Invasion of The Zebra Mussels

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NAME: _____________________ BLOCK: _______

“Zebra Mussel: An Unwelcome Visitor”

1. What class do zebra mussels belong to?

2. What region have the animals caused millions of dollars of damage?
3. Zebra mussels were indigenous to __________________________________________________
4. When did zebra mussels begin to invade the rivers of Europe?
5. When were the first zebra mussels discovered in the Great Lakes?
6. How can zebra mussels invade and enter a new ecosystem. List 6 ways.

7. Describe the size of a zebra mussel.

8. Why are plant intake pipes a popular place for zebra mussels to colonize?

9. How do zebra mussels obtain food?

10. Does a large population of zebra mussels decrease or increase water clarity?

11. When do zebra mussels spawn?_____________________How many eggs can a female zebra produce
per year?_________________

12. Zebra mussels can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. What depth and temperature
range is ideal for zebra mussels? _____________________ ___________________ Can zebra mussels
survive in an estuary?

13. Why don’t humans utilize zebra mussels as a food source?

14. How have zebra mussels impacted facilities that use raw surface water?

15. How have zebra mussels impacted recreational water use?

16. How can Rhode Islanders prevent the infestation of zebra mussels? Be specific.

Summary- Is it possible for zebra mussels to infest aquatic ecosystems in Georgia? Explain in detail.

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