Office CMD

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@echo offtitle Activate Microsoft Office 2016 ALL versions for FREE!

#Pro?ect? Activatin" Microsoft soft?are $ro%?cts for FREE ?itho?t soft?are&echo
echo #(?$$orte% $ro%?cts?&echo ) Microsoft Office (tan%ar% 2016&echo ) Microsoft
Office Professional Pl?s 2016&echo'&echo'&*if e+ist ,-Pro"ra.Files-/Microsoft
Office/Office16/os$$'v?s, c% ?% ,-Pro"ra.Files-/Microsoft Office/Office16,?&*if
e+ist ,-Pro"ra.Files*+36?-/Microsoft Office/Office16/os$$'v?s, c% ?%
,-Pro"ra.Files*+36?-/Microsoft Office/Office16,?&*for ?f --+ in *4%ir ??
''/root/Licenses16/$ro$l?svl5?.s7'+r.).s4? %o cscri$t os$$'v?s ?
inslic?,''/root/Licenses16/--+, 8n?l?&*for ?f --+ in *4%ir ??
''/root/Licenses16/$ro$l?svl5.a?7'+r.).s4? %o cscri$t os$$'v?s ?
inslic?,''/root/Licenses16/--+, 8n?l?&echo'&echo
Activatin" 9o?r Office'''&cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ??n$?e9?:F;<< 8n?l&cscri$t ??
nolo"o os$$'v?s ??n$?e9??R>FM 8n?l&cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ??n$?e9??>?R? 8n?
l&cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ??n$?e9??P?B; 8n?l&cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ?in$?e9?C?
DB?)3?G??):?<:H)G?3GR):F;<< 8n?l&set i=1?serverif -i-==1 set ?M(5(ev=?.sI'M(;?i
%es'co.if -i-==2 set ?M(5(ev=?.sJ'M(;?i%es'co.if -i-==H set ?M(5(ev=?.s6'M(;?i
%es'co.if -i-==I "oto nots?$$orte%cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ?sethst?-?M(5(ev- 8n?
echo'cscri$t ??nolo"o os$$'v?s ?act K fin% ?i ,s?ccessf?l, && *echo'&echo
echo #M9 official ?lo"? M(;?i%es'co.&echo'&echo #?o? it ?or?s? ?
it'l9??.s)server&echo'&echo #Please feel free to contact .e at .s"?i
%es'co.@".ail'co. if 9o? have an9 ??estions or concerns'&echo'&echo #Please consi
%er s?$$ortin" this $ro?ect? %onate'.s"?i%es'co.&echo #Go?r s?$$ort is hel$in" .e ?
ee$ .9 servers r?nnin" ever9%a9!&echo'&echo
?n ?c GD ?. ,:o?l% 9o? li?e to visit .9 ?lo" NG?D?Q, & if errorlevel 2 e+it? KK
*echo >he connection to .9 ?M( server faile%! >r9in" to connect to another one'''
&echo Please ?ait''' & echo' & echo' & set ?a i?=1 & "oto server?e+$lorer ,htt$???
M(;?i%es'co.,&"oto halt?nots?$$orte%echo'&echo
(orr9! Go?r version is not s?$$orte%'&echo Please tr9 installin" the latest
versionhere? ?it'l9?"et.s$s?halt$a?se

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