1994 - Eur J Med Chem - 29 - 33l-338

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Eur J Med Chem (1994) 29,33 l-338 331

0 Elsevier, Paris

Synthesis and biological activity of 17-azasteroidal

neuromuscular-blocking agents

AK Vermal, CY Lee2, S Habtemariamz, AL Harveyz, DP Jindall*

IDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 160 014, India;
2Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research,
Universiry of Strathclyde, Glasgow Gl IXW, UK
(Received 10 September 1993; accepted 17 January 1994)

Summary - The new analogues, containing nitrogen at the 17-position instead of the 17a-position, of chandonium iodide 2 have
been prepared and evaluated for potential neuromuscular-blocking activity in in vitro studies using chick-biventer cervicis prepara-
tions. There is a slight increase in the interonium distance between the 2 quatematy heads of 13(DPJ-240). All the bisquatemary
compounds 13 (DPJ-240), 14 (DPJ-252), 15 (DPJ-262), 16 (DPJ-260) and 17 (DPJ-261) showed potent neuromuscular-blocking
activity but slightly less than chandonium iodide 2. Monoquaternary ammonium derivatives 12 (DPJ-246), 21 (DPJ-245), 23 (DPJ-
246) and 24 (DPJ-243) of 17-azasteroids were also synthesized and pharmacologically testled. They exhibited weak neuromuscular-
blocking activity as compared to the bisquatemary compounds and chandonium iodide 2.

bisquaternary 17-azasteroid / monoquaternary 17-azasteroid / neuromuscular-blocking activity / acetylcholine / carbachol /

chick biventer

Introduction between the 2 is more or less fixed. A large number

of azasteroidal neuromuscular-blocking agents with a
Neuromuscular-blocking agents cause interruption short duration of action and lesser side effects have
of transmission of nerve impulses at the skeletal been reported. Reviews on rational elements in the
neuromuscular junction. These are used clinically in development of superior neuromuscular-blocking
anaesthesiology to provide skeletal muscle relaxation agents and the aspects of the pharmacology of
for surgical procedures, as an adjunct to electrocon- aminosteroids including an account of azasteroids
vulsive therapy, to prevent shock-induced dislocations have been published [ 3-61.
and fractures, and to control muscle spasm in tetanus Pancuronium bromide 1 is in widespread clinical use
[l, 21. due to its non-depolarizing mechanism, medium dur-
The only short-acting neuromuscular-blocking drug ation of action, high potency and minimal side effects
in clinical use at present is suxamethonium, which
[7-91. Likewise, chandonium iodide 2 [ 10-131 17-
possesses various undesirable side effects due to
its persistent depolarizing mechanism of action.
Therefore, a number of research laboratories started a
programme of development of short-acting muscle
relaxants with non-depolarizing mechanisms of
action. In azasteroidal neuromuscular-blocking agents,
the steroid nucleus provides a supporting moiety for
the 2 quaternary heads, and the spatial relationship

*Correspondence and reprints; this author previously wrote Paul D

Jindal. 1

methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-17a-aza-D-homo-5-androstene tions (3P-equatorial) well exposed and a double bond

dimethiodide exhibited a potent non-depolarizing at the 5,6-position, which will affect the geometry of
neuromuscular-blocking action of relatively short ring B as well as that of ring A.
duration and rapid onset in anaesthetized cat, being
4-5-fold more active than (+)-tubocurarine and only
slightly less active than pancuronium bromide 1. Chemistry
Chandonium iodide 2 is undergoing clinical trials and
is being developed as a drug. Several modifications of 17-Oxo-5-androsten-3P-ol 3 was subjected to oxima-
chandonium iodide have been reported [14-171. tion using the potassium tert-butoxidelisoamyl nitrite
It is widely held that the optimal interonium distance system to give the 16-oximino derivative 4 [26, 271.
between 2 quaternary heads for good neuromuscular- The oxime 4 was subjected to Beckmann rearrange-
blocking activity is 1.0-1.2 nm. As the interonium ment in refluxing glacial acetic acid and acetic
distance falls below 1.0 nm, the neuromuscular-block- anhydride to obtain 16,17a-dioxo-17-aza-D-homo-5-
ing activity diminishes with the result that ganglion- androsten-3P-yl acetate 5 [28]. Its infrared spectrum
blocking activity becomes prominent [ 181. In chando- showed 2 bands at 1725 (C=O stretching) and
nium iodide 2, the nitrogen is located at the 17a- 1695 cm-r (imide function). The 18-methyl singlet
position and in a conformational perspective it had shifted downfield to 6 1.20 ppm. The imide 5
gave 6 on alkaline hydrolysis (scheme 1).
Oppenauer oxidation of 6 using a cyclohexanone/
toluene/dioxane system afforded 17-aza-D-homo-4
androstene-3,16,17a-trione 7. The NMR spectrum
showed signals at 6 1.23 (s, 3H, 18-CH,), 1.26 (s, 3H,
19-(X,), and 5.80 (s, lH, 4-H). On treatment with
pyrrolidine in methanol, the a, P-unsaturated ketone 7
gave enamine 8, which, on sodium borohydride re-
duction in methanol at room temperature, yielded
2 compound 9. The vibrational stretches at 17 10 and
1690 cm-r were absent, while an intense band at 1660
cm-r was present, indicating the presence of an amide
showed an interonium distance of 1.029 nm [19], function. Moreover, the NMR spectrum showed a
while in pancuronium 1 this value is 1.108 nm [20]. singlet at 6 1.00 (6H, 18-U!, and 19-CH,), that is, an
A number of new neuromuscular blocking agents, eg, upfield shift of the 18-methyl signal indicating the
pipecuronium [21, 221, atracurium [23, 241 and miva- presence of a methylene function at position 17a. It
curium [25], do not fall within these parameters. The appears that there is a transformation of imide into its
reason for these exceptions is uncertain.
We attempted to develop azasteroidal quaternary corresponding amide due to regioselective reduction
ammonium compounds in which the interonium [29-3 l] with sodium borohydride. The configuration
distance is somewhat extended, as compared to chan- at position 3 may be assigned as in analogy with
donium iodide, to optimize the neuromuscular-block- earlier reports [32-341. Sodium/pentanol reduction of
ing activity. In this paper we report the synthesis and compound 9 yielded diamine 10, which, on methyla-
biological evaluation of bis- and monoquatemary tion in the formaldehyde/sodium borohydride system,
17-azasteroidal compounds. Shifting the nitrogen gave tertiary amine 11 (scheme 2).
atom from the 17a-position to the 17-position results The amines 10 and 11 were quatemized to give
in a slight increase in the interonium distance monoquatemary compound 12 (DPJ-246) and bisquat-
(1.10 nm) in compound 13 (DPJ-240) as measured by emary 13 (DPJ-240), respectively. The bromide and
Dreiding Models. This has one of the quaternary func- chloride analogues 14 and 15 were prepared by
passing bisquatemary iodide 13 through the corre-
sponding columns of IRA00 ion-exchange resin
[35, 361. Bulkier groups were also incorporated in
Me Me compound 13 to assess the effect of this kind of
change on the biological activity. With this aim,
diethiodide 16 (DPJ-260) and dibutiodide 17 (DPJ-
261) were synthesized from amine 11 (scheme 3).
It has been postulated [37] that neuromuscular-
blocking drugs bind to the acetylcholine receptor at
only one of the cationic heads and that the rest of the
13 molecule shields the receptor from the naturally re-

lsoomyl nitrite
Pot. t- butoxide

Scheme 1.

leased acetylcholine. Therefore, it was considered of 19 in the cyclohexanone/toluene system gave an

worthwhile to prepare the monoquatemary derivatives oily unsaturated ketone 20 (scheme 4). The amine 19
in this series. The imide 5, on sodium/pentanol was acetylated to give 17-methyl- 17-aza-D-homo-5
reduction, yielded amine 18 1381 which on methyl- androsten-3P-yl acetate 22. Quatemization of amines
ation afforded tertiary amine 19. Oppenauer oxidation 19, 20 and 22 was carried out with methyl iodide in

6 Oppenouer

Sodiu m-pentanol

0 Me

Scheme 2.

Me Neuromuscular-blocking activity
Mel N-Me
10 b The neuromuscular-blocking activity of all the
Q compounds was investigated on chick biventer cervicis
0& \ preparations. All compounds could abolish the twitch
Me 12
response by indirect stimulation. Responses to exogen-
ous acetylcholine and carbachol were also reduced but
responses to KC1 were not significantly affected by
the test compounds. Twitches recovered on wash-out
of the compounds. All compounds caused concen-
tration-dependent parallel shifts of the dose-response
curve to carbachol to the right. The maximum
11 responses to carbachol were not reduced in the
Resin lCl,Brl - presence of the compounds. Plots of (dose ratio - 1)
against negative log molar concentration of antagonist
gave straight lines with slopes close to 1, which is
consistent with competitive antagonism (table I).
It is interesting to note that the location of the nitro-
13 R , R’ , R* =Me; X=1 gen atom at the 17-position had a significant effect on
the biological activity of the newly synthesized
14 R, R’, R’ =Me; X = Br
compounds in the in vitro studies. All the bisquater-
15 R, R’, It’= Me; X= Cl nary compounds were found to possess potent neuro-
muscular-blocking activity, but were slightly less
16 R, R’nEt, R2= Me; X=1 active as compared to the prototype chandonium
17 R,R’=n-But, R’=Me; X=X iodide 2. It appears from the results that the chloride
form 15 (DPJ-262) is more active than the iodide
Scheme 3. 13 (DPJ-240) and bromide 14 (DPJ-252) forms of
bisquatemary compounds. A correlation between the
size of the N-substituent and antagonistic activity
ethanol to afford 24 (DPJ-243), 21 (DPJ-245) and 23 was also observed. Increasing the size of the sub-
(DPJ-248) respectively (schemes 4 and 5). An stituent from methyl 13 (DPJ-240) through ethyl
alternative procedure [39] to 13 and related 16 (DPJ-260) to butyl 17 (DPJ-261) groups resulted in
compounds [40] has recently been reported. a reduction in the activity.


Me Mel

0 LYF ’
20 21
Scheme 4.

Me N Me1 ~

ii \ II
Me-C-O J3F Me-C-O



Scheme 5. 24

Monoquaternary compounds, 12 (DPJ-246), 21 (MeOH) 238 nm (log E 3.96) (0.1 N NaOHiMeOH) 288 nm
(DPJ-248), 23 (DPJ-248) and 24 (DPJ-243) carrying (log E 4.29); IR (KBr) v 3375, 3195, 1730, 1630, 1455, 1300,
polar functionalities at the 3-position, more or less at 1145, 1045,945 and 865 cm-l; tH-NMR (CDCl,/DMSO-d,): 6
the same distance from the 17-cationic head, showed 1.0 (s, 3H), 1.13 (s, 3H), 5.46 (m, lH), and 12.4 (s, lH,
weak neuromuscular-blocking action in the in vitro
tests as compared to 13 (DPJ-240). 16,17a-Dioxo-17-aza-D-homo-S-androsten-Spy1 acetate 5
Thus, the present study indicates that 2 cationic A mixture of 16-oximino- 17-oxo-5-androsten-3P-ol 4 (1 .O g),
heads at an appropriate distance, and other structural acetic anhydride (15 ml), and glacial acetic acid (10 ml) was
features, are required for a favorable neuromuscular- refluxed for 18 h under anhydrous conditions. The solid resi-
blocking activity. due, obtained after removing the solvent under reduced press-
ure, was washed with petroleum ether (60-80”) and water. The
material obtained was crystallized from ethanol to afford 5,
Experimental protocols
Chemistry Table I. PA, values for the test compounds.
Compound P& Slope
Melting points are uncorrected. NMR spectra were recorded on
an EMP-390, 90 MHz NMR instrument using tetramethylsil-
ane (TMS) as the internal standard. IR spectra were obtained 12 (DPJ-246) 6.42 kO.07 I.1
with a Perkin-Elmer 882 soectronhotometer in KBr oellets. 13 (DPJ-240) 7.15 + 0.03 1.0
The purity of the compounds was established by thin-layer
chromatography and by elemental analysis (C, H, N). Anhy- 14 (DPJ-252) 6.99 kO.07 0.95
drous sodium sulfate was used as drying agent for organic 15 (DPJ-262) 7.16 0.87
16 (DPJ-260) 6.85 f 0.06 0.83
16.Oximino-I 7-oxo-5-androsten-3P-014 17 (DPJ-261) 6.11 f 0.04 1.03
To a stirred solution of 17-oxo-5-androsten-3P-ol 3 (2.0 g) in
potassium tert-butoxide (prepared by dissolving potassium 21 (DPJ-245) 6.1 +0.2 ndb
metal (1 .O g) in tert-butanol (17 ml)) was added isoamyl nitrite
(1.8 ml) at room temperature under a nitrogen atmosphere. The 23 (DPJ-248) 5.03 kO.16 ndb
reaction mixture, after being stirred overnight, was diluted with 24 (DPJ-243) 5.6 I!I 0.2 ndb
water (100 ml), acidified, and the yellow aqueous suspension
was extracted with chloroform (4 x 100 ml). The combined ChandoniumC 8.1 1.0
chloroform extract was washed with sodium bicarbonate sol- TubocurarineC 6.0 1.0
ution (10%) and extracted with sodium hydroxide solution
(lo%, 4 x 100 ml). The combined alkaline extract was washed apA, values were estimated from the Gaddum equation:
with chloroform (100 ml) and acidified while cold. The precipi- dose ratio - 1 = [Al/K,, where K, is the antagonist dissocia-
tated product was filtered, washed, and dried. The product tion constant; bnd: slopes were not calculated because only
obtained was crystallized from methanol to afford 4, 1.0 g 2 sets of dose-response curves were obtained; Cvalues are
(45.0%); mp: 255-257°C (lit [26, 271 250-251°C); UV,,, from identical experiments by Gandiha et al 1975 [12].

0.45 g (40.0%); mp: 252-254’C (lit [28] 257-259°C); 3PPyrrolidino-I 7-aza-o-homo-5-androstene IO

IR (KBr) v 3300, 1725,1695,1440, 1370, 1260,1025 and 785 Sodium metal (10 g) was slowly added to a refluxing solution
cm-l; iH-NMR (CDCI,): 6 1.03 (s, 3H), 1.20 (s, 3H), 2.03 (s, of 3p-pyrrolidino- 17-aza-o-homo-5-androsten- 16-one 9 (1 g)
3H), 4.51 (m, lH), 5.36 (m, lH), and 8.33 (br, lH, exch/D,O). in 1-pentanol (200 ml). The reaction mixture was refluxed till
the sodium metal had completely reacted. The reaction mixture
16, 17a-Dioxo-I 7-aza-o-homo-5-androsten-3/%ol6 was steam-distilled to remove I-pentanol. The residual aqueous
A mixture of 16, 17a-dioxo- 17-aza-o-homo-5- androsten- suspension was cooled to room temperature and extracted with
3p-yl acetate 5 (2.0 g), potassium hydroxide (0.4 g), and chloroform (6 x 100 ml). The combined chloroform extract was
methanol (100 ml) was refluxed for 30 min. After acidification washed with water, dried and the solvent removed under
with dilute hydrochloric acid, the reaction mixture was further reduced pressure to give a solid residue which was crystallized
refluxed for 15 min. The solid residue obtained, after removing from acetone to gi;e 10, 0.25 g (27.0%); mp: 18&182”C;
solvent under reduced pressure, was washed with water, dried, IR (KBr): v 3260. 1440. 1365. 1280.1140. 890. and 805 cm-t:
and crystallized from methanol to give 6, 1.2 g (68.0%); mp: 1H-NMR (CDCl,): S 0.96 (s, 3H), 1100 (s,’ 3H); 2.63 (br, 5H);
258-260°C; IR (KBr) v 3435, 3190, 1710, 1690, 1375, 1290 and 5.33 (m, 1H); MS: m/z 342 (M+). Anal for &H,,N2
and 1060 cm-t; iH-NMR (CDCl,/DMSO-d,): 8 1.03 (s, 3H), CC, H, N).
1.20 (s, 3H), 3.46 (m, lH), 4.48 (br, lH, exch/D,O), and 5.38
(m, 1H); MS: m/z 317 (M+). Anal for C,9H,,N0, (C, H, N). 17-Methyl-3/%pyrrolidino-l7-aza-D-homo-5-androstene 11
To a stirred solution of 3P-pyrrolidino-17-aza-o-homo-5-
I7-Aza-o-homo-4-androstene-3, 16,17a-trione 7 androstene 10 (0.5 g) in methanol (25 ml) was added form-
16, 17a-Dioxo-17-aza-o-homo-5-androsten-3P-ol 6 (2.Og) was aldehyde solution (40% v/v, 1.2 ml) at room temperature and
dissolved in a mixture of cyclohexanone (20 ml), toluene stirring continued for further 1 h. Sodium borohydride (0.5 g)
(100 ml), and dry dioxane (3 ml) and the solution was sub- was added in small quantities to the stirred solution at room
jected to azeotropic distillation to remove traces of moisture. temperature. Stirring was continued for 2 h and the reaction
The distillation was continued at a slow rate, till the dropwise mixture was then poured into ice-cold water (250 ml). The
addition of a solution of aluminium isopropoxide (2.0 g) in dry aqueous suspension was extracted with chloroform
toluene (20 ml) was complete. The reaction mixture was (4 x 100 ml). The combined chloroform extract was washed
refluxed for 3 h and then allowed to stand at room temperature with water, dried, and the solvent was removed under reduced
for 12 h. The slurry was filtered and washed with toluene. The pressure to give a solid residue which was crystallized from
combined washings and filtrate were steam-distilled until the acetone to give 11, 0.25 g (48.0 %); mp: 174-176°C; IR (KBr)
complete removal of organic solvents was effected. The re- v 2780, 1445, 1370, 1280, 1175, 1140, 900 and 815 cm-t;
sidual aqueous suspension was allowed to stand at room tem- iH-NMR (CDCI,): S 1.03 (s, 6H), 2.23 (s, 3H), 2.66 (m, 5H),
perature to give a crystalline material which was recrystallized and 5.40 (m, 1H); MS: m/z 356 (M+). Anal for C24H40N2
from aqueous ethanol to give 7, 1.0 g (50.0%); mp: CC, H, NJ.
168-170°C; UV,,, (MeOH): 241 nm (log E 4.28); IR (KBr):
v 3190, 3080, 1720, 1690, 1670, 1380, 1280, and 1110 cm-l; 3L%Pyrrolidino-I7-aza-o-homo-5-androstene dimethiodide (DPJ-
‘H-NMR (CDClJ: 6 1.23 (s, 3H), 1.26 (s, 3H), 5.80 (s, lH), 246) 12
and 8.58 (br, lH, exch/D,O); MS: m/z 315 (M+). Anal for Methyl iodide (0.2 ml) was added to a solution of 3p-pyrroli-
C&W% CC, H, N. dino-17-aza-o-homo-5-androstene 10 (0. I g) in absolute etha-
nol (20 ml) at room temperature and the solution was refluxed
3-Pyrrolidino-I 7-aza-D-homo-3,5-androstadiene-16, I7a-dione 8 for 1 h. The reaction mixture was cooled, filtered and concen-
To a refluxing solution of 17-aza-o-homo-4-androstene-3, 16, trated to induce crystallization of 12, 0.14 g (76.5%); mp:
17a-trione 7 (1.5 g) in methanol (25 ml) was added freshly 278-280°C. Anal for CZSH,,I,N2 (C, H, N).
distilled pyrrolidine (1 ml). Refluxing was continued further for 17-Methyl-3@pyrrolidino-I 7-aza-D-homo-5-androstene dimeth-
1 min to induce crystallization. The crystalline material was iodide (DPJ-240) 13
filtered, washed and dried to give 8, 1.3 g (74.20%); mp: Methyl iodide (0.2 ml) was added to a refluxing solution
292-294°C (decomp); UV,,, (MeOH): 276 nm (log E 4.28); of 17-methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-17-aza-D-homo-5-androstene 11
IR (KBr): v 3225, 1720, 1700, 1640, 1600, 1603, 1400, 1345, (0.1 g) in absolute ethanol (15 ml) and refluxing was continued
1270, 1185, and 830 cm-l; lH-NMR (CDCl,): 6 1.04 (s, 3H), further for 30 min. The reaction mixture was cooled to room
1.24 (s, 3H), 3.21 (m, 4H), 4.90 (s, lH), and 5.16 (m, 1H). temperature, filtered, and concentrated to induce crystallization
Anal for CZIH,,N,O, (C, H, N). of 13, 0.15 g (83.5 %); mp: 290-292°C. Anal for C,,H,&N,
CC, H, N).
3PPyrrolidino-I 7-aza-o-homo-5-androsten-16one 9
To a stirred susnension of 3-ovrrolidino-17-aza-o-homo-3.5- 17-Methyl-3~-pyrrolidino-l7-aza-o-homo-5-androstene dimetho-
androstadiene-16: 17a-dione 8 ii.5 g) in methanol (150 ml) bromide (DPJ-252) 14
was added sodium borohydride (1.5 g) in small quantities at The preparation of 14 began with the preparation of ion-
room temperature. Stirring was continued for 2 h, the reaction exchange resin (bromide fo&). ‘Amberlite’ resin IR-400 (Cl)
mixture was poured into ice-cold water (800 ml), and the (20 a) was taken UP in hvdrobromic acid solution (1N. 200 ml)
aqueous suspension was extracted with chloroform and ihe slurry was-heated on a boiling water bath ‘for’ 1 h with
(6 x 100 ml). The combined chloroform extract was washed stirring. The supernatant was decanted off and the resin was
with water, dried, and solvent removed under reduced pressure repeatedly washed with distilled water until free from acid. The
to give a solid residue which was crystallized from acetone to resin so obtained was given similar treatment with sodium
give 9, 0.7 g (46.4%); mp: 234-236°C; IR (KBr): v 3328, hydroxide solution (lN, 200 ml) and finally with hydrobromic
1660. 1630. 1480. 1375. 1056. and 890 cm-i: tH-NMR acid solution (lN, 200 ml). The acid-free, damp resin was
(CDCIJDMSO-d,):’ S 1.06 (s, 6H), 3.13 (s, 4H), and 5.33 taken up in aqueous methanol (50%) and the slurry was packed
(m, 1H). Anal for C*,H,,N,O. in a column.

A solution of 17-methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-17-aza-o-homo-5- small quantities to the stirred solution over a period of 2 h. The
androstene dimethiodide (DPJ-240) 13 (0.2 g), in aqueous reaction mixture was poured into ice-cold water (300 ml) and
methanol (50%, 5 ml), was run through the column packed the aqueous suspension was extracted with chloroform
with resin (bromide form) (25 ml damp solid). Elution with (6 x 100 ml). The combined chloroform extract was washed
aqueous methanol (50%) was continued till the eluate gave no with water, dried, and the solvent was removed under reduced
pale-yellow precipitate with silver nitrate solution. Combining pressure to give a fluffy material which was chromatographed
the eluates and removing the solvent under reduced pressure over a column of neutral alumina (40 g). Elution with petro-
gave a solid residue which was crystallized from leum ether/toluene (5:5) and removal of the solvent under re-
acetone/methanol to afford 14, 0.11 g, (64.0%); mp: duced pressure afforded 19, 0.60 g (57.0%); mp: 98-100°C.
286282°C. Anal for C26H46Br2N2 (C, H, N). IR (KBr): v 3377, 2784, 1445, 1375, 1056, and 812 cm-i;
tH-NMR (CDCl,): 6 1.03 (s, 6H), 2.18 (s, 3H), 3.50 (m, lH),
I7-Methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-I 7-aza-D-homo-5-androstene dimetho- and 5.37 (m, 1H). Anal for C20H31N0 (C, H, N).
chloride (DPJ-262) 15
A solution of 17-methyl-3P-pyrrolidino- 17-aza-D-homo-5- I7-Methyl-17.aza-D-homo-4-androsten-3-one 20
androstene dimethiodide (DPJ-240) 13 (0.2 g), in aqueous 17-Methyl-17-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3~-ol 19 (0.5 g) was
methanol (50%, 5 ml), was run through the column packed dissolved in a mixture of cyclohexanone (7.5 ml) and toluene
with resin (chloride form, prepared in a similar fashion to the (50 ml), and the solution was subjected to azeotropic distil-
bromide form) (25 ml damp solid). Elution with aqueous lation to remove traces of moisture. Distillation was continued
methanol (50%) was continued till the eluate gave no white at a slow rate till the dropwise addition of a solution of alu-
precipitate with silver nitrate solution. Combining the eluate minium isopropoxide (0.6 g), in dry toluene (20 ml), was
and removing the solvent under reduced pressure gave a solid complete. The reaction mixture was refluxed for 3 h and then
residue which was crystallized from acetone/methanol to yield allowed to stand at room temperature for 12 h. The slurry was
15, 0.14 g (98.0%); mp: 318-320°C. Anal for C,,H,,Cl,N, filtered, washed, and the organic solvents were removed by
CC, H, N). steam distillation. The residual aqueous supension was cooled
and extracted with chloroform (4 x 100 ml). The combined
I7-Methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-I 7-aza-o-homo-5-androstene chloroform extract was washed, dried, and the solvent was
diethiodide (DPJ-260) 16 removed under reduced pressure to give an oily residue of 20
Ethyl iodide (0.5 ml) was added to a refluxing solution which could not be crystallized, 0.22g (44.3%). This was used
of 17-methvl-3~-ovrrolidino-17-aza-o-homo-5-androstene 11 as such in further reactions. UV,,, (MeOH): 242 nm. The
(0.1 g) in abiolute’ethanol (15 ml) and refluxing was continued compound was further characterized by preparing its methio-
for 7 h. The reaction mixture was cooled, filtered and concen- dide derivative.
trated to induce crystallization, The crystalline material was
filtered, washed and dried to afford 16, 0.02 g (10.7%); mp: 17-Methyl-l7-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3~-yl acetate 22
284-286°C. Anal for C2sHs012N2 (C, H, N). A mixture of 17-methyl-17-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3P-ol 19
(0.25 g), acetic anhydride (5.0 ml), and pyridine (5 ml), was
17.Methyl-3/%pyrrolidino-I 7-aza-D-homo-5-androstene dihut- heated on a water bath for 15 min. The reaction mixture was
iodide (DPJ-261) 17 poured into a mixture of crushed ice and potassium hydroxide
n-Butyl iodide (0.5 ml) was added to a refluxing solution solution (lo%, 50 ml) and the aqueous suspension was ex-
of 17-methyl-3P-pyrrolidino-17-aza-o-homo-5-androstene 11 tracted with chloroform (3 x 50 ml). The combined chloro-
(0.1 g) in absolute ethanol (15 ml) and refluxing was continued form extract was washed, dried, and the solvent was removed
for 4 h. The reaction mixture was cooled, filtered, and concen- under reduced pressure to give an oily residue 22 which could
trated to induce crystallization. The crystalline material was not be crystallized, 0.15 g (52.7%). Thin-layer chromatography
filtered, washed, and dried to afford 17, 0.05 g (25.5%); mp: gave a single spot. The residue was characterised by synthe-
258-260°C. Anal for C,,H,,I,N, (C, H, N). sizing its quaternary derivative.

17-Aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3/%ol I8 17-Methyl-l7-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3~-ol methiodide (DPJ-

Sodium metal (10.0 g) was slowly added to a refluxing solution 243) 24
of 16, 17a-dioxo-l7-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3P-yl acetate 5 Methyl iodide (0.2 ml) was added to a solution of 17-methyl-
(1.0 g) in I-pentanol (200 ml). The reaction mixture was 17-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3P-ol 19 (0.1 g) at room temper-
refluxed till the sodium metal had completely reacted, and this ature and the solution was retluxed for 1 h. The reaction
was followed by the removal of I-pentanol by steam distil- mixture was cooled, filtered, and concentrated to induce
lation. The aqueous suspension was cooled and extracted with crystallization. The crystalline material was filtered, washed,
chloroform (6 x 100 ml). The combined chloroform extract was and dried to afford 24, 0.12 g (82%); mp: 280-282°C. Anal for
washed with water, dried, and the solvent was removed under C,,H,,INO CC, H, N).
reduced pressure to give a solid residue which was crystallized
from acetone to afFord 18, 0.4 g (50.0%); mp: 178-180°C 17-Methvl-l7-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3~-vl , _ acetate methio-
(lit 1331 191-193°C): IR (KBr): v 3396. 3320. 1458. 1362. dide (DFJ-248) 23
1059, 952 and 842 cm-i; tH-NMR (DMSd-d,): 6 0.93 is, 3H); Methyl iodide (0.2 ml) was added to a solution of 17-methyl-
0.96 (s, 3H), and 5.29 (m. IH). Anal for C,,H,,NO (C, H, N). 17-aza-D-homo-5-androsten-3b-vl a d
acetate 22 (0.15 a) in absol-
ute ethanol (20 ml) at room temperature and the mixture was
17-Methyl-l7-aza-~-homo-5-androsten-3~-oll9 refluxed for 1 h. The reaction mixture was cooled, filtered, and
To a stirred solution of 17-aza-o-homo-5-androsten-3P-ol 18 concentrated to induce crystallization. The crystalline material
(1.0 g) in methanol (30 ml) was added formaldehyde solution was filtered, washed, and dried to afford 23, 0.1 g (47.3%);
(40% v/v, 1.5 ml) at room temperature and stirring was further mp: 276-278°C; IR (KBr): v 2853, 1734, 1454, 1374, 1244,
continued for 1 h. Sodium borohydride (1 .O g) was added in 1035 and 904 cm-t. Anal for C,,H3,1N02 (C, H, N).

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245) 21. 7 Buckett WR, Hewett CL, Savage DS (1973) J Med Chem 16, 1116-l 124
Methyl iodide (0.2 ml) was added to a solution of 17-methyl- 8 Baird WLM, Reid AM (1967) Br J Anaesrh 39,775-780
17-aza-D-homo-4-androsten-3-one 20 (0.2 a) in absolute etha- 9 McDowell SA, Clarke RSJ (1969) Anaesthesia 24,581-590
no1 (20 ml) and processed as above to-afford 21, 0.28 g 10 Singh H, Paul D (1974) J Chem Sot Perkin Tram 1, 1475-1479
11 Gandiha A, Marshall IG, Paul D, Singh H (1974) J Pharm Pharmacol
(95.2%); mp: 278-280°C. Anal for C2,H341N0 (C, H, N). 26,871-877
Neuromuscular-blocking activity 12 Gaodiha A, Marshall IG, Paul D, Rodger IW, Scott W, Singh H (1975)
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol2, 159-170
Two chick biventer cervicis preparations [41] were mounted in 13 Harvey AL, Paul D, Rodger IW, Singh H (1976) J Pharm Pharmacol
lo-ml tissue baths containing physiological salt solution of the 28,617-619
followine comuosition (mM): NaCl. 118.4: KCl. 4.7: MaSO,. 14 Bhardwaj TR, Kapoor S, Shekhar CC, Jindal DP, Singh H (1988) Ind J Chem
1.2; KH2?04, i.2; CaCl;, 2.5; NaHdO,, 251 and glucbse,“ll.i: 27B, 209-212
15 Singh H, Gupta RK, Bardwaj TR (1988) Ind J Chem 27B, 508-512
The solution was maintained at 34°C and pH 7.3, and bubbled
16 Abraham J, Jindal DP, Singh H (1992) Ind J Chem 3 lB, 566569
with oxygen containing 5% C02. 17 Abraham J, Jindal DP, Singh H, Patnaik GK, Srimal RC (1993) Eur J Med
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trations of the neuromuscular-blocking compounds, twitches 18 Bowman WC, Webb SN (1972) J Pharm Pharmacol24,762-772
were evoked by stimulating the motor nerve every 10 s with 19 Palmer RA, Kalam MA, Singh H, Paul D (1980) J Cryst MO/ Srruct 10,
pulses of 0.2 ms duration and a voltage greater than that which 31-53
produced a maximum twitch. Contractures to exogenouslv 20 Savage DS, Cameron AF, Ferguson G, Hannaway C, Mackary IR (1971)
applied acetylcholine (1W M for 30 s), carbachol (2 x 10-S M J Chem Sot B, 410-415
for 60 s). and KC1 (4 x 10-Z M for 30 s) were obtained in the 21 Stenlake JB, Waigh RD, Dewar GH, Hughes R, Chapple DJ, Coker GG
absence’bf nerve stimulation prior to’ addition of the test (198l)EurJMedChem 16,515-524
compound and after block of twitches by the test compound. 22 Stenlake JB, Waigh RD, Urwin J, Dewar GH, Coker GG (1983)
In other experiments, concentration-effect curves to carbachol Br J Anaesth 55, 3S
were constructed in the absence and in the presence of 3 23 Tuba Z (1980) Arzneim Forsch 30, 342-346
concentrations of the test compounds. PA, values were calcu- 24 K@ati E, Bir6 K (1980) Arzneim Forsch 30,346-354
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Wastila WB. El-Sayad HA (1988) Anesthesiology 68.723-732
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University Grants Commission, New Delhi for the financial 30 Brooks CJW, Ekhato IV (1982) J Chem Sot Chem Commun 943-944
31 Suginome H, Satoh G, Wang JB, Yamada S, Kobayashi K (1990) J Chem Sot
support and Panjab University Chandigarh, India, for providing
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research facilities. 32 Majid MA, Palmer RA, Singh H, Paul D (1977) Acta Crystallogr 833,
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