give distinctive attributes as far as range, information rate, and power
utilization. The least complex XBee has a scope of up to 30m of every a urban domain, and
yields just 1mW of intensity for transmission . The XBee Pro has a higher scope of 90m in similar
conditions, yet the transmit control yield is essentially higher at 63mW , the XBee Pro 900 XSC
can reach up to 610m out of a urban domain, however with 250mW of intensity being utilized
to transmit . There are ZigBee-based answers for a wide assortment of uses, however for the
utilization instance of a human services WBAN the XBee 1mW would be appropriate. Just a
little range is required for on-body correspondences, so picking the least power arrangement is

Information rates are additionally factor. XBee and XBee Pro have an information rate of up to
250kbps , while the XBee Pro 900 XSC has a greatest information rate of just 10kbps . Obviously,
the last module has yielded information rate notwithstanding power proficiency to accomplish
its long range. In a medicinal services condition, it is desirable over pick a higher information
rate, as this will decrease the dormancy in the framework and guarantee basic wellbeing
information is conveyed opportune.

ZigBee can work at a scope of frequencies, including 868MHz, 900MHz, and 2.4GHz groups,
contingent upon the module picked. Every one of these groups faces obstruction. The 2.4GHz
band is shared by Bluetooth and WiFi, while some long-go interchanges frameworks use the
unlicensed 868MHz and 900MHz groups in Europe and America individually. ZigBee utilizes
CSMA-CA to lessen impacts, and executes re-transmission if messages sent are not recognized .
Segment IV:
Wearable Healthcare Systems

WBANs have been recognized as a key segment of a medicinal services framework established
on Internet of Things innovation, and in that capacity the improvement of precise sensors with
low shape factor are fundamental for the effective advancement of such a framework. In this
article, we center around sensors that are non-prominent and non-obtrusive; we prohibit sensors,
for example, implantables. Considered are five basic sensors - three for observing the essential
indications of heartbeat, respiratory rate, and body temperature, and a further two for checking
pulse and blood oxygen, both regularly recorded in a healing center condition.

A. Heartbeat Sensors

Heartbeat can be perused from the chest, wrist, ear cartilage, fingertip, and that's only the tip
of the iceberg. Ear cartilage and fingertip readings give high precision, yet are not profoundly
wearable. A chest-worn framework is wearable, however wrist sensors are for the most part
viewed as most agreeable for a long haul wearable framework .

Industrially, a few wellness following chest ties and wrist watches are accessible with heartbeat
estimation usefulness. These incorporate HRM-Tri by Garmin , H7 by Polar , FitBit Pure Pulse ,
and Tom Tom Spark Cardio . In any case, these organizations all unveil that their gadgets are
not for medicinal utilize and ought not be depended upon for distinguishing wellbeing
conditions. In that capacity, the detecting frameworks utilized by these gadgets can't be
specifically actualized into a basic wellbeing checking framework.

Much research has been led into reasonable strategies for detecting beat. Sensor composes
created, utilized, and investigated in late works incorporate weight, photo plethysmo graphic
(PPG), ultrasonic, and radio recurrence (RF) sensors.

B. Respiratory Rate Sensors

Because of the significance of breath, numerous past works have created sensors for estimating
respiratory rate. In investigating the past works, a few kinds of respiratory rate sensor rise. The
first is a nasal sensor in light of a thermistor, as is utilized as a part of . The rule that these
sensors depend on is that air breathed out is hotter than the encompassing temperature. All
things considered, the sensor utilizes the ascent and fall of temperature to check the quantity
of breaths taken. This is appeared to work sensibly well, yet exactness might be imperiled by
different wellsprings of temperature changes - for instance if worn by a culinary expert working
in a kitchen. It is likewise not profoundly wearable, as it is obstructive and effortlessly

Echocardiogram (ECG) signs can likewise be utilized to get breath rate. This is called ECG
Derived Respiration (EDR), and is utilized as a part of to decide breath designs and recognize
apnea occasions. This strategy peruses respiratory rate sensibly well, yet is again restricted by
the wearability. ECG contacts are awkward and would probably make disturbance the skin if
utilized constantly. Moreover, ECG contacts are not reusable and would should be consistently

C. Body Temperature Sensors

The third indispensable sign is body temperature, which can be utilized to recognize
hypothermia, warm stroke, fevers, and the sky is the limit from there. In that capacity, body
temperature is a helpful diagnostics apparatus that ought to be incorporated into a wearable
human services framework.

Late works encompassing the estimation of body temperature all utilization thermistor-type
sensors. The regular negative-temperature-coefficient (NTC) type temperature sensors were
utilized. In all examinations, the thermistors were appeared to quantify an appropriate scope of
temperatures for checking the human body, with worthy levels of mistake. Subsequently, it is
emphatically prescribed that these sensor composes keep on being utilized by future
framework originators.

D. Heartbeat Oximetry Sensor

Heartbeat oximetry measures the level of oxygen in the blood. Like circulatory strain, blood oxygen level
is certainly not a crucial sign, yet serves as a marker of respiratory capacity and can help in diagnostics of
conditions, for example, hypoxia (low oxygen achieving the body's tissues). All things considered, beat
oximetry is an important expansion to a general wellbeing observing framework.

Heartbeat oximeters measure blood oxygen by acquiring PPG signals. Typically, two LEDs - one red, one
infrared - are coordinated through the skin. Quite a bit of this light is consumed by the hemoglobin in
the blood, however not all. The measure of light not assimilated is estimated by getting photodiodes,
and the distinction between the got lights is utilized to ascertain blood oxygen. As featured in Figure 4,
LED lights can either be gone through an extremity (ordinarily a finger) to a photodiode on the contrary
side, or can be coordinated at an edge with the goal that some light thinks about to a photodiode a
similar side of the limb. These are called absorbance-mode and reflectance-mode PPG sensors

The most wearable alternative would be a wrist-worn sensor, the same number of individuals are
familiar with wearing arm ornaments or watches and would not locate this awkward. An intelligent
heartbeat oximeter was intended to be worn on the wrist. The outline is curved fit as a fiddle, shutting
out much outer light and enhancing heartiness against clamor. The exchange off is that it makes the
gadget bigger, however estimate decreases are then made by performing information handling off-hub.
By and large, it is more wearable than different plans, however would even now advantage from being
scaled down and made more wearable. Moreover, it could be utilized to identify heartbeat and skin
temperature also - consolidating three fundamental sensors into a solitary, serenely wearable hub.

Segment V:
Cloud Data Storage and Processing
Information accumulated by the concentrator should be transferred to the cloud for long haul
stockpiling. Offloading information storage to the cloud offers benefits of adaptability and
accessibility on request, both by patients and clinical organizations. Also, utilized with
investigation and perception (depicted in subsequent segments), cloud facilitating and handling
can lessen costs at HCOs and give better indicative data. In this section, we diagram such could
models and talk about issues that affect long haul therapeutic information stockpiling on the

A) Hybrid Cloud/Cloudlet Architecture:

Cloudlet is a limited asset figuring and capacity stage that eliminates the need to outsource
asset escalated assignments to the enterprise cloud . Cloudlet figuring has been introduced as a
potential answer for convey low idleness to time basic errands for wellbeing checking
applications through body area systems . Correspondence between concentrator and cloudlet
is acknowledged through Wi Fi -interface. Coordinate connection between these two elements
diminishes information exchange inertness for time basic undertakings on amassed
information. LTE get to give in concentrat or can thusly be utilized for coordinate information
exchange from the concentrator to the cloud bypassing the cloudlet, while exposing the
information to the inactivity forced by versatile system.

B) Context-Aware Concentration by means of Smart

As previously showed, advanced cells can at as concentrators in IoT foundation as the present
PDAs can utilize both LTE and Wi Fi as the backhaul organize. Information collection can be
carried on either in cloudlet (intensive the Wi-Fi connection between concentrator and the
cloudlet) or the cloud (LTE). In studies, the previous contrasted and the last mentioned, has
been indicated to provide ten times the throughput and to require just a tenth of the entrance
time, and a large portion of the power . Collected data, however, should be finally be put away
in the cloud to allow distributed get to and deep enable capacity. To adequately partition data
accumulation errands amongst cloud and cloudlet, context aware fixation might be used.
Setting can account for the present and expected status of the patient. For example, when the
patient is in a basic condition requiring time critical monitoring of biosensor information,
information fixation might be the preferred decision.

C) Privacy of the Data Concentrator:

Despite the fact that individual partner identifiable data can be evacuated before trans-mitting
detected information data, the framework is still prone to total revelation assaults that can
induce information via design acknowledgment approaches . Setting mindful data
concentration, while offering some benefits, may likewise make sensed data powerless against
total divulgence attacks by enabling interloper to surmise a patient's wellbeing information
through arrange traffic examination from concentrator to mobile back pull. Standard
encryption procedures can be employed to guarantee security in such settings .

D) Secure Data Storage in the Cloud:

Protection is of enormous significance while putting away person's electronic medical records
on the cloud. As indicated by the terms de-fined by Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act(HIPAA), the confidential part of medicinal records needs to be protected
from revelation. At the point when the medicinal records are out-sourced to the cloud for
capacity, suitable protection preserving measures should be taken to anticipate unapproved
parties from accessing the data. Secure distributed storage frame work shave in this way been
proposed for use with touchy medicinal records. Secure therapeutic information preparing on
the cloud remains a test.

Segment VI:

In this work, we have proposed a one of a kind model for future IoT-based social insurance
frameworks, which can be connected to both general frameworks and frameworks that screen
particular conditions. We at that point introduced a careful and methodical review of the best
in class works identifying with every segment of the proposed demonstrate. A few wearable,
non-meddlesome sensors were introduced and dissected, with specific spotlight on those
checking fundamental signs, circulatory strain, and blood oxygen levels. Short-go and long-
extend interchanges norms were then thought about regarding appropriateness for medicinal
services applications. BLE and NB-IoT rose as the most reasonable principles for short-extend
and long-run interchanges in social insurance separately.

Ongoing works using cloud advances for information stockpiling were displayed, and
demonstrated that cloud is the best means for putting away and arranging huge information in
social insurance. It is additionally appeared by a few works that altogether better information
preparing can be performed in the cloud than can be performed by wearable gadgets with their
restricted assets. The most noteworthy disadvantage of utilizing cloud is that it presents
security dangers, and all things considered we displayed a few works concentrated on
enhancing security in the cloud. It was discovered that entrance control strategies and
encryption can fundamentally upgrade security, however that no known standard is
appropriate for prompt application into a wearable, IoT-based human services framework.

In view of our investigation of best in class advances in the fields of wearable sensors,
interchanges principles, and cloud innovation, we recognized a few critical territories for future
research. Machine learning and the advancement of a safe yet lightweight encryption conspire
for distributed storage were the two zones that give the most chance to scientists trying to
make huge enhancements in the field of IoT-based medicinal services.


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