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Chapter 1 Introduction
Prof.Dr. Fatih Mehmet Botsalı

Chapter Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, the student will be able to:
 Define a control system and describe some control
 Describe historical developments leading to modern day
control theory
 Describe the basic features, elements and configurations of
control systems
 Describe control systems analysis and design objectives
 Describe a control system's design process
 Describe the benefit from studying control systems

Automatic control
 is the science that deals with controlling the value of output
variable of a system/plant/process by using the reference
input without direct human intervention .
 A control system is an interconnection of components
forming a system configuration that will provide a desired
system response. Reference input value is used by the control
system in order to achieve the desired output value.

Process /
Plant /

Otomatik Kontrol
 Sistemin/prosesin/tesisin çıkış değişkeninin değerini referans
giriş değerini kullanarak insanların doğrudan müdahalesi
olmaksızın kontrol etmeyle uğraşan bilim dalıdır.
 Kontrol sistemi istenilen sistem çıkış değerini sağlamak üzere
bir araya getirilmiş bileşenlerden oluşur . Çıkış değişkeninin
istenilen değerini elde etmek üzere referans giriş değeri

Process /
Plant /

Automatic control
 is application of control theory for regulation of processes
without direct human intervention.
 An ideal automatic control system gives an output that is
exactly equal to the reference input.

Elements of a control system

Reference signal Output
Input Variable
(Desired (Controlled
value of Variable)

Elements of a control system
 System is a device or collection of components that converts the
input value into the output value
 The plant /system/process is the physical system.
 Reference input is desired value of the output variable.
 Actuator is used to apply forces or torques to the physical system.
 Measuring element measures the value of output variable of the
 Controller is the element that generates control signal from
reference input.
 Error is the difference between the reference input and output
 Output variable/controlled variable is the physical variable whose
value is controlled by the system.
 Disturbances are unwanted and unexpected negative effects on
the system

Automatic control
is essential in any field of engineering and science:
 Space-vehicle systems
 Robotic systems
 Manufacturing systems
 Industrial operations
◦ Process control
◦ Temperature control
◦ Pressure control
◦ Humidity control
◦ Flow control

Automatic control

Automatic control

Automatic control
Manual Control

Automatic Control

Manual control

Manual vs.Automatic control

Cruise Control

Cruise control

Cruise control
 First introduced during the mid 1960′s
 A means of reducing driver’s fatigue on long motorway
 The system is an ideal example of a closed loop control
 Allows the driver to set the vehicle speed and when
this control is activated the speed of the vehicle is
maintained automatically without touching the
accelerator pedal.
 (a) holds the vehicle speed at the selected value,
(b) holds the speed with minimum surging,
(c) allows the vehicle to change speed,
(d) deactivates the control immediately after a brake,
(e) stores the last set speed,
(/) contain built in safety features.

Cruise control
The system is composed of three main assemblies.
 (a) A driver’s switch park.
(b) A throttle actuator unit.
(c) Cruise control ECU.
The system adjusts the throttle according to the measured
speed of the vehicle. Since the vehicle speed should not be
felt to be surging up and down, the reaction time of the
system is very important. Several other facilities are now
being added. For example allowing the speed to be
gradually increased or decreased at the touch of a button.
Most systems also store the last set speed and resume this
speed again at the touch of a button.

Cruise control

Cruise control

Open loop control
 In an open-loop control system output has no effect on the
control action (Output is not measured. No comparison with desired
input.No feedback.)
 Ex.: Washing machine : Does not measure the cleanliness of the clothes
 Ex: Traffic lamps controlled on the time basis is another example

Open loop control

 An open-loop control system utilizes an actuating device to
control the process
 In the presence of disturbances the system will not perform
the desired task effectively
 uses a controller and an actuator to obtain the desired
 Stability is relatively easier
Estimated value of

Controller Actuator Process

value of the

Closed loop control
 In closed loop control difference between the system output
and referenece input (error) is used by the controller to
generate the control signal,
 Output is used in the control action(feedback action)
 Sensitive to external disturbances
 Sensitive to internal variation of parameters
 Stability is a major problem

Closed vs. Open loop control

Elements of a control system
Consider the problem of cruise control:
 The plant is the automobile
 The actuator is the engine which generates propulsive forces
that turn the wheels
 The sensor is the tachometer which measures the vehicle’s

 What are the plant, actuator, and sensor for an elevator? A


 Is a signal that tends to adversely affect the output
◦ Internal : Generated within the system
◦ External : Generated outside
 Disturbances are unwanted and unexpected negative effects
on the system

Closed-loop feedback system with external disturbances and measurement noise.

Closed loop control
 In some cases multiple loops are necessary in closed loop

Closed loop control

 Multivariable Control System-Multiple Input Multiple

Closed loop control
 Single Variable Control System- Single Input Single Output
(SISO) System

Common goals of control

 Good Transient response characterisitics (short-term
◦ Overshoot
◦ Settling time
◦ Rise time
◦ Delay time
 Good Steady-state response (long-term characteristics)
◦ Accuracy
◦ Speed of response
 Robustness and sensitivity to disturbances, modeling errors,
noise, etc.

Automatic control
 In the simplest type of an automatic control loop, a
controller compares a measured value of a process with a
desired set value, and processes the resulting error signal to
change some input to the process, in such a way that the
process stays at its set point despite disturbances.
 The mathematical basis of control theory was begun in the
18th century, and advanced rapidly in the 20th.

Automatic control
 Designing a system with features of automatic control
generally requires the feeding of electrical or mechanical
energy to enhance the dynamic features of an otherwise
sluggish or variant, even errant system. The control is applied
by regulating the energy feed.

Types of Automatic control
Regulator (e.g. flyball governor) :maintains constant output
despite disturbances
Compensator (e.g. elevator) :drive system from an initial to a
final state according to specifications on the transient response
Tracking (e.g. space robot):match output to a non-stationary
input despite disturbances
Optimal control (e.g. hard disk drive) : drive system from an
initial to a final state while optimizing amerit function (e.g.
minimum time to target or minimum energy consumption)
Combinations of the above :
 (e.g. Segway might regulate a constant trajectory or drive a
transient to turn trajectory while minimizing energy

 Greek Ctesibius invented a
float regulator for a water
clock, a device not unlike the
ball and cock in a modern
flush toilet

Diagram of a fancy clepsydra. Water enters and raises the figure, which points at the current hour for the
day. Spillover water operates a series of gears that rotates a cylinder so that hour lengths are appropriate
for today's date. The ancient Greeks and Romans had twelve hours from sunrise to sunset; since summer
days are longer than winter days, summer hours were longer than winter hours.

 Automatic door of the temple by
Heron in Alexandria 1 st Century AD

 Greeks and Arabs (in the period between about 300
BC and about 1200 AD) to keep accurate track of time.

 A pseudo-feedback
control system was
developed in China in the
12th century for
navigational purposes.
The south pointing
chariot had a statue
which was turned by a
gearing mechanism
attached to the wheels
of the chariot so that it
continuously pointed

 The invention of the mechanical clock in the 14th
century made the water clock and its feedback
control system obsolete.

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri
 Bedî‘ el-Zamân Ebû el-‘İzz İsma‘il İbn el-Razzâz el-Cezerî
 Beginning from 1181'den he worked for Sultan Sukmân bin
Artuk of Diyarbekir .
 Cezerî, prepared a book named «El-Câmi‘ Beyn el-İlm ve el-
‘Amel el-Nâfi fî Sınaât el-Hiyel (Makine Yapımında Yararlı
Bilgiler ve Uygulamalar)» upon order of the Sultan.

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri

 Hükümdarın Abdest Alması

İçin Otomatik Olarak Su
Akıtan, Büyük Pirinç İbrik
 İbriğin kapağı üstündeki kuş
ötünce ördeğin gagasından
su akmaya başlar.
Hükümdar abdestini alır.
Boşalan ibrik geri götürülür,
su ile doldurulur, gerekli
olduğu zaman tekrar

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri
Tavus Kuşlu İbrik
 Tavus kuşu görünümünde
bir ibrik. Tavusun boynu
baş hizasından
yükselmektedir ve
kuyruğu kapalıdır. İbrik
abdest almak için
kullanılmaktadır. Görevli
kişi tavusun kuyruğundaki
kapaktan suyu tavusun
içine boşaltır. Kuyruğun
üst kısmında yer alan
yuvarlak çıkıntı
çekildiğinde tavusun
gagasından abdest almak
için yeterli miktarda su

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri

İki Şamandıralı Fıskiye

 Araç, suyun sağlandığı
bir depo ile bir havuz
içinde yer alan bir
fıskiyeden oluşur.
Fıskiye suyu on beş
dakika süre ile bir yay
gibi ve sonra bir inci
çiçeği gibi fışkırtır

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri
Fil Su Saati
 Bu saat Cezerî'nin en ünlü aracıdır. Sırtında kare biçiminde bir kürsü,
kürsünün köselerindeki sütunlar üzerinde bir hisar, hisarın üzerinde
küçük bir kubbe, kubbenin üstünde de bir kus bulunan bir fil
seklindedir. Hisarın filin bası yönündeki tarafında bir balkon, balkonda
oturan bir adam, adamın sağında ve solunda iki şahin, balkonun
sütunları arasında uzanan ve üzerine iki yılan sarılmış bir mil, kürsünün
orta kısmında bir yarım küre ve üzerinde elinde kalem tutan bir kâtibin
oturduğu platform, platform üzerinde 7 1/2 dereceye bölünmüş bir yay,
filin boynuna oturmuş, sağ elinde balta sol elinde sopa tutan bir bakıcı
ve filin boynunun iki yanında iki vazo bulunmaktadır. Kâtibin kalemi
yarım saatte 7 1/2 dereceye gelince, kus öter, deliklerden birinin yarısı
beyaza döner, balkonda oturan adam sağ tarafındaki şahinin
gagasından elini kaldırır, sol elini sol tarafındaki şahinin gagası üstüne
koyar. Sağındaki şahinin gagasından, sağdaki yılanın ağzına bir top
düşer, yılan topu filin sağ omzundaki vazoya bırakır, filin seyisi balta ile
filin basına hamlede bulunur, sopalı sol elini kaldırır ve filin başına
vurur. Top filin göğsünden çıkar, karnında asılı bir çan üzerine düşerek
ses çıkarır, böylece yarım saatin geçtiği bildirilir. Kâtibin kalemi derece
işaretlerinin dışına gelir. Bundan sonra aynı işlemler sol taraftaki şahin
ve yılan için tekrarlanır. Bir delik tamamen beyazla örtülür. Bu anda bir
saat geçmiştir.

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri

Ebu-el İzz Cezeri

 The introduction of prime movers, or self-driven
machines advanced grain mills, furnaces, boilers, and
the steam engine created a new requirement for
automatic control systems,
 Temperature regulators invented in 1624 by Cornelius
 Pressure regulators invented by Dennis Papin (1681),
 Float regulators (1700)
 Speed control devices. James Watt’s speed governer

James Watt’s speed governer


James Watt’s speed governer



Water-level float regulator.

(a)Automobile steering control system. (b) The driver uses the
difference between the actual and the desired direction of travel
to generate a controlled adjustment of the steering wheel. (c)
Typical direction - of - travel response.

The Honda P3 humanoid robot. P3 walks, climbs stairs, and turns

corners. Photo courtesy of American Honda Motor, Inc.

Refueling a plane

Robot hand

Robot manipulator

Iron Man

Human vs automatic machine


Antenna Azimuth

A three-axis control system for inspecting individual

semiconductor wafers with a highly sensitive camera.

Coordinated control system for a boiler - generator.

The Obrero robot is responsive to the properties of the object it holds

and does not rely on vision as the main sensor but as a complement.
Obrero is part of the Humanoid Robotics Group at the MIT Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

A feedback control system model of the national income.

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

The control system design process.

The hybrid fuel automobile can be viewed as a mechatronic system.

Efficient wind power generation in west Texas.

A rover using an embedded computer in the feedback loop.



Future evolution of control systems and robotics.

Open-loop (without feedback) control of the speed of a rotating disk.

Closed-loop control of the speed of a rotating disk.

The blood glucose and insulin levels for a healthy person.

Open-loop (without feedback) control.

Disk drive.

Closed-loop control system for disk drive.

Chemical composition control.

Nuclear reactor control.

A photocell is mounted in each tube. The light reaching each cell

is the same in both only when the light source is exactly in the
middle as shown.

Water clock.

Automatic turning gear for windmills.

Pressure regulator.

A high-performance race car with an adjustable wing.

Two helicopters used to lift and move a large load.

Microrover designed to explore an asteroid.

Microsurgery robotic manipulator.

Figure AP1.3 Automated parallel parking of an automobile.

Extremely large optical telescope with deformable mirrors for
atmosphere compensation.

world’s tallest building in Dubai.

robotic vacuum cleaner communicates with the base station as it
maneuvers around the room.

Machine tool with table.

Robot welder.

Inverted pendulum control.

Personal transportation vehicle.

How Personal transportation vehicle balances

Personal transportation vehicle.

How Personal transportation vehicle works

Control Systems (Liquid levele control)

Control Systems (Liquid levele control)

Control Systems (Liquid levele control)

Control Systems (Liquid levele control)

Control Systems (Temperature control.
Set value changes with time)

Control Systems (Temperature control.

Set value changes with time)

Control Systems (Position Control)

Control Systems (Position Control)

Control Systems(MIMO)

Control Systems Quiz

1. Name three applications for feedback control
2. Name three reasons for using feedback control
systems and at least one reason for not using them.
3. Give three examples of open-loop systems.
4. Functionally, how do closed-loop systems differ
from open-loop systems?
5. State one condition under which the error signal of a
feedback control system would not be the
difference between the input and the output.
6. If the error signal is not the difference between
input and output, by what general name can we
describe the error signal?

Control Systems Quiz
7. Name two advantages of having a computer in the
8. Name the three major design criteria for control
9. Name the two parts of a system's response.
10. Physically, what happens to a system that is
11. Describe a typical control system analysis task.


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