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Students are lazy in doing school requirements because of procrastination,

parental pressure and attitude problems.

Procrastination is one of the main reasons of students’ laziness towards

school requirements. This combines poor time management and performance
anxiety. Putting off on what should be doing, wasting time on low priority
distractions, and letting impossibly high standards keep it from starting and fear
failure or criticism once it starts. (McKay, 2011)

Parental pressure is one of the main reasons of students’ laziness towards

school requirements. A child may tend to be lazy because of putting so much
pressure. (Borba, 2004) Most parents are puzzled by the child’s limited interest in
school, which was often at odds with the interest shown by siblings. Homework was
a major family issue for many families who reported pleading, nagging and pushing
the child. When asked why parents thought the child was poorly motivated, the
parents suggested a range of possible explanations including boredom, feelings of
inadequacy, immaturity, distractibility, passivity, and simply a lazy personality.
(Gilmore, 2009)

Attitude is one of the main reasons of students’ laziness towards school

requirements. Often laziness is just a symptom or strongly related to other bad
attitudes like irresponsibility, insensibility, and self-centeredness. It may be a result
of avoiding pain of failure, depression, or recent or long-term trauma. (Borba, 2004)
Some students have limited self-esteem and self-worth in its potential abilities.

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