PCS Labreport3

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Title:- To extract original message through envelope detection.

1) Defination and examination of envelopes.

In this lab we do envelope detection.Envelope means the boundary within which
the signal is contained in time domain.The boundary has an upper and lower
part.Envelope detector is an electronic circuit that takes high frequency
amplitude modulated signal as input and provides envelope of orignal signal.The
ideal envelope detector is the circuit which takes the absolute value of its input
and then passes through a lowpass filter.We use low pass filter because we want
to get the desired components from the undesired components that are created
by the absolute value operation.
In our first lab task we generated AM(amplitude modulation) using tims.For this
we implemented the tims hardware model.First we added the dc value to the
message signal by using Adder block then the output is multiplied with the carrier
signal and the output is observed on the osciloscope.We also check the conditions
for under modulation,over modulation and 100 percent modulation by varying
different values such as small gain ,large gain and dc value.
In our second task we detect the envelope using tims.For this we used two blocks
one is rectifier and the other is low pass filter.Rectifier is used to to get the
absolute values and low pass filter is used to filter out the carrier frequency.We
get the input from the amplitude modulation and make it half wave rectifier by
using rectifier and pass through the tuneable low pass filter and the demodulated
output of the envelop detector is displayed on the oscilloscope.The we compared
the message signal and the demodulated signal on the oscilloscpe.

After performing this lab we analyzed the orignal message signal is obtained by
performing envelop detection that take the input as amplitude modulated signal
and the envelope of the orignal signal is obtained as the output by using rectifier
and tuneable low pass filter.

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