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Primary 6 Answer Key Booklet A (28 marks) MCQ (28 «4 mark) i 4 [6 3 [4 fe. 1 +a. 36. 2001 [73 [24 a7. 4_|a2 3a. 3 3.2 [8 tae tei. Cid 42 [92 [m3 fe tsi $2 [40245 —OS«d( Booklet B (67 marks) Grammar Cloze/ Editing (22 x 1 mark) 29._ K (for) 35._N (us) 41. vigorously __[47._ ingredients 30._P (while) 36._H (into) 42._ of 48._ regularly 31._E (during) 37._Jiits) 43._puberty 49._ between 32._B (any) 38._M (some) 44. increases _| 50. intensive 33._G (in) 39._ scalp 45._ under 34._Q (with) 40._ clump 46._ washing Comprehension Cloze (15 x 1 mark) ‘Answer Other possible answers Not accepted answers 51, success achievement triumph, popularity 52. flop disappointment, letdown, failure setback, let-down, loss 53._ breaking melting 54, made done 56. production | filming making, shooting 56. listed Teviewed, mentioned, hailed, named, voted, nominated, described, featured deemed, published 57._ most 58. prospered | grown, thrived, flourished, progressed | triumphed, bloomed, evolved 59. showcase _| show, display show-case 60._ quests contests, competitions, shows programmes 61._ realise understand, notice know 62._not 63_continue cease, stop 64. aware 65._ budding young, local ‘Synthesis and Transformation of Sentences (5 x 2 marks} 66. | Ranielle asked me whether/if | had gone cycling the previous week. 67. |His fathers sudden appearance at the prize presentation ceremony ‘surprised him. 68. | Together with her brother, the girl jogs at the park. 69. | Having barely eaten his bowl of noodles, Daniel left home for school. 70. No sooner had Ms Chiam taken a step into the lift than the alarm sounded. interfere with meaning (up to 3 mistakes) Qn 1 Additional ‘information but it does not change the} 1 meaning of the answer v Minor grammatical 7 spelling mistakes which do not] 05 1S interfere with meaning (up to 3 mistakes) v More than 3 grammatical / spelling mistakes which do not| 0.5 i interfere with meaning (maximum deduction of 1 mark) v ‘Additional information and it changes the meaning of the | 0 0 answer Major language error and interferes with meaning Partial v 05 1 Partial | Minor grammatical spelling mistakes which do not 05 1 Essential fact: - Pench forests of Madhya Pradesh [1m] (a) He lives in the Pench forests of Madhya Pradesh. (b) He lives in the Pench Tiger Reserve. im tial facts: - allowed to swing on branches - fun barefoot through the forests - imitate the monkeys - chase butterflies ~_@njoy tiger calls [any two points - 1m each] {a) | He's allowed to swing on branches and run barefoot through the forests. 2m © He is allowed to imitate the monkeys and chase butterflies/enjoy tiger calls. 2m) Kaizen’s father and mother / Kaizen’s parents 7 Aditya and Harshita [1m] Tving (this) close to the wild Essential fac - they worked even when on a holiday [1m] ~ they worried while on holiday in Krabi about the network as. they wanted to work [1m] (a) They worked even when they were on a holiday and they were worried about | 2m the network while in Krabi as ‘they wanted to work. Essential facts: ~ they had lived in the city and led a corporate life all their younger days (im) - It is very different visiting a park and staying in one, especially in a dangerous one (like the Tiger Reserve) [1m] 3

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