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Submitted in partial fulfillment towards the requirement of the degree of


Guided by: Submitted by:

Mr Kamlesh Malapni Kusumlata Hammad
Mrs Bhavna Kabra Jyoti Panchal
Neha Kushwah

The project entitled “Indian Wedding Website” submitted by Kusumlata

Hammad(60400031) , Jyoti Panchal(60400028 ) ,Neha Kushwah(61770026) of B.Sc VI
(CS) Semester is approved for the partial fulfillment towards the requirement of degree
of Bachelor of Science.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Head, DOCS Director

We would like to take this opportunity to record our deep sense of gratitude to all those
who helped us in achieving this target.

First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude towards Dr. George Thomas,
Director, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore for extending all the
facilities needed to carry out this project.

It was proud enough for us to simply be awarded a project under the able guidance
of Dr.Kshama Paithankar, HOD, Department of Computer Science and Dr. Neetu
Parsai, Programmee Coordinator, BSc. They were present all along the work, with
their ideas, inspiration and encouragement, and provided a masterly all through our

We are also grateful to our Mr. Kamlesh Malpani sir and Mrs Bhavna Kabra mam
extending all the facilities needed to carry out this project & reviewing the entire part of it
with a great attention.

We extend our thanks to all other staff members of the Department of Computer Science.
Name of Students
Kusumlata hammad
Jyoti Panchal
Neha kushwah

1. Problem Investigation

1.1 Introduction

Introduction Currently, couples face frustrating situation in looking for wedding products
and services here and there, and vendors and planners have difficulties to expand their
customer base. The Wedding Planning System designed to be a one-stop web- based
platform used by couples, vendors and planners. Each user has different perspective
towards the system, depends on the needs in terms of their roles in the system. Couples
use the system on their wedding design, plan and management. Vendors use the system to
market and sell their services and products. Planners use the systems to assist in
interaction between couples and vendors


Objective The Wedding Planning System is a business platform that aims to help
organize successful wedding event. The system assists couples in the decision making
and planning processes associated with all aspects of a wedding organization. The system
offers features that couples can retrieve information for wedding products and services as
well as information of vendors and planners in the shortest possible time. Vendors and
planners can also gain benefits of getting more recognition from clients and generating
more revenue.

The main objective of the Project on Online Wedding Planner is to manage the details of
Wedding, Latest Posts, Event, Package, Blog. It manages all the information about
Wedding, Quotation, Blog, Wedding. The project is totally built at administrative end and
thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build
an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Wedding, Latest
Posts, Quotation, Event. It tracks all the details about the Event, Package, Blog.

2. System Analysis

2.1 Information Gathering:

We gathered the information of wedding website through internet, discussion with group
members and under the guidance of teachers, through books of html, JavaScript, mysql.

2.2 Feasibility Study:

After doing the project Online Wedding Planner, study and analyzing all the existing or
required functionalities of the system, the next task is to do the feasibility study for the
project. All projects are feasible - given unlimited resources and infinite time.
Feasibility study includes consideration of all the possible ways to provide a solution to
the given problem. The proposed solution should satisfy all the user requirements and
should be flexible enough so that future changes can be easily done based on the future
upcoming requirements.
A. Economical Feasibility
This is a very important aspect to be considered while developing a project. We decided
the technology based on minimum possible cost factor.
All hardware and software cost has to be borne by the organization.
Overall we have estimated that the benefits the organization is going to receive from the
proposed system will study, we studied complete functionality to be provided in the
system, as described in the System Requirement Specification (SRS), and checked if
everything was possible using different type of frontend and backend plaformst.

B. Operational Feasibility
No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user friendly and all inputs
to be taken all self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides, a proper training has been
conducted to let know the essence of the system to the users so that they feel comfortable
with new system. As far our study is concerned the clients are comfortable and happy as
the system has cut down their loads and doing.

C. Technical Feasibility
This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the
ability to achieve an acceptable system.

2.3 Data Flow Diagram

MVC is popular as it isolates the application logic from the user interface layer and
supports separation of concerns. Here the Controller receives all requests for the
application and then works with the Model to prepare any data needed by the View. The
View then uses the data prepared by the Controller to generate a final presentable
Model - The lowest level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data.
View - This is responsible for displaying all or a portion of the data to the user.
Controller - Software Code that controls the interactions between the Model and
The MVC abstraction can be graphically represented as follows.
MVC (Model View Controller Flow) Diagram

2.4 Software Requirements:

Name of component Specification

Operating System Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows7,
Language Java 2 Runtime Environment
Database MySQL Server
Browser Any of Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc
Web Server Tomcat 7
Software Development Kit Java JDK 1.7 or Above
Scripting Language Enable JSP (Java Server Pages)
Database JDBC Driver MySQL Jconnector
2.4 Hardware Requirements:
Name of component Specification
Processor Pentium III 630MHz
RAM 128 MB
Hard disk 20 GB
Monitor 15” color monitor
Keyboard 122 keys

3. System Design:

3.1 ER Diagram Of Wedding Website:








3.2 Data Table
4. Tool Used

4.1 Front End:

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to
achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets

 CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in
other media
 CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
 External style sheets are stored in CSS files.

JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web

development. It was originally developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and
interactive elements to websites.

BOOTSTRAP: Bootstrap is a free and open source front end development framework
for the creation of websites and web apps. The Bootstrap framework is built on HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript (JS) to facilitate the development of responsive, mobile-first sites
and apps.

TEMPLETS: A template is a form, mold, or pattern used as a guide to making

something. Here are some examples:

 A ruler is a template when used to draw a straight line.

 A document in which the standard opening and closing parts are already filled in
is a template that you can copy and then fill in the variable parts.
 An overlay that you put on your computer keyboard telling you special key
combinations for a particular application is a template for selecting the right keys
to press.
4.2 Back End:

PHP: PHP or hypertext preprocessor is defined as an HTML-embedded scripting

language that is used to write web pages.

MYSQL: MySQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database management

system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually
all platforms, including Linux, UNIX and Windows. Although it can be used in a wide
range of applications, MySQL is most often associated with web applications and online

5. Testing
6. Implementation
6.1 Forms Layout:
html,javascript books.


Affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

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