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Snipe it

What is Snipe it?

Snipe-IT is a Free Open Source (FOSS) project built on Laravel 5.4 . Snipe-IT was
made for IT asset management, to enable IT departments to track who has
which laptop, when it was purchased, which software licenses and accessories
are available, and so on.

Asset Tags:
Asset tags are a unique identifier for assets within your system. Each one must
be unique.

Checking in and checking out are two primary concepts within Snipe-IT. When
you checkout an asset, license or accessory, you’re marking them as being in
the possession of someone else. This means that they cannot subsequently be
checked out to another person until they are checked back in. This prevents
“double-booking” assets, where one asset has been promised to or assigned to
multiple people.
When an employee leaves your company, or if an asset, license or accessory is
not functioning properly, you would check it back in. Checking it back in
indicates that it’s back in your possession, or potentially out for repair. It’s up
to you to decide what status to assign it, based on the condition of the asset.

Status Labels
Status labels are used to describe the state of the asset. You can add as many
status labels as you’d like. Each status label will have one of four characteristics
that describe the state of assets with that status label:

Status Label Type

1) Undeployable-These assets cannot be assigned to anyone.
2) Deployable-These assets can be assigned to people
3) Archived-These assets cannot be assigned to people, and will only show
up in the Archived view.
4) Pending-These assets can not yet be assigned to anyone.
There are many categories such as Assets, Accessories, Licenses, Consumables,

Assests - Laptops, Desktops, Mobile Phones
Licenses - Graphic softwares, Office softwares.
Accessories - Keyboards, Mouse.
Consumables - Printer paper, Ink Cartridges.
Components - RAM, SIM.

Where you can manage the assets of the company such as Keyboards, Mouse
etc. When you click on accessories you can view the list of accessories along
with their details such as Model NO, Manufacturer, Supplier, Quantity, Cost.

You can perform actions such as checkin/ checkout, edit, delete.

Column Selection:
In most of the table-based interfaces in Snipe-IT, you have the option of
showing or hiding specific columns, so that columns you don't care as much
about don't take up space on your screen, and columns you do care about are
easily visible.
To use this feature, simply click on the icon that looks like a split-pane window
in the top-right of the table interface. Checking and unchecking the
checkmarks next to the column name will show and hide the columns

Create new accessory:

When you click on create new, you can find the page in the below screenshot.
Where you have to provide the details about the accessory which you want to
add and click save to create it. When you click save new accessory will be
added and it will direct you to the display page where it will be listed in the list
of accessories.
To add new companies go to Settings > Companies. Where you can view the
list of companies . You can edit or delete the company if you wish and add a
new company by clicking the create new option. After you create a new
company automatically you can view it in the company drop down option in
create new accessory page. Similarly you can add new manufacturers,
Suppliers, Location, Department, Status label etc .
Accessories –Checkout
When you click check out id is passed in the url to identify the particular
accessory record.

In the checkout accessory page select the user to whom the accessory is
assigned to checkout the accessory.

You can even assign the accessory to new user by clicking on the new button
by creating new user. The password must be atleast of length 10.
When you assign the access the

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