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"Great nation is a nation that respects the services of the hero."

Members of the board of adjudicators, well-regarded moderator, worthy opponents, friends,

ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning.

The proposition, “Resolved that the last two lines of Lupang Hinirang should be changed" is
something that is not to be debated upon. The proposition is indisputably not necessary, not
beneficial, and not practicable; we from the negative side firmly regard this not worthy to be
debated over.

Let me delineate the reasons why it is unnecessary.

Firstly, the last two lines of the Lupang Hinirang represent the sacrifices of the Filipinos who
fought to gain freedom from long years of suffering under the ruling of Spain. Changing it would
be a sign of disrespect to the work of Julian Felipe in which, it helped molding the country that
we have today. Ladies and gentlemen, the spirit of patriotic fervor lies underneath those lines of
the national anthem in which the changing of the 2 lines would affect the meaning or
interpretation of the whole song and would not convey the actual message of what the song

Secondly, in terms of technicality it will ruin the fixed composition of the song. There will be an
alteration to the music set by Julian Felipe which is against to Republic Act 8491 Chapter II
section 37 that states, the rendition of the National Anthem, whether played or sung, shall be in
accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe. An alteration of a
single note is already considered a violation of the law. If you compare the last line given by
Sotto which is “Ang ipaglaban ang kalayaan mo” to the original lyric line which is “Ang
mamatay ng dahil sa’yo”, the presence of alteration would be spotted since the line that Sotto
gave is an 11 syllable line while the original last line is only 9 syllable, in which there will be an
additional note to be placed, with such proof the given proposition is already considered a
violation with regards to R.A 8491 Chapter II section 37.

Thirdly, Senate President Vicente Sotto III has raised the possibility of changing the last two lines
of the national anthem, which he said sounds like a “defeatist attitude.” Ladies and gentlemen,
there is nothing “defeatist” in the last line of the national anthem. Appreciated as the summation
of aspirations recited in the entire anthem, the last line only underscores the extent a Filipino is
willing to go to defend the Philippines from any oppressor. Evidently, rather being “defeatist,”
the last line of the national anthem heralds a citizen’s intense love for his country. There should
be nothing wrong about a citizen professing his joy and willingness to sacrifice his cherished life
for the sake of defending his country.
With these noticeable, evident, and robust reasons, I steadfastly stand that adapting this
proposition isn’t necessary.

I now humbly submit myself to interpellation.

Beneficiality Speech

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, the issue regarding the changing of the last two lines of
Lupang Hinirang flocked the social media. The proposal was eventually criticized by many
citizens who were not comfortable with the radical change. But, is it really a big deal to be
debated upon? In response to this, we the negative side will pave the reasons on why it is not
beneficial to change the last two lines of the Lupang Hinirang.

First, Filipinos are used to the original lyrics. Many of us will be penalized for not singing the
latest version of the Lupang Hinirang because in the revised Flag and heraldic code which
amended republic act number 8491 or the flag and heraldic code of the Philippines stated that

This line is a historical context represents the soldiers who died for the freedom of our country.
This line was inspired from our wars with Spain, wars that majority killed countless number of

It has great historical importance and it is an accurate depiction of this great country. It is a song
that the Filipino citizens can be very proud of. If we change it, it would be changing one of the
characteristics of a
Filipino, being a patriot. We should not change the National Anthem, because what we have has
been used in the country for a long time. We should not change something that is so ingrained in

Each words in the last 2 lines signify how and what Filipino can do towards our country that
being conquered by different invaders. It gives tribute to our ancestors how did they fight for our
freedom. How peaceful and united our nation in present generation explains the braveness and
sacrifices of our heroes before.

The lyrics in the last 2 lines signify the sacrifices made by our heroes who fought for
independence. There is nothing more glorifying than giving even our own lives for the sake of
our countrymen. If they are going to change it, its context might change too.

It can be seen through social media that a lot of Filipinos are against of revising the last two lines
of the Lupang Hinirang. A lot of Filipinos disagree the idea of revising the last two lines of our
national anthem because we filipinos are very preservant sa atun nga culture and thats why we
can see that there are lot of filipinos nga grabeh gd ang reaction sa muna ga issue( hnd ko ngd ya
ma expand ang idea ko sa english. heheh soryy)


Revising the last two lines of the lupang hinirang does not give a solution to the problem we are
facing today in our country. We all know that our country is facing a lot of problems today like
in our economic status. We should focus on how are we going to solve the problems we are
facing today hnd nga natinal anthem iproblemahun ta our country has a lot to worry about on
how are we going to solve our problems we are facing today.

and lastly

according to r.a 8491 section 37 the redintion of the national anthem, wether played or sung,
shall be in accordance with the musical arrangement and composotion of julian filipe

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