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The person I choose for being a global citizen is Lebron James and he is a big

inspiration to me. To be a global citizen it is all about being a inspiration to people and
kids looking up to you and wanting to be you. A global citizen can’t be a arrogant person
it has to be a person who cares about the world and wants to help out and play there
part. Lebron James is born on December 30, 1984 and in Akron Ohio he wasn’t in a
good situation, his mom was 16 when he had him and his dad left him to add on to that.
Lebron James admits to living on the streets and being apart of the gang and he
wouldn’t go to school 50% of the time because he would be in the streets because he
thought he couldn’t make it out. Lebron James emerged as a global leader when he
was in the NBA, he would always help out his community and donate all time to Akron
Ohio. He would always praise about Akron, Ohio, One reason he came back to the
Cleveland Cavaliers is because he wanted to go back home and get a Championship in
his hometown.

Lebron James has been globally impactful to this world because he is a very
inspirational person to a lot of people. Lebron James takes action because he goes
around the world during his free time and help out less fortunate communities with other
NBA players. He does this every off season and helps out and a famous foundation he
owns is the “I Promise Foundation”. His foundation mainly helps out his hometown
Akron, Ohio because he wants give back to his community he grew up in and make the
kids feel they can make it out of there city instead of being in the streets like he was. He
also opened a school in his hometown and the school supplies everything not like other
schools he even gave ever kid a bike to help them go to school. Lebron James also
send many people that go to school in Akron Ohio to college and cover everything for
the student like the tuition and books. Lebron James also Recognize Perspectives
because he recognizes others people perspectives on him as a basketball player and
as a person. He always gets criticized as a basketball player because he is one of the
greatest to play but always gets criticized on how he is not the best and he has
recognize there perspectives on him.

Communicating ideas is when you share your opinion with others or with
everyone in the world. Lebron James shares his opinion through the media or the
people who interview and a lot of people look up to him. Lebron James opinion is
meaningful to a lot of people and has one of the biggest fanbases in sports. One time
Lebron James shared his own opinion on the president and said that the championship
team golden state warriors shouldn't go to white house because of what the president
has been doing, Even though it’s a controversial topic doesn’t care what people say
about his opinion on him. Investigating the world is when you learn something new and
research something new. Lebron James investigates the world by opening an
organization and learning how hard it is to be an owner of an organization and learn the
industry of an helping organization. He also investigates the world by going to different
places in akron Ohio and learning how he could help out his community and what can
help his community become a better place.

Lebron James has motivated me on my journey to becoming a more globally

aware because he is a very inspirational person and does it with class. Lebron James
makes me want to help out the world and my community. He has already made or
inspired me to volunteer at the church I participated in for passing out food to the less
fortunate. In the future if Lebron James keeps on helping out the world it’s going to
inspire me to do more for the community and feed the homeless and make me think
more about the homeless and what there going through.

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