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Edit the following article using the copyediting symbols.

many yrs ago, in souht Afriica, a men sell her farm so that he might spent
his days in searc h of diamnonds! He was conssumed w/ dreams of become wealth.

When he had finaly exhausted his resourses and her health, and was no
more closer to his four tune than the day he sell his

Farm, he throw hisself in2 a river and drowned hisself into the river.

Steel operating under greet secrecy, the farmer searched his stream,
gathering Similar stone. They’re were all diamonds. Infact, his farm was
cover w/ diamonds. Infact, his farm was cover w/ diamonds. Just waiting to picked up! The
farm the diamondseeker had sell turn-out to be 1 of of the most rich diamound deposet in the
worlds. ONE DAY, man who had bought his farm spoted a un

usual-looking stone in a creak bed.

he place them on his fire place mantle as a conversation peace. A visitors noticed stone the and
examine them close.

he stated then his suspition that the stone was actual A DIAmondd. The farmer
very discretly had the stone analysed and sure enough it was 1 of the largest and
most fine diamond ever find,


Edit the following article using the copyediting symbols.

many yrs ago, in souht Afriica, a men sell her farm so that he might spent
his days in searc h of diamnonds! He was conssumed w/ dreams of become wealth.

When he had finaly exhausted his resourses and her health, and was no
more closer to his four tune than the day he sell his

Farm, he throw hisself in2 a river and drowned hisself into the river.

Steel operating under greet secrecy, the farmer searched his stream,
gathering Similar stone. They’re were all diamonds. Infact, his farm was
cover w/ diamonds. Infact, his farm was cover w/ diamonds. Just waiting to picked up! The
farm the diamondseeker had sell turn-out to be 1 of of the most rich diamound deposet in the
worlds. ONE DAY, man who had bought his farm spoted a un

usual-looking stone in a creak bed.

he place them on his fire place mantle as a conversation peace. A visitors noticed stone the and
examine them close.

he stated then his suspition that the stone was actual A DIAmondd. The farmer
very discretly had the stone analysed and sure enough it was 1 of the largest and
most fine diamond ever find,

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