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Intelligent Prediction Monitoring System for Predictive Maintenance in

Junhong Zhou, Xiang Li, Anton J.R. Andernroomer Yoke San Wong, Geok Soon Hong
Hao Zeng, Kiah Mok Goh
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
71 Nayang Drive National University of Singapore
Singapore Singapore

Abstract – This paper presents an intelligent prediction and maintenance system framework was proposed by Loc and
monitoring system for equipment failure prediction to support Lee [1], which used a smart computational agent to predict
equipment maintenance, diagnostics and prognostics in the likely degradation and loss of performance. Zhang [2]
manufacturing environment. The system architecture and introduced a novel architecture for an integrated fault
implementation techniques, such as agent framework, real-time
data acquisition and federated communication are briefly
diagnostics/prognostics system, and used a data-mining
described. Details are given on the intelligent prediction engine technology to extract an optimum feature vector, a fuzzy
which is the key component of the system. A case study for logic expert system and static/dynamic wavelet neutral
machining tool useful lifetime prediction is presented to network for fault detection/isolation as well as estimation of
demonstrate the usability of the system. the remaining useful lifetime of a failing components. Proha
[3] used Nation Information Infrastructure architecture for
I. INTRODUCTION on-line equipment monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
technology allows facility operators and managers to Besides the researches on the framework and architecture,
understand the overall operation status and health of critical many researches focused on the development of diagnostics
equipment. However, facilities and machines relying only and failure prediction engines for diagnostics/prognostics
on monitoring and SCADA technology usually operate in a applications. Two main approaches have emerged to realize
reactionary mode - responding to failures and catastrophic the prediction engine. The first one uses system model and
power losses, rather than predicting and preventing them state estimation techniques to determine the remaining life of
from occurring in the first place. This is reactive the facilities in concern [4] [5]. The second method uses a
maintenance. It is easy to understand that with reactive feature extractor and a learned association method to
maintenance, operation efficiency could be seriously affected estimate the remaining life [6] [7]. The first method needs
if critical facilities fail at critical periods. The other type of accurate system models while the second method requires
maintenance is called scheduled or preventive maintenance, sufficient data that cover the lifetime of the equipment for
which shifts plant downtime to non-critical periods. Since the training and validation. In spite of these efforts, realization
preventive maintenance does not take the actual machine of acceptable prediction is somehow still a goal to be
health into consideration, unnecessary machine shutdown achieved. In addition, we noticed that the successful
might be inevitable, which may incur unnecessary cost. In prognostic implementations are mostly in the aerospace and
view of the above, predictive maintenance has been actively marine industries. Little has been reported in other
pursued in the manufacturing industry in recent years, where manufacturing areas, especially with manufacturing
equipment outages are predicted and maintenance is carried equipment failure prediction.
out only when necessary. Benefits of predictive maintenance
include better utilization of the service life of equipment and In the present work, an intelligent prediction monitoring
lower backup inventory. In an era of intensive competition, system is developed based on an agent-based framework.
where asset usage and plant operating efficiency must be The system consists of three platforms according to their
maximized, predictive maintenance becomes very important. roles and domains, namely embedded platform, intelligent
predictive engine (IPE) platform and remote platform. The
Successful realization of predictive maintenance depends a IPE is equipped with a multiple regression method and
lot on the effectiveness and implementation of a maintenance consists of four major modules: feature selector, correlation
scheme based on proper diagnostics and prognostics. modular, error analyser, and predictor. The function of these
Prognostic is to detect an undesirable condition before it modules and the operation procedure of the IPE are discussed
degrades to a failure. Over recent years, extensive research in the following sections. The system has been tested
and development work has been devoted to prognostics and experimentally with the prediction of tool life on a milling
its potential applications in equipment maintenance and machine. The fairly good agreement between the prediction
utilization. Development of intelligent maintenance system result and real tool life data demonstrates the viability of the
framework for efficient information coordination and system for prognostic applications.
development of diagnostics and failure prediction engine
have been the topics of many published works. An intelligent II. SYSTEM STRUCTURE

0-7803-9252-3/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 2314

2.1 System Frameworks and Architecture and implementation of these agents have been given
elsewhere [8][9].
Effective prognostics need on-line sensing, an integrated
data flow and processing within a communication framework TABLE1
with well defined and fully specified communication
protocols and behaviour templates. In the present intelligent Agents Functions
prediction monitoring system, machine health information is Data agent Data Acquisition
acquired through real time sensing and pre-processing at Control agent Sensor control
Tuning agent Tuning (optional for Data Acquisition)
equipment level; the sensing data then flow to the Intelligent Training Agent Provisioning training data
Predictive Engine (IPE); IPE analyses these data and Command agent Providing feedback for command purposes
generates failure predictions; The prediction results finally (optional)
flow to the controller which alert operators for further
actions. Such information flows involve high-level activities Remote platform
like computing, optimisation, modelling, prediction and also
low-level activities like PLC control and embedded sensor. A This platform manages secure two-way communication
JAVA agent framework is suitable for such applications that with remote monitoring and control stations. It also provides
require integrating the high-level and low-level activities as facilities for monitoring, diagnostics and data logging. The
JAVA has the cross-platform compatibility and portability. functionality provided by the platform consists of distributed
monitoring, distributed control and distributed data
The architecture of our intelligent prediction monitoring management. The various agents and the associated
system based on JAVA agent framework is illustrated in Fig. functionality hosted by the platform are summarized in
1. TABLE 2.

Agents Functions
GuiAgent graphical interface on a remote machine for
interpretation by the operator or a watchdog
DatalogAgent basic data logging services
TuningAgent tune the data acquisition from the sensor
RemoteDFAgent identify, generate event and event control
RemoteAMSAgent receive, acknowledge and send commands

Intelligent Predictive Engine (IPE) Platform

This platform supports the IPE and other downstream

control tasks. The intelligent predictive engine can work
offline using the historical data or work on-line using
effective communication interface with the other two
platforms. The various agents and the associated
functionality hosted by the platform are summarized in
TABLE 3. The prognosAgent is primarily responsible to IPE
for all the services existing within the JADE framework for
the manufacturing environment. The agents support the
Fig. 1. Three-platforms agent framework
The system consists of the following three Host Platforms: IPE PLATFORM FUNCTIONS AND AGENTS
Agents Functions
• Embedded Controller platform prognosAgent training, notification and prediction
• IPE (Intelligent predictive engine) platform GuiAgent graphical interface on a remote machine for
interpretation by the operator or a watchdog
• Remote Platform application
DatalogAgent basic data logging services
Embedded Controller platform TuningAgent tune the data acquisition from the sensor
RemoteDFAgent identify, generate event and event control
RemoteAMSAgent receive, acknowledge and send commands
This platform enables rudimentary data acquisition (pre-
processed or unprocessed) and basic controls for the sensors.
The various agents and the associated functionality hosted by
this platform are summarized in TABLE 1. The detail design 2.2 Intelligent Predictive Engine (IPE)

work at either on-line or offline mode. In the offline mode,
The IPE is implemented as prognosAgent in the Intelligent the correlation models are generated based on historical data
Prediction System framework. The IPE architecture is and prediction will be generated from the correlation model.
illustrated in Fig. 2. In the on-line mode, with on-line data, the correlation model
keeps on updating so that more accurate prediction result can
Agent Framework Interface API be obtained.

Fig. 3 depicts the IPE operating procedure, which shows

the mechanism for coordinating the main modules for the
Feature Correlation Error generation of a prediction.
Selector Modular Analyzer

Data from Embedded Control Receive Command from GUI:

Platform & Remote Platform 1. Selected features.2. Datasets

Data Access Layer 1

Use multiple regression model
Store Data into the IPE DB generate correlation model

Database Base Evaluate model accuracy
Preprocess Data 4

Model accuracy
Fig. 2. IPE architecture Satisfied ?
Extract Features Yes

IPE consists of four major modules: feature selector, Generate Prediction using
correlation modular, error analyser, and predictor. A brief Correlation Model
description of these modules is given as follows: Evaluate Features

1) Feature Selector realizes the feature selection function. No
Suitable 1. Store prediction results into DB
Feature selection refers to the selection of an optimum subset Features ?
2. update remote platform and
of features that are most responsible to a given outcome. 2
Feature selection problems are found in all machine learning Store Features into DB
embedded Control Platform

tasks (supervised or unsupervised), classification, regression 5

and time series prediction. The objective of feature selection
is two-fold: improving the prediction accuracy and providing Fig. 3. IPE Operating Procedure
a better understanding of the underlying concept that
generated the data. Genetic algorithm or principal component The main steps involved are:
analysis techniques can be used for feature selection.
Step1: Acquire data from the sensors through the
2) Correlation Modular extracts, learns and establishes the embedded control platform in the agent framework.
correlation between various features, characters and Communicate with the remote platform, IPE platform
parameters against fault values. Intelligent correlation receives data and stores these data into the DB.
methods such as fuzzy, neutral network and multiple-
regression modelling can be used to generate the model Step2: Pre-process raw data, extract and evaluate
between features and fault. features. This step is realized by feature extractor module and
suitable features are found through iterations.
3) Error Analyser evaluates the modelling fitness results
established from correlation modular. It also measures the Step3: User to determine features and select dataset for
error for prediction accuracy. model training. Multiple regression model method is used to
generate the correlation model based on the selected features.
4) Predictor predicts remaining lifetime of critical machine This step is realized by the correlation modular.
or machine components based on selected feature inputs and
fault information. Offline predictor is realized now based on Step4. Use error analyser to evaluate the model accuracy.
the historical monitoring data. If the accuracy is not satisfactory, repeat step 2 and step3
until a satisfactory model is obtained.
These main modules, deployed in JAVA, are integrated
with the supporting Database (DB) and Knowledgebase Step5. Use the model to generate a prediction, store the
(KB). The IPE receives, extracts and uses data and prediction results in DB and update the remote platform and
information from the agent framework and stores data in the embedded control platform. The embedded control platform
database as historical data for training purpose. The IPE can

will act according to the prediction. 4 Maximum Force Level fm TWD
5 Total Amplitude of Cutting Force fa TWD
Combined Incremental Force TWD
7 Amplitude Ratio ra TWD
A case study was carried out to demonstrate the usability of
Standard Deviation of the Force TBD
the system. An application related to high speed machining 8 Components in Tool Breakage fstd
tool condition is selected for the experiment. Tool condition Zone
is an important factor in the automated machining process. Sum of the Squares of Residual TBD
Tool wear and tool failure may result in a loss in surface 9 sre
finish and dimensional accuracy of the finished parts, or 10 Peak Rate of Cutting Forces kpr TBD
possible damage to the work piece and machine [10].
11 Total Harmonic Power thp TWD

3.1 Experiment setting up and features extraction TBD, TWD,

12 Average Force Fa

Most of the CNC machines cannot detect the tool 13 Variable Force vf TBD
conditions in an on-line manner. Cutting force signal is 14 Standard Deviation std TWD
instead used to establish usable models due to its high 15 Skew skew TWD
sensitivity to tool wear, low noise, and good measurement 16 Kurtosis kts TWD
accuracy [11]. Our experiment about the tool condition is
shown in Fig. 4. * TBD: Tool Breakage detection; TWD: Tool wear detection; TWE: Tool
Wear Estimation.

3.2 Predict the wear-out with multiple regression models

The force signal and wear-out data were sent to the agent
framework and broadcasted to the IPE. The IPE was then
trained by the historical data, four-variable (fm, fa, Fa, std)
regression was used to generate the relation model between
wear-out and the features. Wear-out prediction was
calculated based on the regressed model. Two runs of
experiments were conducted. The results were summarized

Experiment 1:
Fig. 4. Tool Conditions Experiment in Machinery Totally 52,800 sets of data were captured under the
following machine settings: Spindle speed 1000rpm, feed
The cutting force along the y-direction of the machining rate 200mm/min, depth of cut 1mm and insert number 2.
path was captured by the Kistler dynamometer in the form of Half of the data sets were used to conduct the training and
charges, and converted to voltages by the Kistler charge the other half to test the prediction model. Through data
amplifier. The voltage signal was sampled by the PCI 1200 processing, the experiment data were separated into two sets.
board at 2000 Hz and directly streamed to the hard disk of a In the first method, the first half of the data (1–26400) was
computer. The flank wear of each individual tooth of the used for the training, and the remaining (26401 – 52800) for
cutting tool was measured with an Olympus microscope. testing. The regression equation obtained from the training
Details of the experimental set up and feature extraction data is shown in equation. (1):
methodologies have been reported elsewhere [12]. Sixteen
main features were captured. These are summarized in Wear-out(t)=-0.205+0.667fm(t-1) – 0.609fa(t-1) + 8.856Fa(t-1) +
TABLE 4. Among the sixteen features, four of them, {fm, fa, 0.066std(t-1) (1)
Fa, std}, have been identified to have the most significant T-test was used to evaluate the significance of regression
influence to tool wear. coefficients. The T-test values for the coefficients are
FEATURE EXTRACTION METHODOLOGIES (-206.14) (19.16) (-17.44) (0.31) (9.60)
F-test was used to test the overall significance of an observed
No Feature Notation Objective multiple regression. The F-test value is: 74,127.
1 Residual Error re TBD
2 First Order Differencing fod TWD The time series diagram comparing the prediction with the
real wear-out data is shown in the Fig. 5. The upper bound
3 Second Order Differencing sod TWD
and lower bound are based on 90% confidence level. The

mean error of the prediction to the real wear-out is wear-out using the second pre-process strategy. This is
0.0598mm. The average relative error is 25.74%. The because the second set of training data covers the whole
estimation of variance is 0.0736. wear-out condition, while the first set of training data only
cover the beginning of the wear-out.
0.8 In order to test the robustness of equation (2), we used
other sets of data from another experiment with different
experimental parameters. The experimental condition,
parameters and results are described in Experiment 2.
wear out (mm)

0.5 prediction
real wear-out
upper bound Experiment 2:
0.3 lower bound
The purpose of the experiment 2 is to test the reliability of
equation. (2) by comparing the predicted results with real
wear out under slightly different machine settings. The
following machine setting parameters were used for the
data sequence second experiment: Spindle speed 1200rpm, feed rate
150mm/min, depth of cut 1mm and insert number 2. Totally
56,800 data sets are captured. Half of the data were used for
Fig. 5. Prediction and Wear-out Comparison (Experiment 1) testing purpose. Prediction wear-outs were calculated by
equation (2) with the experimental feature data. The time
The prediction is not very good based on this model. series diagram to compare the prediction with the real wear-
Better to use experimental data, we modified the data pre- out data is shown in the Fig. 7.
processing using the second method with the same
experiment data. Experiment data were separated into two 0.7

sets: odd numbers of the data (1, 3, 5, ....) are used for 0.6
training and the even numbers (2, 4, 6, ....) of data for the
testing. The regression equation obtained from the training
wear-out (mm)

data is as in equation (2): 0.4 prediction

real wear-out
Wear-out (t-1) = -0.218-0.11 fm(t-1) +0.105 fa(t-1) +0.157 Fa(t-1) upper bound
0.2 lower bound
+0.118std(t-1) (2)
The T-test values for the coefficients are respectively
(-237.73) (-1.98) (1.868) (60.19) (29.52)
The F-test value for the overall significance is 218,954. -0.1
data sequence


0.6 Fig. 7. Prediction and Wear-out Comparison (Experiment 2)


0.4 prediction
The upper bound and lower bound are based on the
experiment 1. The mean error of the prediction to the real

real wear-out
upper bound wear-out is 0.0186mm. The average relative error is 13.70%.
lower bound
The estimation of variance is 0.0368. The results of
0.1 experiment 2 shows that the correlation equation (2) is robust
0 and can be used for the tool wear-out prediction.

data sequence

In the present work, an intelligent prediction monitoring

Fig. 6. Prediction and Wear-out Comparison (Experiment 1) system based on agent framework has been developed for
solving manufacturing prognostic problems. The system
The time series diagram comparing the prediction with the consists of three platforms: embedded Platform, Intelligent
real wear-out data are shown in Fig. 6. The upper bound and Predictive Engine (IPE) platform and remote Platform. The
lower bound are based on 90% confidence level. The mean IPE, consisting of four major modules (feature selector,
error of the prediction to the real wear-out is 0.0185 mm, The correlation modular, error analyser and predictor) has been
average relative error is 12.41%. The estimation of variance implemented with multiple regression method and embedded
is 0.0338. into the agent-based framework. The system has been tested
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Pilot Project “Integrated Manufacturing and Service radial basis function networks and fuzzy neural network,
Systems”. The continued support and encouragement of the “ Neural Networks 12, pp. 355-370.
A* STAR Singapore is gratefully acknowledgement.
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