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Magic Marks

Equipment / Space:
o 3 Balls
o 6 Cones
o Whistle
o Large Open Space
Set Up:
o Step up cones ~15m apart
o In pairs, children kick to each other from approx. 15m apart
o Points are scored for the following:
 10 points – chest mark
 20 points – hand mark
 30 points – overhead mark
 50 points – one handed mark
 100 points – mark behind the back
o Change partners during activity
Key Teaching Points:
o Eyes focused on the ball
o Position body in line with the ball
o Move forward and meet the ball


AFL Auskick. (2018) NAB AFL Auskick Resources. Retrieved from:
Mr. Sleepy Head
o Marking and reaction practice
Equipment / Space:
o 2 balls
o large open space
Set Up:
o Children in circle
o Teacher or student stand in the middle of a circle formed by the children
o Person in the middle has 2 balls and randomly throws balls at the students , trying to
catch them off guard
o If a child drops the catch. They have to run around the circle and back to their spot
o Children only throw ball back to the middle person when they are looking
Key Teaching Points:
o Eyes focused on the ball
o Position body in line with the ball
o Move forward and meet the ball


AFL Auskick. (2018) NAB AFL Auskick Resources. Retrieved from:
Leader ball
o Handball drill for accuracy and distance
Equipment / Space:
o 1 ball per group of 4
o 5 cones
o Large open area
Set Up:
o Students line up in teams behind one another
o Teams line up next to each other
o A leader is chosen with a group set up about 10m behind a marker. The leader starts
with the ball and passes it to the first student. They then mark the ball, run around
the leader and around the back of their group before returning to their spot and
passing the ball back to the leader. They then bob down and the leader passes to the
next person in line etc.

Key Teaching Points:

o The ball (ice cream) rests on flat, platform hand (pancake) and the clenched fist (ice
cream cone) swings and hits the ball
o Thumb on outside of fist
o Right handers – left foot in front, left handers – right foot in front
o Platform hand catches fist after contact

o Made the distances larger
o Students have to complete 3 handballs before sitting down


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