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Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course




SEVERITY 1 MERCY The pillars are now easy to see

KETHER when you look at your drawing:
one on the left containing Binah,
3 2 Geburah, and Hod; one in the
center holding Kether, Tiphareth,
Yesod, and Malkuth; and one on
the right with Chokmah, Chesed,
and Netzach on it.
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Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course



Binah Chokmah
This is the feminine, odd you might think Opposite the Great Mother, here
at the top of the pillar of severity, but you will find the Cosmic Father,
think of the decisions a mother must balanced behavior, and where we
make and how tough love can be. It’s have responsibilities. Logic is the way
the Great Mother, directing with an of Chokmah, but don’t think of this as
understanding that goes beyond what a dull Sephira, it is far from it. When
might be obvious to those who are at choices that require both logic and
the receiving end of such decisions. sudden illumination need to be made
She shows where you might experience then this is the place to be.
limits, but limits that will ultimately
shape your destiny. Chesed
Here you’re rewarded for the work
Geburah you put in, the opportunities you are
Often this Sephira is seen as challenging prepared to take, and the adventurous
but all it really wants to do is to cut side of your nature that helps you
away what is no longer required. take them. Compassion, peace, and
Sometimes its influence is seen through positivity are reflected in Chesed and
trials and tribulations, but if you here you can manifest abundance
recognize that’s what’s happening, are in your life – be that financial or
you not better equipped to deal with emotional wealth.
them? This turns what you may have
perceived as a weakness into a strength. Netzach
Emotional attachments and your
Hod feelings are represented here: what
This represents worldly matters like you desire and perhaps who you
business and career, and how you find attractive, as well as who your
approach these things, which are by BFF is and what makes them that.
their very nature analytical. It’s how you Use Netzach to understand your
communicate and what images you relationships, what you want from
create. Here sits the very powerhouse of them and how others make you feel
affirmations as you seek to create your when you’re around them.
world through positive thoughts and
images. It asks, ‘How do you think? With
your head, your heart, your gut?’

Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course



Your kingdom on Earth – this is where
Kether you live and, in this physical world, all
At the crown of the Tree of Life sits that’s manifest in your life sits here.
your full potential – new starts and Here you become consciously aware
inspirational ideas are found here. Here of everything above you, to your left
are the spiritual realms and that place and to your right. All you have done
you go to when you’re sitting on your gathers in Malkuth, including your
rug, eyes closed and nothing bothering physical body – the vehicle for all your
you. It can also represent where you thoughts, feelings, dreams, aspirations,
may lose yourself and perhaps be too logical decisions, adventures, tough
heavenly-minded. love, images, etc.

A beautiful Sephira, it represents your
higher self, perhaps best described as THE THREE PILLARS
your soul. It’s all about higher ideals Severity
as well as where you meet the part of The principles of taking tough
you that would sacrifice all for those decisions when they need to be taken,
you love. It also sits in the center of the in a way that is firm but fair. What
tree and, as such, sits at the center of needs to be done in order to move
ourselves. Can you remember the last forward to your goal. Divine Justice.
time you felt truly balanced?
Yesod Here is your benevolent side, the part
Habits and cycles are shown here, what of you that wants peace and, when
you repeat. When you know how to look in you have brought it into your life, to
the mirror of this Sephira, you will be able enjoy that peace and all the rewards
to see where that habit or pattern comes for your efforts. Divine Mercy.
from: this life, past lives…? It also shines a Middle
light on your hopes and fears as well as When you have cut away that which
affecting your physical dreams, allowing doesn’t work and embraced all those
the subconscious to communicate clearly, opportunities that have come your
if you want to listen. way, you will find yourself in a place of
Divine balance.

Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course



• The top one governs the bigger
picture, humanity as a whole, and is
your spiritual triangle.
• The middle one is about your intuition
and your soul, as well as that of
humanity, and is your soul triangle.
• The bottom one is personality led and Etheric/Soul
reflects not just your own personality
but that of humanity’s too, and is your
personality triangle. YETZIRAH

THE FOUR WORLDS Astral/Personality

The Qabalah suggests we exist in four
worlds, not four planets but four aspects
of the divine – the divine within you and
external to you.
In each sphere the energetic vibration
slows down and, as it passes from divine, ASSIAH
through spiritual, astral and into the
physical, it becomes denser and denser.
Each of us contains a way of being in
and being off these worlds. This is the
connection between human and God,
source, divine energy, whatever you
choose to call the expression of all there is.
The world manifests through the
10 mighty archangels, names you
Atziluth will come to know as you progress
Atziluth means ‘stand near,’ where all through the Sephiroth. Expansion,
that is willed into being waits, literally contraction, and balance – use of the
stands near, waiting for the moment three pillars to help manifest that
to come for its potential to be realized. place of peace within you. Here are
Here is your divine spark, where you the teaching rooms, the schools, and
come from and to whence you will divine temples of the inner planes,
return, manifested by the Ten Holy where your immortal self gathers
Names of God. In Tarot, this is where the information as well as informs the
four kings sit and its element is Fire. universe, God, of what you have learnt

Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course


‘It’s important to remember

and have still to understand. Here is the that the four worlds do not
mighty Archangel Metatron, the great
headmaster, gatherer, and keeper of
run as individual worlds but
information. In Tarot, this is where the work together as one.’
four queens sit and its element is Air.

Here are the astral worlds, where images Assiah
are formed before manifestation in The final world, Assiah, is unsurprisingly
dreams, visions, and meditation. Here the physical world where we experience
we meet the angelic worlds, hosts of our incarnate existence. It’s the physical
angelic beings responsible for the world body and the densest of all four worlds
we see in front us, from the stars in their and, as such, has rules attached –
firmament to a blade of grass under our universal laws that we will discuss later.
feet. Here, too, we meet disincarnate The element is Earth and the Tarot cards
humans, living in their version of heaven are the four pages.
or hell of their own choosing. This is
It’s important to remember they do
often seen as our emotional body too, a
not run as individual worlds but work
dimension that’s the final halt before it
together as one, as you are already one
meets the physical. The four knights of
with the Godhead, energy, or source.
the Tarot sit here as well as the element
of Water.

Introduction to Qabalah Online Video Course

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