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Isopropyl Alcohol by Direct Hydration of Propylene*

by Yasuharu Onoue**, Yukio Mizutani**, Sumio Akiyama**,

Yusuke Izumi** and Hirofumi Ihara***

Summary: TokuyamaSoda has developeda new processfor direct hydration of propyleneto

isopropanolin liquidphase. Thisprocessemploysa highly active and selectivecatalyst system
which essentially comprisesan aqueoussolutionof polytungstencompoundswithin a selectivepH
Thefirst commercial plant, havinga capacityof 30,000 metrictons of isopropanolper annum,
has beensuccessfullyin operationsince the beginningof June 1972 at TokuyamaSoda Co., Ltd.
The features of the processare simpleness,low valuefor propyleneconsumptionand freedom
from environmentalpollutionproblems. These advantagesmake TokuyamaProcess byfar more
economicalthan the conventionalprocessfor the manufactureof isopropanol.

1 Introduction propylene to isopropanol in liquid phase. The

first commercial plant of this process, having a
Isopropanol is an important derivative of pro-
capacity of 30,000 metric tons of isopropanol
pylene in petrochemical industry. It is used
per annum, has been successfully in operation
as solvent, dehydrating agent and disinfectant as
since the beginning of June 1972 at Tokuyama
well as a base for the manufacture of acetone
Soda Co., Ltd.
and other compounds.
Since the first commercial production of iso- 2 Hydration of Propylene

propanol in 1920, most methods for hydrating 2.1 Reaction

propylene to isopropanol have been based on Direct hydration of propylene is carried out
the use of concentrated sulfuric acid in a two-
in the presence of catalyst according to the fol-
stage esterification-hydrolysis process. This pro-
lowing reversible equation:
cess, although resulting in substantial conversion
of propylene, has the problems of severe cor-
The reaction is exothermic, and the heat of
rosion and disposal or reconcentration of dilute
reaction calculated from available thermochemical
spent acid.
data1) is about 12kcal/mol over a range of 400
Many processes of direct hydration of propylene
to 600°K in vapour phase.
in one step in the presence of catalyst have been
studied in order to avoid the disadvantages of The equilibrium constants by direct measure-
the sulfuric acid process and to obtain the rapid ments2),3) for hydrating propylene are reported
conversion of propylene to isopropanol with as follows:
the lowest possible amount of by-products. 1og10Kp=(1950/T)-6.06(vapour phase)
It is quite lately, however, that some economi- 1og10Kc=(2045/T)-5.08(liquid phase)
cal direct hydration processes for commercial For the hydration with liquid and vapour
isopropanol production have been developed. phases simultaneously present, the equilibrium
Now, with the rising market of isopropanol, the compositions of both phases can be estimated4)
economic importance of isopropanol production by thermochemical data, together with vapour-
by direct hydration has been well recognized. liquid equilibrium data.
Recently Tokuyama Soda has developed a Although the formation of isopropanol is fa-
new economical process for direct hydration of vored by low temperatures and high pressures,
* Received December 9 , 1972. optimum combination of reaction conditions is
** Research & Development , Tokuyama Soda Co., selected in consideration of both rate limitation
Ltd. (1-1, Mikage-cho, Tokuyama 745)
*** Development & Marketing , Tokuyama Soda Co., and equilibrium limitation.
Ltd. (1-4-5, Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, The major by-products in the direct hydration
Japan) of propylene are di-isopropyl ether, n-propanol
Bulletinof The Japan PetroleumInstitute
Onoue, Mizutani, Akiyama, Izumi and Ihara: Isopropyl Alcohol by Direct Hydration of Propylene 51

and propylene oligomers. propylene and liquid water at a mole ratio of

2.2 Catalyst and Process water to propylene between 10 and 15 over
In commercial realization of direct hydration, the catalyst bed at a temperature from 230 to
270℃ and a pressure from 200 to 300atm.
it is important to develop active catalysts and
For the hydration in the presence of liquid water,
processes suitable for the effective application
of the catalyst systems. tungsten oxide is widely used as an effective
In recent years, various catalysts and pro- component of catalyst14).
cesses5)∼9) for direct hydration of propylene have Tokuyama Soda has also proposed an active
been proposed. catalyst15)∼17) which comprises zirconium tung-

It seems necessary for a better understanding state. This catalyst is suitable for both vapour-
of Tokuyama Process to review some typical phase and liquid-phase processes. The examples
hydration processes briefly.
The catalysts most widely proposed for the
vapour-phase direct hydration of propylene are
mineral acids such as phosphoric acid and he-
teropoly acids on silica or diatomaceous earth,
and solid acids of metal oxides.
The reaction is generally carried out by passing
steam and propylene in a molar ratio of 0.5∼2.0:

1 through the catalyst bed at a temperature from

180 to 260℃ and under a pressure from 10 to

65atm to maintain the reactants in gaseous

statc. The VEBA proccss10)∼12) recently em-

ployed in commercial isopropanol production

is based on the use of a supported phosphoric
acid catalyst in vapour phase.
The vapour-phase direct hydration, however,
has the substantial disadvantage of low conver-
sion of propylene per pass, for example 5∼6%,

resulting in a high recycle rate. Consequently,

the use of a propylene concentration of 99% Fig. 1 Effect of Temperature on Propylene Con-
version to Isopropanol in Vapour-Phase
or more is required for the feed. Moreover, the Hydration
disadvantages inherant to supported mineral acid
catalysts are decrease in hydration activity and
the incidence of corrosion13) on the metal sur-
faces in contact with the product owing to mi-
gration and depletion of the acid. In order
to avoid these difficulties, it is necessary to re-
generate the catalyst and to neutralize the pro-
The disadvantages of the low conversion and
concomitant recycle problems in vapour-phase
processes are overcome by the direct hydration
in the presence of liquid water, since the propy
lene conversion to isopropanol is markedly rai-
sed by the increase in solubility of the product
isopropanol in the excess liquid water.
The direct hydration with a solid catalyst
under a high pressure at a high mole ratio of
water to propylene can be preferably employed
to obtain high per pass conversions of propylene. Fig. 2 Effect of Pressure on Propylene Conversion
The reaction is generally carried out by passing to Isopropanol in Liquid-Phase Hydration

Volume 15, No. 1, May 1973

52 Onoue, Mizutani, Akiyama, Izumi and Ihara:

of the results of propylene hydration with the Table 1 Effect of Anion on Rate of Propylene
zirconium tungstate catalyst in vapour phase and
liquid phase are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2,
respectively, in comparison with the data of
liquid-phase hydration over tungsten oxide ca-
talyst by Zabor et al.18)
The use of insoluble solid catalysts eliminates
the difficulties of the remarkable migration and
depletion of acid which take place in the hydration
with supported acid catalysts. However, under
the severe hydrothermal conditions in the liquid-
phase hydration under high pressure, gradual
depletion or crystallization of the effective com-
ponents of catalyst is inevitable, and consequently
both the decrease in hydration rate and some
operating troubles will occur. Recently, Deut-
sche Texaco has developed a trickle process19) pressure in aqueous solution.
Tokuyama Soda studied systematically the ca-
in vapour and liquid phases applying cation
talytic activities and stabilities of aqueous solutions
exchange resins as catalysts under milder con-
of various acid compounds in the direct hydration
ditions of 130∼150℃  and 60∼100 atm. One

of the main problems in this process is probably of olefins, and finally developed an excellent
the hydrolysis of sulfonic acid groups of the catalyst system of a stable aqueous solution under
resin catalyst which causes the irreversible loss high temperature and pressure. It was found
of catalytic activity. from the study that the rate of hydration was
markedly increased by the presence of some
In order to overcome the difficulties in the
kinds of polyatomic anions as shown in Table 1.
fixed bed processes with solid catalysts, the liquid
The activation energy of the propylene hy-
phase hydration with the solid catalyst dispersed
dration with the catalyst solution of polyatomic
in water can be employed20)∼22). In this process,
anions is about 24kcal/mol which is 6kcal/mol
propylene is treated with water at an elevated
higher than that in the case of the catalyst so-
temperature and pressure in the presence of an
aqueous suspension of fine particles of the ca- lution of sulfate anions.
According to the known mechanisms26)∼29) of
talyst. Although high space-time yields based
olefin hydration in very dilute aqueous acid,
on catalyst are obtainable by the suspension pro-
the hydration rate is proportional to the acid
cess, some operational difficulties of separation
concentration, and the counter anions have no
and circulation of the suspended particles can
effect on the rate. Since the medium effect on
not be avoided.
the activity coefficient of each component in
Tokuyama Soda fully examined the disadvan-
very dilute acid solution is considerably small,
tages and difficulties in the typical processes de-
the effect of the polyatomic anion on both the
scribed above through its own extensive experi-
hydration rate and the activation energy is pro-
ments, and attained to a conclusion that the
bably interpreted by assuming an intermediate
liquid-phase direct hydration with an aqueous
of an activated complex containing the anion.
solution of catalyst would be most profitable
for the production of isopropanol. Some ca- 3 Tokuyama Direct Hydration Process
talyst systems in a state of aqueous solution have 3.1 Catalyst System
been ofTered in recent patents23)∼25) The catalyst system employed in Tokuyama
However, these systems have the disadvantages Process30)∼34) essentially comprises a dilute aqueous

of low selectivity for hydration in the case of solution of definite kinds of polytungsten com-
aqueous solution of copper halide catalyst and pounds within a selective pH range. This ca-
low stabilities of catalyst components, such as talyst system is highly active and remarkably
aluminium sulfate, ferric sulfate, chromium sul- selective for hydrating propylene to isopropanol.
fate and molybdic acid which are hydrolyzed to This system is also very stable because the ca-
insoluble hydroxides at high temperature and talyst components are strongly resistant to hy-

Bulletin of The Japan Petroleum Institute

Isopropyl Alcohol by Direct Hydration of Propylene 53

drolysis. Such high stability of the catalyst sys- Because of large excess of water, the rate is given
tem is well maintained at all times in operation by the following equation via a pseudo-first order
by the careful control of poisons which cause kinetic treatment:
the decomposition of the catalyst. The catalyst γ=kl(Cp-Ci/kl)=kg(Pp-Pi/
life is, therefore, very long in continuous operation. where
Tokuyama Process gives, moreover, higher per ki, kg: rates of conversion of propylene to
pass conversions of propylene owing to intimate isopropanol in solution at unit con-
contact between dissolved propylene and the centration of propylene in solution,
catalyst solution in the liquid phase than in the and at unit pressure of propylene in
case where solid catalyst systems are employed. vapour phase, respectively.
Fig. 3 shows an example of the experimental Ki, Kg: equilibrium constants in liquid and
results of propylene hydration with the Tokuyama vapour phases, respectively.
catalyst system by a continuous flow reactor. Cp, Ci: concentrations of propylene and iso-
3.2 Kinetics of Hydration propanol in solution, respectively.
In the hydration of propylene with the To- pp, Pi: partial pressures of propylene and
kuyama catalyst system, the reaction takes place isopropanol in vapour phase, res-
between dissolved propylene and water in an pectively.
aqueous solution. The hydration rate is con- Pwe: equilibrium partial pressure of water
troled by the reaction step, provided equilibrium in vapour phase.
is at all times maintained in the distribution This basic rate equation can be suitably ap-
of propylene between vapour and liquid phases.
plied to calculate conversion or space-time yield
in process design and economic evaluation.
3.3 Process Description
The flow scheme of Tokuyama Process is
shown in Fig. 4.
Liquid propylene is preheated and fed to a
reactor under pressure. The catalyst solution
recovered from the azeotrope column is pre-
heated by heat exchange with the reactor effluent
and fed to the reactor operating at 240∼270℃

and 150∼250atm. The reaction takes place

in the liquid phase between dissolved propylene

and water. The aqueous solution containing
isopropanol and catalyst is withdrawn from the
Data obtained with Tokuyama catalyst reactor and cooled by heat exchange and then
system at 200kg/cm2.G. flashed under reduced pressure in a gas separator
Fig. 3 Effect of Temperature on Propylene Con-
where the unconverted propylene dissolved in
version to Isopropanol in Liquid-Phase
Hydration the solution is separated and recycled. The

Fig. 4 Flow Diagram of Tokuyama Prricrs,

Volume 15, No. 1, May 1973

ナ ヲ

54 Onoue, Mizutani, Akiyama, Izumi and Ihara:

liquid is sent to the azeotropic column, from
where azeotropic mixture of isopropanol and water (6) Since the reaction is carried out in aqueous
is drawn off and sent to further distillation steps solution, the heat loss incidental to evaporation
for purification and dehydration. The aqueous and condensation of water can be avoided.
solution containing catalyst from the bottom of (7) Because of absence of corrosion in the sys-
the azeotrope column joins with fresh water and tem, easy operation and maintenance of equip-
is recycled to the reactor. The azeotrope al- ments are possible.
cohol is freed of the light impurities in the first (8) The process is simple. It is also a com-
rectifying column and then dehydrated in two pletely closed system free from waste substances,
further columns with benzene as the dehydrat- and consequently the process can clear all the
ing agent. To obtain a high grade isopropanol environmental protective regulations.
(99.99% purity), another additional distillation 3.5 Quality of Product
step is necessary. Trypical data of the product isopropanol ob-
Under the optimum reaction conditions, the tained in Tokuyama Process are given in Table 2.
range of propylene conversion per pass is about 3.6 Economics
60∼70% and selectivity to isopropanol based The economics of Tokuyama Process are shown
on the converted propylene is as much as 98∼ in Table 3. They include the entire processing
99%. The major by-product is di-isopropyl of propylene to 99.99% isopropanol.
ether. 3.7 Other Applications
In Tokuyama Process, both the spent gas Tokuyama Process is also applicable to the
from the reactor and all the by-products drawn economical production of ethanol and butanols.
off at the purification section are completely 4 Conclusion
utilized as fuel for heating in the system. Besides the low value for propylene consump-
3.4 Features of Process tion, simpleness of process and freedom from
Tokuyama Process has a number of advantages enviromental pollution problems by nature of
based on its own catalyst system and process the process itself make Tokuyama Process by far
design. The features of the process confirmed more economical than the conventional process
in commercial operation are as follows: for the manufacture of isopropanol.
(1) The catalyst system comprises a homogene- In the recent trend of the process for isopro-
ous dilute aqueous solution which maintains high
activity and excellent selectivity for hydrating Table 2 Typical Properties of Product
propylene to isopropanol.
(2) The catalyst solution is so highly stabiliz-
ed that it is circulated repeatedly in the reaction
system without any additional treatments. Ca-
talyst life is, therefore, very long.
(3) Since the reaction is carried out in aqueous
solution under high pressure, the formation of
isopropanol is markadly favoured by equilibrium
(4) The amount of unconverted propylene to
be recycled is small owing to high conversion Table 3 Economics of Tokuyama Soda

rate of propylene, and consequently this process Direct Liquid-Phase Hydration Process

does not require highly concentrated propylene

feed. Commercial propylene of about 95% con-
centration is normally used.
(5) The amount of by-products is remarkably
small because the reaction takes place in an
aqueous solution of highly selective catalyst . Or-
ganic acids and aldehydes are hardly detectable
in the reaction product . A high grade iso-
propanol is easily obtained at the purification
Bulletin of The Japan Petroleum Institute
Isopropyl Alcohol by Direct Hydration of Propylene 55

panol production toward direct hydration, To- 13) Hibernia Chemie, Brit. 1, 106,424 (1968).
14) Kline, C. H. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem., 57, (9), 53
kuyama Soda will greatly contribute to the
proceeding of this trend through experience in 15) Tokuyama Soda, Japan 43-6603 (1968).
its own commercial plant. 16) Tokuyama Soda, U. S. 3,450, 777 (1969).
17) Tokuyama Soda, Brit. 1,192,692 (1970).
References 18) Zabor, R. C. et al., Actes Congr. Intern. Catalyse, 2e,
Paris, 1960, 2, 2601 (1961).
1) Stull, D. R. et al., "The Chemical Thermodynamics 19) Europ. Chem. News, Nov. 19, 36 (1971).
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2) Stanley, H. M. et al., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., (London), 21) Montecatini, Brit. 883,039 (1961).
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3) Majewski, F. M. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem., 30, 203 23) Pullman Incorporated, U. S. 3, 328,469 (1967).
(1938). 24) Japan, Bureau of Industrial Technics, Japan 42-
4) Cope, C. S., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 11, 383 (1966). 2411 (1967).
5) Berkman, S. et al., "Catalysis", (1940), Reinhold 25) Japan, Bureau of Industrial Technics, Japan 43-
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7) Hammer, W. F., ibid., 46, 1841 (1954); 48, 1621 28) Taft, R. W., Jr. et al., ibid., 74, 5372 (1952).
(1956); 50, 1365 (1958); 52, 962 (1960). 29) Nakaya, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 44, 1175
8) Winfield, M. E., "Catalysis", Vol. 7, (1960) Rein- (1971).
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9) Ogino, Y., J. Japan Petrol. Inst., 5, 487 (1962). 31) Tokuyama Soda, Ger. 2, 022,568 (1973).
10) HydrocarbonProcessing, 46, (11), 195 (1967). 32) Tokuyama Soda, Japan Open, 47-31908 (1972).
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Volume 15, No. 1, May 1973

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