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Physical Education Unit Plan

Grade: 3 Unit: Winter Olympics Unit Dates: January 14 - March 25 Teacher: Miss. Leys

Overview: The aim of the Kindergarten to Grade 12 physical education program is to enable individuals to develop the knowledge,
skills and attitudes necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcome:

A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of
gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
B: Students will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity.
C: Students will interact positively with others.
D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

A3-1: respond to a variety of stimuli to create locomotor sequences
A3-3: respond to a variety of stimuli to create non locomotor sequences
A3-5: demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object, using a variety of body parts and implements; and, perform
manipulative skills individually and with others while using a variety of pathways
A3-11: demonstrate the ability to work together with a teammate/team to achieve a common activity goal while playing and learning
the basic strategies of lead-up games
B3-3: experience movement involving the components of health-related fitness
C3-3: identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C3-4: accept responsibility for assigned role while participating in physical activity
C3-5: display a willingness to share ideas, space and equipment when participating
D3-1: express willingness to participate regularly in physical education class
D3-3: demonstrate the ability to listen to directions, follow rules and routines, and stay on task while participating in physical activity
D3-4: demonstrate and participate in safe warm-up and cool-down activities
D3-9: make appropriate movement choices with consideration of safety of personal space, ability and surrounding environment

Key Teachings and Learning Activities:

● Class Discussion: at the beginning of class and the end of class I will test their knowledge of the sport (before and after)
● Observation: to see how they are working together with their classmates
● Participation and Effort: these tie together, will observe how or if they participate and how much effort they are putting into
the class
● Attitude: observing and dealing with positive and negative attitudes coming from the students will affect their mark

Resources: Planning for Diversity: Assessment and Evaluation:

Program of Studies When making groups, stronger students Class Discussion
Various Websites can be paired with some students who are Observation
Youtube struggling or are behind. Participation
Focus and monitor students who are Effort
struggling. Encourage or provide extra help Attitude
when needed.
Skills and rules can be modified for the
group or individuals if they are struggling or
cannot perform a task.

Date SLO Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Materials Assessment and
Evaluation (Formative
and Summative)

Jan A3-1 Opening Ceremonies Various Websites Picture of Class Discussion

14 D3-1 ● Warm-up: Run a few laps and meet in the team flag Observation
D3-3 middle to stretch. I will talk while they stretch Pylons Effort
D3-4 ● Introduce new unit: explain that we will be Ribbons Attitude
learning about different winter sports that Participation
occur during the Winter Olympics. The 2022
Winter Olympics are taking place Beijing and
it takes place during the month of February
● Ask: Can anyone tell me what the Olympics
are? And what happens during the
● Explain that they are now separated into four
groups, these groups will be the country that
they will represent during the Olympics. The
countries are to be determined
● If their ‘team’ or a group on their team wins
an event they earn points for their team.
Each student will receive a small prize at the
end of the unt.
● Points: First place - 4 points, Second place -
3 points, Third place - 2 points, Fourth place -
1 point

Torch Relay:
● Students will be split into their countries for
the relay.
● They will do multiple running relays where
they have to run with a ribbon (which
represents the torch)
● Running, running backwards, around pylons,
jumping, etc.
● Students do not get points of winning the
torch relay
● Students can gather at the middle for cool
down stretches
● Have students gather pinnies and pylons to
put them away and have them line up to go
back to class.

21 A3-1 Warm up: Run a few laps and meet in the middle Various Websites Bean Bags Class Discussion
A3-3 to stretch. I will talk while they stretch Tape Observation
A3-5 Curling: Pylons Effort
A3-11 ● Explain that one of the winter sports in the Attitude
B3-3 olympics is curling. Curling involves sliding Participation
C3-3 rocks across the ice to hit a target. There are
C3-4 also two people who use brooms to make the
C3-5 curling rock slide further.
D3-1 ● Today we are going to be curling with bean
D3-3 bags.
D3-4 ● I will give you each a few turns to practice
D3-9 sliding the beanbag to the target, which is
taped on the ground. Have students line up
in their countries so they can have a few
practice throws.
● Once they are done I will explain how the
tournament is going to work.
● Each classmate will have three turns each to
slide a bean bag to the target. Once two
students from each team have gone (12
throws) I will add the points. This will
continue until all players have had a turn.
● Two games will being on at once as there are
four teams.
● The team who has the most points in curling
will be in first and so on. I will award points to
the winning team.
● Students can meet in the middle to cool
down stretch. Ask: What was one thing they
learned about curling?
● Have students line up to go back to class

28 A3-1 Warmup: Bring all students to the middle of the Various Websites Scooters Class Discussion
A3-11 gym and we will do a few exercises for warm Mats Observation
B3-3 up (i.e. jumping jacks, lunges) and then we Pylons Effort
C3-3 will stretch. I will talk while they stretch Attitude
C3-4 Bobsled: Participation
C3-5 ● Explain that one of the winter Olympic sports
D3-1 is Bobsled. Bobsled teams are usually in
D3-3 teams of two or teams of four. We will be
D3-4 playing in teams of two. The team members
D3-9 lay down in a sled that goes very fast down
an icy, curvy path. The idea is that the team
who completes the path in the shortest
amount of time wins.
● Students will be seperated in their countries
and line up. Students will complete a relay or
one way race with their bobsled
● We will take two scooters per team. Students
will sit down on the scooter, their butt on one
scooter and their legs straight out in front of
them on the second scooter. One student will
be sitting on the scooter and the second
student will be pushing the student on the
scooter. Every student will get a turn to be on
the scooter and to push the scooter. There
will be mats up on the wall so no one gets
hurt by the wall if their partner loses control
of the scooter.
● All four countries or possibly two at a time will
take part in the race or relay. I will make note
of which teams win and give points
● Have students take a seat in the middle of
the gym and stretch to cool down.
● Ask: What is one thing you learned about

Feb 4 A3-1 Cross-Country Skiing: Various Websites Observation

B3-3 ● I might end science class a bit early to give Effort
C3-3 students time to get dressed to go outside Attitude
C3-4 ● Explain that we will be looking at Cross- Participation
C3-5 country skiing. There are certain distances
D3-1 that athletes ski and try to complete the race
D3-3 the fastest.
D3-9 ● Instead of skiing today we are going to walk
in snowshoes. Snowshoes help you walk in
deeper snow because it prevents you from
sinking down into the snow. Instead the
surface area or how wide the snowshoe is
keeps you up above the snow.
● Students will need help putting the
snowshoes on.
● We may only be outside for 15 mins but that
is plenty of time to just walk around outside
with the snowshoes.
● Give students time to take them off and get
undressed and ready for lunch

25 A3-1 Warmup: Have all students run a few laps and Various Websites Hockey Class Discussion
A3-3 then meet in the middle to stretch. I will talk Sticks Observation
A3-5 while they stretch Pucks/Balls Effort
A3-11 Hockey: Pylons Attitude
B3-3 ● Explain that the next sport that we are going Nets? Participation
C3-3 to look at is ice hockey. Hockey usually takes
C3-4 place over the two to three weeks as there
C3-5 are a lot of teams to play games.
D3-1 ● They will have already learned the rules and
D3-3 skills of the sport during the floor hockey unit
D3-4 ● Explain that we are going to have two games
D3-9 going on at once. You will play for 5 mins or
until one team scores. Then we will switch
who you play. You will play each team once.
The team that has scored the most will be in
first place. I will then give points accordingly.
● Have students meet in the middle to stretch
for cool down
● Ask: What was one skill that you used while
playing Hockey?

Mar 4 A3-1 Skeleton/Luge: Various Websites Crazy Observation

B3-3 ● I might end Science class a bit early so the Carpets Attitude
C3-3 kids can have more time to get dressed to go Participation
C3-4 outside.
C3-5 ● Explain that we are going to go outside to
D3-1 sled today. The sport that it will represent is
D3-3 the Skeleton and Luge. During the Skeleton
D3-9 the person lays head first on their stomach.
During Luge the person lays on their back,
feet first. Luge can be done in doubles as
well. While outside we are not going to count
points, but instead we are going to just sled
for fun.
● I will not have the students sled head first as
that can cause injuries, instead they can just
sled normally.
● Bring students in 8-7 minutes before class is
over so they can get undressed and ready for

11 A3-1 Warmup: Bring all students to the middle of Various Websites Class Discussion
A3-11 the gym and we will do a few exercises for Observation
B3-3 warm up (i.e. jumping jacks, lunges) and then Effort
C3-3 we will stretch. I will talk while they stretch Attitude
C3-4 Speed Skating/Figure Skating: Participation
C3-5 ● Ask if anyone knows what speed skating is?
D3-1 ● Speed skating is a type of ice skating where
D3-3 the athletes skate certain distances around a
D3-4 track and see who is the fastest.
D3-9 ● Ask if anyone has watched Figure Skating
before? What are some things that figure
skaters do on the nice?
● Today we are going to take pinnies and
stand on them. They are going to act as our
skates. Show them the stance for speed
skating and have them copy. Warning: It will
be very slippery and safety is number one.
Students must be careful and mindful of
where they are and how fast they are going.
Will emphasis
● Set up pylons to set the ‘track’. Separate
students into their countries. We will set up a
relay race and possibly individual races.
Students must complete one race around the
● I will keep track of points and award them
● Have students go back to the middle of the
gym to stretch to cool down
● Ask: What is one thing you learned about
Speed Skating?

18 A3-1 Warmup: Have all students run a few laps Various Websites Bean Bags Class Discussion
A3-3 and then meet in the middle to stretch. I will Tape Observation
A3-5 talk while they stretch Hula Hoops Effort
A3-11 Biathlon: Pylons Attitude
B3-3 ● Explain that we are going to be talking about Pinnies Participation
C3-3 the Biathlon today. The biathlon includes a
C3-4 mixture of cross-country skiing and rifle
C3-5 shooting. Participants would ski to a location
D3-1 with their rifle on their back and then would
D3-3 shoot a target and ski to the next location.
D3-4 ● Today we are going to going ‘skiing’ while
D3-9 stepping on the pinnies and then throw a
beanbag at a target.
● Have students get in their countries and have
them line up at a pylon. Students will need to
ski to the other side of the gym and throw a
bean bag at the target on the floor and then
ski back. Then the next students will go until
all students have had a turn. We will repeat
this twice, maybe three times.
● The target will have different point values
depending on where they land.
● At the end of each relay I will count up the
points. Then see who got first, second, etc.
Then I will gives points accordingly
● Have students gather in the middle of the
gym to stretch
● Ask: What did they learn about the Biathlon
25 A3-1 Warmup: Bring all students to the middle of Various Websites Toy Class Discussion
A3-3 the gym and we will do a few exercises for Medals? Observation
A3-5 warm up (i.e. jumping jacks, lunges) and then Effort
A3-11 we will stretch. I will talk while they stretch Attitude
B3-3 Closing Ceremony/Prizes: Participation
C3-3 ● Ask students what are the seven Winter
C3-4 Olympic sports that we learned about and
C3-5 what is one thing from each of them that they
D3-1 remembered?
D3-3 ● During this class I want the students to
D3-4 choose which indoor sport they liked the best
D3-9 and that is what we are going to do for the
last day of this unit.
● If they cannot decide we will do Bobsled or
● At the end of class I will announce which
country had the most points and then I will
hand out a prize to those students, but
everyone gets the prize to show how hard
they worked with their team.
● Have them stretching while I announce the
● Have students line up to go back to class

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