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Julia Secrist
Prof. Barnes
English 1201

Online Casebook

“Animal Use in Science.” National Anti-Vivisection Society,


There is no author of this article, but it is a informative article that was published
in 2019 by a private organization. The main purpose of this article is to inform the
audience about what animal testing is, and the benefits and drawbacks of it. This article
explains why animal testing is used, what kind of products are being tested, and how
animal testing can be improved.
The writer's purpose of writing this article is to inform the reader about how
animal testing works and what can be done to improve animal testing. This article is
intended for adults concerned with animal testing, or people that are curious about what
animal testing actually is. This source is very current, and published in 2019, so it is up
to date on its facts.
The writer is a member of the organization, and is credible because it is a
scientific organization that is recognized and accepted. The source is credible because
it draws its information from official government sites and real life experiences. This
source will help me explain what exactly animal testing is and why animal testing is

Belanger, Rachelle M., et al. “Using Castration Surgery in Male Rats to Demonstrate the
Physiological Effects of Testosterone on Seminal Vesicle Anatomy in an
Undergraduate Laboratory Setting.” Bioscene: Journal of College Biology
Teaching, vol. 39, no. 2, Dec. 2013, pp. 25–31. EBSCOhost,

Rachelle Belanger wrote this academic journal in December of 2013 and it

appeared in a university library database. This journal is about an experiment that was
performed on a rat to further science. This experiment gave students the chance to
learn hands on skills and showed how testosterone affects the castration system.
The writer’s purpose in writing this journal is to explain the steps of the
experiment and explain how the experiment benefited the students who participated in
it. The audience for this work is different scientist or academic students in this field of
study. This source was written for scientific research, so the material inside is very
The writer is a professor in the biology department at the University of Detroit
Mercy. The author is credible because she is a professor at a well known University in
the department of biology, so she is credible to write a journal about animal testing. All
of the information used in the journal has a proper citation and a reference page. I will
use this source to give a real life example of how animal testing can be used to benefit

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “Product Testing - Animal Testing &
Cosmetics.” U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research,

There is no author of this article, but it is an academic article that was published
in 1999 but updated in 2006. The article appears on the FDA government website. This
article is meant to inform the audience about the legal requirements for animal testing. It
states that animals are not required to test products like cosmetics, but animal use is
one of the most popular ways to test the safety on the product.
The purpose of this article is to make the audience aware of the legal
requirements for testing products are, and how animal testing is apart of that. The

targeted audience is business that are making products and trying to find the
requirements or different options for testing their products. The information in this article
is updated whenever needed so that means that there has not been any new
information on product animal testing since 2006.
The author is a member of the U.S Food and Drug Administration. They are
credible because they are a member of a U.S government ran organization, and legally
have to be accurate with their information. The article cites all of its sources at the
bottom of the page. I will use this article to explain the legal requirements of animal
testing, and also other alternatives to testing products for safety.

“Cloning Dolly the Sheep.”, 3 Nov. 2014, 5:27,

There is no author of this article; it is an academic journal about an experiment

that occured. The experiment happened in 1996, but the article was last edited on
November 3, 2014. This article explains what happened during the experiment, and the
outcome. It also talks about the goals moving forward, but includes the reasoning
behind the experiment.
The purpose of writing this article was the explain how cloning a sheep works,
and to inform the audience of why this was impactful. The audience for this piece are
scientist who want to learn from the experiment, and also anyone who is curious about
what happened and how it happened. This source is from the United Kingdom, so some
of the terminology may be different in the transition from UK scientist to US scientist.
The author is a group of scientist from the Roslin Institute. They are credible
because they are scientist from a very popular organization. All of the information in the
article came directly from the experiment, so it is credible. The source is reliable
because it is from the global animal research website. I will use this as my primary
example of how animal testing can result in huge scientific breakthroughs and how
animal testing can be positive.

Cruelty Free International. “What is Animal Testing?”

There is no author of this source, and this is an academic article. This article
appeared on the Cruelty Free International website. This article explains the different
ways experimenting on animals can be harmful to the animal. Also what kind of animals
are used and how these experiments affect the animals in the long term.
The writer’s purpose for writing this article is to try to convince the reader that
animal testing is wrong, and to try to avoid animal testing at all costs. The main
audience for this article are everyday people, whose mind has not been made up about
this topic, so they can persuade their audience to be against animal testing. This is for
an animal cruelty website, so the information in it is going to be leaning toward
protecting animals.
The writer is from the Animal Cruelty website, and they are credible because they
are from an organization that does not take donations or sponsorships. The information
from the website is cited properly, so the information is credible. I will use this source to
describe the harmful effects of animal testing on animals. I will also use it to explain the
different types of animals that are being tested on.

Kerry, Grens. “Project Seeks to Improve Image of Animal Research.” Recent Articles |
Air Pollution | The Scientist Magazine®, The Scientist Magazine, www.the-
Grens Kerry wrote this informational article, and it appeared on a science
dedicated website on September 11, 2016. The article talks about many different times
that protesters of animal testing and supporters got together to talk about ways of
improving animal testing. Also, how strides are being taken to cut down on the amount
of chimpanzees being tested on.
The writer’s purpose is to try to persuade the reader that animal testing can be
improved. The audience for this piece are people that are completely set on animal

testing and see no reason to change their minds. This is a progressive website, so the
information in the article aims to reform a problem in society.
The writer is credible because he is a senior editor for the news website, and is
trained in writing reliable articles. The author quotes very reliable sources that pertain
directly to the main idea of the article. The sources are reliable because they are federal
fondations, or organizations dedicated to animal testing. I will use this source to explain
how animal testing can be improved, and what steps have already been taken to
improve animal testing.

Pycroft, Laurie, and Helen Marston. “Is Animal Testing Necessary to Advance Medical
Research?” New Internationalist, no. 444, July 2011, p. 34. EBSCOhost,

The authors of this article are Helen Marston and Laurie Pycroft. This is an
argumentative article, and appeared in a University Library in July 2007. This article
aims to show both sides of animal testing. Laurie explains that there are no reasonable
replacements for animal testing that can get the job done as well as animal testing can.
On the other hand, Helen argues that humans are too different from other animals, so
testing on animals does nothing for the advancement of human medicine.
The writer’s purpose in writing this argument is to even share both sides of the
argument and allow the reader to decide which side they support more. The targeted
audience are people that have not made up their mind yet, and this article allows the
reader to decide which stance they should take. This source was found on a University
library, so the information is educational and informative.
The authors are both very credible in their respective fields. Helen runs the
Humane Research in Australia, and Laurie is a co- founder of the organization pro-test.
The facts in the article come from reliable sources making the entire article credible. I
will use this in my paper by explaining how different the two sides are, and other ways
that people can look at reasoning why animal testing is positive or negative.

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