Mam Emz PRELIM Health

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

MAPEH Preliminary Examination

Name:__________________________ Course / Year: _____________ Score:_______________

I. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
for before each number.

_____ 1. Government’s program to treat TB a. BCG

_____ 2. A symptom of TB b. recurrent blood-streaked
_____ 3. Free immunization given to infants after birth c. infants, children and senior
_____ 4. Bacteria that causes TB d. tubercle bacilli
_____ 5. A hospital in Quezon City where tuberculin people
are treated and rehabilitated e. Quezon Institute
_____ 6. Vulnerable group to catch TB f. sputum microscopy
_____ 7. A free laboratory test conducted to one who is
suspected to suffer from TB g. prevention for leprosy
_____ 8. An ancient disease and a leading cause of permanent
disability that affects mainly the skin and more. h. a symptom of leprosy
_____ 9. Late signs and symptoms of leprosy i. 3 mos., 6 mos. and 1 year or more
_____ 10. Prolonged skin to skin contact J. six to nine months
_____ 11. Good personal hygiene k. leprosy
_____ 12. Muscle weakness or paralysis of the extremities l. clawing of fingers and toes
_____ 13. Infectious agent which can be detected by
slit skin smear (SSS) m. symptom for leprosy
_____ 14. Duration of treatment for leprosy n. sinking of nosebridge
_____ 15. Children esp. below 12 years old
are more susceptible o. method of transmission
_____ 16. Change in skin color – reddish or white p. dengue fever spread
_____ 17. Enlargement of the breast among males q. prevention for measles
_____ 18. Late signs and symptoms of leprosy r. vulnerable group for leprosy
_____ 19. Epidemic usually occur during rainy days s. Hepatitis B
_____ 20. Victor of dengue H-fever t. symptoms of syphilis
_____ 21. Avoid too many hanging clothes u. 6 days to one week
_____ 22. Transmitted through direct contact with infected
persons or indirectly through articles freshly soiled
with secretion of nose and throat v. two to three weeks
_____ 23. Transmitted by sexual contact via the vaginal w. isolation of patient under a
and seminal secretion mosquito net
_____ 24. Prevention of H-fever x. mumps
_____ 25. Incubation period for dengue to manifest y. gonorrhea symptoms
_____ 26. May cause death due to pneumonia z. mode of transmission for degree
as complication aa. Direct contact or droplet
_____ 27. Incubation period for smallpox ab. Measles
_____ 28. Prevention and control of smallpox ac. A symptom for Hepa B
_____ 29. Mode of transmission of smallpox ad. Jaundice (yellowish discoloration
_____ 30. Burning urination and discharges from ae. One way to control common
infection of urethra household mosquito
_____ 31. Appearance of chanre rashes, patchy hair loss, sore af. Common household mosquito
throat and swollen glands aegypti
_____ 32. Disease of the liver caused by virus, bacteria, ag. Disinfection of throat and
Protozoa, toxic chemicals, drugs and alcohol nose discharges
_____ 33. Right-sided abdominal pain ah. Symptoms of schistosomiasis
_____ 34. Newborns, infants and children of infected mother ai. Genus plasmodium
_____ 35. Make sure that blood transfusion have been aj. Vulnerable group for Hepa B
properly screened ak. Preventive measure for
_____ 36. Fever of unknown origin schistosomiasis
_____ 37. Mode of transmission for AIDS al. whooping cough
_____ 38. A vaccination administered to pregnant women am. Horse manure
to prevent tetanus infection for mother and baby an. Blood transfusion
_____ 39. Transmitted by a tiny snail oncomelania quadrasi ao. Schistosomiasis (snail fever)
_____ 40. Treat snail-breeding sites with molluscicides ap. Symptom of AIDS
_____ 41. First case reported in the Philippines in 1984 aq. Preventive measure for Hepa B
_____ 42. Bloody stool and enlargement of the abdomen ar. HIV / AIDS
_____ 43. Urine or stool of infected person contaminates fresh as. Tetanus toxoid immunization
water for women
_____ 44. Infectious agent of malaria at. Intestinal parasite
_____ 45. Use mosquito nets and apply insect repellant au. Mode of transmission of
Av. Prevention against malaria

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