Flavia Kate Peters FairyAndCrystalHealing Worksheet - pdf-1547102706 PDF

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Fairy Healing
One of the most magical gifts a fairy can bestow
upon you is the skill of a healer. Charms, herbs,
healing stones, and crystals are the tools of the
trade, and over the centuries fairies have shared
knowledge of healing cures and ointments.

Fairy healing is tied to ancient tradition and ritual. It is a healing journey that
allows a deep connection with Mother Earth and our natural state of being and
wholeness. We can connect to the natural healing energy of the fairies by tuning
in to and connecting with the fairy world.
When we are performing a fairy healing, we incorporate the energy of the four
basic elements on a metaphysical basis, depending on what’s called for:

Earth: Offers and maintains logic, common • Call upon one of the four basic elements
sense, grounding, and stability. Gnomes and and its elemental guardian, dependent on
dwarves hold this energy and are best called the purpose of the healing.
upon to reinforce the power on offer.
• Light a candle associated with the
Air: Offers aspiration, inspiration, clarity, element. For example, light a blue candle
and creativity. Sylphs communicate with us for Water if you are asking the undines to
upon our breath and they move through the help you heal emotions.
• Work with all four basic elements for
Fire: The motivating, driving force, giving us balance and wholeness. This is the basis of
strength, courage, and fueling our passion fairy healing.
for life. Salamanders, djinn, and Fire sprites
ignite the spark within.
Water: Governs our emotional wellbeing
and our intuitive and psychic development.
Engage with the undines, Water sprites and
mermaids to heal our emotions.
Image: Shutterstock/Shafran (MR)

Connecting with the Fairy Realm Online Video Course


Working with the Healing Fairies

The healing fairies vibrate to a deep and intense • See in your mind’s eye hundreds of fairies,
color of bright electric blue, which matches the all glowing the brightest electric blue – these
restorative qualities of these magical healers. are the healing fairies who come together
Allow yourself to feel relaxed, take a deep and form an iridescent blanket of sapphire.
breath in and out, and say: • This magical, jeweled cloak wraps around
your body causing a surge of warm healing
Fairies, I call on you to come and heal my pain energy to pulse through you.
with your powerful magic. I ask not in vain. • You are filled with perfect love, healing, and
Bring me cures from deep color and bright strength as the fairies touch your soul and
starlight made, your heart with their healing magic. Rest as
and let the discomfort and illness all now fade. vitality and wholeness are restored.

Crystal Healing
The fairies have a natural affinity with, and an attraction to, the shining
world of crystals. Dwarves are the guardians of rocks, stones, and crystals,
which have the power to entrance, enhance, strengthen, and heal.
• Fairy healers work with crystals, which Crystalline energy amplifies
can act as a bridge between both worlds our healing abilities, as well
when journeying. as assisting with a greater
• Crystals can be placed directly on the body, connection to the fairy realm. Each
on a painful or troublesome spot. type of crystal has its own individual
healing benefits that the
• You can place crystals to energize and fairy healer can work with:
balance the body’s main energy points or
chakras. Grounding stones: Black tourmaline,
haematite, black obsidian, and smoky quartz
• Place crystals under your pillow, in your are all good, protective stones which have
pocket, or bra! the ability to absorb negativity.
Malachite: Helps strengthen and heal
the heart.
Rose quartz: Known as the “love” stone as
it can be used to bring about romance.
Citrine: Known as the “merchant stone”. Keep
in your purse or wallet to attract wealth.
Fluorite: Provides a protective shield from
harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Amethyst: Assists with developing
spirituality and overcoming addictions.

Connecting with the Fairy Realm Online Video Course


Crystal Cleansing
As crystals are members of the fairy realm, it is beneficial to cleanse them
before and after use by using one of the four basic elements.
Choose the element you feel most aligned with, or one that suits the
particular healing:

Earth: Bury your crystals in the earth of your backyard or in a plant pot
Air: Sweep a lit incense over crystals. Ring a bell or chime Tibetan bells
Fire: Pass your crystal quickly and safely through a candle flame
Water: Cleanse in a bowl of water (unless you are using selenite, which will dissolve!)

Each method of the above will clear and cleanse your crystals, enabling them to lift to
their highest vibration for optimum healing benefits.

Seashell Healing
Seashells are a fairy healer’s secret as they
provide a direct connection with the energy
of the ocean. They have been cleansed by the
reviving properties of sea salt, imbued with
Images: 123RF/PaylessImages (TL); Shutterstock/Svetlana Ivanova (MR)

the strength of sunlight, and charged with the

magical effects of the moon and the stars.
Seashells are perfect for performing healings • When you have finished,
to revive another person’s spirit, and to assist offer the person a glass of
in healing emotions and over-sensitivity: water and say:
• Light a blue candle I give thanks to the waters of oceans and sea,
• Place the carefully selected shells on the and accept this healing most graciously.
person’s chakras and call in powerful
mermaid energy. Healing with the fairies will assist in enhancing
• Imagine a strong golden light coming out of your magical abilities, restore your spiritual,
your hands; the healing light of the mermaids. physical, and emotional wellbeing, and bring
• Place your hands on each shell in turn and you back into balance and alignment with the
imagine restored health for the person. mystical and natural world.

Connecting with the Fairy Realm Online Video Course

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