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Length of Service SOP

A. Pull the Length of Service Report

1. Log onto TWMS, under ACTIONS click “Report Services” then click “Awards and
2. Under Awards and Performance click “Length of Service Awards Due for Next 90 days”
3. Input the first date of the first month of the quarter and the last date of the last month in the
quarter. This will ensure the most accurate report. (EX: October 1st – December 31st). Sometimes
the report could be off if the “End Date” is left off since the generator will count 90 days from the
start date.
4. Click “Generate Report”
5. Click the Save and Export dropdown , Then click “CSV (comma delimited)”
6. Save the spreadsheet to the “Length of Service” folder within the current fiscal year folder within
the Awards & Recognition folder on the T drive
o Click “File” > “Save As” > “Browse”
o Name the file in this format “MMM - MMM FY LOS” (i.e. Oct - Dec 18 LOS)
o Change the file type to “Excel Workbook”
o Click “Save”
7. Log out of TWMS
8. Delete the two rows of the report
9. Highlight and paste the table below in the first empty row (row 1)
ble Total
Assign Employ Militar Militar SCD
SMC Assign Org ed Org ee Emp Due Reqd SCD SCD y y Service
Name UIC ed UIC Code Code Name Type Retm. Date Action Leave Civilian Service Service Award
10. This is the new header row
11. Delete the CSV header row (row 2)
12. Highlight the header row (row 1), click the “Sort & Filter” dropdown under the Editing submenu
then select “Filter”
13. Highlight the Employee Name column (column F) then expand it by double clicking the line to
the right of the column header
14. Highlight the Emp Type, Retm., Due Date, Reqd Action, SCD Leave & SCD Civilian
columns (column G - L) then right click and select “Insert”
15. Highlight the Employee Name column (column F) then right click and select “Copy”
16. Highlight the now empty column G then right click and select “Paste”
17. Review and correct the names in the duplicate Employee Name column (column G)
o Move suffixes (i.e. Sr, Jr or II) from behind the employees middle name to behind the
employees last name
o Change full middle names to the middle initial
o Place a period behind each middle initial
o Place a hyphen between any space in a last name (i.e. Dog-III)
o Place a hyphen between any space in a first name (i.e. Snoopy-T.)
18. Highlight the duplicate Employee Name column (column G)

19. Click on the Data menu ribbon then click “Text to Columns” in the Data Tools submenu
20. Ensure “Delimited” is selected then click “Next”
21. Check the “Comma” and “Space” boxes then click “Finish”
o TWMS often has spaces behind the employee’s middle initial, this step will remove those
spaces and place the remaining data in separate columns
22. Highlight the now separated duplicate Employee Name columns (columns G & H)
23. Click on the Home menu ribbon, click the “Find & Select” dropdown in the Editing submenu
then click “Replace”
24. Place a hyphen in the “Find what:” box, place a space in the “Replace with:” box, click “Replace
All” then click “Close”
25. Name the empty column (column I) after the first name column (column H) as “Certificate
26. Highlight the “Certificate Name” column (column I)
27. Type the following formula in the first empty cell (cell I2) in the “Certificate Name” (column I):
=Proper(H2&" "&G2)
28. Highlight the cell with the employee’s certificate name (cell I2) then move the mouse to the
square at the bottom right of the cell, when the cursor changes to a plus sign click and drag the
mouse down to the last row in the report
29. Highlight the “Certificate Name” column (column I), right click and select “Copy” then right
click again and select “Paste values”
30. Highlight the separated duplicate Employee Name columns (columns G & H) and select “Delete”
31. Name the empty column (column H) after the “Certificate Name” column (column G) as “LOS #”
32. Name the empty column (column I) after the “LOS #” column (column H) as “Supervisor”
33. Name the empty column (column J) after the “Supervisor” column (column I) as “Month Due”
34. Type the following formula in the first empty cell (cell H2) in the “LOS #” (column H):
35. Highlight the cell with the employee’s LOS # (cell H2) then move the mouse to the square at the
bottom right of the cell, when the cursor changes to a plus sign click and drag the mouse down to
the last row in the report
36. Highlight the “LOS #” column (column H), right click and select “Copy” then right click again
and select “Paste values”
37. Review the “LOS #” column (column H) and ensure the numbers match the “Reqd Action”
column (column N)
38. Highlight the “Due Date” column (column M), right click and select “Format Cells”
39. In the “Category” box select “Custom”, in the “Type” box type “mmmm” then click “OK”
40. Highlight the first (cell M2) through last cell with data in the “Due Date” column (column M)
then right click and select “Copy”
41. Open a blank Word document then right click and select “Paste keep source formatting”
42. Highlight the new table in the Word document then right click and select “Copy”
43. Select the first cell (cell J2) in the “Month Due” column (column J) then right click again and
select “Paste keep source formatting”
o Skipping step 37 and 38 will only paste the exact date and not the full month
44. Close Word without saving the document
45. Highlight the “Due Date” column (column M), right click and select “Format Cells”

46. In the “Category” box select “Date”, in the “Type” box select “*3/14/2012” then click “OK”
47. Press “Esc” on the keyboard
48. Filter the “Creditable Military Service” column (column Q) to show all cells that are not blank
49. Place an asterisk (*) behind the Certificate names of filtered employees
o This indicates that the employee’s military time has been credited to their civil service time
50. Un-filter the “Creditable Military Service” column (column Q)
51. Click the “Sort & Filter” dropdown under the Editing submenu the click “Custom sort”
52. In the “Sort by” dropdown select “LOS #” column, click the “Add Level” button, the second “Sort
by” dropdown select “Employee Name” column then click “OK”
53. Log into TWMS to find the supervisor for the first employee then type the supervisors name in
the “Supervisor” column (column I)
o Repeat this step for each employee then log out of TWMS
54. Save the report
55. Filter the “Retm.” column (column L) to only show employees with retired military service
56. Using the email template below, ask the filtered employees if they would like their military
service counted on their upcoming LOS certificate. Set the due date one week from the sent date.
To: Employee’s email address
Subject: ACTION:>>> Retired Military Time for Length of Service Certificate Request Due:

Good morning/afternoon,

The MONTH length of service report shows that you will reach XX years of service next
month. It also shows that you are retired military. As OPFs are no longer held by HROs I cannot
verify military service unless the employee provides their total military service time. If you would
like your military time to be added to your civil service time on your certificate, please inform me
of your total military service time or provide your DD214 no later than DD MONTH YEAR.
Thank you.

57. When employee’s respond, in the “Retm.” column (column L) change the employees
corresponding cell color to yellow by clicking the “Fill Color” button under the Font submenu
so you’ll know that employee responded
58. Update the number in the employees corresponding “LOS #” cell with the employee’s new total
years of federal service the place an asterisk (*) behind the employee’s certificate name
o If the employee declines to add their military service place a red asterisk (*) behind the
employee’s certificate name
59. Once all the employees have responded you can print the LOS certificates
B. Print the Length of Service Certificates
1. Filter the LOS # column (column H) in the LOS report to only show employees with 5 years
2. Open the “5 year LOS” PowerPoint in the “Sample Certificates and Templates” folder within the
Awards & Recognition folder on the T drive (ORG\Business Department\Human Resources\LER
Team\Awards & Recognition\Sample Certificates and Templates)
3. Open the LOS report, highlight the “Certificate Name” cell of first filtered employee then right
click and select “Copy”

4. In the “5 year LOS” PowerPoint click anywhere inside the “Insert Name Here” text box, then
right click and select “Paste Keep Text Only”
5. Delete the “Insert Name Here” from the text box leaving the employee’s name only
6. In the LOS report, highlight the “Month Due” cell of first filtered employee then right click and
select “Copy”
7. In the “5 year LOS” PowerPoint click anywhere inside the “Insert Month and Year” text box,
right click and select “Paste Keep Text Only” then add the current year
8. Delete the “Insert Month and Year” from the text box leaving the month and year only
9. Ensure the text boxes in the “5 year LOS” PowerPoint are in the below format
o All text is in Times New Roman
o Name: Font Size: 24 – Centered – Bold
o Date: Font Size: 12 – Bold
o CO: Font Size:12 – Italicizes – Bold (below is an example)
C. M. Brooks
Captain, CEC, U.S. Navy
Commanding Officer
NAVFAC Northwest
10. Delete the picture we use as a template, and print on normal paper first. Place the printed plain
version on top of the blank length of service certificate and bring it up to the light to see if
everything is placed where it should be. If it looks good you could print it on the blank length of
service certificate.
o To print:
1) File > Print > Printer Properties
2) My Tab > Output method: Save in User Box (or PKI Card Print)
3) Basic > Paper Tray: Bypass Tray
4) Basic > Paper Setting for Each Tray > Paper Type: Thick 1
5) Hit Print
o If using the Save In User Box Method:
1) Menu > Save user box > Stored (print jobs get deleted after a day) > click on the file >
2) Place the certificate face down in the bypass tray with the header facing the wall.
o If using PKI Card Print Method
1) Insert CAC Card and type in pin
2) Place the certificate face down in the bypass tray with the header facing the wall
Note: Not all blank certificates are the same. A way to tell is the color of the paper, usually they
are completely different, so double check the placement for each of the years of service by using
the template, print on normal paper and shine it to the light to double check.
11. Close but DO NOT save the “5 year LOS” PowerPoint
12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for the remaining years on the LOS report
C. Route the Length of Service Certificates for Signature
1. Open a Word document
2. Using the template below inform the reviewing official what they are receiving

In the pockets of this folder are the X quarters length of service certificates for your
review and CO signature.

Below is a listing of the employees and their length of service certificates. Once signed, I will
provide the certificates to the employee’s supervisor for presentation during staff meetings. If
you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

Insert Table Here

*Military service included and verified.

*Employee declined to add military service.

Insert your name and contact number

3. Open the LOS report, highlight the “Employee Name” column (column F), right click and select
4. Highlight the Assigned Org Code, Certificate Name, LOS #, Supervisor and Month Due
header rows down to the last row with data in the report then right click and select “Copy”
5. In the Word document, highlight the “Insert Table Here” text then right click and select “Paste
keep source formatting”
6. Save the Word document in the “Length of Service” folder within the current fiscal year folder
within the Awards & Recognition folder on the T drive
o Click “File” > “Save As” > “Browse”
o Name the file in this format “MMM - MMM FY LOS Memo” (i.e. Oct - Dec 18 LOS Memo)
o Click “Save”
7. Print and sign the “LOS Memo”
8. Close but DO NOT save the “LOS report”
9. Put the printed certificates in the order shown on the “LOS Memo”
10. Click on your desktop shortcut for the “NAVFAC NW Admin Database” (also called the
NAVFAC_NW_Admin_FE_v1.2) to open it. Contact Command Services for access and setup.
11. Click “Tracker” (it will take some time for the database to open)
12. Fill in the applicable sections of form then click the save changes button (it will take some time
for the database to save)
o Originator: Your last, first name o Forward To: Command Services
(Hamm, TaMetria) o Purpose: Signature
o Doc Type: Certificates o Subject: X Quarter Length of
o Status: OPEN Service Certificates
o Forward Date: DAY-MONTH- o SSIC: 12451
13. Find the row with your document subject then write down the tracking number and exit the
“NAVFAC NW Admin Database”
14. Open the “Length of Service Certificates Route Slip” located the “Length of Service” folder within
the current fiscal year folder within the Awards & Recognition folder on the T drive
15. Fill in the route slip with the applicable information
o Add the tracking number in section 2

o The first line of sections 9 & 10 should have the CO (for signature), in the next the XO (for
Chop/Review), in the next the CO’s Secretary (for Action), in the next the Command
Services (for Chop/Review) and last yourself (as originator)
16. Print, save and close the “Length of Service Certificates Route Slip”
17. Staple the top of printed LOS certificate route slip to the outside of a blue two pocket folder
18. Place the printed the LOS certificates both pockets and the signed LOS memo in the left pocket in
front of the certificates
19. On the LOS route slip, initial and date on the line corresponding to your name then take the folder
to Command Services
20. Once the signed certificates have been returned, place them in blue DoN presentation folders
o Blue DoN presentation folders are located in the top drawer of the tan lateral cabinet
21. Place a LOS pin with each certificate
o LOS pins are located in the bottom drawer of the tan lateral cabinet
D. Notify the Supervisor
1. Using the email template below, notify the employees supervisor that the employee’s LOS will be
sent to them via guard mail
To: Supervisor
Subject: Employee Length of Service Award Notice

Good morning/afternoon,

The CO has signed a XX year Length of Service certificate for EMPLOYEE NAME, an
employee under your supervision. The Length of Service (LOS) Award recognizes significant
milestones in employees' careers and emphasize breadth of service to the Government.
Unfortunately, the Total Workforce Management System (TWMS), which the HRO uses to pull
the LOS award information, does not automatically add retired military member's time served. If
the employee would like to have that time added, please inform me of the employees total federal
service time. Once received I will print a new certificate, then it route to the CO for signature.

I have placed the certificate via guard mail, addressed to you, for presentation to the employee.
You will receive it shortly. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to announce award
recipients during staff meeting, morning muster, etc. LOS awards of 25 or more years can be
presented by the CO at an All Hands. If that is the employee’s preference, please contact the CO's
Secretary for presentation at the next All Hands. Feel free to send me any questions, comments or
concerns you have.
2. Print the email
3. Place the printed email, certificate and the pin in a guard mail envelope addressed to the
o Guard mail address must follow the format below
i. e.
Supervisors Name, Org | Your Name, Org
Snoppy Dog, PRB21 |T. Hamm, BD3
Base Name |Base Name
NBK Bremerton |NBK Bangor
Bldg # |Bldg #
Bldg: 467 |Bldg: 1101
4. Place the guard mail envelope in the mail bin located in the Command Services Office

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