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INME 522 Management of Global Operations

Technical Assignment #1 Spring 2019

Assignment Date: 14 March 2019 Due Date: 4 April 2019

 Form a group of at most three members.
 Identify a local company that have started its global operations in the region and/or in whole world.
 This company should have a website in which they must have published information about its business,
products, services, et…

The Problem:
Prepare a short case study for the company of your choice that addresses the following items. Try your best and be

1- Identify the distinctive manufacturing or service competency for the company

2- Discover the global operation strategy that the company adopted within their global strategy.
3- This manufacturer or service provider would have embraced a certain level of operational coordination in
the globe. Show the coordination strategy that it used.
4- Describe the globalization stages that this company has pursued to become global.
5- Show the structural and infrastructural decisions this company took to become global

The report for this assignment must consist of the following:

1- Printed or snapshot proof from the website for each item

2- The case study in no less than 500 words and no more than 1000 words

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