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International business

Assignment 1
Submitted by
Rimsha Riaz
Submitted to
Ma’am Saniya Shaheen

Analysis of world imports, exports, and FDI

BBA-ITM (31)

Submission date 3/11/2019

1. The top 25 importers in the world, 2002

If we talk about the world’s importers in 2002 we saw the top 25 countries in the world which are
involved in most of the imports. As we noted in the above table in 2002 United States, Germany,
China, and the United Kingdom conduct most of the world imports. Note that the world largest
importer in 2002 was the United States and the imports of the US are about $1132.9 million, the
second largest importer was Germany whose imports are about $489.0 million.
If we talk about the UK, the UK was the 4th largest importers of the world in 2002 its imports are
high as compared to exports. Similarly, Japan was the 6th largest importer of the world in 2002,
and its exports are high as compare to imports.
But if we talk about the countries had the lowest percentage of imports were Ireland, Brazil, Poland
and the last one was India and their imports were about $52.6, $50.7, $50.2 and $4 6.3 million,
respectively. In 2002, the country which had low imports was India which was about $46.3 million
according to International trade statistics 2002.
2. The top 25 exporters in the world, 2002

If we talk about the world’s largest exporters in 2002 we saw the top 25 countries in the world
which are involved in most of the exports. As we noted in the above table in 2002 United States,
Germany, China and Japan conduct most of the world exports. Note that the world top importer
US was also the largest exporter in the world. The exports of the US are about $751.8 million, the
second largest importer was Germany whose exports were about $604.2 million. The other
countries which were in the top 25 were the UK, Canada, Korea, Belgium, Mexico, France etc.
If we talk about the UK, the UK was the 6th largest exporters of the world in 2002 but its imports
are high as compare to exports. Similarly, Japan was the 4th largest exporter of the world in 2002,
and its exports are high as compare to imports.
But if we talk about the countries had the lowest percentage of exports were Austria, Brazil,
Indonesia and the last one was Norway and their exports were about $66.3, $66.2, $64.7 and $57.1
million, respectively. In 2002, the country which had low exports was Norway which was about
$57.1 million according to International trade statistics 2002.
3. The direction of world trade flows, 1993–2002

If we noted above table there are two categories of countries industrial countries and developing
countries. If we noted the major difference in industrial countries and developing countries the key
difference is that industrial countries are a sovereign state, whose economy has highly progressed
and possessed great technological infrastructure and have high per capita income.
While the developing countries are those countries having low industrialization and low human
development index. As we highlighted the basic difference between industrial and developing
countries now we highlight the direction of world trade flows from 1993-2002 in these countries.

Trade of industrial countries with industrial countries

Exports and imports in industrial countries with industrial countries increase from 1993-2002. If
we talk about exports of industrial countries it increases from 1803.6 to 2869.0 from 1993-1999.
In 2000 exports are at its highest points then it decreases from 83.9 points in 2001 than it gradually
increases in 2002 to 2869.0. Similarly, same is the case with imports it increases from 1993-1999
then in 2000 it reaches at its highest point 2870.9 then it decreases in 2001 to 2759.9 it gradually
increases in 2002 at reach at 2805.2 points.

Trade of industrial countries with developing countries

If we noted in the above table the trades of industrial countries with developing countries increases
from 1993-1995, from 1996-1997 it reaches high points then it gradually decreases from 1998-
1999 but in 2000 exports and imports of industrial countries with developing countries are about
1127.3 and 148.1, respectively.

Trade of industrial countries with other countries

In the above table trade with other countries refer to Cuba and North Korea. Exports of industrial
countries with Cuba and North Korea increase from 1993-1997 then in 1998 it is about 2.0 then in
2001 it increases to 2.9 and in 2002 it decreases to 2.0. Imports increased from 1993-1999 in 2000
imports are about 1.4 from 2001-2002 it reaches at 1.2.

Trade of developing countries with industrial countries

If we talk about the exports of developing countries with industrial countries from 1990-1996 it
increases from 571.0 to 954.5 and from 1997-2002 it reaches maximum points which are about
1327.1. And the imports of these countries with industrial countries from 1990-2002 are about
572.4-1203.3 respectively.

Trade of developing countries with developing countries

From 1990-2002 exports of developing countries with developing countries increases from 335.4-
1023.4 and imports increases from 335.8-1060.1, respectively.

Trade of developing countries with other countries

From 1993-2002 exports and imports of developing countries with Cuba and North Korea vary
from 2.3-2.7 and 1.4-1.6 respectively. In these years trade with other countries sometimes
increases and sometimes decreases with few points.

4. World trade flows by major countries and regions, 2002

If we talk about the world trade flows by major countries and regions in 2001, the percentage of
exports to the world is about 100% and the exports of major countries and regions to industrial
countries and developing countries are about 64.5 to 33.9% respectively. Exports to Cuba and
North Korea is about 0.1%. And the exports to western hemispheres is about 5.1% etc.
Similarly, imports from the world are about 100%and import from industrial countries is about
65.4%. Imports from Africa, Asia, Europe is about 2.0, 18.1 and 4.8%, respectively. In 2002
imports from countries not specifies are about 1.0%.
5. Inward stocks of world foreign direct investment

As we noted in the above table there is a word inward stock which refers to inward investment
involves an external or foreign entity either investing in or purchasing the goods of a local
economy. In the above table inward stock of different developed countries are shown the highest
inward stock is of North America in which the US and Canada included these countries have the
highest percentage of inward stock in 2001 and 2002 about 23.2 and 22.1% of the inward stock
If we talk about Western Europe it included EU countries like Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France UK the percentage of inward stock in these countries from 2001-2002 is about
36.6 and 36.8% respectively.
In developing countries like Africa, Asia and Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean percentage
of inward stocks in 2001-2002 are about 32.9-32.8% less developed countries the
percentage of inward stocks was about 0.6%.
6. Outward stocks of world foreign direct investment

As we noted in the above table there is a word outward stock which refers to the value of capital
and reserves in another economy attributable to a parent enterprise resident in the economy. If we
noted the above table outward stock of different developed countries are shown. The highest
outward stock is of North America in which the US and Canada included these countries have the
highest percentage of outward stock in 2001 and 2002 about 25.7 and 25.9% respectively.
If we talk about Western Europe it included EU countries like Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France UK the percentage of outward stock in these countries from 2001-2002 is about
54.7 and 54.9% respectively.
In developing countries like Africa, Asia, and Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean percentage
of outward stocks in 2001-2002 was about 12.8-12.4% respectively. In less developed countries
the percentage of outward stocks was about 0.0%.
If we calculated the difference between outward and inward stocks in above mention countries the
difference is about 287994 and 256144 from 2001-2002 respectively.

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