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“Everybody is a genius.

But if you judge a fish by

its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life
believing that it is stupid.”
–Albert Einstein
“We cannot solve our
problems with the same
thinking we used
when we created them.”
–Albert Einstein
“Only a life lived
for others is
worth living.”
-Albert Einstein
“Imagination is
more important
-Albert Einstein
“Education is not the
learning of facts, but
the training of the
mind to think.”
-Albert Einstein
“A person who
never made a
mistake never
tried anything
new.” -Albert Einstein
“Great spirits have
always encountered
violent opposition from
mediocre minds.”
-Albert Einstein
“Logic will take
you from A to B.
Imagination will
take you
-Albert Einstein
“The world will not be
destroyed by those
who do evil, but by
those who watch them
without doing
anything.” -Albert Einstein

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