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Preface I
SWAMI HARIHARANANDA GIRl Swami HariharaI}anda Giri
Edited by Introduction
M. A., ( Visva-Bharati), D. Lilt. (Utka/) Discourses on Kriya Yoga

Published by .Second Kriya 13

More About Second Kriya
Further Instructions 41
1st EDITION - 1989
Discourse At Humberg 45
KARAR ASHRAM, SWARGDWAR How to be a Kriyaban 54
The Descent of Goddess Durga 68
• J
Significmce of Sivaratri
KHETRAJPUR. Significance of Goddess Worship 77
SAMBALPUR - 768003
ORISSA. INDIA. Three Teachings of the Master 85
Dial - 22481.
21872. Meditation Guidance And Instruction 88
Meditation Guidance - Two 97
Contribution for KAIYA - YOGA 101
Meditation Guidance ~ Three
will be accepted t
How to get immortality 105

Meditation Guidance - Four 113

Printed at THE aUALlTY PRINTERS. GAIETY ROAD, SAMBALPUR - What is the Goal of Human Life 117

India holds ancient heritage of spiritual practice
from its past and Kriya Yoga is a bridge bE:tween the
past, and present spiritual tradition. It is a modern
science of sou) culture with ancient secrets and hoary
wisdom with a mt:ssage of hope for the future. It is
designed to bring about physical, mental and spiritual
benefits of human race. Swami Hariharananda Giri, the
modern exponent of that great tradition is an embo-
diment of spiritual practice of Kriya- Yoga.

At the binding force of inspiration for the benefit of

Kriyabans throughout the world, I embdrked upon the
task of collecting the discourses on Kriya- Yoga delivered
by Swami Hariharananda, as I did previously putting
his thoughts in the form of books both in English and
Oriya languages. Fortunately the book 'KRIYA-
YOGA' the scientific technique of soul culture, which
we have edited has been rendered into different
international languages and has already received world

The materials of this present volume have been made

available with the kind help of Karar Ashram, Puri and
from series of cassets presented to me: by Revered
Gurudev for my personal use. The thought and lang-
uage of Gurudev in original fcrm ha's been retained in
the articles as far as practicable. Though it is a technical
( ii )

book on Kriya- Yoga inteniled for ad vanced pupils,

the general reader may find flood of information
about the mystery of spirjtual practice for their own
benefit. It will help people to find inner peace and
control of mind amid world of turmoil and would
Swami Hariharananda Giri, the greatest master of
inspire them to take up the path of spiritual practice.
Kriya- Yoga, is the head of KARAR ASHRAM, PURL
This would serve as a message of hope and inspiration
ORISSA, INDIA which was founded by his GURU
for the human race.
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, the Great GURU of Param-
Kriya':yoga bas become a mode of philosophy of life ahamsa Yogananda - founder of Y. S. S. and S. R. F.
and a life long practice for many aspirants in [ndia and
As directed by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Swami
throughout the world. I hope this book will enable
Hariharananda Giri learnt the technique of Kriya-Yoga
them to practice Kriya and meditation with better
from Paramahansa Yogananda. Swami Srimat Satyananda
understanding and spiritual attainment.
Giri. Acharya of Ranchi, Brahmacharya Ashram and
Sri Laxminarayan Agrawal, a kriyaban of Sambalpur Srimat Bhupendranath Sanyal. the renowned Kriya- Yogi
has gladly taken up the responsibility of printing of this and disciple of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri.
book. It is proposed that the donations received after
He received the secret technique of Samad hi from an
distribution of this book will be spent for further
unknown young Yogi and attained all the six sta~es of
publications of Kriya literature and propagation of
Kriya- Yoga Samadhi, Nirvikalpe Samadhi and Parama-
Kriya- Yoga. I request the readers of this book to
hansa stage. the highest stage for a dedicated Yogi,
contribute their mite for this great purpose. I am
within a short period and was empowered by Parama-
grateful to all who helped me in bringing out this
hansa Yogananda to initiate disciples into Kriya- Yoga
volume. \Ve seek the blessings of Gurudev on the
as an 1\charya (Spiritual preceptor) to guide the
occasion of this precious publication.
divine seekers.

Or. RAGHABANANDA NAYAK .He is an erudite scholar and has deep knowledge of
BIble, Turu, Koran, Buddhist Scriptures. Veda,
U panisad, Patanjali Sutra, Brahma Sutra, Bhagabat
G. M. College Campus Geeta and many other scriptures including System of
Sambalpur - 768004 Yoga, Astrology, Astronomy, Palmistry, Classical music
Orissa, India. and Rabindra Sangit.
Through his proficiency in many languages he is i A MESSi-~GE
acceptable to people of different countries of the World
and is acclaimed as a World Teacher. He visits foreign Letter from Gurudev
countries every year and h?s a large number of disciples
belonging to different walks of life. They include Swami Hariharananda Giri
Governors, Ministers, Chief Justices, Administrators,
Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Musicians, Respected ,1
Business men as well as poor persons. He has no dogma My affectionate and divine father Raghabananda Baba,
while initiating his disciples and makes no distinction Baba. many are teaching wrong technique. Please
between a Brahmachari and a householder in this matter. see, ( I am giving diagram, accordingly :you .all will
He also empowers competent disciples to intiate people teach). It is imide the divine well, not outside the spine
into Kriya- Yoga either in India or abroad. well. You see the red arrow marks; student will come up
inside the spinal well and will come down inside the
A realised soul in the line of Sri Lahiri Baba, Sri spinal canal. Although I wrote, Om, Na, MA outside
Yukteswarjee and Paramahansa Yogananda he occupies the ~pinal, yet it is not outside, it must be inside the
a unique position among the Yogis of this Country. spinal canal. Only to make you all to understand
I wrote and show the technique of 2nd Kriya. First
Kriya is just like that. You will teach first, you exhale
fully, then you see God is pulling breath slowly from
lower Center to llpper Center. Give more stress on
* sound and Vibration than watching the breath. Because
sound and vibration are the result of the technique.
Student will get the result of the formless stage. Prasad
of Lord Jagannath is more valuable than Oarshan of
Lord Jagannath. The grace of Lord is, in fact, the
Prasad of Jagannath So you tell them to watch
more vibration and sound while practising Kriya.
Kriya Yoga gives constant liberation, if the student
feels God is doing everything, If whole day a student feels
God is doing work through me, then he will work and
that will be his or her worship. All religions teach to be
extrovert and for a short period meditation. but Kriya
Yoga will give you constant sound - Ista mantra and
constant liberation. KltlY A- YOGA, THE SCIENTIFIC TECHNIGUB FOR
Again I am telling most probably I wrote one story SELF-REALISATION.
told by Sri Yukteswarjee. He used to say a ghost wanted
work, so he told, you please catch the ring of the well
and come up inside th e well and again come down The quest for the self·realisation is the great heritage
inside the well. Similarly everyone should watch and distinctive feature of Indian tradition. India is the
everything is done by God, only God is in your whole greatest seat of pilgrimage for self.meditation. The
system, See Bhagawat Geeta, 13th Chapter, 14th Verse, pursuit of spiritual knowledge through the physiology
In our whole system God is abiding. so we are to watch of man is the very beginning. middle and end of India's
two things at a time - inside the gross hand invisible Cl'lltural system. The greatest contribution of India to
hand is working. Inside the visible leg invisible legs humanity is its Yoga· dharma. Through practice of
are activating. Inside the visible eye invisible eye is Yoga, poverty striken India has found out the ways to
working - . achieve peace in the violent, restive and bewildered
world of to-day. The people of the world. excepting the
Please meditate deeply. \Vith blessings for all who Indians have not so far been able to explore the ways to
love Hariharananda. eternal peace, in spite of their unique and glorious
achievements in the sphere of material gains through
the help of physical science. Therefore, they are now
very eagerly and anxiously engaged in quest of that
path. On the other hand the Indians also, in spite of
-Swami Hariharananda Giri being the worthy inheritors of that precious episte-
rilOlogy and elixir of life, have become way-ward for
want of.their appropriate application in the sphere of
the life of the individual and of the community.
It is the ,common prejudice that Yoga is a vely
intricate process and.is not intended for common man
in its day-to-day life. The fundamental essence of Yoga
is to bring about communion between God and man.
( ii ) (iii)

The state of communion or Yoga is there at each and the Upanishads and in all other sastras will be actualised
every moment and it depends on the will of man how in life. Therefore, requisite knowledge and practices are
to realise it. A rusty wire is transformed to an immensly necessary in the modes of our technique for altering the
power generating element when it is connected to an station.
electric plug. Similarly, if Gyan (knowledge), Vigyan
{detailed knowledge} and progyan (perfect knowledge) I The great ascetics and seers with their farsightedness
can be infused in to the extrovert and vacillating nature in the realisatiun of Ultimate Reality have come to
of our Jiva. the darkness of ignoran..::e will vanish away understand that within the back-bone, there is asporous
in the twinkle of an eye and the very life of the indivi- nerve which stretches across from the cocyx to the brain,
dual will gleam ~ith Divine illumination. The Kriyayoga known as ·Susumna'. The different moods of the mind
process itself is a scientific technique for the transforma- vary in accordance with the variations in their positions
tion of our material body - consciousness to a state of within the different planes of this ·Susumna'. Each and
spiritual superconsciousness or cosmic consciousness. every mood of ours has to pass through Susumna. From
muladhara it rises up to sahasrara and is ultimately
One has to become the Brahma himself in order to revealed through kutastha (pituitary~. This kutastha is
have the real conception in the essence of Brahma. It no other than Brahma·yoni. If the sadhak (aspirant)
has been mentioned in the scriptuH's that by transform- can transcend his mind beyond the cocyx (muladhara),
ing one self into Divinity one has to worship God. It is ! sacrum ( swadhisthan ), lumbar ( manipur J, dorsal
not possible to realise the essence of Divinity if one has ( anahat ), and cervical ( bisudha ) circuit or the centres
not exalted himself to the level of God-head after within the susumna nadi. then the right state of mind
crossing the stage of Jiva-hood. Just as through the is attained and the extrinsic Jiva gets automatically
m~dium of radio, one broadcasting station can be purged. If the mind achieves concentration on the
switched over to another, in the similar manner, M edula oblongta (ajna-chakra) and pituitary and if the
through a scientific process the Jiva bread casting station sadhak so desires, he can realise the self, suspending the
can be converted to the broadcasting centre of the restiveness of.Jiva, even in t~e midst of all sorts of
Divinity, As long as the centre of the conciousnness of worldly consciousness and perplexities.
the extrinsic Jiva has not been locked up, the intrinsic
consciousness of God will not be attained, nor man will Swasa-bayu ( inhalation and exhalation ). is the very
be able to realise the significance of the Universal spirit. life-blood of man. If this' vayu becomes restive
Human birth will achieve perfection and its worth, then man becomes insane with lust, anger and greed-
when it will reach the stage of the all pervading Brahma. iness and becomes insensible having no proper power
The ultimate truth propounded in the Gita, the Vedas, of judgement. Mind is the lord of all passions; but this
(v )
vayu also is the controller of the mind. If vayu is
and eminent prophets are of the opinion that if a man
controlled by the scientific Kriya processessJ then man
practices the procedures of Kriya'yoga earnestly for four
can obtain the realisation of God within the sphere of
hours.daily, then he can be in a position to obtain the
his mortal existence.
fruits of meditation of a long period of five hundred
Nadi·chakra ( the circuit of nerves) becomes purged years which he would have derived in the usual course
by swasa-bayu or prana bayu, which can be quickly ) of evolution.
achieved through the practice of Kriya - yoga process.
Consequently the passage to susumna within the back- The technique of Kriya-yoga is a very powerful
bone is opened. As soon as it is opened the air w.ithin scientific technique. Through this technique a man can
the susumna passage passes on to kutastha as well as to maintain equilibrium in the five aeriforms (panchabayu)
sahsrara, as a result of which wit, wisdom and eaoism of his body, and very rapidly the impure blood in his
" body hecomes purified. Tbe heart and the lungs in no
reach the stage of mental equilibrium. Life becomes
ambrosial and filled with cdestial bliss with the direct time become revitalised and refreshingly energetic. It
perception of Divine Effulgence. makes the mind meta:"morphosed by generating millions
and millions of new blood corpuscles. It also aids in the
Kriya·yoga is the quickest means of success. The growth of beauty, grace, memory and intelligence.
speciality of Kriya yog<i technique is that it leads to the Besides this, it transmits the divine powers through the
realisation of the simultaneous development of the body. divine nerve (susumna) or the vital astral passage to the
mind and self in the shortest po~sible time. The Hindu top (sahasrara). Consequently, there arise new divine
sastras envisage three million times transmigration or vibrations in the two spheres of cerebrum and cere-
transfiguration of the soul in order to achieve perfection bellum leading to the transformation of physical
purity and salvation. But through the application of consciousness to cosmic consciousness.
Kriya-yoga technique the spiritual evolution of man is
accelerated. Just as an aircraft enables a man to travel It is a very easy, yet a very vitalising process. It does
thousands of miles within a very short time, in the not entail any physical pains as are generally experienced
similar manner the practice of Kriya-yoga serves as a in other usual cases of yogic practices. and, as such,
scientific device in hel ping man to cross the terra· firma here one need not suspend one's breathing pressing the
of ,Sanskaras' and mundane bondages. Yogavatar (the nostrils with the tips of fingers while lying upside
Yoga incarnate) Shyam Chandra Lahiri, Jnyanavai~r down on the head. A disciple is sure to gain mastery
( the Knowledge-incarnate) Yukteswarji and Paramh- over this Kriya-yoga technique within a few days, if he
ansa (the Supreme sage ) Yoganandaji etc the great can avail himself of the privilege to come in close
contact and direct supervision, for receiving necessary
(vi) (vii)

instructions, technical know·how and the very funda- to electric light, in the consequence of which darkness
mentals of Kriya-Yoga from a supreme devotee and vanishes away; similarly if Kriya-yoga is practised in
preceptor who has sacrificed everything and has dedi- the correct way, the transformation of body elements
cated his life to gain control over this Kriya-yoga takes place automatically in their right order of sequ-
technique after prolonged years of meditation and ence, resulting ultimately in the expulsion of ignorance
practice. from Jiva-hood. And as an outcome of the power
generated by the electromagnetic Kriya-yoga, the light
Kriya-yoga IS the most convenient and effective of wisdom is radiated. As soon as the light of wisdom
means for self realisation. Through the scientific is projected and the highest state of Yoga is attained,
meditation of KriYd-yoga. a man can climb to the then the splendour of the Divine-self and the magnani-
highest rung of success in a very little time. This is by mity of the Supreme Being becomes manifested. The
far the best and the grandest royal road among all the aspirant who has realised the essence of Brahma.
path ways in the realm of the spiritual world, the safest becomes himself akin to Brahma.
and surest highway for self-realisation. Just as through
the help of a space-ship a man can land at the Unite'd Tron coming in contact with fire becomes igneous and
States of America in a single day and the limitless Uni- just like that the aspirant achieves Divine Magnanimity
verse can be covered by rocket within a few :Doments through his communion with Brahma. He can also
in lightning speed, similarly by the scientific Kriya-yogl derive supreme tranquility of mind and a state of
technique, a man can cross the region of the world of cosmic consciousness. The entire material possession
physical consciousness and can enshrine himself in the however valuable it may be, is ignoble before this
kingdom of God in the quickest possible time. A man precious acquisition. Not only in the individual sphere.
endowed with spiritual consciousnes s and celestial but also in the community life and the life of the
vision can very rightly c0nceive of the essence of the nation as well, this Kriya-yoga process, if rightly
DIvine Being, pervading all individual souls. practised will definitely play a very effective role in
mitigating their sufferings and work as a PANACEA
It is not just getting oneself acquainted with the FOR ALL THE TROUBLES OF THE HUMANITY
theoretical lessons of Yoga, but through the direct Material, Psychological and Spiritual.
superVISIOn .'and guidance of Guru a man can be

able to convert his material, empirical consciousness to Just as a thrilling sensation is felt 10 the living
Divine consciousness by Kriya-yoga technique. Just as organism in touch with eleGtric current, similarly.
ice can be converted to water, water to gas. gas to DIVINE ILLUMINATION, DIVINE SOUND, AND
motion, motion to electric current and electric current DIVINE VIBRATION are experienced instantaneouilly

in the body of an aspirant soon after the practice c/ DISCODRSES ON KRIYAYOGA

this scientific Kriya-yoga. FIOm this direct experience,
devotion to God becomes deeper and one feels within " Brahmanandam Paramasukha dam Kebal aog Gyanamurting
himself the presence and realisation of the Supreme ~ DwandatitBm Gaganasadri sam Tatwama s hyadi lakshyam
Lord. Thus throu£!h appropriate meditation man's life Ekang Nilyam Bimalam Achalam Sarbadhi Sakshibhulam
becomes worth living in this mortal world. Bhabatitam Trigunarahitam Sadgurung Tam Namami",.

Tn Kriyayoga you are not to attend to, you are not

to try. Only you are to remain in the Soul. straight in
between your two eye brows four inches below the
fontanelle, where the Pituitary remains and from the
top of your head. The baby has the softest place on the
top of the head. God takes breath frum that place. If
* you calmly remain and sit there then automatically you
will talk and even through your talk you will talk
according to your own mind, but you will hear the
sound, the inner voice of God that Jhim Jhim Jhim
Jhim, Gun Gun Gun Gun _., ..... like the cry of a
boy of three years old .- that tune, the sound comes,
From where you are to perceive, sound comes from that
place. Our five seDse organs activate, work from the
Soul. the indwelling self, that is 'ya',

If you only remain there then automatically you will

hear the sound. Outer sound that is the divine sound
comes and the sound which comes from my mouth that
is also the talk of God. The sound which comes from
your mouth is also the talk of God and if you remain
alert in the Soul, four inches deepest into it then'
surely you will hear that sound, at the same time
you will get the vibration. Something moving. this is
called pendulum, in front of your head, inbetween your
two eye brows, inside something, swinging, rocking if
2 3

you watch it this movement of sensation creates light/ water and spirit. \'Vater means love for God, surrender
Light does not mean the search light that you are taking for God, humility to God. The creator only wants this
~nd flashing. Holy Ghost is flashing light, God is flash- humility from you, that is water. Water means man
Ing light from above. just like the movement of the crying for the presence of God that he is in trouble-
pendulum. 1£ there is no light in the movie you cannot On Lord, On Saviour, will you not save my child? Will
see the movement sensation of the picture. Whenever ,. you not save my husband ? Will you not save my, life?
you see the movement sensation of the picture in the So they shed tears. This is called water. And what is
movie, surely on the background there is light. otherwise Spirit? Spirit is the power of God means soul. So only
you cannot see. So this movement of sensation of the you will shut your eyes and see this is moving from the
pendulum indicates the presence of light behind that top of your head down to the Coccygeal Centre. Once
is the light of God, that is life of God. Light is the life the pendulum will move, it will move constantly. Is it
of God. It is said in the Isha Upanisada in the 18th not? If the clock, wall clock is there and the pendulum
Chapter. about this liaht. ' is moving once, then the pendulum will move all th,e
time. Is it not? So the movement of sensation of the
I would tell more important things because you are pendulum means the movement of sensation of your
all sincere. You are trying your utmost. Whenever you
soul, life force. You only watch it on the top and see
are feeling vibration after Mahamudra, you are not
that it moves up to the down, to the coccygeal centre.
doing Mahamudra, God who is within. the power of
God who is within. He does M:lhamLldra. So you have You are not to take breath, long breath, because your
done two Cycles of Mahamudra that is your six centres kriya is genuine, you have practised it for a longer period.
have gradually come up to the top. Then when you will God is constantly pulling breath. You are to only hear the
practice Kriya. after Mahamudra you do not practice sound and you are to only see light, and you see that it
Kriya. You only sit calmly with your eyes shut; see that is moving in the coccygeal centre. Humbly yOil will say,
you have no sense of your body, as if, your little body Oh Saviour, Oh Lord. Oh God, thank you very much.
transformed into all pervading body . From high Heaven When you are tilkinglong breath, you have completed
the pendulum moves, just you feel it, then you will see it in the kindergarten school, the primary school. You are
moving in the high Heaven and that movement of now a higher student. So what wiIJ you feel ? You will
sensation of the pendulum is constant. non stopping. it only feel it is moving on the top, in the fontanelle also
is going on and going on, and it IS moving from top to it is moving in the bottom. If you remain only on the
bottom. Although in Scripture it is said, your Heaven top, it is moving, somewhere, then you will feel it is
is inside the brain. your soul is inside the brain, even moving everywhere. From that place you watch. It is
Jesus said your Heaven is within you, your divine king- moving on the top and this is not imagination, this is
dom is within you, you are to born from above through concrete experience. The pendulum is moving on the
4 5

top, the pendulum is also moving in the bottom. So if' I immediate furies - No and at that time you have nothing.
you watch that and see that it is moving on the top, keep I So whole day and night you are to remain there· it is
wrinkles on the forehead and with love say Lord, thank I moving on, the top. Your heart is on the top. Your
you. Donot take long breath 'Nischale Nischalo Bhabet'. I heart is in the bottom. You have two hearts, one
\,Vhen your inhalation will be very feeble then you have Material heart and one real heart.
actually rea lised. You are in Godhood. So when you will
s'ly it is moving on the top it is moving in the Sex So this is your heart. So you watch. I am telling. I
Centre. Breath is constantly taken by God in you. This am feeling it is moving on the top, it is moving in my
is the real Kriya, genuine Kriya, advanced Kriya. Clear? forehead, it is moving in my face, it has come upto the
That you will only see it is moving in the sex centre: heart. I am not going below because I am to purify my
Oh Lord, you will remove my bad influence of stars and heart. However religious a man may be he i1Sbut a man.
planets from the ~econd centre from the money centre I have also anger, pride, viciousness, cruelty. But I have
and calmly watch and hear the divine sound. suppressed all these. So every person can dt) it. Let it
remain inside. There are many people who are whim-
You are nowhere. You ar~ oniy in the sou). Then sical. Once a person becomes unhappy you cannot
see it is moving on the top, you remain on the top, bring that person to your own mood. So thir; is one type
then watch that it is moving on the Food Centre and of disease of the heart. So surrender, attain peace, love,
yOll are not to take deep breath because God is canst· in a moment's time. Mistake is not for mistake when one
antly taking breath in you. That is your Kriya, real is going to surrender, then there is no harshness.
Kriya, advanced Kriya. Those who are beginner they
This is heart centIe. Soar. it will be free. Because
will take deep long brc3th ..... Then you are a living
with the repentance you can remove your defects. With
being you are doing some technique. You are beyond
. the repentance you can remove your falsehood. You are
doing wrong, every moment your five sense organs
When Mahamudra is done correctly and you are . force you to do wrong and you will commit mistakes
advanced you will feel vibration on the top. You only but you return back your mistake to God. Because you
remain on the top. Then you are to attai~ to the Naval have the power of God. God has given the mistake.·· So
centre. Then you will watch that if it rs moving here change it and remain there and see it is moving. in the
then surely it will be moving everywhere. So you feel beart. You only watch it is moving on the top and it is
that vibration is in the heart. Love God, Oh Lord, you in the heart and love God, say remove my impurities,
are so kind to me giving purity, perfection. Give me remove my anger, pride, remove my all negatives.
oneness. Don't give me any viciousness, an {!er, cruelty, Then come and see that it is moving on the top it
unhappiness, immediate anger, immediate fraustration. is moving in the Cervical. You are not to take deep long
6 7

breath. Because the breath is taken by you "Chale Bate not watching the breath, the breath is inside the passage
Challachittam Nischale Nischalo Bhabet". If you take of the nostrils, then you are spiritual. That is called
long deep breath then you will get disturbance, your Pranayamaha, rest of Prana, rest of heart.
heart will pump more, •••.•. ~•.so you are keeping your
attention on your breath. But that is finished, when you ' So you only offer and love God, "Oh Lord, you
have done Maharnudra. After Mahamudra you are have given a beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful
offering your heart to God, because this is not your brain, I thank you." You are not to take breath. Love.
heart. Then you are watching the top, this is moving humbly. Watch His presence in you, not in form, but in
like pendulum on the top, it has come to the cervical formless stage. The movement sensation and sound is
Centre, even. in the whole face it is coming up. From the formless and the Light is formless. This is the
the next centre upto the top is all vacuum. Akas, essence of three gross bodies i. e. three bodies. Gross
Chidakas, Daharakas, Parakas, Mahakas. Atmakas. Akas, body is giving light. Astral body is giving the vibration
Parakas, Daharakas, Mahakas, Atmakas are the five and causal body is giving sound. So calmly remain there
vacuums. Your f:v.e sense organs give you delusion. and watch and watch and watch. Then you will see that
the power' has come down in between your two eye
You are not to take bre;}th during the time of Kriya brows. It is moving to and fro. Watch it nicely and love
proper, because you have done Maham udra. You have God. The marvellous power is within you. You penet-
completed your kindergarten school, you have campi· rate deepest into it. Some - times you don't penetrate
eted your High School and now you are in the College. the needle straight. Sometimes you penetrate the needle
So you will not read the same book. all the books of the in 60 angle as if it is coming from the right side of the

kindergarten school and the school books will not come the eye brow. You are penetrating straight from the left
to the College and you are not to prepare. So you calmly side of the eye brow. You penetrate straight in the
remain there and watch. You see nothing, only you pituitary. Then you will see different types of light and
watch the power of God giving you vibration. The life see the vibration and then come up on the top and feel
force you will watch very calmly which is on the fonten· the power of God is there.
aBe is moving inside the next centre and you feel that it
is moving here, it is moving in the whole face, it is Again from the top you come down and come down
moving in the whole ears, watch it. Don't take lana and watch and watch. It will take only. two minutes time

breath. Because God is constantly pulling bfeath and if you do not get vibration first on the coccygeal,
"Nischale Nischalo Bhabet", ''Tasmin Sati Swasha Pras· then you watch -it on the top in the fontanelle. Because
washa Gatir Bichchadaha Pranayamaha" • it is written in the power, of God is remaining on the top and the North
"Patanjali" in the Sadhan Chapter that when your in- "Uttare Shikhare Oebi Bhumyan Parbata Basini". You
going breath and out - coming breath is normal, you are are abiding in the top also you are abiding in the bottom
"Bh umyan. .' "Bh umyan " means coccygeal centre. But
Then Totapuri insisted. Sri Ramakrishna said, "I
yo~ are remaining in the top. you are activat' f
th e t Ope ing rom don't want:' Then Totapuri replied, "Your Kali sent me
here, you just go to Kali and ask." Then Sri Ramakrishna
So you see that. So if you cannot go straight prayed. Kali said, "Yes, T sent Totapuri, you are more
from top to bottom. you remain on the north and see powerful than T otapuri. You should take him as Guru
that movement sensation while remaining there. Calmly and be realised." Then Sri Ramakrishna came to
watch and watch vibration and sound then , '11 Totapuri, "Yes, I told Mother that I don't like to leave
" . ". you WI
see It IS movIng here It IS mOVIng in the ears Lt Her. She answered, "If you practice that formless
Y . Me H'1m.
ou are not to take breath, God is constantl! taking stage then you will get me perfectly, you will not leave
b;-eath. The soft breath is the breath of ca]mne~~, It will me, you will remain in all living Kalis in the whole.
gIve you more realisation. worldly show on the life force". She is remaining inside
the dead body and in the dead body there is life •E' and
In Yoga Sastra - Sanhita it is written "Jal t Naib
Prabisati Charan Maruta Madhya ~,/large" if yc: don't !
tbat Kal and 'E'. Kal means dead body. Sha and Ba is.
"Shab". Shab means dead body and if you add 'E' that
take deep long breath and practise Moham'uJra you
is Power, the living power of God, it becomes "Shi".
cannot know God "Jabat Bindur Na Bhabati I )riraha"
so long your attention will not remain pin poinl •.d that The Mother said. "You go to Totapuri, I directed
you have got the pin pointed attention, on that l' T otapuri. You should complete your course." So
k' b lme you
are not ta .mg reath. "Jabat Dhyanam Sahaja f;adrisha T otapuIi told him, "Sit down, you should concentrate
Jayate Nalba Tattwam" - •Dhyan" means !
here." He said, "I cannot concentrate. my mind is going
b' , you are I

eyond your mmd, "SanIina Manasha" (al b d on Kali. My mind is coming here. Kali is moving in my
. Jsor e
mInd ) you are off from your mind, thought, YOlI are in body I am watching." Totapuri said, "I tell you, you
kn~w~edge ..Yo~d~ not.want ~o .scan God. This i~ Durga. withdraw your whole sense from lower centre to upper
ThIs IS Kah. thIS IS ShIV3, thIS IS Krishna, this i:i Moha- centre in the pituitary," He tried and tried, but failed
mmed, this is Allah, You require "Tattwam" Y and said , "I am undone, I cannot, my mind is restless".
. . ou
reqUIre truth, you remain there, Krishna is there K I' . T otapuri said, "Y ou ar,eto change your mind into
. , a 1 IS
there, ev~rythifig. is there, but you are to go far. \Vhat knowledge. rhe director and conductor of t~e Kali is
Ra~a Kr~shna did: ~e was. worshipping Kali, Kali, 120 volts; 220 volts, or 440 vo1ts, bt,lt you are to go to
Kalt, KalI. He was SIngIng and doing Kali, Kitl' K I' the Power House from where all the current of the
Kali Kali, always. Kali is my mother and aft I. th It' world is coming or activating. So you go there". But
T . J?r a
otapun came a?d told, "Your meditation is nl)t com- Sri Ramakrisha said. "I am undone" Then T otapuri took
pleted. You are Just in form Now you are to . one piece of broken glass and pierced inside., "I repeat-
• ~(jme to
the formless stage."
edly instructed you to concentx:ate here." It was
10 11

penetrated in the skin, not in the skull, not on the bone, mind" you are to cross beyond your thought, you are to
and Sri Ramakrishna was getting pain. The blood was cross:be~ond your body sense, you are to go beyond
coming down through nose, and he was concentrating in alL thes.e' worldly sensetl, then you will get that power,
the pain.
that-you 1 are "in- the infinite, in tbe high Heaven, it is
", i So he concentrated in the pain and pain and pain comingJr:om the high Heaven. the Search Light, that is
and concentrated. The power of God was there and just I 1?endulum Movement Sensation, then you corne from
after he attained the formless stage. The sound light I thE: tOPi you fee! ,it, but you donot take breath, long
. " I
vibration was there, he had no body sense and he was ( breath •.:a~caus~ you will not carry your all school books,
remaining there in that stage. Generally. the Sadhaks in primary school books -~othe college. Your all teachers of
the beginning, are getting half an hour time samadhi, Primary S~hool will not go, there. You are advanced.
fifteen minutes samadhi, one hour samadhi and not You are in the University. You are in the universe, your
more. And Totapuri gave him the power and power and body is the universe.'
'after that he was in samadhi for two days. Constantly
Totapuri was coming and watching, and examining his , So you -a:re feeling the vibration. Gradually it is
pulse. No pulse and feeling of the vibration was there coming down from the higher centre to the pituitary,
in the heart, body was warm, then Totapuri felL that he then it is coming in the Medula. Love him. Don't take
is not dead. breath. God is' cOhstantly taking breath that is your
Kriya. Feeble breath. ,. Nischale Nischalo Bbabet" you
After that three days passed, when Totapuri did are not watching your breath, it is remaining in between
not attend and then Totapuri was happy and he gave "Apare Nihatahara Praoan Praneshu Juhati" it is written
pressure in the body, massaged in the hand and the body t in Bhagabat Gita in 4th Chapter 29th Verse. "Nihata-
and then Sri Ramakrishna came back to senses. This i hara", You are taking breath. "Pranan Praneshu Juhati"
is real truth. This is the ultimate goal of all religions, I
you are almost in Nirbikalpa Samadhi Stage. You are
formless stage, if you can fix your attention there in the I only perceiving the vibration and nothing. That vibra-
pituitary. It is said. "Naiba Tat yam", if you do not do I
tion is flowing just like a pendulum. It is coming
it. "Tabat Tadidam Dambha Mithiya Prolapa" if you ~ from the top and every where. Only love God.
say, I have seen Kali, I have seen Durga, I am floating, I "You are in my heart,you give me purity, no vicious-
am moving, I am going to the high heaven, I am seeing ness, Oh Lord,' you are in my intestine, there is
a huge God, the God is just sitting, tbis is all hallucina- moderation. moderation of food. in my food [ will
tions, imagination, that is suggestions, speculation. You { watch thee." Then you come to the Sex Centre, "Oh
are in the mind, you are in the thought, you are in the Lord. I am quite in control," So far I am watching God,
special thought but you are to cross beyond your even in that Centre.
12 13
It it said Bhaumyan Parbata Basini" "Gatcha Gatcha SECOND KRIYA
Parasthanam Swasthanam Parameswari" Oh divine
Mother, mother nature. You do not remain in the lower
If you \vant to, have spiritual advancement· then
centre you also give me sensation in every centre. Again
you are' to feel the change~:In the fi~st Kriya Yb~ are
and again you come. Sri Yukteswarji has told one story-
getting some change. You are only gettmg sound, hght,
just in the well there are seven rings, so from the top
~ibration and you are taking deep long breath. God. is
you come down, and down and go to below, again you
taking breath from the top and exhaling. Correct posture
come up to the top, again you come down. and down
for advanced students as they are putting rope inside
to the below. again you come up and up, catch the seven
the well, and pulling a rope from the top of the wen
rings and come up and come down. So whole day and
and' water is coming out from the bottom to the top~
night you are getting the thought and the thought in
Similarly the living power of God is remaining just. in
the Coccygeal, in the Heart Centre, in the Naval
the well, and not going with the bucket nor entenng
Centre, in the Sex Centre, in the Food Centr·e. So any
inside the water ,or pulling the bucket and gradually
thought is coming. you say it is the tho,ught of God.
coming up from the lower centre to the upper centre.
If it is bad you leave it, if it is good you activate it and
The pupil is standing on the top and he is throwing
you feel that you are not activating, it is done by the
the rope, but pupil is not pulIing the rope, the power: of
power of God. Thank you very much. God bless you.
God is pulling the rope. That the advanced student will
feel it.

In the first Kriya when you will bow seven tinies,

magn'~tize your spine, then the power will automa-
tically come on the top. In reality you are not bowing.
You have 'not come her'e: The power of God has come
here and the po\Ver of God is activating. So within three
Limes when you bow,then immediately YO,u_~anget .~h~
vibration. And you should not! do maha.inudrav~ry
quickly. Bo~, not quickly, but slowly . You are to watch
what is your change. So if youdq it slowly then within
three time~' whileybu are bOwing, you will be free 'f!om
body sense. Because you are old students and every
moment you are to keep love 'arid you are to feel'tha.t
God is pulling breath and the. money ce~tre is c~min~
to God. Ag~hl God is throwing the rope, It is coming
I 15
t dead they are not feeling any trouble. Is it not?

to the Sex Centre. You are offering your Sex Centre to are no h h' b' b f b d mnany
God. Because all activities are coming from the top. 50 all suc a Its are ecause o· a co p •

Then it is coming from top to bottom in the Naval All '1 anger, pride, viciousness, cruelty, insince·
Centre, the God is pulling. Just as in the lifts in India, , i- e~l: doubt these are also bad company,
' L'f .I " 'd H' , nty, sUSplclOn, '. "
t h ere IS a 1 tman.a ways standI.ng InSI e. e IS coming, h h ~lations of ArJuna allegorically m Maha·
d own an d h e IS gOing up.
Th' 'h' . B ..,
t ese are t e r
IS IS IS serVIce. ut It IS
b harllLt,an d A rJuna
. was .getting trouble , because of hIS

done automatIcally. t
attac J.rlment t 0 h'.IS r elatives He was telling - No - No ••.
No. I will not kill my relatives. I will not kill my
Similarly the power of God is coming from the top! relatives. The qualities relating to the body are called
with the elevator. And now the fourth Centre. Again he· relatives. Passien, Anger, Pride, f'ruelty, Insincerity all
is ta~ing the passenger to the to,P' That means you a:e are rt~latf'd to body. They are' neare!'t r~lations .. :'nd
offermg your heart to God wIth love and you are NIl, i Krishna who is Friend, Philosopher & GUIde to AfJuna
you have nothing. You have no heart. We can get any was 'teaching. Krishna means good company, that is
time heart failure. No one can say when~you will get I ur indwelling self. He knows good and bad, and your

cancer, or when ybU will get this or that trouble. Every- !

~:n8clence always tells, this is good, tha~ is bad. So~e
day I feel it, every day, every moment I feel it that I am times: you are trying your utmost to aVOIdt?e bad habIts
not a body. I am going to lavatory to pass urine and I but impite of that you fail Is it not? But If you ,have
am feeling that this is my last urine, may be. /I Smara good' company, if you follow your friend, best !f1en~,.
Nitya Anityatwam". Always feel that futility, that is Krishna, you will be saved "Krishi + Na = Krishna ,
you may die just now. So if you make yourself minus that "Krishi" means cultivated bnd - Body and II Nancha
you a~e not doer, and next time you cannot know ~od, Nibritti Bac~~ka':. It means,' t~ere is "one formle~s
next tIme you can not go to the lavatory to pass urIne, body who is abIdIng 10 your pItUItary. TayorEko
if you feel it "Kuru Punyama Ahoratram" always . Jukta Krishna Nama Eti Abhidwiyate". If you
keep your attention on the Pituitary, "Smara Nitya I
add ~our cultivated body and farmer. who is cultivating
AnityQtwam" always you feel that it is a glass plate and t the land and if you follow the fa~mer. then you can know
carrying from this place upto the lavatory, upto the kit- !
that the far~er is surely cultivating ,nicely. Clear? So it
chen, it may fall down from my hand, it may be broken . depends upon the deepest desi~e. But it is not pos~i?le.
into pieces. Similarly "Ya;a Durja'na Sansargam" It requires a very strong Master. Every teacher IS a
avoid bad company. That is death to you. And where strong master. They are controlling the minds of t~e
is bad company? The bad company is within you. You boys'andgiving something Iile\\,in educating them. Is It
are your friend. Many people are taking some addiction, not? So good company is required. Guru is the good
intoxiCation. That is going on. I cannot change, all company. ,So through this you are to remove your ·all
people. Those who are not taking any intoxication, they bad qualities, ..
16 \ 17

Ari,una allegoric,allymeans all worldly people. Het Some thought i. :oming• Some tho~,:ht" is ta~ing
was trymg- and trymg _ and trying. And He made 18\ shape. ICTya;a Dur]ana Sansargam, . DUr}ana
Cha.Pt:rs. F.irst,Bisad. bisad means ,sorrow. No, I cannot '. Sanswa~ga" undoubtedly means oU,twardfnend,s. The;
leave mtoxicatIon .. J know many educated persons· who are teachmg some body to smuke clgarette~. Is It not.

are "intelligent, but who use intoxicants. So they tried .. Then you are not smoking, seme of y~ur frIends force
but they faiIe~. But if you remain in good company i you to smoke, ·'It is ~othi~g.", In thls way. you ,~ave
there, you. \\1111 • be }ree from bad habits. Atom learnt smoking or lnt~:lcatl~n. So that IS DurJa~~
almost means nothmg. Nancha Nirgu.na Bachaka 5ansarga, bad company. BnQ]a Sadu .Samag .
"Nirguna" means formless. That formless is conduct. l Always remain in good company. II KuruPunnyam
ing the body. and formless is gradually leading the body; Ahoratram" - \Vhole day and night you watch who
from the lower centre to the upper centre. This is. are you? You are the imperishable soul - And II Smara
second Kriya - First Part. And from the top He is i Nitya A~ityatam"· always feel it is a glass pla~e -
directing. If the well is not nicely dug then you cannot i
ffail, fragile, it can easily be broken. 50 in second Kny~,
go deeper. So the weB is closed. Your spinal channel is! Krishna was telling, you come up, you come up. It IS
locked with "Ida;' and "Pingala", "Bajra" and "Chitta" I Bisad or sorrow. Then "Sankhya". He told about that
!imperishable life. You are the warrior son. You ate to
There is a technique to remove "Ida", "Pingala" fight and you have now become coward. If you get
aJra an d 'lCh'Itra." B'aJra means the sex sense. heaven, kingdom - no matter. If you d'on t ge t . heaven.
Endless sex desire - very strong. This is the meaning of: kingdom. _ no matter. Still you are born for uphftment,
Bajra. This remains in Braja. So you are to remove it. 'I That is Krishna telling about the body centre" you
But, still it 'is there. Only by the technique of Mahamudra i come up, you come up. This is Second Chapter.
you a~ediggin~ ~he well,nicely-removing the Ida, Pinga- !
la, ..BaJ~a and ~hItra. It IS repaired by the practiCE: of t Third Chapter is work. By work, if you do not prac-
Knyayoga, BaJra and Chit~a remain in the five vacuum cen- t tice kriya, only take kriya and go home and you do
tres. No one wants to go mto the vacuum centre. 'Chit' t not know how you will sit for Mahamudra, means, that
means souL It is there. But ?hit~a ~e~nsimpatience- 1 you have only come on the day of initiatien. That means
of some persons. The mmd IS flashlOg on some idea. ! you are not practicing. You have forgotten everyth-
C~itra also means painting. Out of nothing you have ing, as you said, that you do not know even Mabamudra.
paInted something. And it is beautiful, attractive. So you how to do it. If you come to the good company then
have come up upto this. This means upto Dorsal centre. automatically you can do it. So in the first Kriya, yOU
· k' b th
Dpto the Dorsal centre you have some experiences. You are to come up, From the top H e IS ta 109 rea •
have some experience even in the Cervical centre. But Heart centre is pulled by God. From Cex:ical ?entre
the bucket is coming up. So the bucket IS comlOg up
something is creating,. painting and painting Chitrao -
and the bucket is '
c . gOIng down. Again the b k . h' r I' .. .. h . fi . d
omIng. up, so He is p II' f uc et ISnot mg, we are lee mg It IS movmg III t e In mte an
t h . u Ing rom the to Y
wa c It. That is first K . p. ou are to down to the ground, pendulum. That you are to
student will do ? Afte :~a. ~nd what the higherp.erceive and remain tnere for two, three, four minutes,
they are doing the K' r free tImes, four times when that is your Parabastha, that is your liberation stage in
b ecause the technique nya, a terb that they'IlWI practice .. It, first K nya . an d t h at you sh au Id app 1"y It In your practlca
' I
do it seven times A d must 'leIfollowed and you are to life. Then you can come down again, you see, lower
h ,. n you WI feel that . I
eaven. In first kriya d you are In the centre to upper centre, upper centre to lower centre. t
d ,a vanced stude t r I' ., h h
pen ulum is mavin' b n s lee Just as the ISvery qUIck. If the pendulum moves on t e top t en
h · g, Just a amboo' • f '
t lrd storeyed build' h' ISmOVIng rom the surely it wIll move on the bottom and you are not to
bIng, a t In b' b 'f l
amboo will move u 't h am 00 I you move that 1 take deep long breath. II Nischale Nischalo
the top, Similarly fr:m °ht e fir~t~toreye.d building from! Bhabat" - When breath will be very feeble then you
feel it and you a t eaven It .ISmOVIng. You are to I are practising Kriya." You are on truth.
Mahamudra even d·
body is already non e',
ram", "Bhasmanta
Ie 0 watch It
unHg- t e tIme
- XIS tent . "Bh
D .
unng the time of !
f K .
nya and your I
When all activity will be finished and you will merge
a~~antam Sari· with the actor - e'Ya", then you are getting betterment,

perishable It is wr·tt m . SaIrzram your body is . tormle8s stage. So you can maintain. This is enough for
I en, 10 sha Up . d ., ,
16th Verse. "Bayur Ani]" a~Isa a, may be - you. One techmque IS enough for you. But we have
moving and you are doin ~m. -In t?e hIgh heaven it is many thoughts in the midbrain, of the past, that are
m~ body is an impriso:ed r~o~ ~~th love .•• o, Lord, I. distur~ing. So you are to F~act~ce Mahamudra again.
KrIshna occupied his locked b y. Tn l1~h Capter, f In realIty you are not practIsmg It. You feel and love
that body. From the hi h h ody. He explamed about ~ God and feel that God is practising Mahamudra.
He showed one tree gB heaven d,own to the ground
, ra manadl It i . t l'k
Change, activate and always see what more· vou can
h' -
Cocoanut tree So if Yd' s JUS 1 e a f ac Ieve? What more truth, new sensation, new life,
• ou rea 11th Ch t '1' . ,
come to know of it. ap er you can ! new Ight, new sound, new betterment, lIke SrI Y ukte-
i swar Ji, like Lahiri Baba, you should feel. Because you
Similarly your this bod . . , f hIve sat for betterment, for mOIe~perception of realisa-
I don't sa I db' y, ~s only allegOrIcal, historical. : tion of self. So from top to bottom come down, from
y 0 not eheve It I sIb r .
you have heard you h . ay e Ieve It. Because l bottom to top go up. Lahiri Saba told you can do it as
25 rt tall S th' ave read of the person who was ' long as long as vou can, as long as you get the time.
1 • • 0 ere was also a t II h J
don't b r '{ a man at t at time. So I Follow me. In Lahiri Baba's b()ok a disciple tdld,-"Oh, I
W~ le~e .It. only .believe the truth. What i' am doing two hundred Kriya a day." Lahiri Baba replied,
me. at IS m you that I am t 1" s In I
bowing seven times and the l1?g. Only you are l "Thank you very much." There are many questions but
a t at tIme we are feeling 1 the answer is, "1 am very happy," So 1 don's tell that

20 21

~ou will take breath. I don't tell that th d . watching from iae heaven as God is wat~hing us, as in
lIke that two hundr d K . ey are om the road the Red Light is giving us' caution. yellow
t h' fi e rIyas. Only thev are sitting an
wa c mg '. or a longer
_ pe . d . I.,S
rIO 't' movmg-moving
.- mean light giving us to get ready and Green Light is allow~
pulsatlOo, m Gne minute 75 I 't ~ ing us to go. Is it not ? Similarly you watch it from the
or 80 - 100. r
CI i/
it is 100 h
.. .' S 1 not.
en m four mmutes it is four hundred Kriyas top. That your' green light is clear. There is no red
light, there is no yellow light, only the green light is
5 ear, . you say SOO - 600 - 700 that mans e 4 mmutes
m~utesl 6 ~jnutes. If you only watch then you wil there. Signal, that means you can roam to the Heaven.
sellet..at yo~ are In the infinite. Your little body become That is informal second Kriya. You watch there. You
a ' pervadmg body • Th' IS IS . K'nya, real perception 0 have done one cycle formal Second Kriya, then informal
K nya. What Lahiri Bab
h d d K' a sal'd t h at you practice three, Second Kriya.
K~~ re . nyas" Oh. I am practising three hundredj
From the heaven it is moving and coming down and
yas • FIrst Knya. Two hundred second Kriyas two!
it is moving. Light, sound, vibration - you are extremely
hundred and fifty second Kriyas. Lahiri Baba is~ t:Ilin ~
alerl. You are not ~n the coccygeal centre. You are on the
OR 1 am ~ap~y: Thank you very much. This is t~j
heaven. You are merged. You are getting oneness.'·
answer he IS gIvmg) in short. You take my blessings event
h ~'Only one sentence. And what d 0 you mean b VI I Merged means you are getting oneness and you are
t at . You have finIshed first Kriya. Still you are feelin~" seeing the play of God and you are hearing Om, - am, -
the second sensation from the h eaven d own to the, Om, and movement sensation, Na, - Na,-Na and move-
ment sensation - not breath. Almost breath - less - ness
grou~d. Th~t movement is permanent. You need noti
stage I Na.savyantaracharini" as if breath is moving
practIce agaIn ~noth.er cycle of Mahamudra. If you dol
inside the breath insidely. and also it is said Prana
not feel su~h vIbration or if you get some restlessness'
°Mfhthe mmd, then you should practice one cycle off t Apana Gati Buddhwa, as jf in - going breath and
a amudra. out - coming breath is stopped. But it is not stopped.

r know, I am telling, many, they are telling, yes, I am

Then you practice the Second Kriya and remain there getting the Samadhi Stage, I am not getting breath. I am
and watch. Om,-Om,-Om, Na,-Na.-Na, it is needless to in extremely breathlessness stag'e~and I am feeling myself
say because you should follow Guru's instrucOtions. So. that r am getting Nirbikalpa Samadhi stage My breath
h' have already taken Seven breaths ' a S 1'f from t h e
you is stopped. ram telling because I told you, that I am to°

Igh ~eav:n. Now six breaths. and exhale six times with i conduct, I am to see all the organisations and when
:'o~ma~Krja, and love him. There are seven centres i they called me then I say thank you very· much. I am
'. apa me Lokah.a", "Sapta Ime Pranah.a': very happy. You please go and put your hand near the
.. .- Tasmat" th ere are seven lIghts
. ' nose. Don't touch his body. You only keep this finger
remamIng In each Centre , Seven. G 0d s. S 0 you are near, you see whether the warm breath is coming or
22 23
cold breath is entering. When you are in meditati6n,
the ARJUNA followed Him through and through,
when you are in the infinity, then your breath is ~ery then he said Ie Nasta Moha" my delusion has. disappe- .
feeble, but it. is going. Little feeble breath is coming,
ared. II Sthitoasmi" now I have come, to senses. On
feeble breath IS entering in arid that is not Samadhi stage.
18th vhse, he said, "Gata Sandena" my doubt
But this is a partial samadhi stage. II Tonamanasa"
disappeared. I, Karisnye Bacnonam Taba". I will
( introvert samadhi. " Asamshakti samadhi" superl' follow what you will say. That is your two petal lotus
power. Thi~ is Tonumana~a Samadhi, introvert samadhi- • pituitary. On is forml~ss another is your body form
second Knya. There are seven stages of Samadhi. that is Arjuna is sitting behind the Krishna and your
a Apara Niyatahara Pranan Pranesa Jahati" I body is a chariot.
and those who are practising higher Kriyas they know ~
breath is going. then he cannot sit. Then he will fall i Clear ? 'Similarly I am telling about Jesus. All.
?own: Then his head will remain either that or like that I Prophets are the prophets and Jesus also proved that he
Just hke sleep or it will remain like that or if it remains r is immortal Soul, imperishable Soul. So you will go in the
near the wall. remain there and then gradually gradually Ii Christ Centre and just like Arjuna you will sit just
the body wIll fall down. Because there is no breath behind the Christ in the Cross. Is it not? Until you
"Niyatahara". It is Turia stage, pulselessness stage, , cross the seventh junction your Second Kriya is not
even breathlessness stage. I
finished. I told about Oronacharya that Saptatalu, that
is two crosses in between your two Ears, two crosses,
So I mean to say we do not want to hear all that big Drabela and occipital bone. and two crosses it is in
talk. We only want that perception of self, conception Fontanelle and coccygeal and another cross within the
of self and realisation of self. In Sec<md Kriya, informal mouth. When you are taking breath with ycur mouth
Kriya, you are getting that stage. From high heaven open, air is going and clearing the water and making
down to, the ground it is moving, with love you offer it dry. If you open your mouth and take breath, if you
him only love. Oh Lord. you have given money. Thank do it for five minutes in the sleep then you will see that
you. Sound, in the Sex Centre. you have given me Sex t . your whole face is dry, Y0l!r cesophagus is dry, it is
senses, Thank you. You are so kind. I cannot give you very difficult to swallow. Because this air is drying the
love. I am seeing you in two places on the top in the moisture. So below the Uvula there is a straight passage
heaven. on the top in the naval sound rna - rna" rna ,. t
rna • rna. You do not know where is the sound. ·You d~ 'I on seventh junction, that passage becomes clear and

not know where is your body, you are in the infinity,

you aTe in Atom. "Jabot Binda Na Bhabati
Dridaha" so long you will not go in the Atom stage,
, dry. Then you will come on the seventh junction. then
you are seeing it is rna, rna. rna, informal Kriya. You are

not inhaling only you are' watching va - va - va. You

are watching ga - ga - ga, you are watching vacuum then

merged with the power of God. Just you see the example, ba - ba ...
• ba .• ba - ba, the abode of God is there, and
, (
above that you have no access to God. As the :{3aisnaba
are. the children of God and if you say the
. Indian
.. people
said without Krishna you have no liberation, Si milarl will not be unhappy because in the sCrIpture It IS a so
in Christianity, there is a proverb, that if you do no written "Srinnatu Bishwa Amritashya ~utra
follow Jesus,. if. you do not love Jesus, if you do not
A' Dhamani Dibyani Tastu" - Oh Amntashya
follow the son of God, you cannot go to Heaven, you Je Oh the son of God, you hear t h at wh"at IS m th e
cannot go to God. Is it not?
whole Universe. IIBedahametam Purus~am Maho-
It is a most important talk. But silly people, the ntam" I am there in the top in the KrIshna Centre,
dogmatic people do not follow. Until you go and sit in the Christ Centre. I am to know 1am to go.
;lear Him and until you feel that you are transformed,' "Purusam Ma h an t am "., Adifya Barnam Tama-
your blood is His blood, until you be Jesus, you cannot,'. shah Parastwat". If thine Eye be single thy. whole
know Jesus, Until you be Krishna you cannot know body will be full of light - That is ~d.ityabaran.a. it .is
Krishna. In India it is called Jishu-Krishna. We say, just like rising sun. IITumeba Bldltya A~l ~rl!-
Jesus, we say Jishu Krista. I don't want to amalgamate it'l yumeti" if you: know Him that the power Of uod IS m
I am telling the truth is truth. Until you feel that your the Pituitary in the Christ Centre, IC Nyannya Pantha
place is the place of Jesus, until yot,! feel your blood iS Bidyate .Ayonaya" there is no other way to get God
the blood of Jesus, your brain is the brain of Jesus.; I realisation. It is written in Upanishada, Do you follow
your existence is second presence of Jesus, existence is: me ! Jesus said tne same thing. It is why many people
the new descent of Jesus in you, until you feel it. i ask me whether Jesus was in India fror.n his ag~ 12 to 30.
until then you cannol go to God, you cannot perceive I r sal'd 1 don't know. I don't say It IS not wrItten any·
. .
God. Similarly it is written in Bhagwat Gita, ••Drastum I where. And if any body writes like that r will say ~t IS
Saottum Gnantum Twatena Anuprabistum". wrong. Jesus was in seclusion. Jesus was in meditation.
UntilI you see the seer -that you are Krishna. until you If you only see and keep your attention on the Atom
know the knower, that the knower is your life force Soul, form for months, for years, then you will be all kno~e~.
that is Kishna. Prana Krishna, until you hear the divine And what is written in Beda, U panishada, PatanJah,
sound, Krishna sound, only if you talk Krishna-Krishna, Brahmasutra, that is said by Jesus. So Jesus was all
knower. '
you cannot go to him. Krishna means touch sensation,,:
vibration that you are concentrating in the christ centre, t Ramakrishna was not" educated and Ramakrishna was
you are feeling heavyness. You are concentrat ing on the I telling all same truth. Bebakananda was telling, "You be-
fontanelle from where the God has entered. ing a fool, why do you say so many big talks." ~ecause
Bibekananda has gone through the Beda. Upamshada.
He made nine doors and He entered in the tenth Patanjali, Brahmasutra and Ramakrishna is telling the
door which is the fontanelle. You go there and watch essence of whole thing. Ramakrishna said, "Yes, - you
, that it is not a form, it is the real power of God. We follow me wha.t I say that is Veda, that is Upanisada. that

26 I
b 't is in my real- ~10RE
is Patanjali. that is Brahmasutra. e.c~use I ill et th ABOUT' Q. vCOND KIl I V A
.' If you touch the electnclty you w g . ~ ~ •
lsatlon. 'n be electrified. Similariy 1
current, your whole body WI 'II b 'n truth" When you want to submit Ph. D. then you are to
th truth then you W1 e I '. .. . d
you follow once e • h me and after wnte thesIs about your expenence, about your stu y
This is Second Kriya. That you ave co d you ar and you are to submit the thesis. Then the people will
" in formless stage an . d
that you are remammg t't tion i read what is your experience, about your educatIOn an
h d h? Because your cons 1 u .
bending your ea. w y, b ding in th then they will give the marks. So what I am telling that 1S
.' f God So vou are en . . . S I
the constitutiOn 0 • .- . br tion, Behind thela Knya Yoga thes1s Ph. D., Knya Yoga Ph. D. 0 am
front, extreme an~ you are ~eelmflgV1, a. d light i&'telling. First. I told it is scienti fie that you are· placing
,.' r ckmtY oatmg. soun 'i, .. . •
head 1t 1S sWlngmg. o. ",' . \your head in the front. Then you w11111ftup and S1t
coming. istraight and watch that vibration. It is moving above
your fontanellei Just after it. Then you are bending
~our head to the left hand side. Why you are bending
~our head on the left hand side? Because. if the breath
lvill not come with equal pressure from your two
hostrils, your Ida Pingala will not be separated. At the
~ame time all your bad thoughts, anger, pride, cruelty,
rhatever thought is coming, it is first coming on the right
?and side of your brain. So you are bending it on the
r ft hand side. All the qualities are there, those qualities
Fe coming down on the left hand side, and also your
~rthritis, Spondelitis which is there in the neck, that
is better than tons of theories" }.rill d,isappear.
"An ounce of practice I

• ! But you are to watch the sound, light, vibration

e right hand side of your head. Because that is the
as much in your friend as in Y°jcious centre.
Feel the presence 01C 0 d /

enemy. I

_Swami Hariharanan

IAny talk is coming, she is bringing it in the left hand
de. It is speech centre, with the nice sweet angel
imaining on the high above, all good qualities in
rrbara. Ma. So they will also take it in .India that she

t moderate, always balanced. So by thIs then we are II

J 29
makin~ strai~ht Then again we are bending on -th~ on the top and gIvmg blow on the occipital bone. So
front sIde. It IS all scientific . .Because Labella' th this o~cipital bone, and whole portion of the cranium is
If you "bend your head and you lie down on IS ere. d b d h
your now rea y to e separate , t e cocoanut IS ro en
. b k
shoulder,' that means you are gettI'n e t into two parts. So your all brain power. all truth, your
. g x reme pressure.. .
Just cn your throat near the chin the fl h '11 b all Ignorance IS transformed IOta knowledge. Then you
, ' .
stJff and you are watching on the top in th L b II
. 10. the forehead s"und _ I' ht
es WI e very
e a' e am,
I .,

h h

are sIttmg on the top and you are feelmg that you are
Y au are fI"oatmg m t h e mI'ddl e, may b e
t h e bram, , v ]g. 'b
V] ratIon.
Y au m t e eaven. .
are hearing the sound _ light _ vI"b t' S ' 1000 ft. above and from that place you are watchmg the
, ra Ion. a you are . , .,
gettmg, betterment ,_ and vour b d
a y an d d' ,
Ivmeness WI e . 'II b minde. the Soul. the ChrIst centre, m two" petal lotus,
alnght. Then again you are co' t th 'h h d! Dwidal Padma, HAM and SA, somethmg IS movmg.
, mmg a e fig t an ", , . "
sIde. \Vhenever you are comin th' h h d . !, The SA IS your hfe. If soul does not pull breath then
, . g on e ng t an SIde. * ' ,
then as 10 the whole bottle th . I' I h . you are a dead body. So because the soul IS takmg
ere IS a Itt e water t e
bubble will come on the top; So b d" breath, you are alive. So that movement, sensation is the
, ' you are en mg your. '..,.
head on the fight hand side then th ' . h real SA and where It IS movmg, It requIres some space.
woe h I power has gone to the,e 1 ft 'dupperf portIon,b' tel b" h .. "
n your ram~ m t e pItUItary, It IS movmg. n your
. I
. e SI e a your ram r , . , . ,
that ]8 your'speech centre and 'th t I b h " whole body It IS movmg, that IS HAM.
. . WI na ura reat you,
are.domg It, So you are getting more power and you are;
seemg the sound. light vibration. Love him and tell him' HAM means. I am, exhalation and inhalation, no
Ba~gme Manashi PrCJtisthitaha my mind, when f question of exhalation and inhalation i. e. formality,
I wIll speak, when any thought will come to my
Ik '
I . d
mm ,
formal. But informal truth is you are feeling vibration,
ta WIll come u~to the :nouth,. not unto the mouth, II" the life force Gf SA. Also you are feeling vibration in
Monome Batchl Prathlstitain. the pituitary, and pituitary means in two petal lotus.
HAM and SA is moving. That is real Hamsa. Then
Again my BAK is coming from the mind. Again you t Hamsa is coming and you are hearing sound - Te - Te -
control your mind an? .talk, hold your tongue' and f Te. Ba· Ba - Ba, Su - Su - Su means Thou are that,
roll, up your tongue. ThiS IS Kriya - Yoga that you are I T e - Ba - Su means Thou art!, that. And from Heart
rolh,ng up your tongue ~o you are not talking. you are ~ centre when you have gone, you say Bha ·Ga· Ba means
talkmg very less. Agam while you are doing it I J Bhagaban, G - 0 - D. So this heart centre upto the
telling. Just I told about the example, when you :re a: '( fontanelle is your real place. If you can remain Aero-
b;eak one cocoanut. you are to give pressure in different I force - the Heart Centre, and that is corning in the
p ,allcebs. YkO~are to give blow in all sides, then cocoanut third chapter. Now I am completing the second part.
.. rea Into two eq al t S
u par s. a you are agam doing " Then you are to see it is moving in the Heart Centre,
It first on the left. Again you are doing and bending it Te - Ba,- Su ~ De - Ba - Va, you are to hear. You can
remain free for a longer period. You cao remaio ten
minutes. If You remain 10 minutes then You are Const- 'the spirituality ,lS
D'b in vacuum way. hen you are m
antly giving Your PUlsation. 10 minuies X 60 is 600 rmeans Debata, ~ you are to watcb w '11 say God is
times second Kriy •. This is informal not form.l. emaining ' there.
1 wor Old• In money. , you
, pWld
_ 'ya' Heart-
tbe peactlca au say God IS ya '. .t to the God,
. ·ya'. Sex, y bad, gIVe 1 •r U
ScientifiCally if you do it then you will get thyroid comlOg • . co,ming remove . I n practical h1 e yo
any thought IS
• S this IS sec ond Knya,
trouble. There are seven vertebr", inside the neck. In ·ya. a .
former times they did not feel it. But this i. the scientific ~. , ~
age. Scientifically We knnw, in between the vertebra" are to do It, h' d part of the seco
there are inter - vertebral disc •. So if you constan(/y !
( N I am comlOg ' to the t 1I
26 Letters. ,
FIve v owels and ke
rotate and rotate. and, rotate and rotate. then you wiIl ! ow r h there are cannot ma
Kriya. In Eng IS With the vowels you au cannot also
get giddiness and YOUrall vertabr", will make Catch- i
I 21 consonants. 'th the consonan:s y ? So with the
Catch - Catch. Catch sound and you will get arthritis, I Only WId . Is It not. , ,
Spondeliti •. and many other dise •• • In former time I sentence, or wor • I e are talkmg
es ! sentence d vowe s w
they Were taking good fOod. I\t present if! India there is r make any f consonants an h t lk Anything we
no gOod fOOd. Theyare only taking a Brinjal roasted
, combination a ,
hangmg au
r mind with tea
~ d may not
our mm , ,
and are exc hanging It WI 'th the hmt,
and a handful of rice and they do not know anything. ' we are exc 'th the eye, WI
With this they are passing their life and they have are do 109 'th the hint, WI, Oh this man is very
be mind. but ,WI r hand tell 109, " b d you are
good brain. But they are foIlowing the old technique --~.':-- you are pus h 1ng ,you you are itc h'mg Y our 'th 0 y,a finger.
The more you will meditate. the technique is remaining e talkmg, eTson WI d
bad. You ar , ting out one P h n is dea ,
the same.
telling I am not changing the technique but I am
the truth. are pOlO ]1' t at rna
talking, you d ou are te mg, , are talking.
' talk an y 'th thIS you
This IS a 'd finger, so WI R b' ndranath. sang a
You are to take OXygen. You are taking OXygen. You moving the 10 ;: not talking. So 'l~ r~peat it. "Aru~
require 5000 gallon. OXygen everyday but you are not Although you a, song. Only I WI Arnor MuktJ
I will not slOg a Chitte . 'is
getting it. Then You are gettlOg De- Ba_Y , De. Ba-Ya song. . Ange Arnay. ." Ob inviSIble. It
mean. "DIB". "Oib" means vacuum. The COccygeal, Tomar . BanI, . Arup tamar BanI , . my a II five sense
Sacral and Lumber is Useless, if from the heart, . Diksa Ikam, hole ~qdy, to " Ik So the
your ta , 1 'n my]' W the ceremony of your
hG d •ta
if from the top Gnd does not pull. breath and I m fee mg atc o.
organs, a tk you are to w
air does not go to the LUngs; then Your Naval i. e. fOOd
\. r whole day in each ta d of which sixteen
centre, Sex centre and 'noney centre is useless, So POwer
of God is activating in a formless way. I\Il Saints and ,~ here are fifty lette~s ~n in cervical from
Sages are remaining there in De. Ba - Yo. De. Ba • Ya In Sansknt t that vowel is remaml?g about tbat. From
are P and h t Now I am telhng "
h dvowels that you
ea u to the t'theroa • vowe Is are remammg.
head it is startmg,


are to know. Ong - Ung - lng through the left you are
Ii 33

will get no anger, no pride, n~t.hing: Then you will ?et

real education, divineness, sPIrItualIty. So the Educa~lOn
coming. Just like a Timepiece you are keeping in the
front, many time always moving on the left, so you Minister, Yudhisthir, was born. Within that perIod,
should not forget. So it is cpming ( Ong-Ung-Ing-llng ) Kunti, concentrated from the cervical centre. to the
Oong - oung - Ring - Rring - Ling - LUng - Aug - Aing- pituitary. Only as the by-product of her meditatlOn sh.e
Dng - Dung - Dng - Ahba. So half is from Ong to got a child. She did not enjoy sexually. The ~ower IS
Ring here, eight, and eight this side.. Because we have there. Kun Dhatu Ti = Kunti, means .the .finest
two bodies, we have Brain. Cerebrum, Cerebellum is conception in the Atom. This is called KuntJ. S,o If .you
remaining in two parts in the Brain. So in the left hand- concentrate from this place to here, keep your mmd tram
side there is talent. moderation, balance and in the right next centre upto the Kunti's centre, Atom Centr:,
hand side', the thoughts are coming. it is agitation. then vou will get knowledge, real knowledge, you WIll
furiousness, indecency, suspicion, cruelty and all bad never" make a mistake. Yudhistir was of that type. He
qualities. So. that you are to watch nicely and ypu are has' no ignorance because he was born only with the
to watch it up to the centre. It is upto the cervical knowledge. Follow me ? So this is here. 'ri' and 'Tah:,
centre. Then from cervical centre upto the Heart there Ah is Tah all the same thing like ' T'a, 'R'Ita,h' 'Rl'
are six ribs. So in the six ribs, first on the left hand means Gatchati, my word is going and 'Ta' means
side of the ribs, upto the middle of the Heart, there ~-<,--,.
, 'Tisthati' staying in the soul. I am going, I am
are six letters, Lotus petals and on the right hand staying, in your brain and what .y~u did not know,
side also six Lotus petals. That is you are doing Kang- that you are knowing it. Clear? ThIS ISthe first centre,
Khang - Gang - Gbang - Oung - Chang, you are coming 16 chapters, half divided, the right lobe and left lob~.
to the heart centre, that is 'Ka' and 'Cha', "Kach" is This is our difficulty on the right lobe and left lobe IS
tbe person who was a highly realised yogi, he has no it is coming in between the
our k,now Ie d ge and .
money ~ense, no sex sense, no food sense, no anger, no fontanelle. so fontanelle is coming straight there. SO I~you
pride. always emptiness, always in God. He is always remain inside then you will get the light. sound. VIbra-
after truth. So Chang. Chhang - Jang - Jhang • Nang tion. You are there. I am seeing blank faces. I am seemg
Tang - Thang letters are there. In the middle (rom illumination, illumination, illumination.
'Ka' to 'Tha' - Katha Upanisada has been created.

ore So if you only practice it and

Katha U panisada means your are to watch your soul B ecause I am th ,,-.' . ,
watch that; you have become vowels wlthm the
from the Heart Centre. \Vatch your breath from Heart ill have full control
Centre to Cervical Centre. It is Katha Upanisada and if sixteen petal lotus, t h en you w .
over cervical centre and you will obtam knowledge. You
you take your breath from the cervical centre upto the
will be the real master of God r~alisation. Now I am
top centre, the sixteen petal lotus, it is only vowels.
telling about the Heart Centre. The dorsal or the heart
With the vowels you cannot make any sentence. So you
centre remains opposite to u. .
Another half'
portIOn of th h
lower side Thl'S' tIe
pper portIon of the heart
eart remams in the
. of the promise of his father. He was thet:e for three
days, he did not take any food. Because it is the order
• 18 We ve p t II d 1
six, 'KA' to 'CHA' h e a e otU8, left hand side of Yamraj to his wife that when anybody, any guests
free, you are divi~e ere. KA TCHA means you are will come you first feed them. But Nachiketa refused
THA which . > and then another is from CHHA to to take any food. He said I have some questions to the
remains on th . h .
'KA THA'. Jesus said that ~fng t slde.S~ t~is all makes king of death. Then Yamraja came,
centre, if you can c you remam m the heart ~
are in the spiritual"t
ome up to th h
1 y.
rom the
heart centre from k a t Th ' woe
taken from U' . d 0
e eart centre then you
portIOn of the
a 18 KA THA, It has been
Though the king of death and his wife insisted him to
take wealth, thrice he refused to accept anything. He
wanted to know the truth. He narrated how he came
panlsa a. i to the region of death because of donati~n of his father

Nachiketa, was practisin

father "Y
. .
ou are glVIng
g t IS. Then he told his
One thousand cow h so ma~y cows to the people".
to king of death. He begged a boon from the king of
death that since his father's gift is not genuine, he
may be excused.
S e was d t 'b

people. Nachiketa said "F h IS n uhng to the poor II Khine Punnye Marteyaloke Bishanti".
, at er why .. !
old cows? \Vhy not th ' you are gIvIng the People go to the higher ~tage. but due to bad actions
e young fresh co ? Th' .
your aift. I think 't . ws, IS IS
again they have to come down. So he asked Yamraj to
, b 1 IS very bad. \Vh '
gIve something, do not k ,~never you wIll clarify his father for his liberation. My father said,
You donate without eep ~nythIng In your mind.
reservation d 't th' k . "You go and diet so I have come to you. Either you kill
yours." Thus father felt insulted b on . In thIS is me or you teach me immortality". This is KA THA.
presence of many persons. ecause It was said in If you remain in the heart centre, you will get immort-
ality and you will know the truth. Half portion of the
Then the father rebuked him "Y heart, is KA-CHA and other half centre is Jhha-Tha.
death, I give you to H' '. ou go to Lord of
" . 1m as donatIOn, you di . t Now I am describing about the Naval Centre. In this
now. So Nachlketa felt "I b '. e JUS
can 1 die? A d h .' emg an Immortal soul how centre, is the ten petalled lotus, remain ten letters Da,
. n w at WIll be th Dha, Na Ta, Tha, Oa, 'Dha. Na, Pat Pha,. These
father? father will 0 t e .consequence to my
cows" ThO , h g 0 Hell. He IS not giving healthy letters sym bolise anger, pride, viciousness.. cruelty
• IS IS t e story of Katba U . d a. etc. It remains within the ribs - these bad qualities
should be over ridden by meditation.
So he went straight to the r f
meditating and meditat' ehglOdn0 death, and So completing all the cycles, that means you are
mg reac e to Y . h
God of death, and He offered himself t H' amrbaJ, t e purifying, any thought is coming, you are only feeling
o 1m ecause how to purify this centre. Until you purify this centre,
36 37
if you only chant and h d .
a n d see k'Ing one P c ant an create and privately
this portion, 'you are to purify and if you privately eat
erson an cursmg and the 'f ' something or commit some mistake, and you are telling
there and 'k" " WI e IS not
sm mg "SmkIng drinking water, Shiba will not I am practicing more Kriya, it is simply a pretence.
~~m~ to,~now, Hari?arananda will not come to know,
an arananda IS not there the I d Is there anybody lookin~g at me? Some may think
. k h ' n can 0 some
ml,sta e ere, This centre that is the Sh 'b 0 h when all persons in the room are looking at me, I am
Shlbaratri d. I I a. n t e
'II ay, peop e, they fast and whole day they sitting in yogic posture and when all persons have left,
WI not take water Wh I d he may think himself oh, all persons have left, then why
food B t' , • 0 e ay they will not take
. '. u It IS very troublesome. So the hOd th . I am sitting with my spine straight and doing Kriya ?
lves 10 th D y 1 e emse- No body will observe me now that I am a highly realised
th e screen etheroom.t oor nicely locked. Standing inside
: y ea someL 109 and also take glasses of Yogi. So 'when all persons have gone, a sadhu. is
water takIng care not to make Dhak. dhak _ dhak bending his body" This type of Kriya, many people are
sound. Then he is telling I am fasting. In Indi
peapl d ' T a, many
doing. So it is he who is his own foe. It is in the Heart
e 0 It. hose who cannot do th Centre, In the 'Pelvis, on the Penis left Ba, Bha, Ma,
Guru. ' ey come to
Ya, Ra, La remains. This is a type of meditational
technique, that is Shiba's technique. You don't talk
. Suppose one person, the boyar g)'rl I'S anything. That means, from the Naval up to the Sex
t d ' extremely
lre ,unbearable, he cannot do any thin then on the Centre - it is a dangerous centre. So on the day of
day of Shibratri, I am there in the h g, h Shibaratri, they are doing, "Bom- Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom".
' ouse, so t ey are
prepanng huge food for me. So many Papayas (not t This is a type of technique, that we are thinking of
purchase, available in the Ashram) and th t ,0 Shiba. Shiba is playing Dambaru. It is making
d ' ey are comIng
an t:kmg, I am giving them in their hand. You take Damadong - domadong - domadong sound. You have
I am ;:,hlba-Guru Th ' t seen in the hand of Shiva. Oambaru, Trisul and Snakes
So I ' , • en you are seeIng Gur u as Sh'b I a.
II am glvlOg and they are eating, Yes it is open. It is are there.
a owed, Also there is AmbubachI' Th d h
pI . • ree ays t e . I have written e\l£rything, the metaphorical meaning
peho e w,~l not have food, - will not prepare food So of Hinduism. The truth in Hinduism is that every-
w at I d h P , •
r 0 In t c un Ashram, I prepare huge food thing is formless, so this BOM from this place to here,
lOr all these d I 'II '
som ays. WI take some food, I will take Ba = Bha= Ma, this Born, Pe lvis, Ba - bha - rna, Penis
e vegetables, fruits. May be three hundred. four
centre. Half portion of the Penis centre, then J A - this
h~ndred - five hundred people will come and they
Pelvis - RA and LA. Again you come in the Naval.
WIll have ~oo.d as prasad. If you take the Prasad of Because from Naval, this centre is activating. So you
<?uru, then It IS fasting. U pabash, U pa + basa + ghan
are to watch every moment. The opportunity will
SIt near God. Do you follow me ? So th' ,
. . IS portIon and come. \Vhether you will seek the bad opportunity or

• 1
38 I 39

That is why it is said tbat II Mula Sringatam

~ou .will avoid the bad opportunity? This is why, it. \
Atcbeda Jibang Paramashibapade Jajayam~"
IS said, Born Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom. If you remain like
Your soul is remaining here and you are engrossed In
that t~en nobody wil~ come to you, that 'is the meaning
of this term. ~ au sit down and practise like that. 1 these three centres. So you forcibly withdraw. Come

to the life centre. 'Sibam' 'Paramashibapada' - withdraw
whole day and mght. You feel you are Shiba, and say
born - born - born - born - born. you throw Bomb from t "Jang". "Sankocha Sariram Sho~a~a ~h.osaya Swah~" -
Your Life force air is "Jang". AIr IS gIvmg you PassIOn,
~his centre. Because you are taking food, your attention
Anger. So y~u are to change it .• ,Rang" ""Ling~, Sar~ra~
IS more on the sex. So food to sex BA-MA. It is BA -
Jwala Projwala Projwala Hamsa Shoham Swaha ThIS IS
BRA - MA. Then the other half portion of the Penis .
the fire centre. So "Rang" sarira. If you burn that and
JA - RA - LA. Air vacuum Air, Fire and RA. JA - RA
come up and come up on the top, then you will get the
LA, this is fire. air here. Then after that you are to
watch. Any thought is coming, you are to watch. You real power. But the'power of God is remaining in each
are to withdraw life force or 16 vowels to save yourself. , centre. When you will feel it in every centre, by the
practice of third Kriya, then you will get the develop-
Where the danger lies it is better to fly. Even a ment and immediately you are to bring all the centres
realised person, also makes mistakes. Due to the envir- here.
onment the mind may be confused and he may forget l
that he is in Search of truth. He may be deviated from It is best if you remain silent".
truth, he may come down to the heart centre. So b~ ,
" Vbekke Bhala Barsh.a Badal,"
careful never come down. Everything is coming from !

the Food Centre. So the BA - SA. In Muladhar there Ii For the frog, it is best. when it rains. "Bhakta Bhala
are Bang - Shang" Shang .•Sang; SA means the soul. I
Chalna Bulna". For the monks, it is best that he sbould
The soul is remaining tight in the money centre, in the If
keep on moving and teach -"Chalna" -means go and talk.
Sex Centre, in the Food Centre. It is why it is the Because their lives should be given to all persons.
hi~torical meaning that the snake is remaining in two "Chhagka bhala dhup" - "Ch\lag" means goat. For the
COIlform and keeping his hood on the Naval. This is goats it is best if sun shlnes~ If rain falls on the body of
wrong interpretation.
the goats, t hey do not like it, so they shout,. "Bhakte
bhala chalna bulna"· the monks, should go every-
SA means your Soul. He is remaining in your whole
where and ;peak and teach and give their power to
body. But this is in two coils. He is coming from back
everybody and help people ~o evolve. And "Jibka bhala
an? half portion of centre. The snake is giving two
chup" and for all persons, it is best - not to talk. And
cods and leaving half. But not that. Your whole life is
God - SA, that you are to feel it, that soul, BA - SA. \ make the tongue rolled up & keep it locked. So how to

to lock it ? If I
....... B you on y ~ome to the top. Ang • Aig - fng I 41
. . ." y the practIce of Second K '
mformal part and th
e second part
nya, first part,
. .
alert l'n h t ' you aTe to remaIn
w a ever cen t . . First part of the Second Kriya is connected with the
re you are remamtng and what
ever centre you are activating. Whether f story of the life of KA TCHA, There are two parties.
head t tb . you are rom
o e cervIcal centre or f h ' One is Brihaspati. - Jupiter. He was a Brahmin Guru
to the H t rom t e cerVIcal centre
ear centre - Ka - Th ? If and the Guru to INDRA, the king of Devas. He was
a, so, you remove your
vowe ls - consonants. ruling nicely with Jove. And there was another Gun~,
Sukracharya, the one-eyed Monk, He was also Brahmin
Whether yoU are remai ' by caste, but he was the Guru of other castes,
Dorsal Centre H . Olng on the Heart Centre -
. . ,eart Centre to Naval Centre? Tho ht Kshatriyas and others. So he was highly honoured and
]s comma from which J ? W . ug. 1 stayed with the king. Only Sukracharya knew, how to
th t "'h p ac~ . hat type of thouaht
a you ave to kno
w an you are to change. 'it You
... , t< make Mritasanjibani Sudha, means to give life to
are to brmg it on the top and th . " the dead man and how to heal the wound if a person
is from th Seen you see whether it
e ex entre to th I is stabbed. Tt was only known to him. The Kshatriya
N ICe Coccygea centre and
ava entre to the Sex Centr \Vh . king, warrior king, was giving extreme troubles to
you are aet'? . e, at type of thoughts
. '" tmg. You wIll alwav get thoughts It' fi the generous persons, i. e. good people.
types of thought ~,' • IS ve
h th among ortynme types of air and then
w e er you ar,e remaining in the top centre? If so you The king Indra suggested to KATCHA that he
come an d remam there then 'II should not marry. Katcha agreed. The king said. "You
th F hP , you WI be free. This is
e ourt art that vou I . . have no attachment to anything. Is it not? Do you
- are on Y remamIng inside the
whole Letters and remaining in opposite side Th' . know that Sukracharya has a very beautiful daughter".
called "Bishes Matrika Nyash" "B' h" IS. IS Katcha said, "Yes I know", "Have you not seen her ?".
N " or IS Ista Matnka
yas~a . and} what I said about the third part of "Yes, I have seen her". "She also knows how to
practice IS ca led" Matrika Nyash". prepare Mritasanjibani Sudha. She was helping her
father in preparation and came to know of the
procedure". The king Indra said to ~Katcha, "If some
how you can learn the tec'hnique, that is the only way
you can save our kingdom, You go to the kingdom of
Sukracharya and in the morning when Dt:bjani, his
daughter, come~ out from the gate and walks outside,
as you will see from the distance, you will move by
her side and do not look at h~r and you go near the
I 1 gate and try to enter into the gate, in the pretext
of visiting the garden of the king".

Accordingly he tried, but the gate men arrested him

I 43

Then her father came and was looking at the boy. He

looked at his daughter and found that she was attracted
and tied him with the chain. Debjani observed from the
to the boy. He observed it from the distance and was
distance that Katcha was strongly tied. She knew
very happy. If any way my daughter tells me that she
Katcha, and she had attachment with him and was
would marry that boy then he thought that he would be
thinking how she will marry Katcha. She came to the I·...
free from anxiety and would allow her to marry him.
gate and asked, "Why have you come here ?" He said,
Then he said, "Who is he ?" Then she introduced, "He
• I want to see the beautiful garden of the kin2". Then
is Katcha, the son of Brihaspati. He is a higbly realised
she said, "Don't you know that they don't allow ~
person, well versed in scriptures. And he said, "Why
anybody to move inside the garden ?" .' No, I do not
have you come here ?""I have come here to see the
know". He said. She then helped Katcha to remove the
flower garden and I would like to be your disciple." So
chain and made him free. She took him inside. Tht'y
Sukracbarya accepted him as a disiple. And he was
made friends with each other, when she asked about
his identity. He replied that he was Katcha, the son of allowed to 8tay in their hotlse. He said you remain in
the house and Debjani was preparing his food and every-
Bri~aspClti. "Oh,r have heard about Katcha, the highly
realIsed youngman". When Katcha asked her idmtity thing.
she replied. "1 am Debjani. the daughter of Sukra- When the king came to know that Katcha is a disciple
charya". Katcha praised her beauty, "You are very of Sukracharya. he tried to harm him because he was
be8utiful more than a flower, more than any thing, of afraid that Katcha would know the proceduce of Mrita-
the world." He was talking sweetly, so she was more
Sanjibani Sudha. Several times the servants of the
attracted. She said, "You are also very gentle and fine
demon kina tried to kill Katcha but because of Oeba-
man. I have never seen such figure among the male
jani, Sukr:charya brought him to life through the use
persons and you are so highly educated and realised."
uf Mritasanjibani Sudha.
She invited him to their residence. He was more
reserved in his behaviour, even didn't' touch Debajani at At last Katcha could know the secret of preparing
all. They went to Sukracharya to pay his homage. Mrita _ Sanjibani Sudha. and wanted to return to his
Sukracharya was working in the laboratory. He was kingdom.
making Mrita - Sanjibani Sudha. "Should I not go to
see him ?" "Oh, you are not allowed. He will not allow
"r Debajani insis.ted that he should marry her before he
left and suggested to marry ber in Gandharba way by
any body to go there. You don't go now. When
he will come out, I will request him to meet you". Then i exchanging of garlands. But Katcha did not accept her
proposal as according to him, she was his sister being
he waited. She requested him to accept some fruits and
food. the daughter of his Guru.
It appears that Katcha was a very, reserved and BY
c~ltured ~an and a Brahamachari. Although he was ,-US HOLINESS SWAMI ~ARIHARANANDA GIR,
wIth her In the same room, he could control his senses AT ~AMBURG, WEST GERMANY
and h~ was ~Iways on the top of the head. So Debajani
,:,as dl~apPoInted and subsequently married to a kshat- KRIYA YOGA - THE ESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS
nva. Kmg narne d JaJate.
. T he Dame Katcha suggests .
'Dogdhe Aswei Bac Doham'
the word from ka to cha which is in heart centre.
Oh Lord, you abide in every human being you also
So if you remain in this pl\ice 'Ka' - 'Cha' and 'K ' _ talk through my mouth. r therefore humbly request you
'Th' a
a ,and remain 'Ham' - 'Sa', then you will learn the father to talk very sweetly and divinely through my
~echmque of i,mmortality - Mritasanjibani Sudha. This mouth by which all people will get God reali~ation. I
IS the whole Katha Upanishada and Life of God Th' bow to you all. My respected souls you all know, it is
o h • IS
IS wale third part of Second Kriya. So after that you written in the Genesis of the Bible, "God made men
are to move, always move there. You are to move here and women in his own image and he breathed into
Your head is cut off, and this portion is there. Katch~ their nostrils the breath of his life and he became the
means detachment. So all centres, if you can bring in living souls in the whole universe"'. So I want to
to the heart centre, then you will be immortal. God bow to the people of the whole universe with deepest
bless you. regard.

I As souls you all are the children of God . You have

the same potential like God. Beauty, sweetness, perfec-

II tion, love and life are the powers of God; the qualities
of God and those qualities also remain in every human
being, You are marvelous powers of God. You are all
religious. Many of you have taken initiation from many
,~ people. But if you ask your conscience you will say that
•,. you do not feel that you are' the powers of God. Even
for ten minutes you do not perceive that;'formless stage.
t \Vhen you sit for meditation you get more thoughts.

I In the Bible Mathew says, "Your eyes should seek

God." But you ask your conscience the whole day and
night your eyes do not seek God. Mathew says, "Vour
hands and legs should seek God. If you ask your
o y ,; 'teaches the truth.
o 0 d Krlya oga .
conscience, do you feel that God is working through So truth IlHeqUlre • 0 W'thin five m1l1utes
, t h1)lQue. 1 d d
your hands, walking through your legs and seeing It is a very short cut ec , , 'de where it is nee e •
t t!se 1nS1
through your eyes. It is also written f'your mouth is not:' yoU will get that power 0
• h bout the Kriya Yoga.
made for bread only". The talk that proceeds from . h a\ trut a t
I am tellmg you t e re 'f m the lower cen re
your mouth is the talk of God. Do you feel it through-
!ill our centres within the ~pme rOb dorsal. cervical.
out the day? n al lum ar,
to the top (coccyxeal, saCf' t remain yOUhave no
Medulla ). If the soul does ~o t the top of your

You are christians, The Bible should be in your prac-
t g remaIn a h h
tical life. Do you feel that your body IS a real Bible? centres, So all the cen reo G d pulls breath t roug
means 0 I
Why do you not feel? head. 50, Kriya proper d offer your coccyxea
an voU
Ournose from t h e top 'd b' th YOU offer your
Jesus also said the same thing 'You are born of flesh , Y h H~Con rea b
I centre to God. In t Then e .' h th' d breath is taken
t e ff
so you are after the flesh. But again you are to be born sacral centre to o·G d b
1f •
tre to God. You 0 er
from above through .water and spirit" lurn ar cen
God and you 0 er your on the top and so on,
In the sixth chapter of Bhagavat Geeta it is said that your heart centre to God
everyone should come up gradually. \ , twO t lOgs h "
that is' K n an
d ''\la'.
d that
Because you requue in the lower centres an .
'Saneih saneiruparamed Buddya Dhruti Gruhitaya' 'Kri' means work goes on tre You should give
i upper cen . f
! work is done by the top, . t It is the essence 0
It is written in the sixth chapter - gradually come up, . 1 . Importan '
come up and come up on the top. You will also find In
the Bhagabat Geeta :
i insight into It. t 1S very .
the real truth of Kriya Y oga

, h rt. Heart failure
, ot 10 your ea
You get up "Tasmat Agyanasanbhutam Hrutstham Your heart-centre 1S n h Id offer your heart to
Gnanasinatmanah chhitweinam Sansayam yogam Atistha
means sou 1f al ure.
So ,
yOU S au
thing to Go •
Utistha" Bhara!a, come up on the top of your head
where the power of God resides is your soul. If you
remain there and calmly watch then you will get the
I God. You should 0 ff er Y
In the sCflptur~
Our every

it is wntten

real truth. Vd'

'Debare BraOlbano I u .
You should not look any where; calmly fix your pin- / , . 'Y' that 1S
, twO steps, One 1S 10 a
pointed attention in the soul in the pituitary. Until you You know Bramha In b e how the work goes
do that you can not perceive the real truth.
'Tasmin Sati Swasa Praswasa gati bichhedah Prana-
I . ' 'K"
enJoyments tbat IS rl •
d to 0 serv
to remain on the top an: 'K~' when people have sexua
on. You earn money 't1
E' rl • ent comes from t b e t op

e. The appetjte IS from
h no appetIte. .
'Ya'. 'Kri' means you do your work from morning till A dead man as f G d remains. In lood
, . h the power 0 0 . 11 d
you go to bed, but that work is done by 'Ya' means tbe bram were . of God. God IS a perva'-
God, your Soul. He pulls breath from the top. If God . also tbere IS the power
gra1DS H . . every food stuff.
doe~ not pull breath from the top you cannot earn ing. So, e IS m .
money, you cannot enjoy .•To earn money is 'Kri' i.e. f d You eat food. That IS
A dead man cannot eat 00 f' d God eats tlH~rood
work and that work comes from 'Va means the Soul, , ot eat 00
'Kri' and yOU d 0 n

G d If yOUcan not take

the Spirit. , F d is the first o· l'r
through you. 00 u cannot get I t. you
t get energy, yo h' c..!
Jesus says: "Your liberation is in your hand. You ! food you canno not get any tin!!, .• )0.
l · ower yoU can f
are not to go to grave to earn it. Your divine kingdom t cannot get b ram P , f G d You get the ta!\le 0
. . ower 0 )0.
is within you. Your aim is within you; that is your life" .cood is the hvmg P . h f od If yeu giv\~ one
l' '. t 10 teO •
the food but taste IS no 'd he cannot say whether
You are westerners. You ale getting abundant wealth. , h f dea man
fruit in the mout 0 a .' en by the pqWl'r of
You require pleasure of senses. You require car, good ~ the taste IS g\V ..
it is sweet or sour, tnesS love every thlDg
houses and free mixing and sense enjoyment. That is \' ride swee '
God 'Ya'. Anger, p. ,"K' a' If "ou can rcmllin on
good. Along with this you are to meditate. Your peace , G d ThIS \S ny. J ,
comes from O· :'t yOU WIll get cnl\stant
is your birth right. Though you have every thing but if \ . pract\se 1
the Top; If yoU can
you ask you conscience you will normally find that you'~
have frustation, unhappiness, unpleasantness, sorrow, liberation. .
h t Kriya Yoga 18 b.l!\eJ on
ups and downs, pit-fails. You are engrossed in your five Now, I am telling yOUtha y u require fiv~ thousand
sense organs. Your five sense organs are your enemies. . t'fic breat. 0 I
deep, long, sClen 1 • But yOUdo not get tmt oxygen.
They all pull you down. You enjoy just like animal gallons of oxygen d~lly. If control. By the pmctice of
beings. The breat h con r t oIlS the
. se. tific breath. \'~ven Wh en
long sClen h
kriya yOUget d eep, . oU take deep I()n~ breat •
Ahara nidra vaya maithunanch . t that time Y '. .
you are sleeptng a h for seven to eIght hours In
Samanametat pasuvi naranam eat
In this way yoU take br deep', long, scientifiC breath
e yOU tak e " •
Animal beings also enjoy, eat, sleep, quarrel and gIve
the night. ecaus oU have no th()\l~ht, no
. . of sleep Y , 1
birth to offsprings. You also do the same. dunng the time no sorrow, no pam, you on y
intellect. no sex sense, your field lik~ that your
God was alone. He was not happy. Why did he oU do'not prepare
sleep. If y e U peace.
descend? Why he said I will be many? Only for divine meditation cannot gIVe yo .
joy. So, if you keep your attention at the seat of the God . Kri a'Yoga yOUshould take this
when you are getting sexual enjoyment then that enjoy- With the practIce of hY Id know it from Q teacher.
But yOUS oU .
ment will be the divine bliss not like animal pleasure: type of breat h •
"Saile Saile na In 'k
anI yam
Chandanarn na b b there was no Rama, no Krishna. no Durga. no Kali, no
ane ane" Jesus, no Moses, no David no Ibrahim, no Mohamed,
Th,;re are many hil1s; but' , no Shankar, no Buddha, There was no spiritual book.
get dIamond. There are In every hIlI you will not no Veda, no Upanishad', no Patanjali, no Bible, no
forest you will not g t many forest~; but in every Koran. People were only withdrawing their senses from
k e sandal tr Th
mon s, but the true reali d ee. ere are many the lower centre to the upper centre. Even the boys
the veil of nature's sple sd monk who has penetrated of five, six upto the old were only practising ten
b d n ours' h ' fj
o y senses, worldly att h ' W 0 IS ree from all minutes the technique~ They were all getting purity,
stage, and who have p ac ments, thorough introvert perfection, peac~, sweetness, even constant liberation.
are extremely rare. enetrated the veil of all religions J They had felt that without God there was nothing.

In, man' y re 1"

IglOns there are f1. Nowadays the religions have turned to be a set of
YOgIS those who h aws. So. the true realised dogmatic views, fanatic ideas, suggestions, speculations.
ave per ' d h
stage and knowledge can' r. celVe t e superconcious imaginations, hallucinations, magic. You all are busy
InlUse that I
yo~ t hat we purify the fift bo power. am telling with this. You are leaving your own religion. It is
bemg who takes initiat" .Y K ~y parts of every human written in Bhagabat Geeta that everyone should remain
IOn In fIya Yoga. \
r with his own religion. If one accepts the religion of
You are in the lower centre. B the' " other it is dangerous for him. He will not get the truth.
Yoga you can lift up th e Wale
h Y practIce
of KTiva

centre to the upP"'r t POwer lCOm the low"'r Every religion teaches formlessness of the. God.
" cen re th eh' -
four to five' ' e TIst Centre. Wl'th' • Ultimate goal of all religions is formless. That formless-
minutes You can ' In .•
body and you can re 11 magnetIse your whole ," ness cannot be perceived through talk, sight, sound.
d' , a Y get calmnes d"
IVlne vibration and d" r . S, !VIne sound . Many chant, sing, dance, play, jointly and loudly as if
IV10e Ight 10 the whole body. . i God is deaf. God is all pervading. He is within you.
. ~hen we lift up the Power t th
d tVIne sound
I W~thout him you cannot talk. So now there is extreme
I' h ' ,0 e top and we gIve $ corruption in religions. In the' seri pture it is said : Yada
, . Ig t, VIbrat ' h' It
mInutes So it ',' IOn WIt In four to five ~
.. Is a SImple technique. .~ Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhabati' - when there· is
God b roug h't the supreme t# anarchy degradation and profanation of faith God sends
a true realised Yogi who teaches the real truth. Yau see
Yoga with his creation Wh t~y~ery of Yoga and Kriya ~
a that Babaji was born and taught the technique of Kriya
body form with th ; l IS oga? Union of g.ross
e Ionn ess bod S Yoga.
and thousands . y. orne thousands
t h ' years ago God b h
ec Dlque in the era of truth S roug t that Yoga 'Ananta Par~m Akhila Sabd~ Sashtram'
. . , atya Yuga' At that time
There are many spiritual books-millons of teachers. But
out life is very short, our difficulties are many. So, in
the scriptures it is said 'Yat Sara Bhutam Tat Grahita- 'Kriya'. See my body, I do hard work the whole day, I
byam' -That which is the essence of all religions should take students every day. By the practice of this technique
be accepted. your brain power will increase, memory will be sharD.
Kriya Yoga is thE>shortest and the simplest technique. You will get receptivity • You can do your work nicely.
By the scientific technique of Kriya Yoga you get simult- This is a panacea of all diseases. By the technique you
can offer your body to God, your heart to "God even
aneous development ('Ifbody, mind, intellect and soul.
your sex centre to God,
It not only gives you God realisation but also a sound,
beautiful. lustrous, body, sound brain. sound memory
You are the power of God, :You will feei that you are
and good education. You will also be able to earn more
the ~hildren of God. Through your activities you will
money. At the same time through every work you feel
feel God is so kind. You will realise 'Avijit ~.atyam Asti'."
that the power of God is activating your body.

The Kriya Yoga is not Hinduism. It is norlsectarian. You are spending huge money for your family, your
It is real transcendental meditation. What do you mean pleasure cf senses, cinema, dress and for every thing.
by transcendental? Transcendental means that which But if you take this technique so precious thousands of
you cannot express by talk, sight. sound or by our five dollars will not be worth it. Immediately you will get
sense organs. Formless and transcendental wisdom cannot the power. That is real 'Saktipat', which would remain
be perceived by the sense organs. It can be perceived permanent in your life. Only you are to practice it
by the atom, just where the power of God remains. sincerdy. So, oppotunity must not be neglected. for it
may never return. It is a golden opportunity. I have
You are all religious people. All chant and do many brought the original technique of Paramhansa Yogana-
things, but you do not get purity and perfection, because nda, Shri Yukteswarji, Lahiri Baba, Babaji. Immediately
your spir itual field is not ready. If you do not cultivate you will, get that power.
the land and throw seeds on the ground you cannot
expect any harvest. First you have to magnetise your "'You are only born for God realisatiorl. So, I tell you
spine. Inside the spine your whole astrology remains. 'A surya namate lokah'. If you do not seek the soul the
We know the cosmic astrology. With the help of the ~."God , in Y our b 0 d Y It
. IS
. d"eat h to you. To seek God is to
technique you can avoid all the bad influence of stars get the power; of the G6d. You are the living power of
and planets. .?od. Feel that you are the living power of God. Peace
If you practice the Kriya Yoga with love you will •s yo~r birth right. This is the time '"to earn God, no
h of age. W'1th t h'IS I bow to every human bemg '
slowly get alround development. You will get a beautiful
or t ey are the living power of God.
lustrous body. I am seventy six years old. I am doing
54 55

He does not ente 't h '

HOW TO BE A RBlYABAN the b d H h r ~n 0 t e mne holes. He entered into
b ' ~a .y~ s as given two qualities in every human
t emg. Thtwo forces' ,nCe t npeta
' I r!Orce and Centrifugal
Before creation God was one. It was His desire that orce, e centripetal force is the subject that i th
soul and centrifugal force is the del ' , 'II's e
He would be many, so He started creation. You a11
know how He created the whole universe. Having crea-
ted every human being, He entered into every human
being. He breathed into their nostrils His own:. breath,

W e are doln
h' h
ror, w IC are lOgrained in th b' I
of the bod

g muc h m
USlOn, I uSlon and
d '
.., e 10 ogy an phYSIOlogy
absorbed i~'the e are engrossed in delusion, we are
world, we try our utmost to get this
' the scientific age. We are 0
the God himself. So, I see so many living souls. I
rna k109 research and t' .
perceive the living presence of Sri Yukteswarji, Param- rnak './I are rymg to remove poverty to
hansa Yoganand, Lahiri Baba, Babaji Maharaj and even h Je e eryone happy, to provide good food drink ~nd
sth e ter.d \Ve f are ~ Qiving a h un d re d percent attention
' cn
the living form of God, who is all pervading, omni-
e, ata 0 the respar c.h W e are calmly sitting and
present, omnicient and omni-potent. I bow before my
gomg to research \V 'hd
Gurus. God and all the living souls. we are not fi kl' e wit raw our sense telephones,
with c e, we are extremely active and busy
and f . our research
h work . \V e rna ke research on the earth
WHO IS A KRIY:\BAN : rom t e earth we have dra '
petrol add' . wn so many thmgs
so man th' n lam and etc h "
0, we ave sCIentifically made
A Kriyaban means, a pr"cticant of Kriyayoga or a y lOgs on the earth, like good b -Id' b
Kriya - Yogi. Kriyayoga is not a technique we are not happy. . Ul mgs, ut
which one will hear or 'read, and after that he
will be a Kriyaban. It is. of course, a nice technique. OUR FIVE CENTRES
Suppose you . suffer from a disease and go to your
Doctor, he writes a good prescription. If you come
Th' b .
18 ody is constructed 'th fi
fire. earth t' WI ve ele~\ents. They are
home and read the prescription minutely & commit , ' wa er, aIr and vacuum B .,' 'fi
SCIentists h . • .y SClt'ntl c research
it to your memory, your disease will not disappear, You ave removed the sarro d'ffi· I .
and eVen b th w. 1 cu tIes. diseases
have to follow the doctor, Yau have to purchase the
Bomb, con~ru:/esearch they have also made Atom
medicine and abide by the direction of the doctor. That
on the left "d Ion on the right side and destruction
is if you .follow the doctor, your disease disappears Sl e. They ha' d
T hat is fire cent . ve rna e ,so many bombs.
automatically. Every human being though cultured, done much T~e, food cent~e, Scientifically they have
educated and highly placed, does not seek God. Why?
wasting th " ,ey are seekmg truth. They are not
It is the desire of God. It is a speciality of his creation, elr tIme By SCIent!
. 0
, 'fi c research they are
56 57

making aeroplane, helicoptor, rocket. They are trying self, who is constantly remaining there. if you will seek
to go to the Mpon to get peace. but they are not getting Him within then surely one day you will feel that the
peace and joy are there.

People have earned immense wealth and they are also

It is the desire of every human being to get peace,
spending that more to get peace for his friend. for his
joy and bliss. Inner peace is our birthright. It is the bir-
relations. They make everything, in spite of that th~y
thright of every human being. We require wealth, we
are not getting peace. They are seeking peace, joy; bliss
require industry, we require power, we require pleasure
only. By Kriyayoga. by getting practical training in
of senses, we require good buildings, good houses,
Kriyayoga, the man can get peace and joy. It is not far.
motor cars, flower gardens. Surely we must ask fer
happiness, peace, but we are not getting peace. f\long People want balance of mind, friendship and want to
with this we have to practise Kriya Yoga. ?erceive the" oneness with the self. They are not getting
It. Why? Mentally if you chant money, money, money,
In Bible it is also written that the Lord made men dollar, dollar, dollar a thousand times; a thousand dollars
with dust of the ground and he breathed into their will not come to your house. You have to work. So if
nostrils His own breath and he became the human mentally chant peace peace peace, joy joy joy, bliss bliss,
being of the whole universe Each man is a little·· bliss peace joy bliss you cannot get it - you are
universe. The Hindus, worship beauty. They form a to cultivate, you are to earn peace by dint of your
very beautiful image of God and then they ch~nt practice, not by chanting the word several times.
mantras· and establish light on the diety. That emotlCn
is not meditation. When the emotion will finish the In Gita it is written that, when falsehood prevails and
man will get the motionless state, then he will be able to truth is at stake in the world, at that time God sends
meditate. God has made the image, not made of mud, some super person, super human being to remove the
not made of stone, not made of plastic. He made man disorder and to establish the truth. We are busy with
in his own image and He is breathing in the living soul, dogmatic viiws and ideas, r~l~gious play.. Only by
This body bulb is lighted by the divine electricity, Kriya}oga technique you can remove that dogma.
There are two persons here; One visible body and
another invisibl", body_ Visible body is the delusion and
invisible body, is the real person who is talking from
You know that the spine is the principal thing of the
within. The dead man cannot talk. Tqe visibility of the
body deludes our material consciousness. So if YOU
body and above this there is brain. In the spine the
whole treaaure, the wealth centre. the sex centre, the
cultivate the invisible body, the awareness of .the inner
58 59

food centre, ignorance and knowledge centre, conscious- truth of evolution was that 1
topmost being inth ,on y the human being is .the
ness & superconsciousness remains. You can remain e UDlverse who ca '
who can conceive self who can " n perceIve self,
compassionately detached because soul is remaining in·
say that the evolution 'th' breah~e self. So I may "
every human body and He is remaining detached ..He is h d' eory IS ased on th h'
ere Ity, environment d 1 ree t mgs:
in everything, He is everywhere and He is nowhere. If E an cu ture 'Th '
ach man has his own world d h: at IS destiny,
you seek Him in the flesh, in the bone. He is not there, an c Olce of religion'. .
but He is in the flesh, He is in the bone, He is in the eye, K'nyayoga technique
' can ad' ,
He is in the ear. But through the eye you cannot seek and evil, positive and negati JU~t, all the th)ngs good
Him. You cannot reach by hearing so many prayers and simultaneous dive. nyayoga, preaches the
eve opment of bod ., ,
shouting mantras. In scriptures and Upanisads it is said matter and soul b 't " y. mmd, llltellect
that what speech cannot reveal but what reveals the , y 1 S SCIentIfic technique. '
speech, know that alone is God and not that what Scientists, withdraw th' ,Inds .
people worship here. Mind is the principal thing of calmly do research wit~lr rn. f~om everything, and
the body. You are doing everything through the mind. scientist who' k' sIllglemmdedness. If th
, h' IS see mg truth throu h h' e
It is powerful. Heart and lungs are also the principal WIt Ill, interlock h' fi g IS research, goes
, s IS ve sense tele h
III the center h . p ones and remains
things, h' h ' e can get the Immense 1
w IC no one can rob Th' p easure within
Through the help of Kriyayoga, you can switch off, If you give it to chari;y i~ t~ef, cannot reb that wealth
switch on the functions of heart & lungs gradually. 0 charity, if the Kri a Yo' a~lharananda gives it to
course in medical science it is said that heart move ands and thousan~s of- ga telch,lllque is given to thous-
' , , peop e ItS endles t
spontaneously. No one has the power to stop the heart n o t _ImIlllsh
d It' I s reasure does
But yoU can change the, direction. you change th You h .', IS a ways sweet. It can heal the b d
ave pam In a particul lOY.
heartbeat sensation gradually. When you are going 0 a particular place ar p ace, you have trou ble in
the crossroads by motor car, you go on speedily, bu . Yoga. • you can heal everything by Kriya
on the tum you have to break and you have to take'

nicely. You have to watch the light when you take a tur AT IS KRIYA YOGA?
As it is possible, so by Kriyayoga technique you can g
evolution, 'k In" the word "K' nya " we get t I
n and the o'ther is' a' 'K" wo sy lables. One is
You like. 'Ya' y. n means you do whatever
present. So 'f means so~l, who is all pervading omni-
Datwin'said so many things about evolution. I ' you are doing , rom mor 1 'II' '
'l'S d n ng tI you go to bed, whatever.
not going to speak about all these. The '1 . one b y th e In . d'welhng soul.. This
60 61

Kriya Yoga technique will enable you to perceive it, to family

emplo man. Anybod y wheth er poor or nch. ' emplyoer or
conceive it, and to realize it. And you will do your work " yee, any person who is d '
illIterate boys ') "f OIng work. educated,
relishly. If I tell you to chant, to pray, yoU will say no, , , gu S I pract' h' K'
technique for 15 minutes t' IS~S t IS ny~ Yoga
Swamiji, I am tired, I don't like" whole day and night th t ~~e, t en he/she can feel the
in the hand 'f ,a, e ,power of God is moving
And what is Yoga? The union of body and soul is IS unctJonIng In th b d
is constantly there. The soul leo y. The soul
called yoga. That unien is always there. You cannot sepa- should 10 H' ,. a ways wants that you
rate the soul from the body. It is not a hard practice, not ve 1m, remam mdebted t H' b
not indebted to h' 0 lIn, ut you are
a rigorous practice. it is not difficult to practise. It is the wo 1m, you are engrossed in the material
easiest technique, the simpl~st technique, the quickest rId, you are engrossed in defusion illus'
And through that d I' , " IOn, and error.
technique, the surest technlque, and the best technique. e USlOn, IllUSIOn and K '
Yoga will give you th t ,error, nya
Within the period of t 5 minutes, if you take a lessc>ll' tion. You'll f l' a s~per sensatl0n, divine sensa-
or an exercise. and practice with Swami Hariharananda, UDlty, Y ee JOY. umty in d'Iversl't y. d'Iverslty , ,
you can learn this precious technique, • au can calmly work Thro h h '
can feel that restl • ug t at calmness you
f 1 h
If a man practises this Kriya Yoga 15 min utes I,' YOU y
. invisible soul is funct'
essness you
~on ng.
i;~n ee t ~t the calm sou),
at soul IS always with
to 20 minutes, his serpent power will come up f"- • ou are to practIse this techn' b '
from the spinal canal. Our mind is absorbed in the can get these qu l't' I ' Ique y whIch you
far. - but H' a lIes . n scnptu res I't IS '
sal'd He is very
coccygeal center in money. in the sacral center in $ex e JS very near He' b'd' , i
human body y : IS a I IDg In every
motive. But without soul you can not earn money. Even
see the c " o,~ are gettIng the milk but you can not
in the office you can get super sensation. If you don't
get tripple divine qualities within your body of course
in 15 minutes tim~. get two divine qualities, the move-
will see t~eam IDSI e: If you churn the milk, then you
e cream WIll corne up from the milk. - I

ment sensation of the invisible soul in the forehead, in BRAIN JNER TIAZA TION
the brain, in the eyes, in the cheeks, in the nose,
in the two sets of teeth, in lips, chin, cheeks, Brain is the I h ."
philosophl'cal pace were you are to' seek God, The
medulla oblongata, in the cervical junction, in the, soul is there . sense psy hI' I
A d b' I c 0 oglc~ sense the subject, tbe
'whole spine, in the w hole body-even in the toes if yo\! p ysiological• n e ow the br
/ '
th b')
aID e 10 ogIcal sense
have the desire. sense remaInS So b' I
man wants to mi ' h . 10 ogy wants biology,
8hIp wI'th h'
x'. WIt a man
' wan t s to make friend-
Every one wants truth, everyone wants pleasure, 1m trIes t h ..
' ' but fails B' lOut, eart wants to get friendship'
\ peace,joy. and bliss, This Kriya Yoga technique is' for th • ecause the yare not gettmg ., balance of mind,
<- 'II

Kriya Yoga technique w'U .

of mind. The bond ~ eh~abJe,them to get balance
Every .creature is born through the ~x pleasure, You
are all boyn. by sex pleasure. By the ~race of God yoU
st Tot IS ffIend h' 'J
rong. he Jove will 11' s IP WI J become are born. So we are fortunate that the hving soul has
O. ourlsh be h.
neneS8, In every soul. Ther: ' ~a,use e wHI feel
come out from the sex sense. And from the food sense \ !
hu~an, being. Everyone will be abl: t dIsorder in every yoU get energy. In every matter there is energy. In.
whIch IS remaining with' J' 0 find the mistake every matter there is power of God. Y SlU take, fruits
1 k" ID. t IS the b
00 mg at our own fault. With the re., ut we are not and vegetables, which go into the stomach and trans-
que you will get the th' d Knya Yoga techni-
form into energy.
of the inner selr1.. Ir eye. Always have awareness

' fthere is h'eadach 'f' B~ taking deep inhalation, you are getting sleep.
re IIe • If you give e, I you pr ess I't , you get sudden When VOllsleep then you take dt'ep inhalation, and
some warm n '
you get some comfort If ow tn the head then exhalation. Fer six hours you take deep inhalation.
t . you take some d"
ge some peace. Th '. me Icme, you That is in one minute you take twelve inhalations. The
d' e pam dlsap
Isappears, But Kriya Y , pears, the disease Kriya Yoga technique is based on inhalation. You ale
oga technIque 'II
remove the disease W WI automatically not to hold your breath, there is no rigorouS practice to
. e earn mone th
center. Even in th'
stars and planets. E'f
IScenter we have b
ven I we have s

d 1fficulties before us we d 0 not kno0 many

rough the earth
ad mfluence of
dangers and
.,' keep your head down.

The heart center is the centre of air. By the air yOU

h ea J that' center by K'nya Y oga techniquw em. You can can control your heart center - hreath. If yoU take
cen t er, IS the last vertebra B K' e. e coccygeal deep inhalation your anger will diflappear. You may try
rf ' y nya Yo t h'
to practise it in the house when yoU are extremely
can I t up your difficulti fi ga ec Ique you
es rom the earth centre.
angry. If yOUcount from one. to one hundred in six
breaths, then automatically you will see that your anger
In the sacral center the sex '
Yoga technique' you t se~se IS there. By Kriya has stopped and turned into divint'rJess. So this center is
the sex, one on 'the sou~e~:vo lIghts here. One on a dangerous center. And our wh()l~ system is conducted
sex sense. W hen you ar' ~th~ut the soul you have no by God. In our every disposition W~ are getting divine
help of Kriya Y e enJoymg sexually, even by th t' inspiration. From ,this place we corne to the backbone
b oga, you can feel h h e
ecause the soulis still 'th' ow appy you are center,
remain indebted to H' WI m you. Then you can
detached. 1m even then. But the soul remains
So by magnetizing your spine you can change your
lite force into divine. all accomplishing divine force

64 ,
manyseosatlnns. So yOU cannot do your household
which in time hastens
tual rejuvenation Y your physical, mental d duties. yout office wnrk with singleminded mood. By
stars & planet . E ou can destroy the bad : flan spIn- {(nya ¥oga technique yOUcan remove your all thoughts
El s. very m In uence f
. «tro-magnetic _ nment you take . . 0 and anxieties. It is possible Our gen current comes
mhalat' A power current . mhalatIon .
IOn. s th I' IS gener t d ' from medulla oblongata. Below this philosophical, physi·
fotation f .• e ectnc current' a e through ologlcal sense. biological sense comes from this medulla
a the air. b h .. IS generated th
deep inhalation, the y 'I~' e fncllon, similady throug~ oblongata. So many cells, sO many atoms. moleculES.
scles are generated ml Ions and millions of r;d roug and so many tissues function by the direction of the
through food But 0' you ~et nutrition for th coLrpu- control room which ,emains there. The mota' nerves
Yo t k ' xygen IS th ', e oody and sensory ne,ves i,,{mediatelY send newS to the boey.
u. a e deep inhalat'Ion wile
h' practisin
e nutntlon K'
of ,the bram.
Inside the pituitary the,e are so many nerves. They
REJUVEN g nya Yoga. give the teal spi,;tual truth. Judgement, reasoning
psychological sense, physiological ,ens come from that

andInyouonget '
e mmute' s t'b'Ime ' , fo ur I'Itres of blood
haemogl place.
Yo 0 m. He • come In the brain the,e ace so many cells which twist each
. to purc hase chemi moI means 16 c hemlcals,
tak u dare not '
r other, and depend on each other to get knowledge.
e eep Inhalation ch . ca s and medicine If They tell wblch is wrong, and which is right, and every
slum. sodium • ~mlCals. in liquid f • you
hosph • magneslUm zl'n orm-potas- moment they give warnings to every man. So by {(,iya
orous ph' c, copp ¥oga technIque tbose cells will move quickly inside the
P Iu.;re i:Stht rough your body a:~' sulphur.
food of the buman b e body. Protein is the yo~ g~t a brain. They will give ynu the real knowled~e by which
fibrinogen Th emg containing alb ' prmclpal yoU can decide and with a singleminded mood can do'
you are t; e~ also run through the umm, globulin, you, wotk and even can meditate and get peace. Why
practISe Kriya Y whole system If
are people not getting peace J Beeause they are open-
eave home ' not to leave your oga techniq ue you are not• to
Ich'ld . ing twr1 cent,es 01 theit radio at a time: Ifot yOU open •
I rent not to leave servIce. not to leave
passion. Yo'u will rem am . your two centres of the "dio at a tiroe ,you cano hear any
in tl wife.
r . n at to leave your
le lamlly. clesr sound. ¥ou are to keep open one centre only at a
time:50 by the help of Kriya ¥oga yoU can do it- All
SEEK SOUL sen.es wi11come up froro the cOCcygeal. sacral. lumbar.
dorsal. and cervical centetS and yOUcan come to know
' The
realI'sou IS msid
you won't e
e th e cranium. And'
that the truth Is not·· far. the, soul is not far. thr
engrossed in s g t mental disturbance Y If ynu seek kingdom of heaven Is not far, It is veiy' near. 1'0'
o ma~y mindstuff id . our mind is
ease anxieties and so
66 67

you practise the Kriya Yoga technique you will get , , er to the body and create di~ine-
infuse the dIVIne pow, d ditate and medItate,
sensation all over inside the brain, and you will hear 'h' If ou medItate an me
divine sound. You are not to chant mantras. IlIum ina- ness WIt m. Y 'II b h ld that God is not far • You
d I you WI e 0 K "-
one ay sure y d" b the practice of nya
tion is the real body of the soul.· That illumination, h 'n the lVIne y ,
can always anc or 1 tivity you can perceIve
that light you can perceive by the practice of Kriya Yoga and through your every ac !
Yoga. It will give you vigor, energy, ability in your
every sphere of life, You can work calmly, and fill
self with that divineness in you· If you get good envir-
the soul or God.

onment you can evolve quickly. . j
. , h est and dishonesty;
Oh Lord, in me there IS on ~h falsehood and
TRADITION OF KRIYA • YOGA . dishonesty, untru, "Oh
please remove my f If realizatIOn.
I power or se h
lead me to t h e rea '1 d e to the lig t,
At that auspicious moment when Babaji taught this f darkness. ea m
Lord. Lead me rom 1 d 'the light, Cons-
Kriya technique to Lahiri baba, he said "you can take , d k nd know e Qe IS . .
Ignorance IS ar ness a ". "s is Iight,cosmIc
this message everywhere, because there is no truth any , I' h per consclOusne.. -
ciousness IS 19 t,· su . mains in every
where. They are doing the religious play, they are busy , r ht Ignorance
consciousness IS Ig '.
I' ht emain m every
with dogmatic views, they are b.usy with fanatic ideas. human being, and also the 19 r
So you spread my message, which includes this scien- human being.
tific technique. It is higher than a common religion, it
gives the quickest means of success". So he brought "th me the veil of nature s
Oh. soul. You are always WI tb' t veil of nature's
this technique and gave it to Sri Yukteswarji. Sri . h au remove .a
splendours IS t ere. y, d I are one and
Yukteswarji gave it to Paramahansa Yoganandaji. He . d 1 eabze that you an
brought the message to the foreign countries but when splendours an et me r S .0 Shanti F or our
always have been one. Om hantl mI· I bow
he reached U. S, A. in 1920, there was a world war just physical peace, menta 1 peace, intellectua peace.
one year before and the people had no desire to seek to God everywhere.
soul. So he presented the technique in a diluted form to
suit their needs.
-Swami Hariharananda Giri
Sri Yukteswarji sent him to spread the true message
.of Lahiri baba, but that did not happen. That is why,
it was the desire of Sri Yukteswarji· that true monks,
those who know the real Kriya Yoga technique, should
68 \
h'dden treasure of Durga-Puja in \
have preserved the ~. . 1 t· It is our earnest 1
THB DBSCBNT OF GDDDBSS DURGI .• .. d hllosophIca tex s.
the relIgIOUSan p 1 h hieh will render immense

duty to unravel that wea t w

The Hindu religion is based on realisation. It is real service to us.
the Gods were
and self-evident. According to it God is reali~ed throu~h . Ch d' Purana once a11 . d
Accordmg to an 1 , Th demons OCCUpIe
Knowledge. Action, knowledge and devotion are the h demons. e .
conquered by t e tless. They were m
possible means of this rea}jzation. Man alone can fully . . . . G ds became res h .
their dlVInItles. ~ d' the thinking of t elf
realize Him, because his body and mind are so .' Th ere Immerse In
constituted that in accordance with his desire he a cnSIS. ey .w . d f finding a way out.
survival. They medItate or.
can ascend to higher or descend to lower stratum of
, raid of this readion of Gods.
evolution. He can become Good and identify himself The demons were also af f S· the Sambartasur
with the Divine. He can become bad, and identify h d h devotee (I Iva.
They approac e .t e. Sambartasur readily reacted
himself with the Evil. Thus man is the epitome of the and expressed the]r grIefs. h' d Siva for the
r d He wors Ippe
immense potentiality. He is the master of his own to the prayer 01.. emons.
destiny. This is the basic teaching of Hinduism. But safety of the demons.
at present, Hinduism hils become outwardly gorgeous. er between celestial and
It becomes a hedonistic institution. Various Thus there was a test of po~ d our of divinity
Th llectlve en eav
objectionable elements have unduly infected it. Its demoniacal !orces. . e co efful ence of light which
sacredness is subject to pollution now. Yoga, Pranayama succeeded m creatmg an g. t P and dowly
th mountam- 0
bhutasudhi and antarmatruka·nyasa which are the descended from e G The water of the
t of anges•
specialities of Hinduism are now under-rated. There M
approached t he :wa er d 11 that assumed the
fore, the modern youths are unfortunate not to find out Ganges was illummated. Gra ua. YA dalini Durgati-
fe-rm of a deity. She is Mahesw , an sur ,
the scientific elements in Hinduism, and are very
reluctant to place confidence in it. nashini Durga.
,!, B the
"'. . is the theory of body. y
The only way to dispel our misfortune is the wor- ThIS th~ory of Durga . h t' t instruction of a
. fY In t e s rIC
s~ip of the Goddess Durga. It is not true to say that in perfect practIce 0 oga . d the theory
. d and Jyotlmu ra,
the olden days alone the Gods and demons were guru, through YOnlJl1u ra . 'bl 0 five sense-organs
fighting against each other. Now also the fighting of Durga, can be easily intelligi e· ' ur the Sound-God
d The SIva,
is on. Bharatavarsa is the land of Gods. Here the wor- are the seats of five G 0 s. . The twaka. the
. . h d an the ear.
ship of Dur~a has been accepted as the only inevitable IS seated 10 t e saun . org ~ The eye, the sense
way to destroy the demons. The rlshies of the antiquity skin is the shelter of God VIshnu.
70 71

Their ent'rgy is ccnseIved and

for vision is the place for Sun. Similarly the sense-organ towards the centre..
for taste is place for Saraswati who is Vakdevi. The converted to work 10 the inner centre.
olfactory sense is the abode of Ganesha. But due to our • 1 the respectIve . Gods at different dsense
ignorance we misutilise thesense.organs in various d'
Imme late y Th ill collectively en eav-
. 1b akened. ey w . ht
worldly enjoyments. and undermine the significance of organs wll e aw such that the mig y
the respective Gods. We hear sweet sounds, but do not our to serve their nat~ral p~:p~seon earth, That power
mind to realize Siva, the sound God. We hanker after Power at muladhar Will em gG. f the body will
a the anges 0 •
the sweet physical contact, but are unmindful of will reach the susumn. '. '·d t of Durga on earth.
Th IS IS the eacen
Vishnu, the God of touch. Similarly the sense organ:f<),r reach the bottom. .. 'll.>b completely trans·
. the Jlva wI e
vision is misused.the Sun God is forgotten. The taste~ In the mean ,time , This the realization of ,Durga
sense-organ instead of realizing the Saraswati, i& misdi- formed to a hIgher ,bemg, t mendous divine Impact
rected for tasting the sweetness of ephemeral things in this life This Will hav~ all7 Individual and society
of the world. The olfactory sensation, being the seat of on our individual and SOCia("I e. tl'on of one's being to
, Th" transJorma l'
Ganesh, becomes the entrance of sweetsmell wearily. will be divme. 15 IS f ' otentiality to its rea lS-
I" tion 0 one s p .
divinity, the rea Iza 'bi through Knya.yoga.
The term I Deva' has Come from the Sanskrit root .
hc extreme. This is onlvJ
'div' which means Sunya. 'Kutastha, God is Kutastha t\ And Kriya-yoga is the real wors Ip.
Nit yam, He lives, moves and has his being in alL Jiva
and Kuta are equivalent terms. From this 'Kuta' God is
controlling the respective deities being seated on
different sense-organs. But the five sense organs are
exported to external world. As we receive knowledge of -Swami Har·lhara. nanda Giri
the external world through these door ways, we are
naturally unmindful of the God at the centre. Due to
kusamskara. the Jivas are inclined to the grandeur of the .'
external objects. Consequently we aie diverged from
the inner God. This is the instance of demonic
conquest over the divine force'.

By Yoga perfectly practised we can, negatively,halt

the function of the sense-organs, and throughJyoti.
mudra we can, positively channelize their activity,

72 73

. 'ffiAt'.. the time of worshipping SHIVA .

we gIVe our
SIGNIFICANCB DF SHIV 4l\I~BI o ermgs to eight categories of symbols of SHIV A,
hymns from scriptures. We pay our obeisance to i,1

Idol worship is prevalent in Hinduism. There is a SHIV A, who is conceived to be representing all the
deep significance behind it. It aims at an understanding four elements. For example, RUDRA repre~ents fire
and realisation that every. image of God· represents a tatwa or energy and UGRA stands for air. SHIVA is
particular facet of the omnipresent, omniscient and I also attributed with lordship over animal kingdom and
omnipotent Supreme Divine. is considered to be the supreme God ( M!\HADEVA )
," and an embodiment of calmness and bliss. In other
After the celebration of Saraswati Puja in the month words SHIV A is manifest everywhere in the universe
ofMAGHA (January), SHlVARATRI is observed on through the elements, earth, water, fire and air and
the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight. in the lunar through the animals, Gods and Super Gods. He also
month of FALGUNA. The cult of SHIV A is the cult ex~sts in the human body at various centres in the
of the creation itself and embodies the finest philoso- spmal canal which emobody the qualities of the
phical concepts of Hinduism. According to Hindu el.ements .and are responsible for the origin in man of
scriptures, the cult of SHIV A is highly mysterious dIfferent Instincts both animal and divine.
and can, be realised only through deep spiritual
practices. .Worshi? of SHIVA on SHIVARATRI terminates
WIth offenngs to the phallic emblem. Two things are
Before the creation, the void was the only thing exist-
clearly noticed with· the phallic symbol. One is the
tinge God, as the subtle cosmic soul, w~s unmanifest
pha!lus and the otner is its seat in the shape of famale
without any attributes. Ids said in the Upanisads that
gemtal that'represents the mother d,eity. Both SHIVA
God wished to manifest Himself everywhere in various
and SHAKTI (mother divine) are' worshipped, at the
forms and with thi~ desire the cosmic consciousness first
same place. Many people -:10 riot understand th~
vibrated itself in the form of the Sky. Other elements
mystery behind the worship of the coupled female and
like air, fire, water and earth gradully evolved out of
~ale genital organs' and ridicule at this' cult. But, there
the void or vacuum. The evolution continued to culmi-
IS deep mystery around this phallic worship. The truth
nate in the manifestation of vegetation and life. The
behind the phallus is nothing but'the truth implicit in
cuI of SHIV A is closely associated with these various human physiology.
74 75

There is a duality of existence in each and ev.ery The five-faced SHIVA is thus, .manifested through the
created object. One is the body or .PRAKRITI (pnm- five senses. The phallic nature and coition of the phallic
ordia} matter) and the other is Soul or PURUS. The cult represent the union or co- habitation of the body
.body is concrete and the soul is abstract. Un.less the and the soul. Yogic-state presupposes the realisation of
abstract soul dwells inside. the body cannot eXist. The this uninterrupted union of the body and soul. This
soul which is formless and which exists in each living can only be accomplished through devotional practices.
creature is represented by the phallic symbol of SHIV A. The constant union of the concrete body with the
The soul is invisible. Although He has been repre- abstract soul. through inhalation, form~ an identifica- it
sented by the phallus, He has been termed non-phallic. tion between them_ This is the essence of the worship
Non-phallic characteristic is the significance of the of the phallic emblem of SHIV A.
phallic emblem of SHIVA.
The derivctive meaning of UPABASH is to sit,.-close
The seat of the phallus. which is shaped like the by'. SHIVA UPABASH means, 'to sit by the side of
female-genital, represent the human body which is the SHJVA', i. e. to come very close to the implication of
source ~f origin and growth of innumerable desires. SHIV A worship. As is told already, the truth behind
The three bodies of man, namely, physical, subtle and Shiva is non phallic and it relates to the abstraction or
causal, form part of the pedestal of the phallus ~s vaccum· There is vaccum ill human mind beyond the
infinite desires are created and grown every moment m divine cave. If man concentrates there. his speech,
the human body. One thing should be remembered that mind and soul become calm. Through the techniques
unless the soul is coupled with the body, the body of Kriya Yoga practices breathing air C3n be carried
cannot live for a moment, leave aside the possibility of upwards from coccygeal centre to the vacuum in the
emergence of any kind of desire. It means that the humm mind, and if stationed there, one will realise
abstract soul. LINGARAJ or SHIVA, is always 10 the divine presence on the unmanifest. abstract soul.
coition with body, represented by 'the female-genital. Mind, at. this state, gets dissolved and the divine sound
through inhalation, and keeps it alive. He is the guide, 'ADM' is heard. Concentration of this nature leads one
care taker, container and sustainer of the being, But very close to SHIVA and to a realisatii'rl of its essence.
the sentient being does not reali8e that He or the soul This is the real SHIV A worship and through this
alone is breathing. ff the non-phalHc and abstract ASHUTOSH ( Lit. quickly satisfied) becomes easily
SHIV A does not' always co-habit with the body, satisfied and fulfils the'desire of the devotee.
through inhalation, at the divine cave in the human
mind, the five sense cannot function to create and . There is a prescription to remain awake on the night
nourish, each moment, several desires and instincts. ,.0fSHIVA RATRI. Man is always attracted by the evil
76 77
forces through his five senses and mind remains
propensities in man, but for you, the being is inert and
engrossed in various types of luxury and sense gratifi-
powerless. 0 SHIV A with love and devotion. I bow to
cation. If the mind is freed from this complex entangle-
thee thousand times, 0 Lord through your grace, let
ment and directed towards the divine seat, it brings_
all my actions and thoughts be crowned with success."
infinite bliss and blessings of God. Kriya Yoga practices,
being scientific in nature, bring quick results in this
ADM, Obeisance to Lord SHIVA,
direction. It reaches at the real goal within a sh?rt
period like the speed technique of an aero?lane. ~nya
Yoga brings explicit results. Through these techmque,
the serpe;t power at the base of the spinal column IS
awakened and the mind is carried upwards to the
highe~t point of Susumna nerve, which in the ~eat of SIGNIFICANCB OF GODDBSS WORSHIP
SHIVA. and the mind always remains immersed 10 the
God.consciousnes~. This is the significance of the India is the seat of spirit~al beliefs and practices and
prescription for remaining awake or watchful. .S~ch it abounds in divine aspirants Indian Sadhus
observances bring real accomplishment. Rem~tnmg believe that each dust particle of India is sanctified with
awake does not mean night watching, nor takmg of the presence of God and God abides everywhere. No
intoxicating drugs. doubt, western countries like America, France and
Germany have excelled in material knowledge and
- SHIV A is stationed at the divine cave in the mind of
physical sciences. But Indian Sadhakas have acquired
every human being. He is the source and cau~e of .the
proficiency. excellence and specialized knowledge in the
generation of life energy in man that keeps hm~ ahv~. field of spiritualism and metaphysics.
If the God does not inhale in one moment lIfe wIll
disappear from the body. So the devotee, c~ncluding Each man has got three complimentary features of ex-
his worship, pays his obeispnce to the Lord wIth.•_t?ese istence, physical. mental and spiritual. Minduism aims at
words. "0 SHiV A, you are the cause of creatIOn, the simultaneous development of all these three aspects.
sustenance and extinction or annihilation of the being." The basis of the pr~ctice of idol worship in Hinduism
And again he exhorts "0 Gods, you are the cause of is that the man can ea~ily concentrate on an image and
all the beings and their attributes and the cause of all forget his physical consciousness. This gradually brings
causes, You are omnipresent, unmanifest and blissful; in him the realisation that the deity ,forms part of all
I bow to thee every where, O. ASHDTOSH •. you are the three fold human existence and thus his limited
supreme goalofman and you are the refuge of all .the knowledge gets transformed into itifinite wisdom. Such
78 79

realisation, further, results in the purification of mind, us. If the conscience, the tenfold weapon at our
intellect, memory and wisdom and the man advances disposal is kept alert and -sharp and if we learn the
on the high way of physical, mental and spiritual technique of Kriya Yoga guided by true wisdom, the
development that leads to ultimate bliss. animality and suh-human nature in us disappear and
simultaneous development of body, mind and soul
The worship of four great SHAKTIS or powers, becomes possible. This is the lesson from the worship
forms part of Hindu idol worship. The prefix MARA of MAHAMA YA DURGA.
or Great is added to four deities. namely, MAHA-
MAYA. MAHALAXMI, MAHAKALI "and MARA-. MAHALAXMI PUJA carries with it" also. deep
SARASWA TI while discussing about the worship of significance. It takes place a few days after Durga Puja.
Saraswati, for better and clear comprehension, a casual MAHALAXMI presides over wealth and gran nary •
reference to the cult of the other three dieties is not out Through her grace man gets food and lives in luxury.
of place. The Vedanta terms food as BRAHMA. According to
Taiteriya Upanishada food is BRAHMA. Food is
A glance at the image of DURGA or MAHAMAYA essential for birth, growth. sustenance and emancipa-
reveals three physical forms. There is a buffalow, an tion of man. Without food there can be no strength,
animal form, at the bottom. The second is a demon in
vitality, energy. and lustre in man. From Annamaya
a human form and the third is the materialized forin of
Kosha or vital plane evolves the life force or biological
DURGA. The significance of the presence of three
plane and creates restlessness and activity in man.
different forms together is that the man is intimately
MANAMA YA KOSHA or mental plane evolves Qut of
related to these three qualities, the disdainful anima- life force and makes man conscious of his individual
lity, mutable human quality, and .the superhuman strength which in turn gives birth to arrogance, pride
divine quality. Hindu scriptures reiterate that human and vanity .. We worship MAHAKALI tG gain the
birth is possible after millions of animal births and power to control these negative virtues like pride,
through thousands of human births man escapes from vanity and arrogance born out of, ignorance and
ignorance and illusion and realises the divine presence illusion. ' .
in him.
Two opposite features are apparent in the image of
In the idol of Durga, we see that the divine mother, MAHAKALI. Two nands of divine mother offer boom
with her ten hands controls and subdues both the and ABHA Y1\ or fearlessness and the other two hands
demon and the animal. Even though we are rational with sharp swords chastise her unruly children. The
beings. the animal instInct and divine power co-exist in metaphysical significance of this is that MAHALAXMI

80 .'
through food and riches generate in man demonic 81 ".,1l

qualities of MAHISASURA like brutal sexual ins~in~ts, I

anger, avarice, pride and self·arrogance. The vaccIlatmg attained the state of perfect calmness and quietude and
mind of man is always enticed by evil forces. The this is the state of uninvolved detachment and diso/u-
divine mother MAHAKALI, while consoling her tion of the mind.
children with two hands. reminds them with the other
Mahalaxmi, the presiding deity of food and wealth,
two, the severe consequences and chastening punish-
generates, through food, energy and five types of fluids
ment for over indulgence in evil. Thus she. saves the
inside the body which are responsible for restlessness
humanity from demnation and guides it from illusion
and mutability in man through the five sensos. In order
to truth. from darkness to light and from a knowledge of
to sober down the effect of the fluids and to discipline
. multiplicity to the realisation of Unity of soul.
the senses, ~1ahakali, the presiding diety of mind which
regulat~s the" senses, is worshipped. Further. mind is
Intellectual plan or Jnanamaya KOSHA evolves out
regulated by the inhalation. The breathing air is beyond
of the mental plane. Goddess Saraswati presides over it.
the perception of optical senses and mind. The five
She is the presiding deity of knowledge and wisdom
sens€:s cannot see the buathing air regulates and keeps
and is worshipped to transform all the ignorance and
the five senses alive. Goddess Saraswati represents this
worldly knowledge into superior knowledge and know-
breathing air. Just like air, Saraswati is beyond the
ledge of Brahma.
perception of sensE'Sand she is knowledge incarnate.
The image of Saraswati is unique. It is white in Like knowledge which is formless and transcends
colou~. The divine mother is appareled in white and qualities, Saraswati is beyond the perception of senses
and is only to be realised.
puts on white ornaments. In h~r hands she holds book.
stylus, and a white lotus flower. She is seated on ill
In pursuance wIth th~ directives in the scripture,
white lotus and puts on wreaths of white flowers and
books, musical instruments and writing, materials are to
carries a white lyre in her hands. Even the swan that
be placed representing goddds Saraswati and are to be
carries her is white. All these embody deep metaphy·
.j -. worshipped. This is our tradition. Unlike the practice
sical significance.
to·day. Saraswati Puja was not held, in olden days, at
The Hindu scriptures say that mind regulates the market roadsides. s.:hools and colleges as a universal
senses and the mind is regulated by the breathing air feature. Nearly sixty years before, Dr • .Ramakanta Bose
which in its turn. is controlled by the vaccum. When of 205 CornwaJIs '.1,Street. Calcutta collected some of his
friends and started·this pujawith a universal colour to it.
'am' sound is heard within, it is clear that mind has
Gradually this spread around and the Puja was observed
not only in India but outside and has turned, now into
82 83 I
pomp and ceremony. The Puja, at present is generally Let me, now, dilate upon the significance of the
,.associated w"ith the theft of flowers and fruits decora- Swan that carries the Goddess. The Sanskrit word ,j

tions, and external show and noise and confusion. It has HAMSA which means Swan is formed of two letters
ultimately become a nuisance and has become the cause HAM and SA. HAM stands for the material body and
of misunderstanding, quarrel and strife among the SA means the soul inside. The union of soul ~ith the
( people of different lanes and streets, in course of the 'i body which keeps the man living, is Hamsa, Man does
collection of compulsory contributions. The funda- not realise that the soul is the basis of his living, susten-
mental notion and purpose have been lost. The Pre- ance and growth. He is engrossed in pride. arrogance,
requisites of Puja namely discipline of mind, persuit of illusion, delusion and error born out of ignorance.
the rules of realisation, whole hearted devotion, practice Unless the ignorance is set aside, the worship of Saras:'
of certain Yogic Exercises, breath control and purifica- wati the presiding deity Gf knowledge and wisdom is
tion of thought, which aim at the annihilation of every not worth while. Uoless the soul inside the mutable
sort of cruelty, ignorance and wordly preoccupations self is transformed into an obedient swan~ through
and kindle the light of knowledge in man, are conspIC· spiritual practices, the divine mother Saraswati can not
uous by their absence. be established on it. The realisation that God abides in
the self as soul, represents the swan over which goddess

The scriptures specify the quick and frequent Saraswati sits and moves.
inhalation distur bs the mind, and calm and deep
breathing makes the mind calm and composed. For MAHAK/\LI signifies the vital fluid in the body extr-
higher education and deeper thought and for the acted fr.Jm food, M,'\HAKALI symbolises the energy or
efficient performance of one's work, the mind is to be fire generated io the body & MAHA SARASW ATI
withdrawn from the external distractions and disturb- stands for the air that helps in the generation and
ances. To control the mind this way-is not ordinarily. substance of that energy. Air does not have any shape
an easy affair. If the inhalation is properly regulated and it is pure. Saraswati represents wisdom which is
through the scientific means of Kriya Yoga the mind without any shape and is acquired thro1Jgh sincere
is automatically controlled and peace of mind is attained effort and endeavour. If the Sadhus, students and
As a result, conscience is awakened and the divine eye wGrkers indulge in outward distractions, while doing
is opened. The man, then, realises the existence of their duty, they will not succeed in acquiring knowledge
Saraswati every where and in his own being. Whereever and there will be no systematic development or quick
he casts his look, he feels the existence of the all perva- progress of their mind and they will prove failures. The
ding image oflhe wisdom incarnate, and his vision of realisation that Saraswatiwho is manifest~d in the 'OM'
wisdom transcends all bounds. sound of the four Vedas, abides in the self is the

supreme knowledge Ved,a means 'to know'. It is derived

from the root 'Vic}' Saraswati, the Veda incarnate, abides ONE MASTER AND ONE TECHNIQUE
in every human being. But she is covered with the
darkness of ignorance born out of illusion, delusion and Question:Can a person who practices other
error. If Saraswati can be established in the mind by techniques also practice Kriya Yoga?
controlling the five senses through the control of
Answer: If you are satisfied with your techniques
breath, that will be the highest tribute to the deity.
and from them you are getting peace, bliss. joy and
It is written in the verses relating to the offerings to divinity within. then ask your conscience. Onc e you
Gods that SARASWATI is MAHASHAKTI KALI have gotten an answer, remain calm.
But she is VADRAKALI. Here it means that" she is
Many roads take you to Delhi. In the same way,
calm and of transcend qualities. That is why, although
many take you to God. But follow only one to the end.
she is Kf\L[ she is white in colour. Only through the
state of c'jlmness, quietness and undisturbed state of If you go to a doctor and take the medicine he pres-
mind obeissance can be offered to her. ~o it is written cribes to you, and then decide to go to another doctor
that we should always bJW down to her and express and take his as well as the other's medicine, instead of
our devotion to her with cllmness and quicktude. She health you will find death. If you gJ to a third doctor
is knowledge incarnate and beyond the knowledge and you will find death even faster. When you cross a river,
wisdom of man. We should concentrate on the seat of if you put a foot in one boat and the other foot on
knowledge and pour our devotion there with deep the other boat you will drown for sure.
calmness so tbat supreme success will be ours, OM
PEACE. Oo~erve the bee. [f it does not find honey in one
flower, it will fly to another fl3wer. If you taste an
apple and it is bad, you will not eat it, but you will
have had to taste it In order to know that it is bad.
-Swami Hariharananda Giri
If you have found peace and love, and you are receiv-
ing divinity from it, and have fcund a true Guru,
follow him step by step and' be generous in your
surrender to him.
86 87

Question : Many ¥ogas suggest celibacy,
What does Kriya Yoga say about this?
Question: Can fasting be used as a means to
cleanse and purify the body? Answer: God has created the universe and lives
within each human being. He created the man and the
Answer: The word fasting comes from the Sans- woman and wanted them to unite in love and remain
krit 'Upabash' which means tosit by the side of God. together. If everybody were celibate, would they be
Here the word fasting has a different meaning ·from its fulfilling God's wish? Remember that Lahiri Mahasaya
normal use. To stop eating so as to achieve purity does was a married man with a wife and children and he
not correspond with a reality. Food is the God was selected by Babaji to transmit the Kriya Yoga
'Annamayakosh.' From food we obtain vitality and technique to the world.
energy. The 'Shastras' (the sacred writings from ~vfarried or celibate, purity is essential. The mental
India ) say, 'One must take enough and enough light attitude is important. If you are a married man, .stay
from the sun." with your wife and do not change your attitude. If you
married ten wives, would your love increase ten times?
From' Anna' ( food.) we obtain •Prana' (life, vital Not at all. r nstead, your health. your cerebral energy,
energy); by magnetizing this en~rgy. one" achieves your respiration and your money will diminish. .
surprising results in the realm of spiritual realization. Kriya Yoga gives you balance of mind to maintain
But fasting could bring problems, pain and ills of all the equanimity. It makes possible the true love that
sorts. Also, we must keep in mind that cleaning the goes towards the immutable' Being, present in each
physical body does not mean that tbe mind is being person. It makes you love each oth~r without attach-
purified. We must admit that it is more difficult to ment, like the sun that illuminates: everything without
purify the mind than it is to clean the physical body; attachment to anything.
One can take bu:ketfuls .of water. even stay inside the
water for hours but tbis does not make anybody pure. The important thing is to know that God is the One
To eat or to fast or not to eat certain foods-these are Who loves and the One Who procreates. He is sex
all things that belong to the mind. Where the imagina· and sexual impulse. He is manifested in the wife and in
tion stops, the realisation starts; where the emotions, the child. The person who chooses to be celibate. let
taste and the bias stop, starts,the meditation-the state him be. It is his dharma, like the dhaf1~a of others is to
without movement. have a wife and children.
88 89
PROHIBITED TO PRACTISE IF NOT INITIATED God is abiding. The presence of God is here. He is all

MBDITA~ION GUIDANCB AND INSTRUCTION pervading, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omnicient.

Where he is not, so that you are to concieve. You are
WASHINGTON D. C. JULY 23. 1983 to perceive. You are to realise. God is not walking in
(ONE) India. You have gone to India. Have you seen in India?
Whether God is walking on the street? God is in the
You are a Science student. So if Science student does
whole universe. God say's, - I am abiding everywhere.
not follow the class one day, two days, three days,
But I am abiding nowhere, He is here. He is not here.
whether can he follow the class? It will be difficult. If
It is written in Bhagawad Gita- I am in the beginning,
he follows the class daily and regularly. .then he will
I am in the middle. Always remaining in the human
get the connecting link. It is not like an arts student, if
being in the life time. After that human being will
the arts student does not come for some days, no harm,
merge in me. Before creation, I am formless and after
he can manage. But the science student can not follow
creation also I am formless. Without him you hav.e no
the class if he does not continue.
form. So you are formless form, after your demi~e you are
You should come daily regulHly, then you will know formless. It is writtl::n in Bhagawad Gita in 10 chapter, 20
more about truth. This is a science What is Science? verse - I am the beginning. I am abiding within you all
Extreme super consciousness is called Science. Science but you are to perceive, you are to conceive. Yoti are to
or Vigyan means super consciousness, cosmic consci- realise then you will know even after your demise,
ousness stage and Pragyan means to merge in soul. This you will remain in the power of God. Jesus is not de'ad.
is the ultimate goal. Knower and knowable will be one. Moses is not dead. The power is remaining merged
~ugar and tea will be one. You will not get even the with God. He is always here in God, and if you don't
trace of sugar You will not get the taste of the tea. Tea cultivate, if you do not prepare ground and only you
IS bitter. The bitternes~ will disappear, and existan ce take wheat from the market and if you only chew
of sugar, you will not get insiJe the cup. This is then you will get trouble. You are to bring the wheat,
wisdom, not hallucination. No one can touch God. No you are to crush it to powder then 'y()U are to make
one can cut God. Have you ever seen God walking on it just a bread, then you are to roast it, make it ready
the street.? Why you are coming to me ( 'I hrn why for eating, then your health will be all right. Your
don't you catch him and kefp him in your house. What brain witI be alright. We are not cows, wheat is on the
is the definition of God ( No (Jne can touch. no one can ground. We will all go' to the ground and eat' wheat
cut, no one can burn, He is all pervading, He is every' full of needles, then within 24 40urs you will die.
whue. Even in the fire. Can fire burn fire ? He You are to prepare your field otherwise you can not
i is in the water No one can drench God. lnsidt: water know God. I am to tell the hidden technique by which

90 91

they will feel the truth of realisation, they are getting "you wiIllock the other ear. Press one thumb and open
vibration. If you hke initiation within two months time the other thumb and hear the sound. Then feel that
within four months.time, you are getting Vibration in you are Sri Jukteswar. With deepest love inhale hold
forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks~ lip, teeth, tongue, neck, and bow with deepest love. Sit up. Watch. From where
chest, everywhere, lip to foot not 50 body parts, in he is pulling inhalation. Sound is there. Sit with your
your whole body parts. Sound, light, vibration. spine straight. Thyroid blocked. Yes and if you bend
give pressure on the head. head will not go from that
When there is initiation, if you have desire, you - can side.
come and you can get the power and can meditate.
Now you prepare your field. Tben you will feel that you are Laheri Baba, with
deepest love, you pray for your food. Your digestive
The moment you will watch calmly then surely yoU power. Pray that you will store money fat the evil days
will hear sound. From where he is pulling inhalation, with deepest love. Laheri Baba is inhaling. Hold your
how the air is going aqd entering and. where it is ear and bow with leve, Feel Sound, light, vibration. sit
touching and if you remain there, then you will feel up. Watch, Holy ghost is flashing light. It is moving
vibration of the soul. inside. It is going on the right, love and left, love just
like a pendulum, and in the soul there is Om, Om, Om,
Now jf you don't hear Sound you will lock your ears, Om sound and also watch in the soul, there is some
and you will feel that you are not you. You are Param- vibration.
hansa Yogananda. The photo is there. If you keep this
photo in your room, if you see the photo then you will Now you feel that you are Babaji and at the purifica-
get "transformation. Good company will make you good. tion of your heart center, you will be like Babaji. Hear,
You look at him. Feel that you are Yogi. Even you ace divine sound. If you don't hear, you will lock your one
more powerful than Paramhansa Yogananda. You are ear. Hear Oin, Om, Sound. Inhale, hold and bow w.ith
getting imperishable soul. So you are inhaling. chanting love. 0, God, ,you will give me purity and "perfection
the Mantra of Paramahansa Yogananda. You lock your and all round development with love. You sit up. Now
ears and if you don't hear the sound, lock your ears and feel that saints and sages of all religions are remaining in
then bend and bow your head and watch. inhale. hold the vacuum. They are I).ot dead, their light, their spirit
and bo'w with love. Sit up. Shut your eyes. Lock your is merged with God. They are all around you. In your
ears. Wait. Hear sound. If you hear, you shouldnot lock. cervical center. Next center, Hear 8ound~ light, vibra-
You see something is showing. Holy ghost is flashing light. tion. Calmly watch. feel that it is vibrating on the top
This is your liberation stage. You will lock one ear and center. It is also vibrating on the next center with
92 93

deepest love. You inhale, hear. sound, hold, bow with So if you keep your attention here you will feel
love. Pray, 0, .L~rd, give 'me purity,· perfection and all vibration from top to bottom. Inhale, hold, stretch, bow,
round development. Sit up, hear sound. You are not- bend, with love. Then sit on the right heel. pressure,
body, You are in the Vaccum. feel the vibration on the top on the head. Also vibration
on the second center. Give pressure. Inhale, hold,
You see something is floating in the vaccum. You are stretch, b~nd. bow. Sit up. Now sit on hips. Give
in the Christ center • Your former guru is also remaining pressure, feel the vibration is here, on the top. Inhale,
there in the center. Even Jesus is remaining there in hold, Stretch, lift up. Inhale, bow. Sit up. Practice third
the Christ center Hear, go deep into it. Until you feel technique.
that you are atom, you are not body; you can not hear
Kriya. This js the third technique, Kriya Proper.
sound. Until you go to the center in the atom, you
cannot hear sound. Your body is burnt after death. You Power 0: God is :pere on the top. He is coming
here cQml.ng here, coming here, he is coming from
will feel you will hear sound. With deepest love you
bow to Jesus. You bow to your gurus, bow to God, with seven stoned building. Then he is coming on the first
IDve. storied building. Again he is coming on the 2nd storied
building. Inhale, chant, Mantra, excess. He is coming
Sit and watch calmly. Now in the fontenalle God down below. Vibration is here. God is coming down
has entered from the top of every· person. You watch. the seventh storied building. Inhale now. Chant mantra.
he is vibrating. Holy ghost is vibrating there. Also Hear sound, exhale. He is coming down here. The
sound, with deepest love, hear sound. Inhale, hold, vibration is here. God has come down to the sixth
then bow with Ion. Now you shut your eyes and storied building. Inhale, exhale. The elevator is coming
feel that 'power is within your whole body, within two to the 5th storied building. Shut your eyes. Feel the
minutes time, within three minutes. you feel the same vibration is here. Inhale God. Chant Mantra - exhale.
vibration in the whole body. God is here, God is here, God is coming down from the heart center. Inhale.
God is everywhere. Power is here - power is here, come up, exhale, come down to the Navel centre

Vibration here .. ,vibration· here, Vibration is every lnhale your Mantra. Exhale. God, is'~oming down:
where. Now you all practise the second techpitIue. Guru is moving here. He is moving on the ground.
Second technique is. Mahamundra. Siting on the left
feet give pressure on the semi colon. Watch vibration Inhale, he is on the seventh storied building, on the
on the top. You are on the top. Also feel the same- top, Exhale. He is coming to the groun,d. Inhale. go to
Vibration on the bottom on the hip. It is here on the the heaven, sound is there. Vibration is also in heaven,
top. ltis in the bottom. above sun, above_moon. above stars.' You are in the-
94 95

infinity. Hearing sound, vibration. You are not here. vibration- everywhere .. You hear different sounds m
Your body is not limited body. You~ body is all pervad- different centers.
ing body. Now you are floating in. the heaven and .Holy
ghost is far above in the heaven. He is flashing· light What is your achievement. Whether you are merged
and is moving above your head, in the heaven. He is in God? Be God and know that you are God. 1£ you be
moving calmly. Watch. Feel that sound. You mentally a baby, you cannot marry a girl. You get the youthful
chant your Mantra, after that you will only hear your stage then you will think what is marriage. Similarly
mantra. until you feel that you ate sound, you are power of
God, you are getting vibration, that is your light. You
You are there and the sound is coming. Calmly shut are getting every thing that is the li~ht of God. Be
your eyes. Feel that you are all pervading. This is your invisible and watch that invisible. The moment you 'will
liberation. Constant liberation. You are not watching feel that you are invisible power of God. vau will hear
constant sound. Feel your body is dead as burnt to
your breath ..You are not watching anything. You are
ashes. From Mango tree you cannot expect an apple.
only hearing sound, light, vibration and offer everything
Whether apple will come out the mango tree? Only
to God. Shut your eyes. You Inhale vibration, Exhale
mango will come. From apple tree can you expect any
vibration and feel that God is coming down, coming down.
grapes? From formless can you expect any form?
Hear sound. Om, Om .•. feel vibration. Inhale, come up
i\lthough it is form, still it is formless, as the baby is
on the top. Exhale, Come down. He is moving infront of
remaining in the womb of the mother. This is the
your fore head feel it, inhale, God is coming on the top.
whole universe, which is the womb of the divine mother
Exhale, God is coming down on the bottom. Inhale,
Come up, Exhale, come down to the sex center, Feel it. and we have not yet come out.\Ve are all children.
Inhale, exhale from the ground. God is coming
to your tops, and it is moving below your hips. Feel it, Just as in flowers, there are so" many seeds. Just in
Give pressure, See that you and I are in the heaven. I the field, there are many trees inside the seed. Similarly
am also going with you to the heaven. You are in the in the creation only the creater is remaining. It is form-
heaven. You are in the heaven. Feel it. Now you prac, less. Still it has not been created. Ydu~are in the womb
tice Jyoti Mudra. Thi; is called Superconscious stage. of the,divine mother. You have not yet come out. Only
Conscious stage. you are in the womb of your mother. In the north, in
the south, the back, in the front. on the bottom; in the
Get seven inhalations. Pray seven times. You finish side, everywhere your mother is remaining. Similarly
_your Jyoti Mudra. Lock your ears. Pr~ss them, Lock when God is all pervading, until you are merged in all

I your ears, Then feel light. You a~e having sound, light, pervading stage you can't perceive it. You have got the


quality. You are hearing sound. So you are born. in the

• ..
vacuum. So if you remain th~re you will feel all pervad- MEDITATION GUIDANCB
iness - sound all over the Universe. Love him. Vibration (TWO)
all over the universe. Light all over the universe. In one WASHINGTON D. C. 23rd JULY 1983 ,

day you can not be a teacher. The day you get admis-
sIon in the college, on that day you will become a Mark how the air is penetrating in. Then you will
teacher ? You penetrate deepest into it. Go deep into hear sound. Get light. You will get vibration. Shut your
the soul. You see briliant Light, Which is beyond eyes. You all practice Jyoti Mudra. You only keep your
imagination. Calmly remain inside. Shut your eyes. See fingers as directed and press. Then you see light and
that you are not yDU. You are that imperishable soul. now you push a little and lock your ears. If your
Don't bend your body. Then you are not in meditation. technique is correct, then everything will be correct.
You are dead body. Be still and know that you are God.
If you are tired, you can completely rest and watch the Touch the head on the ground with deepest love, say,
sound. Go deepest into it. You penetrate deepest into 0, Lord remove 'our diseases, remove our sorrows,
it and calmly watch. remove our sins, remove our anger, pride, cruelty,
. .P'- selfishness, indecency. Remove our poverty, watch,
[ This meditation technique is meant for those who give us profuse wealth. I will earn money. 1 will
are initiated into Kriya- Yoga. Without practical guid- watch thee. You are earning money . You· give us
ance of Guru or an advanced Kriyaban, it is prohibited pleasures of senses, we will watch thee through plea-
to practise it. It is not also possible to enjoy vibration, sures of senses, give us food, digestive power. Through
light and sound without help of Guru or an Acharya. food we will love you. Give us many thoughts. In our
This is a secret technique which can be experienced every thought we will watch you, love you whole day
and practised with proper guidance. ] and night. Give me purity, perfection, Divine sound,
light vibration, love for God. I will always seek thee. I
will always give regard to thee. I always .want to bow to
By the practice of Kriyayoga inner and outer purification is
thee through my every actions.
done. He, who is ever God con·Bcions, is always pure. God is
abiding in evcry human being, if we ~search for him within our
Sit calmly. Shut your eyes. Feel that same vibration.
whole system, our mind cannot be attracted to external pomp
and grande~r. The Holy ghost is flashing light above your head. He
is moving infront of your fore-heaq, in front of your
- Swami Hariharananda chest, infront of your whole body. See the light vibra-
tion as the Holy ghost is flashing light fwm above in
98 99

the intestine on the ground. Again the lift elevator is soul is much powerful than that of the sun. which is
coming. It is coming from the tower gradually. See that rising in the Eastern Sky. If the soul is not there then
the lift elevator is coming to the third storied build- that Sun is useless to you. How do you know ? You
ing. Hear sound on the fourth storied building. Different require thorough control. You are to go just on the
sound, light vibration. You are not watching your point of the Soul. On the extrovert stage your five
breath. You are not perceiving anything, is called sense organs are following from one place that is soul.
meditation. Your heart is at rest. So you will get long Your skin is getting touch sensation from the soul.
J ife It is knocking in the fontanelle, in the soul, in the Your touch sensation is coming from the soul. Through
pituitary. In this way it is moving. You do not see, sense control you are pulling the rei'n of the five horses.
where you are. Inside the head the light is set. That is You are the soul. You are controlling the five sense
the holy ghost ismoving. Sound. Opep your eyes. You organs.
do not see anything. Only go deepest into the hole. The
home of Jesus, home of God. The divine kingdom. You The Sun can not arise without the permiSSion of
,don'Uookany face. Calmly hear. You will hear sound. God. The Sun can not shine, no Chandrama, no
From where He is pulling inhalation. You will only Tara-ka, not moon, not stars. no lightening, no thunder,
remain there. Then sound will be stronger, different var- can come without God. Because you are illuminated in
ieties. Sound is increasing See the holy ghost is moving my body, you are abiding in my body. Whatever I am
pendulum, light and vibration. It is going on the left perceiving. I am perceiving the power of God. Arty
-side of your brain, on the right side of your brain, on thought is coming God is coming, SO until you cultivate
the cerebelum: Love him. Remain deeply inside. Then the Jand. If you do not go to your real home, how can
you will see the light with your eyes open. But you are you feel. Thoughts and God are one. Inside everything
not seeing. This is called Sambhabi Mudra. You are is abiding. As the seed is remaining inside the tree,
keeping your eyes open but you are watching your Similarly the power of God is remaining within you.
indwelling self. You have seen the Olive fruit. But you have not seen
the Olive. You have seen the Olive 'oil in the bottle,
Take my divine power. Until you feel oneness, your From where the mustered oil comes. It is ffom the
perception is very little. Whatever you are getting in mustered seed, the oil is coming. You are seeing in the
your mind, it is He. ·God. So you are to unite. Every bottle. Similarly the ,PQwer of God is there. You
thing is coming from God. Every thing is merging in remember all fickleness, restlessness. all thought waves.
God: Appetite came from God. Appetite has already Let me put in you and let me merge in you.
returned to God. Hunger disappeared, what maintains You remove all bad qualities, .anger, pride, evils from
"nu from your birth-is your soul. He is called Sun This me, all your diversities, all your dilusion, illusion, error.

Until you remove it you can not know God. You can MEDITATION GUIDANCB
not feel calmness. Power of God whi.ch is your blissful
from that I want to see. Ido~'t want to take so many
olive fruits. I want Olive oil. I don't want mustard seed.'
I want mustered oil to rub my body. Now you see beautiful. What is beautiful? Calm and
peace. Now you are in calmness. Shut your eyes. This
What is your blissful form. Calmness, Seclusion, is your sleeping pill. Remain in the needle point. Hear
alertness, then you will get blissful form. Sound, light, Sound. Now I am telling. You bow seven times. Who
vibration, his presence, always joy, always joy. How is bowing? Not you. Lock your ears. Offer your money
kind you are. I want to see your blissful stage. center to God. Bow seven times quickly. God is bowing'
seven times.
The person who is abiding in whole universe ineve!'y
human being, it is He. In you who is abiding? In plant God will remove all your troubles. Hear Sound. Offer
he is abiding. I~'every part of the body, he is abiding. seven centers to God. Again go to the needle point
Seven qualities are in your body. So everywhere he is injection. Remove your hand, shut your eyes. Take the
abiding. So you have to watch him in everything. mental injection needle. Prick it. Take very slow breath.
Which is your blissful form that I want to see, this is Watch Him . You will see. This is your foundation. Light
first Kriya. Sound-you have more sound now. Who is Sound, Vibration. The blissful band of Jesus is moving.
abiding in me. In every human body. in every animal The blissful hand of Mosses is moving, Blissful hand of
body, in plant body, everywhere so it is I 3m abiding all agents of God is moving. Tt is moving in the pricking
every where in each body. This is Iso Upanisad 17 point of injection and with slow breath watch. You will
verse. You read that, There is gulf of difference which T hear Sound, Light, Vibration. Remain in the pri.:king
am telling now. point. You are not flesh, bone, skin, blood, marrow. You
are the real power of God. Now you all . practice Maha
But every moment my meditation is changing. I am Mudra. God is practicing. He is on the left field. Give
getting powerful stage nearness to God so that power pressure, bend and bow, then to opposite side whole
is coming. The more you meditate, that you are reading body. Shift. sit up, watch. That needle point is moving.
today and tomorrow ,you will read. you will get T ••ke rest. See the peqdulum is moving on the needle
different meaning. Third day you will read, you will get point and that pendulum is moving on your money
the different meaning. The more you will procee.d . center. Sex center, which is moving on the top
towards divine goal, the more you will get new moving on the Naval center. If you remain only in
meaning. the foundation, Pricking point, that will change your

ii. I.

102 103

body. God is changing you. Now you are God. Your that movement sensation in the heart. Needle is gradu-
body is god. Your Soul is god. This is Hansa. Love. ally coming to your intestine. It is moving on the top.
Whole World willlove"you. With/love, God is inhaling. Ir is moving in the intestine.· You are on the needle
God is exhaling. God is stretching. God is bending. point. God is living, staying in your intestine. When
you will eat. you will love God. Offer your intestine to
Then your bad qualities will disappear, every day . You God then see it is comin~ from the Fontanelle upto
will see whether your bad qualities are disappearing. the Sex center.
Calmly sit. Feel that you are not body. Only on the
Remain on the fontanelle. The Pituitary. He is
pricking point pendulum is moving. Pendulum is
moving on the sex center. Offer it to him. Say Lord it
moving on the heart and the neck and the fate and the
is your center. It is your body and Exhale. Again you
whole body. Now you practice the third technique.
sit. Then in fontanelle you are on the money center. It
Pressure straight. Th.yroid, Head down. Straight. Bend
is moving on the top. It is moving on the bottom.
right side. You are free from diseases. Sit calmly. Don't
Hear Sound. Love him. You have offered every thing
practice now. Only you see. You are not body. Only
to him. So you have no body. You are only feeling.
you watch. You are Soul. On the pricking point of the
Something is moving in the Fontanelle. Above the
injection needle. see that it i,s mavin g. Also sound," The
Fontanelle and hear sound. Gradually like Helicopter. It
pendulum is moving in the brain. Inhale God in. Love
is moving and you are going up in the heaven. Hear
God. Offer your brain to God. Remain in the injected
Sound. All over, the World. This is real liberation. This
pricking point. The needle has come to your face. It is
is Super Powt>r. a kind of Samadhi. You are floating in
moving in the face. Now you are pricking needle from
the heaven. Needle is in the heaven You are merged.
the Fontanelle. The needle is moving in the whole face.
You love )lim. You are not watching your brain. Love
Hear Sound. Keep wrinkle, the tongue rolled up. Love
him. You have many troubles. Many diseases. In future
·G;d. That he has given you beautiful face. Feel that it
you may get many troubles, may anxieties. You all will
is his face. Inhal~<dad on you.
be old and all ;will die. This is your immortal stage. Your
This is the third techniql1e. You are offerin~ your limited body is aU pervading body. Ym.ir soul is floating
body to God. God has pricked the injection needle from in the heaven and you are merged. J.<.emain in the
the Fontanelle. From the top of your head injection heaven. Those who are practising second Kriya, they
needle is moving on the heart. Watch that needle will practice. They wilL feel all centers are purified and
Hear sound. Keep wrink les. Your heart is remaining in they are in the heaven. This is your divine
the Fontanelle. Love God. He loves you. Offer your . change. You don't know where y0U sit. You are in the
heart. lungs to God. Pray God. You will never get any heaven. You. don't know where' is your body volume.
diseases or trouble and you will cure diseases. Watch You are in the heaven. It is moving. It is sound.

You can not imagine your body. You can not imagine
your face. So you. are dead. HOW TO GET IMMORTALITY :

You are merged. This is called real meditation.

Beyond mind, thought, intellect, body sense, worldly lECTURE IN PARIS 22 - 10 - 84
sense. You are merged. Suger is given in the tea. Suger
is merged. This is called mother nature. Your body
nature is your delusion. Your mother nature dis-illusion You should know God if you humbly remain on
as real soul. The more you can seek, more it is gain for guru, bow him with humbleness. Question about Soul-
Culture: Serve Guru .
. you. Now vou all practice the last technique. Joyti
Mudra. As directed keep your fingers straight, Joyti
Mudra. Cover your eyes; Hands up, head down. (To That you are taking food in the house, Rice, You
me everyone is male, Soul is malt:. Now you cover up bring little rice for Guru. Bread for Guru. A little
your eyes. With hollow plam and lock your ears, sound Service is to Guru and then automatically the affection
light, vi brat ion . of Guru will come and in India they also touch the Toe
because we are walking on the Street. So whole current
Now you remove your hand. You touch head on the of the body is entering into the ground. Guru never walk
ground. See your change. Touch your head and. ~ay with bare foot. They put on wooden sandIe or plastic
Lord Jesus. Sorrows, sin, anger, p~ide all bad quahtle,s. !lhoes. So their meditation is remaining in the body.
Give me Love, give me all round development. I will
So if you touch the electricity with bare foot then the
meditate dail y, regu);i~ly. sincerely with love and surely
electric current will enter into your whole body.
you will give divine change. Sit up. I bow thousand
Similarly the Divine current is remaining and deposit-
times. Shut your eyes and feel that it is moving in the ing in the body of Guru. So if any body touches the
heaven. You all are in the heaven. Keep wrinkles. You Guru and touches the feet, the whole power is passing
are coming down from heaven gradually .. You have through his feet because the toes are moving like. tbis
come down, on the ground. It is moving above your and it creates electricity. Thus their p~wer when they
head. Then open your eyes and see whatever you are are giving their evils to Guru and snatching the whole
seeing, the scene is there. I am seeing every body. I power which is coming down in the lower portion. For
want to bow to every body. liberation right feet and for prosperity and all round
Look at me Take my Power. Thank YOll. development the left /feet. So in India everyone is
This is 20 minutes meditation. Just 20 minutes. You see your change, coming, who ever will come he must touch body of
so you maintain this mood. Guru. Even then th~y do something like service, they
( This meditation guidance can 'not; be ·followed by those who are.not
must do like that a little massaging.
initiated) .
106 107
You should put questions on how to get Sou] culture. In my family heredity every three generations one
Question: By Kriya yoga can one be imperishable? Body person becomes monk. So when I am born from that ii
is perishable but soul is imperishable and if you meditate ~ime within two years time my father mother and every I
and if you keep your attention inside four inche~, body came to know that I am the person whose destiny is
deepest into it. and whole day if you watch, the breath a ,divine destiny. So the teachers quality can enter into
is coming from this place. Sound is coming from this t~e students. I told in the meeting that the Doctor
place. Sound is coming from this place from the soul, student will be DOctor because they are coming to the
then your whole body will be educated. Education Doctor teachers.
means perception of the self in the body as the Doctor
student is going in the Medical College his whole body Our heradity is divine. That divine, the Soul is
becomes Doctor, gross body is Doctor and mner body immortal. When Soul is immortal and Sou] is remaining.
is also Doctor. From foot upto head whole gross body in every human body, then your destiny your power
is Doctor. is undoubtedly power of God. Due to environment,
your mind is going that'side that side. Thi's is nature's
\ ,
law to make your self always on bad side. To climb
Similarly if you watch him you are always sound. . ,til up a coconut t~ee is very difficult. and to get down from
You are always power of God. If you feel it t~en you the coconut tree is very easy. In the 15th chapter,
are earning immortality. Constantly immortality and Bhagawad Gita and first version. Second verse. It is said
you will get balance. If you come to the touch of my that all divine qualities are remaining on the top.
family then you can come to know. In my life from my Adasha Urdha, as in the tree so many leaves are
infancy I never made any quarrel. I have never given coming down, falling down. Similarly we have divine
any stroke to any body. I have never rebuked. I have leaves. divine qualities. Also we have many bad qualities
never shouted whole life. Only the relative will speak like the leaves they are going down. falling down. Bad
ill of the person. Tt is very difficult to get reputation quality is not for bad thing, mistake is not for mistake.
from the relatives. You C:.lnget reputation every where It is for correction.
outside but your relative knows all your defects because
you are constantly with them. So all of my relatives So you are always immortal. So if you watch and
even my father. even mother, even my all brothers and meditate daily sincerely then you will always remain in
brother's wife, they all took initiations from me. So I Soul. You are always on 'Soul but you do not fee]. I am
am telling itis n~t the quality of one year. one birth. talking from the Soul. Only you are, to maintain two
You are Doctor but all people are not Doctors. This is things. I am not talking. If you feel this, then you will
pre.destined. It is predestined. remain in the family. You earn rhoney. and you - remain

'•.. i


1 ~"
on the top, This is your liberation and in this way, in
pride e" . . .
sex center yqlJ,will enjoy ~nd if you can avoid like us fi '. nJoymg,. mIx,mg, gettmg so many· troubles,
then I will s~y it is prede~tined. It is possible. I know. .rustratI?ns, ~ornes, anxieties, then they seek God. This
I came to the touch of twin brothers in' Germany. Their IS t?e thIrd mouth. This is called Astha month. Astha
age is 24. Both then one day, when we were talking, chaltany~ me~ns aspiration of peace bliss joy and that
they went to India and c~me back. peace blIss JOY is coming from the Soul. Medulla i. e.
Vagus nerves· two vagus nerves. So they are corning to
They both say Swamiji as the Indian boy and girl a Guru. They are corning to so many monks Le .
someth' '. . arnmg
they do not mix, so long they are not married. Similarly mg, medItatIon but meditation was not d
H th d" eeD.
we two brothers are always remaining together, and ow e me ItatlOn will be deep when you'll I'
f; 1 WI on y
going every where. We have never come to the touch ee you are not body. So there are so many holes, Enr
of any girls. Let me say we have no girl friends. We where here, there, is a hole, So you are to make weldin y
have DEver enjoyed, although we are remaining in of the whole feature by the practice of Kri y g
Th . ya oga.
Germany and we both promised that when we will get en your body will be completely introvert and h-
t 'T ' ow
a suitable girl. spiritual girl, then we will marry a get It - echOlque - If you make weldinO" th
. '.. ", en you
and when we come to the touch, we remain whole , i
requIre technIque. If you want to join two woods it has
life together and after that they selected girls, my some, technique.
. . They are making some hole • Then th ev
deciples and married. Two brothers selected two sisters. are }OInIng to rivet it. Then the Jesus was nailed-
They are two sisters not twins. They are also meditating cruslfied on the wood. Similarly you are to make welding
and meditated after marriage and after marriage they You are to infuse God, Here, God here .. Welding mean;
had tolerance, no quarrel. Twin brothers told that we every where God is there. In the nail • in the> ~ woo,d
have meditated. have no quarrel although the girls were every where. every where.
quarrelling and I with love and affection am giving good
advise to them. They have also changed. They are Be, ~onscious. you are gossiping conscious. You are in
leading very happy life. So second centre that is coming the CInema, conscious and always grateful to God E
d I L ' '. • very
from God. If you feel it you have three months, four ay say, ord, 1 know thee, r ~m still alive and still
months. One month when yoq. are in the mother'~ fit. Have your desire? I do not 'kn hI'
A' Ow ow ong vou wIll
womb you are taking food from the navel of the mother, keep me so I bow thee. I love thee S' 'I 1-- 'f
I • Iml ar y 1 you
When you were born that navel was cut. This is your a ways say ,and you are to' keep your heaith alright. You
are your ffIend. You should kno A ~,
first month. This is your second month from that day ' w your system. ccor- 'I!~
you are eating and gradually you are growing and you are dIng to your system, if you help the nature, the nature
getting so many worldly things and if y<?ustay in anger, of every person varies. Your body and my body
are not the same body. So your (ood and my food will

'. you will .always feel how fortunate I am. God is
not be same fcod. So you should seek food. You should
constantly with me. So as the Doctor's body is Doctor.
know when you should be clean. How you will be
si"milarly, the spiritual person if they feel they are spiri-
clean. Every system is not same.
tual then their body will be divine body and they
Kurnama is taking bath at 7-30 every day. If I take will earn some super Power because he is remaining
bath every day at 7-30 then I will not be able to constantly alert. That liberatio)l will remain whole life.
come here. Because I am Indian. It is tropical The more you are going to make your life in order, the
country. In India every day I can take bath. more your habits are changing. and your nature is
But here I am to think. I tried but I got cough. changing. Cells, atoms, tissues. muscles, diaphragm,
head lche. So what I do. Every day I take bath. But in your hair and my hair is growing up.
homeopathic dose. I take water in the mouth .. Making God has given everything to you and snatching every
this I am pouring water. 21 times in the eyes. Then .you day from you every thing. \Vhy ? He is giving you time.
will never get eye trouble, headache. After seven tlm~s You love me:Three times. I love you, You love me. So
you will take water and you will rub it. Here. You, w~ll he is giving you ten stages. In ten stages from baby-
rub it here. If you place your hand in my ear. you WJll hood up to death, 10 stages. The day you are born every
never see any dirt. I am to take water fill it nicely. ten years there is change. Change. Change. There are
There is no dirt. After that I give water here very easy many in the Universe like Jesus. They are spiritual from
every where i. e. whole skull. You will get a li~tle water infancy and this is pre-destined. So if you only practice
then wash it. Wash it with little water and WIth towel, daily Kriya Yoga. then in this life whole life you will
Clean it drv nicely. Also cleaning with hot water in the feel liberated. Even after your death. Body will surely
towel dried. Sri Yukteswarjl used to take the bath once die. But you will get liberation and no question of birth
in a week. not bath. dry cleaning like this and in a ye~r and rebirth. Because many they do not agree with birth
he used to take bath one day full bath. Only one day m and rebirth. This is the answer of the question. Now I
the month of April. He used to take bath only one day. tell you. We ,should meditate with one question. You all
.But was cleaning daily. So every system varies. So you go deep into it. Here make the foundation ot the bui]d~
are your friend. You will see how you will take bath. ing. I was in Germany at Cologne. I was ~t~ying on 5th
how you wiil see cinema. 0any people; have eye storied building. Whole puilding is made of wood.
trouble. If they go and see cinema for two hours, then There is nothing. All building is made of wood. So I
sur ely he will .get strain, Here in the eyes. So balance talked with Dr. Baba. How is it possible and Dr. Baba
life and in every step of your life. said surely they have given nice foundation. reinforced -
concrete below. There is wall.' big beams. So big beams,
If YOU practice soul then whole day you will feel
So foundation is essential.
liberation. You will remain in the material world and

, I
112 113

What is the foundation of our spiritual life. To go This is partial Samadhi. It is called Tanmanasa
deep into it. I told God entered into this place and he -introvert third grade of Samad hi. So you all enter, take
came straight here. ~our inches deeper. If you can go very little short breath. Seek him and love him. You
there pricking injection point, atom point, atom cannot will hear sound. Very sweet feeble sound. Remain there.
be seen by the eyes.' So if yo~ remain in the atom point. Arrow point. Search, who are you. Your whole, you
This is No.1. No.2. You- are to watch breath. In atom with your eyes open In Bhagawad Gita, 5th chapter. 7
.-, point injection, atom point. you are taking little breath. verse, I see light. You see more light. So you will see
And if you seek Him then your humanhood will less light. Eyes open {three times} introvert. I see light
disappear. Only you will feel that you are Soul and because I am going inside the Soul. Jesus said if thine
immediately you will hear sound. These two things. have single eye, 1 e. third eye, then the ~hale body will
One you are pricking the injection. Doctor is pricking be full of light. Hear sound. This is your real you, This·
the injection. Doctor will not move the injection is your liberation. Ihis your meditation. You are off.
needle, this side, that side, and when it is pricked You only see inside the needle point. You see

patient will not move like that because patient knows if
I move then the' needle will break from where the
medicine is entering. You remain in that point.
This is your soul, and you should take very
~.' l.
me from the needle point. This calmness is Godliness.
Be still.

little breath, by whi ch your attention will not come
down from the needle point. This is your Muladhar, When there was no creation and God was in his
Swadhistan, Manipur, Anahat, Bisudha all are there. It formless stage, extremely formless stage. Then how he
is Christ center. It is called two petal lotus. It is called imagined that he will create man in the image according
the power. Main switch of the house, body house. So to his own image. When he had no form how did he
you all go inside. I am seeing light because r see there. I imagine that according to my form I will create man
am talkillf!. I see your face. not seeing your face, because and woman. I say God first heard the sound. How to
I have gone to third eye, light, and I:}ffi taking breath make creation? The word came from thtGod that he'
from that place. I see light. If you go there with your will create and after that he imagined the human form.
eyes open and if you feel that you are that soul without So you are all image of God. You have potential for
that you have no hand, and if you take a little breath. purity, for peace, for perfection.
then you will see the silver light with your eyes open.
All the dead persons who are remammg in other
If you practice if you remain inside then your will see
lakas, Jam loka, Tapa loka or Satya loka, can not go
light over here. But you are to see your own soul. It is a
higher because they do not posse~s body. They can not
most important talk about God realisation.

114 115

meditate. Only the meditation of their children can see, He directs ears to hear. He allows mouth to speak.
evolve them and liberate them. They will merge in Who is speaking from the mouth of h"uman being. So
God. As the father and mother evolve their children, how talk can receive the power of God 111 him ? So I
similarly children can evolve their parents. They have have done wrong.
left the universe. By your honesty, and perfection, they
You are all per.vading. But I thought many people are
will remain there and merge in God. Also your father,
going to religious places. So can make many places
mother, they will get liberation.
where I will put so many deities. So I have made so
They can not meditate because a dead man cannot many mistakes, this is the adulteratIon on my part
talk nor can eat. What is in a box you can not see, unless that you are formless and I have' given the form, then
you open it. So when you have left the world and have please execuse me for my defect.
taken the aggregated balance sheet of your work to the
. , astral plane and you are remaining in astral plane. you I am telling, in the era of truth, there was only teach-
can not do anything, but by the power of meditation ing uf Yoga. The word yoga means - JIBA. ATMANI,
of your children you will merge in God. Et\BAM, EKAY t\M. Oneness of body and soul, that
oneness of body and soul is always with you. Soul is
Question : How does God look like? pulling inhalaticn and if it does not pull inhalation, then
it is a deadbody. So Yoga is l"Immortal" Yoga. Imper-
Answer : Formless - all pervading. omnipresent, ishable Yoga, deathless Yoga, "Yoga Karma se
omnicient etc. Kausalam" - in that period, they were only teaching
some technique by which the people they were going
( He says Rupam Ruparn· •. ) But it was not on Satya
beyond mind, thought, intellect. ego body sense and
period, period of truth. It is in dwapar period. Its role world sense. They w~re only perceiving formless stage and
is Formless. \Vith my thought I have made Siva, getting divine pleasure, joy and peace. That Yoga. that
Krishna, Durga. Kalli. So many. In so many places I integral Yoga. At that time they were teaching Yoga or
have made so many deities and I have also made so stands with the "Astanga Yoga".' The stand with
many human prayers which is wrong on my part. Astanga Yoga is Jama, Niyama, Asana. If you can tell
because he can be expressed only by the truth. \\}ith words "I can operate the patient." Similarly
what I know, what I 'do, if you hear. how you can
You are beyond form, but formless that what are
heal him? So by the practice of Kriya Yoga. you can
given so many forms to the " Anur bachaniyata".
heal epileptic and many many cases. Asthma patient
, God can not be perceived by mouth. by seeing. by
1 and this Kriya Yoga technique, win make you free from
hearing. because he is formless. He directs the eye to
~ f

" !'

lungs trouble" ( and then Gurudev narrated the effect

of Kriya Yoga on many other ailments as narrated in
other talks ).
Quest ion : Children, whose parents have expired, From where we have come we must return, that IS

can they get liberation and also can come back to the the goal of human life.
earth ?
\Ve all came from God, and we are to go back to
God. We are to remain in God in every moment of our
If you take the 4 techniques, you will get the power.
life. That is the Goal of human life. Before creation,
and you will get liberation. When you get liberation,
God was formless, all-pervading, omnipresent, omnis-
then all your family wlll get liberation. If one person,
cient and omnipotent.
father. is earning money, c.hildren are enjoying money.
They are not going to the office and children's father is
It is written in the Taitariya Upavished that it was
not telling I am giving good money and good dresses.
the desire of the Lord of the Universe to become many.
This is a selfless work. Similarly if the children
So, Formless God, according to His desire. created five
meditate, they will get liberation. They have the atom
gros8 elements I first, vacuum; second, air; third. fire;
power of the father. ThEY have enjoyed sexually. Only
fourth, water; fifth, earth. Everywhere in His creation
from one seed, he has come. You all have come. So
you will see these five gross elements.
father and you are the oneself. Same current, same II
blood, same body. If you meditate, yo~ can liberate t
The highest creation of God is the human being. There
your parents, The whole family, even your friends, the
local people. 1
is rationality in the human being, This is why only
the human beinj;! can know God. In the spine of every
i human being. there are five gross elements. In the
cervical center Bisuddha Chakra there is vacuum.
The deity of that chakra is Shiva. In the dorsal center
God has created man in his own image. So man can know .. ;
Anahat Chakra there is air, and the deities of that
God only through self realisation, But this is not pussible in a j ••'
t' center are Krishna, Vishnu, Rama, Jagannath and
state of mind full of waves of diquietude arising from' the
identification of the self with the changing states of body and Narayan. These deities are all of th~ same category. In
mind. This gives a distorted image of God like the image of the lumbar center there is fire. The deity of that center
Sun .on the unsteady surface of water.' is Surja (Sun), In the sacral center Swodhisthan there
is water. The deities of that center are Shakti. Durga,
Kali, Jagadhatri, Annapurna and Saraswati. They are
of the same category.· In the coccygeal .center, Mula-
and five gross elements. He is the Lord of the b::Jdy of
dhara there is earth, and the deity o~ that center is every human being. If the indwelling Soul does not pull
inhalation through the nose, then all sense organs, all
five deities and the whole human body are dead Tf the
The human being also have five sense organs. The
ear correlates with the vacuum center; skin with the Soul does not inhale, there is not Shiva, no Krishna, no
dorsal center; eyes with the lumbar center; and nose Sun, no Shakti and no Ganesh. These five agents of
God are inactive without the power of G()d, who is
with the coccygeal center.
constantly inhaling and exhaling. These five agents of
God has given these five sense organs to every huma.n God are part and parcel of God. No one can kill God
being, and He has also given the extrovert stage, that IS No one can touch God. No one can cut God.
delusion. illusion and error. Our five sense organs are
In the Hindu religion, there are many techniques
our enemy. They are always pulling us from the truth.
prescribed before every act of deity worship, such as
Although these deities are remamIng in. o~r five ANGANYAS, KARANAYAS, BHUrSUDHI. MAT-
sense organs and in our five gross elements InsIde the 1 l RIKANY'\'3H,
PRANAYAM, But at present, the
soine, stilI, all human beings are over powered by the Hindus cnly read books and do not practice th~se
Devils Asuras. ft is written in Chandi, that all deities techniques. If they really follow the techniques. they
are overpowered by the Asuras. wjll get the introvert stage, and the KundaJini ~hakti
will come up from the lowe! centers to the upper
Hindus are worshiping these fi'/e deities: Shiva, centers. If you only read a book about swimming, can
J ag:mnath, Surja ( Sun ), Shakti and Ganesh. They are you swim? If you only read a book about flying an
all'deities. but they are not God. They are the agents of airplane. can you raise the airpldne from the ground
Cicd Hindu Brahmins are daily worshipping these five to the vacuum, and bring the plane quickly and safely
deines. In spite of that. they do not attain the goal of to the proper place ? To fly an airplane, Qne should
human life. " learn the technique practically from a teacher and, at
the same time, ~hotJ]d foHow the b:Jok. Similarly, to
So the question is this: Why do they not attain the rjr awaken your Kundalini, you should learn the techni-
goal of life? Because. they are not practicing systema- I que from a realized Yogi, who can help you to lift
tically. Their worshipping is always a religious play your Kundalini from the lower centers to the upper
with dogmatic views. So, they do not feel the indwelling centers. You must corne above your five.sense organs.
Soul, who is the power of God. They do not feel it is In the Vedic period, human beings. by practicing
the Soul who is the· conductor of the five sense organs Yoga, all attained the pGwerful· divine state which ig
sense organs, which cannot lead a human being to God.
the truth, which is Abayk.ta, the formless stage. In the
In Keno Upanishad, it is written that what the eyes
Aryan period. hllman beings aiso attained the same
cannot see, but who directs the eyes to see', know that
alone is God and not what people worship here.

After that Hindu period came to a time when h.u~an

belOgs become very SOCIa.. 1M any highly ...splntual Another devotee fixed his attention on the sense of
h uman b·emgs thought that if God was matenahzed taste, on the mouth and on talk, and imagined the
. .. 10
·human form, it would be easy to 'talk. with thIS. hvmg Divine mother, Durga. He advised that if you chant
form of God. Among them, one fixed his attention. on DURGA. OURGA, and read the whole Chandi. you
the ear and on sound. As he was imagining some fon~s. will get the blessings of the Divine Mother. But in
he felt the image of Shiva. He then wrote the Shlva Keno Upanishad it is said that what speech cannot
SANHIT f\ and many mantram$ of that deity. H~ then reveal, but who reveals the speech and taste, know that
alone is God and not what people worship here.
taught that if you'meditate on this form, .you will feel
divine pleasure, peace ~fmind ~nd l,iberatIOn. A .seco~~
devotee fixed his attentIOn on VIbration of the skm a One devotee fixed his attention on the sense of smell,
on the whole body and imagnied Krishna, Vishnu, Ra~: on the nose and on the coccygeal centre. He meditated
and Narayan. He wrote many PURANAS and sal and imagined deeply that he perceived that Ganesh is
that if you chant the name of God a.n~ read all the the power of God. He taught that if you meditate
books. you will get concentration and dlvme pleasure. deeply, you will get peace of mind and success in your
Many songs of the Vaishnava scriptures were co~posed. life. So every business-man of India keeps the image of
The Vaishnavas are shouting. singing. dancmg and Ganesh in his shop for prosperity. The people of South
feeling that they are very advanced, but in fact. they India especially worship Ganesh. The Persian people
are remaining within the five sense organs. They a~e of Bombay conduct more worship of the Sun. The
the admixture of opposites. A third devotee kept hIS human beings of Rajasthan, SUrat al)d Orissa are
attention on light and on the eyes. He said that the Sun Vaishnvas. They give more importance 'to Krishna and
(Surya) is the living visible God. So if you do Tratak Vishnu. The people of the hills do more worship of
SADHANA. which means to constantly look at t~e Sun, Shiva,
\ from morning until noon, you will get concentration.
I One ridiculous and astonishing thing.is this. Basically,
\ It is also said that if you read the ADDYAST,?T~A,
in Hinduism, there are five main cults; Shakta, Shaiba,
i you will get no disease and you will get self:reahzatlon.
But those who do, also. remain absorbed 10 the five
Saura, Vaisanaba, and Ganapatya, but they do not mix

122 123

with each other. On the contrary, they speak ill of each 4) Whether Krishna, who was always engrossed with
other. It is my firm conviction that if any of them thousands of beautiful ladies, should be worshipped?
would get the truth and enjoy the divine taste, they
5) Whether there is any importance of the Moha-
would no longer quarrel.
prasad of the Lord Jagannath temple?
. I
The main thing is that the five deities are conducted ,
by the Soul. If the Soul does not inhale, the human I scientifically and philosophically satisfied them. I
being will die and the five deities-Shiva. Krishna, Surya, told them the metaphorical meaning of all this and
Shakti and Ganesh will be inactive. W ~ perceive the five they were all satisfied. I wrote all of this in the 'Hindu
deities by the power of the Soul. For example, there Puja Rahashya' book, both in Oriya and English. Please
are lights in five rooms, but when the main switch is read this book, and you can learn the truth that is in
off, there is no light in any room. The main switch is Hinduism. But remember that the ultimate goal of
just like the 250 volts of the body house, and power every religion is Nirgun ABYAKTA, that is the
house is just like God where there is unlimited formless stage. Until you can introvert your five senses,
voltage. Each body house and each of the five rooms of you cannot perc(:ive the truth.
the house are connected with the powerhouse. As the
same electric current is everywhere, so also, everything Jesus said that all human beings are remaining in the
is the power of God. lower centers. It is why they cannot go to God. Jesus
said. I am always remaining in the upper center, above
I have delivered lectures in many universities, colleges the cranium. This is the kingdom of God. This is
and public meetings in India and abroad. These heaven. If you do not follow me, you cannot go to God.
educated and scientific persons have asked me many
questions. For example, they wonder: Jesus said, you are born of the flesh. so you are
always after the flesh. You are to be born again . You
1) Whether the naked vulgar lady standing on the must be born from above through water and spirit. You
bosom of her husband should be worshipped? need not go to grave first. Heaven is in yoUr hands. If you
desire God, then meditate now and you will get God. You
2) Whether the slim exquisite and beautiful lad\'
will get constant liberation and the formless stage.
Durga, could fi.ght with hundreds of thousands of /

healthy Asuras ( Demons ). The same thing is also said in Hinduism. You should
be Dwija, which means you are to be born twice.
3) Is it possible that Ganesh, who has an elephant Once you are born from your mother's worn b, and the
head, nose and face, can be worshipped? second time you are to be born from the pituitary.

124 125
In the scriptures it is written Pindam kund~linim
withdraw that mental wave by bre .•th control and by
shaktim hamsa itee udahrutaam rupam~lndum
magnetizing your spine, then your mind will be free
itee gyenyam rupateetam nJ.'ran]'nam
., .' ThIs
, means
. from wordly thoughts.
h I gross body I·S KundahOl shaktI, whIch
t h at our woe
gives us constant delusion, illusion and error. But we Here if; onE:'example. During th", time of our sleep
are that powerful soul. we get a different type of breath whnch helps us to get
extreme calmness. At that time, our mind, thought,
The form of our real soul is "atom", which mea~s intellect, passi n, anger, viciousn~ss and sorrow have
formless so by practicing the technique, we can go wIth completely stopped. Kriyayoga technique uses a similar
our body, mind, intellect. ego and senses from the lower type of i~halation. By the practice of Kriyayoga, you
center to the upper center to the soul. , Then. surely , will get complete breath mastery. Your mind, intellect,
h ' d't
our wors 1p, me 1 a v tI'
" 'n and devotion wIll be
, • frUItful, ego and wordly senses will be completely transformed
W e WI'II b e beyon d ego, prI'de , anger and VICIousness. into knowledge, consciousness and cosmic-consciousness.
We will get purity, perfection, love, sweetness; balance The whole power of the lower centers will come up the
of mind. amity, affection, oneneliH, and feel t~e human soul; and you will only feel divine Sound, divine light,
b'elOg IS
., 10 G 0d and God is in the human be1Og. divine vibration, divine love and the formless stage.

I n BaQ:avad G't·1 a, 14th Chapter, 18 'h

verse, it says The formless stage is the ultimate goal of every
Urddw~ gachhanti satwatha. ThIs, mea:s t ~t human being. The more you meditate and go higher
those who are true seekers will always remam a ove 10 and higher, the more you will get wisdom. Wisdom
the cranium. means, Pragyan Proganam Brahma. The knower of
Brahma becomes Brahma. That means the devotee goes
J.n B agava d G't1 a.. 4th Chapter 42nd Verse, it is said,
, in Nirbikalpa samadhi which means pulseless stage.
A gyana. sa,mbhutam etc Sree Krishna was telhng. t In that stage, the devotee goes beyond divine sound,
Oh Arjuna. by the weapon of conscience you must c u divine vibration and divine light. Only in that stage
off the Ignorance w h'ICh' IS b orn t'rom your heart.
, .Then
. does the devotee merge ib God, This is the fermless
vou can become free from all dou.bts. Don t .Slt 10 a stage. This is <Abyakta stage, This is th~ ultimate goal
lleart-broken stage. Practice the technIque of Krtyayoga of every human life.
and come up above your cranium to the soul •. Sree
In the ~ncient age of the vedic period, every human
Krishna also said that the human mind comes down to
being, men and women, boys and girls, educated and
the lower centers of the spine due to wordly attachment
uneducated, rich and poor, would pl"dctice this Kriya-
and being engrossed in wordly objects. If you can
yoga technique. By its help, they became realized and

~ fl.,
126 127

powerful. Even though they remained in the family, The main thing I want to say is that our inhalation
they would feel what is done by me is done only by the is our life. Without inhalation, our ears cannot hear, our
indwelling self. So they would always remain free from ~eyescannot see, our mouth cannot speak and our hands
delusion and would always get constant liberation and and legs cannot work. That inhalation is pulled by the
conscious samadhi Sabikalpa Samadhi. soul from within. from the pituitary.

Every human being is born for self-realization. That You must fix your attention 100 percent in the pitui-
self means the soul which is always remaining in thf' tary and calmly watch how your soul is pulling inhala-
body. That soul is the doer of the body. tion from within. If you watch how that air is going
and touching the formless body of your soul, then
If you get real culture, you will feel that soul is not
surely you will get the extremely calm, introverted
your body. As the driver is a sep~rate body from the
stage. and you will automatically hear divine sound.
motor car, so also your soul is not the body
But for this you reqt..;re extreme desire for Soul-culture.
By the help of an electric current, you use the radio. This is the first foundation of your SOlllculture.
television, lights and heater. The moment you turn off
Before you go to the lavatory, you get the desire to
theswitcb, you cannot hear a song from the radio or
void urine, then you go and do so. Similarly, before you
see a play on the televisi.on. Similarly, without your
get Soul - culture you must first watch calmly your
soul current you cannot enjoy any worldly things. It is
incoming and outgoing breaths. That breath is pulled
why gracious God descended from heaven and is
by the soul and is the source of your life from your
remaining in a soul-form in every human being.
infancy. God has been kind to you from your birth. He
You cannot see light or hear sound in the electric is constantly pulling inhalation and giving you all-
current. It is constantly remaining detached. So also around pleasure. so you must be indebted to the power
your soul is not engrossed in money in the coccygeal of God, that is to the Soul. Without Soul you have
center; in sex pleasure in the sacral center; in food noth" .lg so you must remain indebted to him in every
pleasure in the lumbar center; and so on. Soul is always stage of your life.
remaining detached from everything.
Sree Krishna first spoke in the 4th Chapter of the
By the practice of breath control, if you awaken your Bhagavad Gita about the Yoga of Knowledge. then in
Kundalini Shakti in the lower center, you will always the 5th Chapter he spoke about KARMA SANNYAS,
get caution in your five sense organs. In every step of or the Yoga of Action. This means that if you do not
\ your life you will get divine bliss; divine love and know the technique of Soul-culture, and you do not
I'.1 indebtedness to God. practice it properly, according to the instruction of a

realized master, you cannot get the Yoga of Knowle(

In the 6th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita Sree Krist
spoke in detail about spiritual food. From food y
will get energy, life and divine life. He also prescril
how you should sit and where to keep your attent:
for your Soul-culture. He further described how y
should breathe where your breath should go and what
should touch. Also, He said how to balance your brea
so that it will mo.ve equally between vour nostrils. h(
to get rest for your heart, how to get the breathlessne
stage which is deathless stage, how to get consr~
liberation and formless stage, and how to get real lc .'
for God, who is constantly inhaling and exhaling a
giving vou all round development, So, if you truly se
him through the royal road of your spine, then vou ~
reallv feel one Soul. An agent of God is working in ea,
center: Shiva is working in your vacuum center and
your ears; Krishna in your air center and skin; Sun i
your food center and eyes; Shakti in your sex centl
and mouth; and Ganesh in your money center and nos
God is working not only in your spine and sen:
organs, but in your body. The body is a miniatUl
form of a world, and the power of God is all~pervadin
your whole body-world. If you deeply meditate and fe
it, you will attain the highest goal of every human beinl

The goal of human life is not far away: It is' alwa)

within you, because God is every where. If you seE
Him within and follow the whole Bhagavad Gita, yo
will always get divineness, liberation, the Sabikalp
Samadhi stage and Nir bikalpa Samadhi which is t~
formless stage and is the ultimate goal of all religions. \


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