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truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants such as those

Barcelona v. Court of Appeals enumerated in Article 68 of the Family Code and must be
characterized by gravity, juridical antecedence and
G.R. No. 130087, 24 September 2003
The elements of Psychological incapacity are:
(a) Grave – It must be grave or serious such that the party
Respondent Tadeo and petitioner Diana were legally
would be incapable of carrying out the ordinary duties
married union begot five children. On 29 March 1995,
required in a marriage;
private respondent Tadeo R. Bengzon filed a Petition for
Annulment of Marriage against petitioner Diana M.
Barcelona. Petition further alleged that petitioner Diana was (b) Juridical Antecedence – It must be rooted in the history
psychologically incapacitated at the time of the celebration of the party antedating the marriage, although the overt
of their marriage to comply with the essential obligations of manifestations may emerge only after the marriage; and
marriage and such incapacity subsists up to the present time.
The petition allegedthe non-complied marital obligations. (c) Incurable and Permanent – It must be incurable or, even
During their marriage, they had frequent quarrels due to if it were otherwise, the cure would be beyond the means of
their varied upbringing. Respondent, coming from a rich the party involved.
family, wasa disorganized housekeeper and was frequently
out of the house. She would go to her sister‘s house or Republic vs Quintero-Hamano
would play tennis the whole day. When the family had crisis Republic vs. Quintero-Hamano
due to several miscarriages suffered by respondent and the
sickness of a child, respondent withdrew to herself and GR No. 149498, May 20, 2004
eventually refused to speak to her husband.

On November 1977, the respondent, who was five months

pregnant with Cristina Maria and on the pretext of re- FACTS:
evaluatingher feelings with petitioner, requested the latter to
temporarily leave their conjugal dwelling. In his desire to
keep peace in the family and to safeguard the respondent‘s
pregnancy, the petitioner was compelled to leave their Lolita Quintero-Hamano filed a complaint in 1996 for
conjugal dwelling. The respondent at the time of the declaration of nullity of her marriage with Toshio Hamano,
celebration of their marriage was psychologically a Japanese national, on the ground of psychological
incapacitated to comply with theessential obligation of
incapacity. She and Toshio started a common-law
marriage and such incapacity subsisted up to and until the
present time. Such incapacity wasconclusively found in the relationship in Japan and lived in the Philippines for a
psychological examination conducted on the relationship month. Thereafter, Toshio went back to Japan and stayed
between the petitioner and therespondent Diana claims that there for half of 1987. Lolita then gave birth on November
petitioner falls short of the guidelines stated in Molina case 16, 1987.
and there is no cause for action.

In 1988, Lolita and Toshio got married in MTC-Bacoor,
Whether of not petitioner stated a cause of action against Cavite. After a month of their marriage, Toshio returned to
Diana. Japan and promised to return by Christmas to celebrate the
holidays with his family. Toshio sent money for two
RULING: months and after that he stopped giving financial support.
She wrote him several times but never respondent. In 1991,
YES, since petition stated legal right of Tadeo, correlative
she learned from her friend that Toshio visited the country
obligation of Diana, and her act or omission as seen infacts
FAILURE TO STATE ROOT CAUSE AND GRAVE but did not bother to see her nor their child.
NATURE OF ILLNESS. Sec 2 of rules of declaration of
absolute nullity of void marriage – petition does not need to
show root cause sinceonly experts can determine it b the
physical manifestations of physical incapacity.PETITION IS Toshio was no longer residing at his given address thus
DENIED, THERE IS CAUSE OF ACTION. summons issued to him remained unserved. Consequently,
in 1996, Lolita filed an ex parte motion for leave to effect
ART. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the service of summons by publication. The motion was
time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to granted and the summons, accompanied by a copy of the
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, petition, was published in a newspaper of general circulation
shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
giving Toshio 15 days to file his answer. Toshio filed to
manifest only after its solemnization.
respond after the lapse of 60 days from publication, thus,
The Supreme Court held that psychological incapacity Lolita filed a motion to refer the case to the prosecutor for
should refer to a mental incapacity that causes a party to be investigation.
relationship...” Cesar found ally in RTC as it gave him a
favourable decision which declared his marriage to Lolita
ISSUE: Whether Toshio was psychologically incapacitated null and void. The court of Appeals also affirmed the
to perform his marital obligation. decision of RTC, and thereafter, the case was elevated to the
Supreme Court, thus, this case.

Issue: Whether or not psychological incapacity is indeed
present in the person of Lolita as to nullify a valid marriage.
The Court is mindful of the 1987 Constitution to protect and
strengthen the family as basic autonomous social institution
and marriage as the foundation of the family. Thus, any Ruling: No. Marriage is an inviolable social institution
doubt should be resolved in favor of the validity of the protected by the State and any doubt should be resolved in
marriage. favour of its existence and continuation against its
dissolution and nullity. In this case, sexual infidelity and
abandonment of the conjugal dwelling do not necessarily
Toshio’s act of abandonment was doubtlessly irresponsible constitute psychological incapacity; these are simply
but it was never alleged nor proven to be due to some kind grounds for legal separation. To constitute psychological
of psychological illness. Although as rule, actual medical incapacity, it must be shown that the unfaithfulness and
examinations are not needed, it would have greatly helped abandonment are manifestations of a disordered personality
Lolita had she presented evidence that medically or that actually prevented the erring spouse from discharging
clinically identified Toshio’s illness. This could have been the essential marital obligations, which the court found not
done through an expert witness. It is essential that a person present in the person of Lolita.
show incapability of doing marital obligation due to some
psychological, not physical illness. Hence, Toshio was not FIRST DIVISION
considered as psychologically incapacitated.
[ G.R. No. 201988, October 11, 2017 ]
Republic vs. Encelan
[Civil Law: marriage; psychological incapacity] MARIA VICTORIA SOCORRO LONTOC-CRUZ,
Republic of the Philippines, Petitioner vs. Cesar
Encelan, Respondent
G.R. No. 170022; January 09, 2013 The most challenging part of being in a difficult marriage is
to thrive in one. In the case of petitioner Maria Victoria
Socorro Lontoc-Cruz (Marivi) and respondent Nilo Santos
Facts: Cesar Married Lolita, and they had two children. Cruz (Nilo), their marriage withered as this was beset with
To support the family, Cesar went abroad and worked as an problems such as the lack of quality time, recriminations,
OFW in Saudi Arabia. After two years of working abroad, disillusionment, loss of passion, and infidelity. The
Cesar learned that Lolita is having an illicit affair with Alvin estranged spouses considered their union as non-functional,
Perez, and thereafter, left the conjugal dwelling together attributing the failure of their marriage to their respective
with the two children. But even with such circumstances, personality disorders that repelled each other.
Cesar never failed to send financial support for the family.
On June 1995, Cesar filed a petition against Lolita for the This Petition for Review on Certiorari[1] challenges the
declaration of the nullity of his marriage based on Lolita’s November 22, 2011 Decision[2] and May 29, 2012
psychological incapacity. Cesar, during a hearing even Resolution[3] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV
presented a psychological evaluation report on Lolita with No. 93736 that affirmed the Decision[4] of the Regional Trial
the finding that “Lolita was not suffering from any form of Court (RTC), Branch 207, Muntinlupa City in Civil Case
psychiatric illness, but had been unable to provide the No. 05-095 which refused to declare the marriage void ab
expectations expected of her for a good and lasting marital initio under Article 36 of the Family Code.
relationship.... and her transferring from one job to another
depicts some interpersonal problem with co-workers as well Factual Antecedents
as her impatience in attaining her ambitions .... and her
refusal to go with her husband abroad signifies her Twenty-two-year-old Marivi met 28-year old Nilo sometime
reluctance to work out a good marital and family in March 1986. They became steady in August of the same
year. Nilo, whose job was then in Hong Kong, prodded 3. Marivi would exhibit volatile temperament if
Marivi to marry him so she could join him there soonest. things did not go her way; would not admit
Marivi agreed. The couple married in a civil ceremony[5] on mistakes, and blame others instead;
October 21, 1986 followed by a church wedding[6] on
4. Marivi would make decisions impulsively, such as
February 8, 1987. The marriage produced two sons: Antonio changing an item she gets tired of, or demanding
Manuel, born on April 25, 1988, and Jose Nilo, born on that Nilo change a motor vehicle simply because
September 9, 1992. she did not like it; and

On July 7, 2005, Marivi filed with the RTC of Muntinlupa 5. She lacked respect for Nilo, and would speak to
City a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage [7] based him degradingly, and even accuse him of being gay
or a homosexual.[12]
on psychological incapacity. She averred that it had been
medically ascertained that Nilo was suffering from
On October 11, 2006, the trial court rendered a Partial
"inadequate personality disorder related to masculine
Decision[13] approving the parties' Compromise
strivings associated with unresolved oedipal
Agreement[14] pertaining to custody, support, and dissolution
complex,"[8] while she herself was found to be suffering
of the properties. Trial on the issue of the nullity of marriage
from a "personality disorder of the mixed type, [h]istrionic,
on the ground of psychological incapacity ensued.
[n]arcissistic with immaturity x x x." [9]

Marivi's Version
To show that Nilo failed to provide her with the necessary
emotional, psychological, and physical support, Marivi cited
Marivi narrated that when they were still going steady, Nilo
the following:
would only spend Saturdays and Sundays with her and
devote the weekdays to partying with his friends; that even
after their engagement, Nilo would still meet other women
1. His infidelity and his non-commitment to the
and accept invitations to beauty pageants and
marriage as he continued to act like a bachelor;
cocktails;[15] that Nilo was not the type who would kiss
2. The lack of 'oneness' in the marriage as Nilo would passionately; that Nilo would not engage in foreplay during
make decisions (on financial matters) without sex, but wished only to satisfy himself; that Nilo would
consulting or considering her suggestions; treating engage in anal sex and would only stop when she
her as a housemate or a "mayordoma;" keeping complained that it was painful; that Nilo would thereafter
from her his whereabouts, when he would come sleep, leaving her feeling "used," and that Nilo was
home or how much his income was;
impulsive, daring, and adventurous.[16]
3. The lack of sexual contact for more than a decade
as Nilo made excuses; She also claimed that Nilo would habitually come home
late; that Friday nights were Nilo's boys' night out; that
4. Putting up a facade that he is a caring, concerned, unless she would ask him to take her out on a date, Nilo
and loving husband, especially to his bosses; and would not do so; and that Nilo would call her a "nagger"
even if she was merely asking him to come home early. [17]
5. Preference towards the company of his
Marivi further narrated that Nilo would engage in
In his Answer, Nilo claimed that he was madly in love extramarital affairs; that a few months into their marriage,
with Marivi; that at the start of their relationship, both he Nilo had an affair with an unmarried female
and Marivi would exhibit negative personality traits which officemate;[18] that Nilo ended the affair only after she
they overlooked; that he believed that both he and Marivi (Marivi) threatened to tell his employer/supervisor;[19] that
were suffering from psychological incapacity; and that he Nilo had another affair a few weeks after the birth of their
was not singularly responsible for the breakdown of their second son; that when confronted with his womanizing and
marriage. He stressed that Marivi also contributed to the made to choose between her and the children or the other
deterioration of their union, to wit: women, Nilo replied that he was "confused," [20] which
prompted her to leave and stay in Cebu with her parents; and
that she heard from her friends that while she was in Cebu,
1. Marivi would demand that he behave in ways he Nilo was living a bachelor's life.[21]
was not accustomed to or inconsistent with his
career position; Marivi added that she eventually reconciled with Nilo but
despite the reconciliation, Nilo never really changed, and
2. Marivi was jealous of his friends; and would often that he remained indifferent, insensitive, and unappreciative.
make hasty conclusions that he was having an According to Marivi, she would instead call up her parents
affair with other women;
and sisters to talk about their family problems;[22] that while
he (Nilo) told people that he was proud of her, he never gave
her the emotional, psychological, and physical support she her "prima donna" attitude embarrassed him. Marivi would
needed.[23] She felt like she was no more than a mayordoma order him to act in accordance with their stature in life, and
to him, and that they were just "housemates." Nilo would would demand that he instruct his office staff to accord her
come home late on weekdays and preferred to go out with special treatment as Hewlett Packard's "first lady" during the
his friends. Their quarrels were frequent and their time that he was Hewlett Packard's President. Marivi would
conversations were superficial; Nilo would rather talk about also instruct their housemaids to call him "señorito;" and she
himself, instead of asking Marivi about her day or about would make a "big deal" out of her being a "mestiza," and
their children. He was controlling and domineering,[24] and would think of herself a "trophy wife." [34]
refused to consider her suggestions; he would not want his
money mingled with her (Marivi's) money.[25] Nilo would Nilo claimed that Marivi was "unappreciative" of him, had a
shell out money when he wanted to buy things, but would misdirected sense of self-entitlement, and would complain if
make excuses when it came to Marivi's suggestion for a she did not get her own way, as she was used to, she being
family vacation.[26] Marivi also claimed that Nilo had no her father's favorite daughter; Marivi did not even care about
sense of companionship with their children; and that Nilo discussing family finances with him as long as she got what
even told their son that their brand new house was she wanted. She also had a violent temper and would hurl
everything to him.[27] things at him during their fights; that she would blame him
for everything, and would keep on reciting his past mistakes.
Marivi was moreover bothered by Nilo's effeminate ways; Marivi did not understand the demands of his job, and
he was vain and would have weekly "beauty" unfairly compared his work to her father's job, the operation
treatments.[28] Furthermore, they no longer had sex after the of which was limited to a single area, a compound in a mine
birth of their second son. While they tried to have sex twice, site in Cebu. He explained that the multinational companies
Nilo failed to have an erection. After that, Nilo would refuse he then worked for required him to work beyond the normal
to have sex with her which made her (Marivi) question his office hours because he has to meet "sales quotas in millions
sexual orientation, so much so that Nilo physically hurt her of dollars," entertain people from different headquarters, and
when she questioned his virility.[29] meet with different clients from areas far from his
Marivi's father, Manuel, likewise stated that Marivi would
call them up for help because Nilo had hurt her during the Worse, Nilo was turned off by Marivi's act of broadcasting
couple's quarrel; that their marriage was not harmonious due to her whole clan his inadequacies during their intimate
to Marivi's youth and her unfamiliarity with Nilo's sexual relations, which began after he witnessed Marivi
personality and family values. He considered Nilo only as a giving birth to their first child. When he confided to Marivi
provider, not as a husband and a good father to his sons. [30] about this, she instead accused him of having another affair.
Since then, he did not feel any sexual excitement and
Marivi's younger sister, Margarita Ledesma (Margarita), attraction toward her when they were together. Instead of
who lived for four years with Nilo and Marivi, claimed to discussing the problem with him candidly, she accused him
have witnessed how lonely Marivi was. She alleged that of being gay. Nilo stated that the last time they had sex was
Nilo was absent when Marivi gave birth to their second son; in 1997 or in 1998.[36]
that Nilo was short-tempered when driving; and that the
couple would often fight because Nilo would always come The Clinical Findings
home late or because Marivi suspected Nilo of infidelity.
Margarita believed that Nilo did not really want to save the In support of her claim that she and Nilo were suffering
marriage, although he told her that he loves Marivi and the from psychological incapacity, Marivi presented Dr. Cecilia
children.[31] Villegas (Dr. Villegas), a psychiatrist, and Dr. Ruben
Encarnacion (Dr. Encarnacion), a clinical psychologist.
Nilo's Version
Dr. Villegas diagnosed Nilo to have "inadequate personality
Nilo acknowledged his contribution to the breakdown of the disorder related to masculine strivings associated with
marriage because his job required him to come home late, unresolved oedipal complex,"[37] while she diagnosed Marivi
his inability to sexually perform adequately, his failure to be to have "personality disorder of the mixed type, [h]istrionic,
the "ideal husband,"[32] and because he had had extramarital [n]arcissistic, with immaturity x x x." [38]
affairs in the years 1992, 2002, and 2006. [33] At the same
time, Nilo insisted that Marivi also contributed to the In the March 21, 2005 Psychiatric Report,[39] Dr. Villegas
collapse of their union. stated:

According to Nilo, Marivi would always want to know his The root cause of the above clinical conditions on the part of
companions and whereabouts; would demand information Marivi Cruz, were the overindulgence and over attention of
about his female acquaintances; and would even call up his her parents, in a prolonged manner, carried over to adult
workplace to ask where he was. Moreover, her conceit and adjustments. On the part of Nilo Cruz, his negative
identification and resentments towards his father and close Dr. Encarnacion supported Dr. Villegas' diagnosis. On the
attachments to his mother, continued by his long-time maid, basis of Nilo's five-to-six sessions and Marivi's eight bi-
to the point of an oedipal situation led to his inadequacy, weekly psychotherapy sessions with him, Dr. Encarnacion
along masculine strivings, with difficult assertions of his concluded that there was no chance of a successful marriage
authority and power. in a dysfunctional union when there is double psychological
incapacity. He categorically stated that Nilo was incapable
The above clinical conditions existed prior [to] marriage but of being a good husband and a good father. Nilo lacked an
became manifest only after the celebration due to marital individual coherent identity and instead went by the
stresses and demands. Both are considered as permanent in standards of general society, which is driven by the desire to
nature, because they started early in their developmental gain material wealth, power, and control. Nilo did not like
stage, and therefore became so deeply engrained into their close relationships and was incapable of forming some; his
personality structures. Both are considered grave in degree, social anxiety, associated with paranoid fears, was
because they hampered, interfered and disrupted their manifested by excessive vanity. Nilo projected an image of
normal functioning related to heterosexual adjustments.[40] a wealthy, successful, handsome man surrounded by
women, in none of whom, however, he was interested in a
According to Dr. Villegas, both parties could not tolerate long-term sexual relationship; he saw himself as a
each others' weaknesses and that the incapacities of the performer-provider and was disinterested in spending
parties are grave because they preferred to satisfy their own quality time with his family, in carrying on conversations
needs rather than to give in to the other's needs.[41] with members of his family, insensitive, intolerant, and
She claimed that Nilo's lack of a father figure weakened his
masculinity. He cross-identified himself with his mother Dr. Encarnacion attributed respondent's psychological
because his father, a disciplinarian and the thrifty one, was disorder to his childhood, in which he did not have fond
often absent because of his military service. While he was memories of tender moments and vacation times with his
still a teenager, his mother migrated to Canada and their family. Nilo grew up very close to his mother who always
long-time maid acted as his surrogate mother. Nilo sought listened to his complaints and with whom he sympathized,
from his wife his mother's nurturing qualities, but he felt hence his unresolved oedipal issues; even as he patterned his
hostility when Marivi failed to meet his ego ideal. His masculinity strivings after his stingy father, the family
aggression was in the form of passivity, punishing his wife provider, but whom he nonetheless described as
by not sexually performing.[42] "unappreciative, undemonstrative, and quite materialistic."
At the age of 18, when his parents migrated to Canada and
Dr. Villegas noted that Nilo would put on a facade, a left him in the Philippines, he then lost his role models,
compensatory mechanism according to social norms. While incapacitating him from creating his own identity. Thus,
he was not exactly a homosexual. he covered up his weak when he began working at the age of 21, he imbibed the
masculine traits by being a "playboy." Nilo could only values of his workplace, where feelings and emotional
comply with the financial obligation of marital life, but not discussions were absent, factors that nonetheless somehow
the psychological and emotional parts of it.[43] Nilo likewise worked to his advantage in his job.[47] Dr. Encarnacion
was an inadequate father figure to his own two sons, opined that Nilo's incapacity was his "rigidity," which drove
especially the younger, who has already manifested strong him into imposing his family upbringing on his own family,
feminine traits.[44] instead of adjusting to the modem family setup, i.e., that the
modem father should take on new roles and be part of
Marivi, on the other hand, expected that her interactions family activities where his family needs him to
with the world would be like that of her own close-knit be, e.g. taking the children to the pediatrician or to the park,
family, a perception attributable to her parents' prolonged camping with the family, or being with them in church,
gratification of her dependency needs. Her father was a instead of strictly confining himself to being a provider. [48]
dedicated, devoted, and responsible family man who
regularly came home to spend time with them, while her As for Marivi, Dr. Encarnacion found that she exhibited
mother was a good housewife, who always found time to "Histrionic Personality Behaviors and Features" as
personally attend to their needs. Dr. Villegas described manifested by her impressionistic speech, her exaggerated
Marivi as one with strong mood fluctuations, emotionally expression of emotions, and her suggestibility. He stated
immature, with low self-esteem, has difficulty neutralizing that Marivi's "inflexibility" consisted in her expecting a high
the outbreak of negativity in her behavior, is suggestible, standard of faithfulness from all men as exemplified by her
egocentric, and impelled by a desire to "extort" from others. dad, who was also very devoted to her mother. However,
To Dr. Villegas, the couple's respective personality because dissatisfied and frustrated by her actual marital
disorders were mutually repelling, their brain waves not situation, she sought attention, externalized blame, displayed
being in sync because what Marivi expected from Nilo anger, mistrust, resentment, and self-indulgence.[49]
happened to be Nilo's weakest point.[45]
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
demand as to Nilo's whereabouts, her constant naggings, her
In its October 13, 2008 Decision,[50] the RTC denied the attention-seeking acts, grave or serious enough to qualify as
Petition. psychological incapacity. The CA ruled that it was the
couple's irreconcilable differences that marred their
The RTC took a dim view of the expert witnesses' marriage; that the negative acts or actions of one spouse
attribution of a double psychological incapacity to Marivi's were neutralized or offset by the other's negative acts or
nature of being a "father figure woman," and to Nilo's actions, and that these are "mere character flaws or bad
"oedipal complex." The court noted that Marivi already habits that the spouses developed over the years [which] can
disengaged herself from her father as her standard of an be modified or changed depending on the desire of either
ideal husband when she married Nilo, despite the latter's spouse to do so."[52] The CA thereafter disposed of the
limitations and his then being already very focused on his appeal, thus:
job. Marivi's need for assurance that she is loved, vis-a-vis
her looking up to her father as her standard, was not by itself
sufficient to declare her psychologically incapacitated. WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED. The decision of the
Regional Trial Court in CV No. 05-095 denying the petition
As for Nilo, the RTC found no concrete evidence of tor declaration of nullity of marriage between appellant
"oedipal complex;" the RTC held that prioritizing his work Maria Victoria Socorro Lontoc-Cruz and appellee Nilo
over the emotional needs of his family was not reflective of Santos Cruz for insufficiency of evidence is hereby
his psychological incapacity because what he did was still AFFIRMED. No costs.
for his family's benefit. Neither was Nilo's lack of sexual
interest in Marivi a case of psychological incapacity, for this SO ORDERED.[53]
was a result of his being turned off by Marivi's unabated
Marivi moved for a reconsideration but it was denied in the
naggings and her revelations to her family of his sexual
CA's May 29, 2012 Resolution.[54]

From the RTC's verdict, petitioner appealed to the CA.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

In its November 22, 2011 Decision,[51] the CA united with At issue before us is whether the psychological conditions of
the RTC in rejecting the alleged. existence of psychological the parties fall under Article 36 of the Family Code to
incapacity pointed out by Dr. Villegas and by Dr. warrant the declaration of nullity of marriage.

The CA found that Dr. Villegas and Dr. Encarnacion failed

to paint a clear picture of the supposed gravity or Our Ruling
seriousness of Nilo's psychological incapacity, and that it
was unconvinced of the doctors' conclusion that Nilo had a
We sustain the findings of both the RTC and the CA. Article
deep propensity to cover up for his serious inadequacies.
36 of the Family Code states:
It ruled that Marivi failed to prove that Nilo's failure to
comply with his sexual obligation was due to some Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time
psychological condition or makeup, as this could very well of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
be explained by the stress brought about by Marivi's comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage,
negative attitude toward Nilo, who was turned off by her act shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
of revealing to her clan their bedroom secrets instead of manifest only after its solemnization.
privately resolving the problem with him. Moreover, the CA
said it is a non sequitur, that just because he could not We have laid down guidelines in interpreting and applying
sexually perform according to Marivi's standard, he should this provision. In Republic v. De Gracia,[55] we reiterated the
thus be labelled a gay or homosexual. It appears that Nilo doctrine in Santos v. Court of Appeals,[56] "that
has "selective" impotency, for while he could not have an psychological incapacity must be characterized by: (a)
erection for Marivi, he nevertheless had had extramarital gravity (i.e., it must be grave and serious such that the party
affairs. Neither did the CA see anything wrong with Nilo's would be incapable of carrying out the ordinary duties
"put-on facade" of a happy marriage to protect the family's required in a marriage); (b) juridical antecedence (i.e., it
privacy. must be rooted in the history of the party antedating the
marriage, although the overt manifestations may emerge
The CA did not even consider Marivi's alleged histrionic only after the marriage); and (c) incurability (i.e., it must be
traits as ref1ected in her behavior, e.g., her persistent incurable, or even if it were otherwise, the cure would be
beyond the means of the party involved)." Also, in Republic fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the
v. Court of Appeals,[57] we reiterated the well-settled state. x x x.
guidelines in resolving petitions for declaration of nullity of
marriage, as embodied in Republic v. Court of Notably, "mere showing of 'irreconcilable differences' and
Appeals,[58] viz.: 'conflicting personalities' [as in the present case,] in no wise
constitutes psychological incapacity." [59] "Nor does failure
of the parties to meet their responsibilities and duties as
(1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage married persons" amount to psychological incapacity. [60] We
belongs to the plaintiff. Any doubt should be resolved in further elucidated in Yambao v. Republic[61] that the
favor of the existence and continuation of the marriage and psychological condition should render the subject totally
against its dissolution and nullity. x x x. unaware or incognitive of the basic marital obligations:

x x x x
Article 36 contemplates incapacity or inability to take
(2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be cognizance of and to assume basic marital obligations and
(a) medically or clinically identified, (b) alleged in the not merely difficulty, refusal, or neglect in the performance
complaint, (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) clearly of marital obligations or ill will. This incapacity consists of
explained in the decision. Article 36 of the Family Code the following: (a) a true inability to commit oneself to the
requires that the incapacity must be psychological - not essentials of marriage; (b) this inability to commit oneself
physical, although its manifestations and/or symptoms may must refer to the essential obligations of marriage: the
be physical. x x x. conjugal act, the community of life and love, the rendering
of mutual help, the procreation and education of offspring;
x x x x and (c) the inability must be tantamount to a psychological
abnormality. It is not enough to prove that a spouse failed to
(3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at 'the time meet his responsibility and duty as a married person; it is
of the celebration' of the marriage. x x x. essential that he must be shown to be incapable of doing so
due to some psychological illness.[62]
x x x x
In Marcos v. Marcos,[63] the actual medical examination of
the one claimed to have psychological incapacity is not a
(4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or
condition sine qua non, for what matters is the totality of
clinically permanent or incurable. x x x.
evidence to sustain a finding of such psychological
incapacity. While it behooves this Court to weigh the
x x x x
clinical findings of psychology experts as part of the
evidence, the court's hands are nonetheless free to make its
(5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the
own independent factual findings. "It bears repeating that
disability of the party to assume the essential obligations of
the trial courts, as in all the other cases they try, must always
marriage. Thus, 'mild characteriological peculiarities, mood
base their judgments not solely on the expert opinions
changes, occasional emotional outbursts' cannot be accepted
presented by the parties but on the totality of evidence
as root causes. x x x.
adduced in the course of the proceedings."[64]
x x x x
With specific reference to the case before us, even granting
that both parties did suffer from personality disorders as
(6) The essential marital obligations must be those embraced
evaluated by the expert witnesses, we find that the
by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as regards the
conclusions reached by these expert witnesses do not
husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the
irresistibly point to the fact that the personality disorders
same Code in regard to parents and their children. Such non-
which plague the spouses antedated the marriage; that these
complied marital obligation(s) must also be stated in the
personality disorders are indeed grave or serious; or that
petition, proven by evidence and included in the text of the
these personality disorders are incurable or permanent as to
render the parties psychologically incapacitated to carry out
and carry on their marital duties. What can be inferred from
(7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate
the totality of evidence, at most, is a case of incompatibility.
Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
For a personality disorder to be declared clinically or
Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be
medically incurable or permanent is one thing; for a spouse
given great respect by our courts. x x x.
to refuse or to be reluctant to perform his/her marital duties
is another.[65]
x x x x

Indeed, we are loath to overturn the findings of the RTC and

(8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or
the CA. More than that, too, the evidence on record do not
square with the existence of psychological incapacity as What you initially said was your fault you're
contemplated by law and jurisprudence. In the case of Nilo, Q. now talking before this Honorable Court, is really the
what brought about the breakdown of his relationship with fault of the petitioner; is that what you are saying?
Marivi was not necessarily attributable to his so-called
"psychological disorder" but can be imputed to his work and There [were] times, your Honor, I would say it was my
marital stress, and his ordinary human failings. fault. There [were] times it was caused by her faults as
well. It's not one plus one it was hers and one plus one it
With regard to his failure to sexually perform "adequately," was mine, it depends on the situation. We've been
the same appeared to be a case of "selective impotency," as A. dealing with cases before so not all the time it's the fault
he was turned off by Marivi's disclosure of their bed secrets of Mrs. Cruz. And not all the time it's the fault of Mr.
to her family. Furthermore, Nilo testified that the sexual Cruz. It's a relationship, there are times it's hers, there are
problem with Marivi did not crop up until the birth of their times, it's mine but we're able to fix it until this
second son, and that he felt that the blame was invariably annulment situation came.
and unfairly laid on upon him, thus:
x x x x[67]

Nor can it be said that Nilo's failure to provide quality time

for the family was caused by his "inadequate personality
The Court has just some questions with regard to the disorder" or "unresolved oedipal complex." Nilo explained
main issue. During your direct testimony; Mr. Witness, that he has a taxing and demanding job, and that
you mentioned some of your faults which [may be] the unfortunately, with his working hours eating up his home
reason why the instant case was filed. x x x one of those life, while he was able to provide his family with an
faults is no sex. When did that happen? x x x adequate standard of living, the lack of quality time for his
wife became attenuated and resulted in severing his bond
If I recall it right, Your Honor; I [had] some challenge[s] with Marivi, who failed to understand the nature of his job.
immediately after the first birth of my eldest son which I They were a happy couple during the period of courtship,
x x x shared with the psychologist or psychiatrist who and even during the early years of their marriage. Nilo
[had] examined me. testified:

But when you got married with your wife that was not a
problem until the birth of your last son? Q. x x x What was the reason why you had to stay up late?

A. Yes, your Honor. Ma'am, I' those I.T. companies that I worked for
whether manager or managing director, my companies
ATTY. STA MARIA, JR.: are...the companies are involved in sales and marketing
A. and support so it entails entertainment of clients,
So it is attributable to the petitioner though you claim
Q. entertainment of principals coming from headquarters
that it is your fault, is that correct?
and entertainment of customers with my staff and other
Because, your Honor, that kind of situation, I always get company.
blamed, so for the purpose of settling all these questions,
Q. When you say I.T., what does it stand for?
when you make that mistake, you'll always be the one to
be blamed although as per the psychologist and the A. Information Technology.
psychiatrist, there's also a reason why I am not able to
perform sex to my wife because in those ten (10) years You also referred to a headquarters. What do you mean
that we were together, after the first one, [didn't] have by headquarters?
any other affairs but I kept being blamed that I [had] just
A. Headquarters, if you work in a multinational company
because I [was] not able to perform sex to her. The whole
family, her family knows that in that premise because I like companies I worked for, they have headquarters in
got, one time, in one of our quarrels x x x told me, Hong Kong, they have headquarters in Singapore, they
"maybe you're not making love with my daughter have headquarters in the U.S.
because you are having an affair with another woman."
So you had to entertain principals corning from [these]
So, I know I made a mistake in the past but if I'm x x x Q.
kept [being] reminded of it, it's a punishment, your
Honor. As a part of the job as required by the principals who
[visit] us.
How often were you required to stay out late because of marriage with the petitioner, this was not a problem?
your job?
Because, your Honor, I was assigned in Hong Kong and I
Ma'am, it is unpredictable. Sometimes, we were required A. was only twelve (12) minutes [away] by [foot] to our
A. to stay for dinner and entertainment thereafter. office x x x.
Sometimes, we can go home early also.
Could you not refuse the invitations of going out and just
Q. And I was not in [sales] and marketing, I was the
go home and spend time with your family?
Administrative Assistant of the President of IBM in
Sometimes I can refuse, sometimes I cannot. Because it Southeast Asia so it's the...purely management
becomes a condition of sale of the clients x x x. administrative work as an administrative assistant so
there's [not] much of entertaining done in Hong Kong.
So x x x what's the latest time of the night that you
usually come home? Okay, so in other words, at that time, that was not a
problem. It was only a problem when you were appointed
My objective as a husband and as a father is to really to your position in...
come as early as I can which I have explained on and on,
your Honor. But to meet my million dollar targets of the A. IBM.
country, I have to do things beyond 5 o'clock. In several
occasions when I tried to go home early, to my THE COURT:
A. disappointment, my kids are not at home because they
That was so many years after you got married with your
were borrowed by my in-laws to have merienda. That's
why I complained to my wife that time that "please tell
me if they are going with my in-laws because I don't We got married, your Honor, in 1987 then we went back
want to deprive them also of the few times I'm able to go to the Philippines in July 1988 [when] I was given a new
home early." A. marketing and [sales] role as a manager of general
marketing which is...which encompasses all industries
So, you are saying that you only have few times of
Q. aside [from] the government.
coming home early?
A. Well, yes, but not very few.
So you mean to say that this problem of staying late only
Okay. Have you tried to make an effort to remedy the
Q. happened lately?
Well, if I have my way to be able to direct my
appointments in the South, my meetings in Amkor The definition, your Honor, of my family...late is when
Anam, Mamplasan, in Sta. Rosa then that will allow me you don't make it at 7:00 o'clock or...[with] the family at
A. to be home at least 5-6 o'clock. But most of my meetings A.
7:00 o'clock in the evening. So if I don't make it at seven,
in Makati, Quezon City, Manila especially with I considered myself late.
government clients [do] allow me to go home early, your

x x x x[68] What is the reason why you have been late?

THE COURT: Your Honor, my job is not a 9 to 5 job because we...we

call on customers, we entertain customers, partners,
What about another fault you mentioned which is staying principals, we also have fellowship with our teams. So,
late, when did this thing happen? we either have dinner or we have happy hours. We also
see friends after. So but, physically I cannot do that
When I came back from my assignment in Hong Kong in
A. everyday, your Honor, because I also wake up
1988 when I was given a new job in sales and marketing. A.
automatically at 6:00 everyday whether I have a drink, or
xxxx have dinner, or I worked out in the evening or play[ed]
basketball during that time, I always wake up at six. So if
THE COURT: I stayed up late like 2, 3, it's gonna be a
burden for me physically and [I would be] unable to
So before the birth of your children, that is after your perform my job well. So, like I mentioned earlier in a
hearing, your Honor, many times I tried to be home by 10
to be able to watch. Before 10 to be able to watch the A. Yes, your Honor.
10:00 o'clock news and be able to enjoy my ice cream
while watching it. THE COURT:

THE COURT: And was she that independent from her parents or she
was too dependent [on] her parents?
Well, one of those faults you mentioned is also working
hard, why did you say that it is your fault? On her performing her duties, with a wife and as
A. a friend, she's independent. When it comes to our
In our industry, your Honor, when you work out, you will problems, she would consult her family.
A. definitely end up late several couple of times, but not all
the time. THE COURT:

xxxx So only those times when you have a problem. Like what
problems, Mr. Witness?
Your Honor, sometimes, I get all these complaints. But
when they saw my picture in the newspaper or in the TV A. Our relationship, your Honor.
having success stories and contract signing, they are
proud of me.
But most of the time, you were able to patch up your
When you say "so proud of me," to whom are you
A. Yes, your Honor.
referring x x x?
x x x x[70]
My family. They call me, they congratulate me, we have
A. dinners together to celebrate but to get to that, is the Interestingly, when asked if there was no more functional
working hard and staying away from the family. marital life between him and Marivi, Nilo candidly
highlighted his different perception from his estranged wife:

How long did you court your wife?
So, Mr. Witness, well in reality today, Mr. Witness, even
A. Six (6) months, your Honor. the petitioner believes that there is no more functional
marital life in this relationship, would you agree with
x x x x[69] that?

THE COURT: If that's the way she thinks, I...I will have my own way of
looking at things because...
Could you say that you were a perfect couple at that
time? xxxx

When we were starting, your Honor, we [were] happy, I was saying since she was asking for nullity
and during the time that we were in Hong Kong. But and you were asking for nullity, it's a fact of life as of
when we went back to Manila, there are times (the today, as you speak today that there is no more functional
witness is in tears)...adjusting to work and family that is marital life between the two (2) of you?
why it affected my relationship to her family and
combination of mistakes happened which I admitted. You see, your Honor, that's why we're different. Her style
is conclude and conclude. I have a different style because
THE COURT: A. of my background. I will only stop till death. I cannot
share her legal counsel's statement with my own
How would you describe your wife during your first thinking, your Honor.
years of marriage?
x x x x[71]
A. [She was] a very good wife.
Even the psychiatrist Dr. Villegas pinpointed the differences
THE COURT: of the estranged couple which led to squabbles -

Did she perform her duties as a wife and as a mother?

Doctor, from your examination of both respondent and badly unfulfilled in this marriage because she married a
Q. petitioner the obligation of trust and respect for each man who did not know the language of feeling of
other, how did it not manifest in this relationship? showing some attention towards his spouse, meaning, if
she is put in a relationship with a man who is able to
The respondent [sees] the petitioner as one who's very address these needs, she would be better, she would be
negativistic on him or who's very demanding and who is better in a marriage.
A. also trying to put him down because according to him,
the petitioner would always see his weak points rather So this psychological incapacity of the petitioner is only
than his strong points. dormant at the time that she was not yet married?

Are you saying that this developed a non-trust just A. Well, it's grave...
between them?
Q. Was it grave already at the time...
None trust. They do not trust each other anymore. On the
part of the petitioner, because of his womanizing A. Yes, it is, it's grave but...
A. activities and on the part of the respondent, that the
Q. Even before the marriage?
petitioner is always looking at his weak points rather than
his strong points. ...but not incurable, that is the only adjective, grave, pre-
x x x x[72]
Q. Pre-existing?
It is significant to note that Marivi failed to substantiate
Nilo's penchant for womanizing as a manifestation of his Grave and pre-existing, yes, incurable, no, in the sense
psychological incapacity. Aside from her bare allegations, that if she married properly if her needs were addressed,
which were chiefly based on what other people told her, she it would not appear in that marriage.
never presented irrefutable proof to corroborate her claims
of his sexual proclivities, i.e., that these proclivities were But because of her marriage to the respondent, are you
already existing before the marriage and during the first saying now that her psychological incapacity now...
years of their marriage. Nilo, on the other hand,
categorically admitted to having extramarital affairs in 1992, A. Became an incapacity, yes.
2002, and 2006, the period when the marriage was already
Q. ...became incurable?
on the rocks. Neither is there evidence of Nilo's alleged
oedipal complex, the manifestations of which were not cited A. No.
by the experts, that caused the couple to fall out of love.
Anent Marivi's case, based on her family history as reflected
in the experts' clinical evaluation, she grew up in a well- Okay. I am quite curious about the curability of the
functioning, supportive, and emotionally healthy family personality disorder of the petitioner. Now, if her needs
environment. Even Nilo himself attested that she was a good Q. are satisfied case, assuming the petitioner enters
wife and a good mother to their children. Her demand for into another relationship and her needs are satisfied then
attention, time, love, and fidelity is normal for a wife. The her incapacity is cured, is that what you're saying?
anger she felt within her is also a legitimate reaction.
A. In effect, yes, in effect, yes.
Yet the psychologist Dr. Encarnacion himself acknowledged Would you say, what are these needs of the petitioner
that Marivi's so-called psychological incapacity is in fact, Q.
that [you're]...not satisfied of the respondent?
curable. Thus:
Need to be paid attention to, need to be valued, need to
have an effect on someone, it is a universal need. She
ATTY. REVILLA: was made to feel that she did not have any effect on him
and so are the children, x x x well, the father made the
So even without the respondent, Nilo Cruz, petitioner
Q. children feel that they, wife and two sons did not have
would still be psychologically incapacitated?
any effect on him, ma'am.
I beg to [differ] from that because the needs were not
x x x[73]
fulfilled in this particular marriage, it's like a tendency to
have cancer, but if you take care of yourself with the One last question. The needs of the petitioner, like you
A. right environment, you will not catch cancer. Those were
Q. say, do you think she was able to convey, clearly convey
previous positions, that's why I called them Histrionic her needs to the respondent, properly convey?
Personality Traits Behaviors and Features not a full
blown Histrionic Personality Disorder, the needs were
Very clearly, yes, and then when they were still not being 3. The petitioner gave birth to another child named
heard, well, iyon na nga eh, yung hostility niya and Michelle Mae Garlet on January 23, 1997;
A. resentment would get the better of her as a it
4. The respondent is aware that the petitioner is
would become dysfunctional reaction upon reaction.
working in Japan as an entertainer;
That's a good question.[74]
5. There is no ante-nuptial agreement prior to the
Upon the view we take of this case, thus, this Court believes celebration of the marriage;
that the protagonists in this case are in reality simply
unwilling to work out a solution for each other's personality 6. There is no separation of properties during the
differences, and have thus become overwhelmed by feelings marriage;
of disappointment or disillusionment toward one another.
Sadly, a marriage, even if unsatisfactory, is not a null and 7. The petitioner has the custody and the one
supporting the children from the time the
void marriage.[75]
respondent lost communication with the children as
he does not exert effort to see them;
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED.
8. The petitioner admitted that the parties acquired
SO ORDERED. several properties during cohabitation with
qualification that the same was bought out of the
efforts and finances of the petitioner; and

9. The petitioner likewise admitted that the

LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: respondent was not subjected to psychological
examination by the psychologist sought by the
Petitioner Yolanda E. Garlet assails in this Petition for petitioner with qualification that respondent was
Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of given several opportunities to attend the
Court the: (1) Decision[1] dated June 21, 2010 of the Court psychological evaluation but failed to do so.[7]
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 89142, which reversed and
set aside the Decision[2] dated November 27, 2006 of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 159, Pasig City in
JDRC Case No. 6796; and (2) Resolution[3] dated August
Thereafter, trial ensued.
24, 2010 of the appellate court in the same case, which
denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration.
Testifying for petitioner were petitioner herself; Marites
Ereve (Marites), petitioner's sister who served as the
The factual antecedents of the case are as follows:
children's nanny from 1993 to 2001; and Ms. Nimia
Hermilia C. De Guzman (De Guzman), the clinical
Petitioner and respondent Vencidor T. Garlet met each other
sometime in 1988. They became intimately involved and as
a result, petitioner became pregnant. Petitioner gave birth to
Petitioner and respondent were introduced to each other by a
their son, Michael Vincent Garlet (Michael), out of wedlock
common friend in 1988. Respondent courted petitioner and
on November 9, 1989. Petitioner and respondent eventually
they became close. One day, after partying and drinking
got married on March 4, 1994. Their union was blessed with
liquor with some friends, petitioner and respondent lost their
a second child, Michelle Mae Garlet (Michelle), on January
inhibitions and indulged in sexual intercourse. Petitioner
23, 1997. However, petitioner and respondent started
became pregnant as a result. Respondent doubted if he
experiencing marital problems. After seven years of
fathered the unborn child and refused to support petitioner.
marriage, petitioner and respondent separated in 2001.
Respondent urged petitioner to have an abortion, to which
Petitioner now has custody over their two children.
she did not agree. During petitioner's pregnancy, respondent
did not visit her nor did he give any financial assistance.
On May 6, 2005, petitioner filed a Petition[4] for Declaration
After giving birth to Michael, respondent visited petitioner
of Nullity of Marriage on the ground of respondent's
only once.[8]
psychological incapacity to fulfill his essential marital
obligations to petitioner and their children. The Petition was
In order to support Michael, petitioner left for Japan to work
docketed as JDRC Case No. 6796. On June 30, 2005,
for six months as a cultural dancer. Petitioner temporarily
respondent filed his Answer[5] to the Petition.
entrusted Michael's care and custody to her mother and
siblings in Bicol. Upon returning to the Philippines,
At the pre-trial, the parties admitted the following facts:
petitioner took Michael back to live in Manila. Petitioner
also brought Marites with them to Manila to serve as the
nanny.[9] Respondent visited petitioner and Michael several
times but respondent still did not offer petitioner any
1. The petitioner and respondent contracted marriage monetary help as he was jobless.[10]
on [March[6]] 4, 1994;
From 1990 to 1994, petitioner returned to Japan several
2. The parties' first son was named Michael Vincent more times to work, but she maintained her relationship
Garlet and was born on November 9, 1989; with respondent for the sake of their son. Sometime in 1992,
petitioner instructed respondent to scout for a real property
on which she may invest her money. With the money Petitioner and respondent were fighting constantly.
petitioner remitted, respondent purchased a 210-square Sometime in 2001, they had a serious altercation during
meter lot in Morong, Rizal (Morong property), [11] but which, respondent strangled petitioner. Fortunately, a third
registered the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. M- person intervened and saved petitioner.[26]
38509[12] covering said property in his name. Despite
petitioner's pleas, respondent refused to transfer the Petitioner and respondent tried to settle their marital issues
certificate of title to the Morong property in petitioner's before the barangay. There, respondent admitted taking
name.[13] Later on, respondent, without petitioner's consent, petitioner's money and jewelry because he had no means to
sold a 69-square meter portion of the Morong property to support himself and the family. Realizing that there was no
spouses Avelino Garlet (Avelino) and Cipriana A. Garlet, more love and respect between them and that respondent
respondent's brother and sister-in-law, respectively, who was just using her, petitioner finally separated from
secured TCT No. M-56993 for said portion in their respondent.[27] Petitioner and respondent executed on
names.[14] Respondent also mortgaged the Morong property September 10, 2001 before the barangay a Kasunduang
to his sister-in-law's friend, which forced petitioner to Pag-aayos[28] wherein they agreed that respondent would
redeem it for P50,000.00.[15] leave the house in exchange for the jeepney, tricycle, and
P300,000.00; and that respondent would have visitation
Petitioner bought another parcel of land in Pila, Laguna on rights, i.e., twice a week, over their children. Since the
March 3, 1994 (Pila property).[16] Respondent insisted on separation, petitioner had been solely supporting their
including his name as one of the buyers in the deed of sale children with the income from her businesses in Bicol,
for the Pila property even though he was jobless and had no Bulacan, and Pasig.
money to contribute for the purchase of said property.[17]
Petitioner filed an application for support, alleging that she
It was also in 1992 that petitioner and respondent started had been spending approximately P15,000.00 a month for
living together on the Morong property. They often the two children, and paying the children's tuition fees in the
quarreled but respondent stayed with petitioner because she following amounts[29]:
was the breadwinner of the family. Respondent later asked
petitioner to marry him. Thinking it was for the best interest
of their son, petitioner agreed and she married respondent on Michael Michelle
March 4, 1994.[18] P
Grade 6 P 18,118.10 Nursery
After their wedding, respondent turned into a "selfish, 1st year high
20,366.00 Grade 1 21,741.00
greedy, irresponsible, philandering and physically abusive school
husband." From 1994 to 1997, their family relied on 2nd year high
24,241.00 Grade 2 15,050.00
petitioner's savings for their needs. Petitioner purchased a school
jeepney to augment their family's finances but respondent 3rd year high
26,996.00 Grade 3 17,704.00
did not ply the jeepney.[19] school
4th year high
Petitioner hoped and asked respondent to change his ways. school
But even after the birth of their daughter, Michelle,
respondent never bothered to look for a stable job. Worse,
respondent maintained his vices of gambling, drinking, and In addition, petitioner had expended around P15,000.00 for
womanizing.[20] Respondent neglected Michael and the children's medical and dental needs and about
Michelle, and relied on Marites to take care of the P100,000.00 for the children's clothing needs since 2001. As
children.[21] the children would be starting school again, Michael would
need P15,000.00 for his tuition fee for the first semester in
In 1998, petitioner was forced to work in Japan again as all college, plus P20,000.00 for his monthly allowance, books,
her savings had been exhausted. Petitioner was able to save supplies, and other miscellaneous expenses; while Michelle
enough money to invest in a mini-grocery store. Petitioner would need P30,000.00 for her annual tuition fee, as well as
placed respondent in charge of the store but the store P15,000.00 for food allowance, school supplies, tutorials,
suffered losses, which respondent could not account. clothing, and other miscellaneous expenses.[30]
Petitioner infused additional capital into the store but it still
ultimately closed.[22] Considering the children's foregoing expenses, petitioner
asserted that her demand for respondent to pay P20,000.00
Upon returning to the Philippines in 2000, petitioner felt per month, or P10,000.00 a month for each child, was just
devastated upon learning that respondent had squandered and reasonable.[31]
her hard-earned money, pawned her jewelry, and incurred
debts in her name.[23] Petitioner also discovered the incident Clinical psychologist, Ms. De Guzman, reported that she
when respondent allowed a "male friend" to sleep in the interviewed petitioner and gathered information from the
master's bedroom. According to petitioner, this was highly couple's relatives and neighbors.[32] Ms. De Guzman's
unusual as they never previously allowed anyone to sleep at attempts to talk to respondent at his house were
their house.[24] unsuccessful. Ms. De Guzman, however, explained that her
failure to personally interview respondent would not affect
Additionally, every time petitioner came home and brought her findings, saying that "what is being tapped in the
presents for her parents and siblings, respondent got angry psychological assessment is the unconscious level, more or
and demanded from petitioner all her earnings. [25] less. And what is represented or uncovered in the
unconscious level would be correlated to the manifested
behavior. Having observed the respondent since the time 1. He is unable to maintain his own direction in life
that I have been appearing in this case, there are some without the financial help and support of other
aspects or some attitudes and behaviors that correlated with people. He clings to the Petitioner, who is the
the descriptions of those people whom I interviewed." [33] breadwinner, sacrificing to be away from home to
be able to build up a stable future, for his finances.
In her report entitled "Psychological Capacity of Petitioner He also maintains an amorous relationship with
Yolanda Ereve Garlet"[34] (Psychological Report), Ms. De different women as a source of added emotional
Guzman cleared petitioner of any psychological disorder, support, boost of and satisfaction of his self-
saying that petitioner has the capacity to understand and directed/immediate needs and desires.
comply with her marital obligations. In contrast, Ms. De
Guzman found respondent to be suffering from a narcissistic 2. He is not motivated to work and likewise
type of personality disorder. Quoted below are Ms. De capitalizes on his physical assets to attain what he
Guzman's test results and her evaluation of both petitioner wants to achieve.
and respondent:
3. He is contented with his present lifestyle without
thought of others and has no foresight to prepare
Petitioner is endowed with an average intellectual capacity for a healthy family, emotionally and socially. He
and possesses practical sounding cognitive skills that is not bothered by his conscience and even flaunts
enables her to confront her challenges in an efficient his indiscretions publicly.
manner. However, her better judgment and analytical
functions are inclined to falter when pressures and stresses 4. He has marked adjustment difficulties with his
overwhelm her. immediate relatives.

Personality profile reveals a woman who is overly 5. He has a very poor impulse control, easily using
submissive to the point of being gullible such that she invectives/verbal tirades and at times unable to
normally gets the raw end of a deal in most social situations. control his aggressions that physical fights with
As much as possible, she would want a smooth sailing Petitioner arose.
interaction especially with her loved ones, trying to
compensate for lost time when she is not around them. 6. He took advantage of Petitioner's kindness,
resourcefulness and industry, by not fulfilling his
She is however, the type who knows and honors her part of the marriage covenant. He never cared nor
commitments and obligations even if the people she trusts, attended to his children but often delegated them to
as in the case of her wayward husband – Respondent have whoever would be willing to assist him.
already betrayed her.
7. He appears not to make use of his judgment and
She is basically goal-focused and independent-minded but decision making abilities as he is under the mercy
these mature and positive traits easily dwindle when her of his immature impulses where the important
sentimental nature gets the better of her. She welcomes aspect of his life, is himself and immediate
praises and attention accorded to her by her milieu such that gratification of his needs.
she sometimes fail to decipher who among them are merely
taking advantage of her generosity/kindness. Consequently,
she easily gets fooled, particularly as she could really be too
trusting. Thus, attending to his responsibility, understanding and
complying with his obligations in marriage are beyond his
Assertiveness and strength of character are the least among capacity. Conclusively, the breakdown of their marriage
her traits but Petitioner always makes it a point to maintain a could be traced to Respondent's aforementioned traits plus
positive outlook and disposition in life despite her failures. his inadequacy and insecurity in dealing with mature roles.
She is very sensitive and considerate of the feelings of other Respondent's traits and attitudes have been present even
people. before marriage so that to effect any change or improvement
in his dispositions, would be difficult to do. The
Pyschosexual adjustment is basically adequate even if she Psychological Incapacitation is pervasive, permanent and
has developed a wary attitude towards members of the clinically proven to be incurable. Respondent has accepted it
opposite sex. as his means of coping with stressing life demands and is
not aware that it was the source of their estrangement and
Over-all analysis of the test data failed to yield traces of any final breakdown of their marital relationship.
on-going psychopathological condition nor of any type of
personality disorder. Thus, Petitioner is The root cause of which started in his early days of training
still Psychologically Capacitated to understand, comply where ambivalent/matter-of-fact treatment was received
and execute her marital obligations. from immediate caregivers. Because of his ordinal position
among the children, being the youngest boy, he was always
The same could not be said as true for the Respondent given the choice of what to do, favored or praised. He was
who is undoubtedly suffering from the Narcissistic Type not able to overcome such indulgence, carried it to his
of Personality Disorder, as evidenced by the following adolescent/adult years, as he was always given the most
symptomatic behavior: attention.

Contrarily, they were also somehow neglected because of

financial lack so much so that parents had to work overtime handle it well and instead continued with his vices.
to earn adequately for their living. Respondent together with
his younger siblings were left to the care of elder The respondent disregarded his obligations to spend quality
brothers/sisters who just simply/literally followed what their time with the petitioner and especially with their children.
parents would want of them. Guidance and discipline were He even committed infidelities.
imposed upon the elder siblings but became oblivious
towards the Respondent. It developed in Respondent on how All deeds and actions of the respondent are clear
he would go about his life without experiencing the demonstrations of an utter insensitivity or inability to give
deprivation and hardship that he had undergone. He became meaning and significance to the marriage.
self-focused and at the same time hunted for women
vulnerable to his superficialities. By reason of the respondent's immaturity and
irresponsibility stemming from his NARCISSISTIC
Thus, they are better off apart for the sake of everyone who PERSONALITY DISORDER, he was unable to fulfill his
are within their bounds of reach" for Respondent does not duties and responsibilities towards his wife and children,
realize the pain he is causing towards other people, thus constituting psychological incapacity.
specifically his legal wife – the Petitioner as well as their
children. The psychological report shows that respondent's
psychological incapacity is characterized by juridical
It is therefore recommended that their marriage covenant be antecedence as it was found to have existed even prior to the
dissolved for everyone's peace of mind, through due process time he contracted marriage with petitioner. Respondent's
in this Honorable Court.[35] personality disorder, the root cause of which can be traced in
his childhood years was found to be pervasive and
permanent. Being the youngest boy, Respondent was always
Respondent testified on his own behalf. However, in an favored and praised but was not properly guided and
Order[36] dated September 14, 2006, the RTC declared disciplined by his parents as the latter were pre-occupied
respondent's direct testimony stricken off the record because with improving their finances.
of respondent's failure to appear for his cross-examination.
After petitioner submitted her Memorandum,[37] the case It also speaks of gravity because respondent is incapable of
was deemed submitted for decision.[38] rendering marital obligations like commitment, fidelity,
trust, support and love toward the petitioner and their
In its Decision dated November 27, 2006, the RTC gave children which are very vital in a marital relationship. In
weight to Ms. De Guzman's conclusion that respondent was fact, Ms. De Guzman stated in her report that attending to
suffering from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and ruled his responsibilities, understanding and complying with his
that: obligations in marriage are beyond respondent's capacity.

It is incurable because the psychological incapacity of the

Based on the evidence submitted, the parties never shared a respondent is deeply rooted, it is already in his character. No
true married life. amount of therapy, no matter how intensive, can possibly
change the respondent insofar as incapability to perform his
After a careful evaluation of the records, this Court finds the essential marital obligations with the petitioner and to his
petition to be impressed with merit. The respondent is children are concerned. Respondent has already accepted
described as suffering from narcissistic personality disorder such incapacity as his means of coping with stressing life
found to be permanent, severe, serious, and incurable, demands.[39]
rendering him as psychologically incapacitated to perform
the marital obligations.
The RTC further held that all of the properties which were
Respondent neglected his obligations as a husband and acquired during the marriage were bought with petitioner's
father to their children. Even prior to the marriage, the exclusive funds, thus, negating the presumption of equality
respondent manifested his psychological incapacity. He of shares between the parties in a void marriage under
suspected the paternity of his son with the petitioner and Article 147 of the Family Code. The RTC awarded the
even turned his back upon learning it. He has visited only on custody of the children to petitioner, but granted weekly
the day of giving birth by the petitioner of their son. He visitation rights to respondent and ordered respondent to
never cared for his son and would only visit him once in a give support to the children.
while. He never worked to support his son. In fact, the
respondent was financially dependent on the petitioner even In the end, the RTC adjudged:
before the marriage. He defrauded the petitioner by
registering all the properties bought by the petitioner from
the latter's exclusive income under his name declaring WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered declaring the
themselves as married. Worst, he sold a portion of the marriage between YOLANDA EREVE GARLET and
property in Morong without the knowledge of the petitioner. VENCIDOR TAEP GARLET held at the Office of the
Mayor, Morong, Rizal on March 4, 1994, as NULL AND
During the marriage, the respondent's laziness became VOID AB INITIO on [the] ground of psychological
manifest. He focused on his self and does not care who gets incapacity of the respondent to perform the essential marital
hurt for as long as it satisfies him. He gambles and drinks at obligations in accordance with Article 36 of the Family
the expense of the petitioner. He was given the chance to Code, with all the legal effects thereon.
earn for himself and for the family and still, he did not
The property relation between the petitioner and respondent emotional immaturity and irresponsibility, and the like, do
under Article 147 of the Family Code is deemed not by themselves warrant a finding of psychological
DISSOLVED. The real properties acquired prior to marriage incapacity under Article 36, as the same may only be due to
and cohabitation is hereby declared exclusive properties of a person's refusal or unwillingness to assume the essential
the petitioner particularly the real property covered by obligations of marriage and not due to some psychological
Transfer Certificate [of Title] No. M-38509 of the Registry illness that is contemplated by this rule. What the law
of Deeds of Rizal; and the tricycle and jeepney covered by requires to render a marriage void on the ground of
Certificate of Registration Nos. 13175616 and 27224267, psychological incapacity is downright incapacity, not refusal
respectively. or neglect or difficulty, much less ill will.

The parties are directed to submit list of properties for In ruling for Yolanda, the trial court gave credence to the
liquidation, partition and distribution; and the delivery of psychological report prepared by Ms. De Guzman. x x x
presumptive legitime of their common children with notice
to their creditors upon finality of this decision. While it is true that courts rely heavily on psychological
experts for its understanding of human personality, still the
The custody of the children, namely: 1) Michael Vincent E. root cause of the psychological incapacity must be identified
Garlet; and 2) Michelle Mae E. Garlet is hereby awarded to as a psychological illness, its incapacitating nature fully
the petitioner subject to visitorial right of the respondent explained, and said incapacity established by the totality of
once a week at the most convenient time of the said the evidence presented during trial. Likewise, although there
children. The respondent is hereby adjudged to give support is no requirement that a party to be declared psychologically
to the children in the amount of P3,000.00 a month each to incapacitated should be personally examined by a physician
be deposited every 5th day of the month in their respective or a psychologist (as a condition sine qua non),there is
bank accounts under trust of the petitioner; and he is hereby nevertheless still a need to prove the psychological
directed to provide at least one-half of the cost of their incapacity through independent evidence adduced by the
education. person alleging said disorder.

The petitioner shall revert to the use of her maiden name. In the instant case, the root cause of the alleged
psychological incapacity, its incapacitating nature and the
The Local Civil Registrars of Morong, Rizal, and Pasig incapacity itself were not sufficiently explained. What can
[City] are directed to cause the entry of the foregoing be perused from the psychological report prepared by Ms.
judgment in the Book of Marriages upon issuance thereof. De Guzman is that it only offered a general evaluation on
the supposed root cause of Vencidor's personality disorder.
A decree of declaration of nullity of marriage shall be issued The report failed to exhaustively explain the relation
upon compliance with the foregoing judgment.[40] between being a pampered youngest son and suffering from
a psychological malady so grave and permanent as to
deprive one of awareness of the duties and responsibilities
The RTC denied respondent's Motion for Reconsideration in of the matrimonial bond.
its Order dated February 26, 2007.
The psychological report failed to reveal that the personality
Respondent's appeal before the Court of Appeals was traits of Vencidor were grave or serious enough to bring
docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 89142. The Court of Appeals, about an incapacity to assume the essential obligations of
in its Decision dated June 21, 2010, reversed the RTC marriage. Ms. De Guzman merely stated in the said report
judgment, reasoning as follows: that it is beyond the capacity of Vencidor to attend to his
responsibility and understand and comply with his marital
obligations. Such statement is a mere general conclusion
[W]e scrutinized the totality of evidence adduced by which, unfortunately, is unsubstantiated. We cannot see how
Yolanda and found that the same was not enough to sustain Vencidor's supposed personality disorder would render him
a finding that Vencidor was psychologically incapacitated. unaware of the essential marital obligations or to be
incognitive of the basic marital covenants that
In essence, Yolanda wanted to equate Vencidor's addiction concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by him.
to alcohol, chronic gambling, womanizing, refusal to find a
job and his inability to take care of their children as akin to Also, we cannot help but note that Ms. De Guzman's
psychological incapacity. At best, Yolanda's allegations conclusions about Vencidor's psychological incapacity were
showed that Vencidor was irresponsible, insensitive, or primarily based on the informations fed to her by Yolanda
emotionally immature. The incidents cited by Yolanda did whose bias for her cause cannot be doubted. Moreover, Ms.
not show that Vencidor suffered from a psychological De Guzman testified that the informations that she obtained
malady so grave and permanent as to deprive him of from Yolanda were the result of one-hour interview with
awareness of the duties and responsibilities of the Yolanda and initial testing given at intervals.
matrimonial bond.
While this circumstance alone does not disqualify the
Yolanda's portrayal of Vencidor as jobless and irresponsible psychologist for reasons of bias, her report, testimony and
is not enough. It is not enough to prove that the parties failed conclusions deserve the application of a more rigid and
to meet their responsibilities and duties as married persons; stringent set of standards. Ms. De Guzman only examined
it is essential that they must be shown to be incapable of Vencidor from a third-party account. To make conclusions
doing so, due to some psychological illness. Indeed, on x x x Vencidor's psychological condition based on the
irreconcilable differences, sexual infidelity or perversion, information fed by Yolanda, during a one-hour interview, is
not different from admitting hearsay evidence as proof of Petitioner avers that the Court of Appeals erred in (a)
the truthfulness of the content of such evidence. disregarding Ms. De Guzman's findings for being based
solely on petitioner's version of events, which was a third
It remains settled that the State has a high stake in the party account; (b) treating petitioner's evidence as "no
preservation of marriage rooted in its recognition of the different from hearsay;" (c) finding that the root cause of
sanctity of married life and its mission to protect and respondent's psychological incapacity was not sufficiently
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social explained; and (d) declaring the marriage of petitioner and
institution. Hence, any doubt should be resolved in favor of respondent as valid.
the existence and continuation of the marriage and against
its dissolution and nullity. Presumption is always in favor of Petitioner argues that based on Marcos v. Marcos,[47] it is
the validity of marriage. Semper praesumitur pro not required that the psychologist personally examine the
matrimonio.[41] spouse who is alleged to be suffering from a psychological
disorder. What matters is that the totality of petitioner's
evidence establish psychological incapacity.
The dispositive portion of the foregoing Court of Appeals
Decision reads: Petitioner asserts that her evidence consists of not just her
testimony, but also those of her witnesses. Petitioner's
description of her marriage was substantiated by the
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the statements of respondent's brother, sister-in-law, and
instant appeal is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the neighbors, which were incorporated in the Psychological
assailed Decision dated November 27, 2006 and the Order Report. What is more, the root cause of respondent's
dated February 26, 2007 are hereby REVERSED and SET psychological incapacity had been properly alleged in the
ASIDE. The marriage between herein parties is hereby Petition, clinically identified, and proven by Ms. De
declared as still subsisting and valid.[42] Guzman in her testimony and her Psychological Report.
Petitioner points out that the RTC gave considerable weight
to her evidence, and found respondent to be suffering from a
Petitioner received a copy of the Decision of the appellate Narcissistic Personality Disorder so permanent, serious,
court on June 28, 2010. Petitioner filed a motion[43] seeking severe, and incurable that it rendered respondent incapable
an extension of twenty days, or until August 2, 2010, within of performing his marital obligations. Considering that the
which to file a motion for reconsideration. Petitioner filed RTC had the opportunity to observe the demeanor of the
her Motion for Reconsideration on August 2, 2010. witnesses when they testified, its findings are entitled to
However, the Court of Appeals issued a Resolution[44] on respect from the appellate courts. Underscoring the
August 24, 2010 denying petitioner's Motion for importance of the appreciation of the facts by the trial court
Reconsideration for being filed out of time, citing the ruling in determining whether a party to a marriage is
in Habaluyas Enterprises, Inc. v. Japzon[45] that the filing of psychologically incapacitated, petitioner refers to the case
the motion for extension of time does not toll the fifteen-day of Ngo Te v. Gutierrez Yu-Te [48] wherein the findings of the
period for filing a motion for reconsideration. trial court were declared to be final and binding on the
appellate courts. Based on the totality of the evidence,
Petitioner seeks redress from this Court through the instant petitioner maintains that her marriage should be declared
Petition, grounded on the following assignment of errors: null and void on account of respondent's psychological

I Lastly, petitioner alleges that the Court of Appeals erred in

denying her Motion for Reconsideration for being filed out
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED AND GRAVELY of time based on Habaluyas Enterprises, and pleads for
ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN REVERSING THE liberality in the application of the rules in the interest of
GARLET AND VENCIDOR GARLET TO BE The Petition is without merit.
MISINTERPRETED AND MISAPPRECIATED THE The Court shall first address the procedural issue regarding
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE OF THE the denial of petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration by the
CASE. Court of Appeals for being filed out of time.

In its Resolution issued on May 30, 1986 in Habaluyas

II Enterprises, the Court already elucidated, for the guidance
of Bench and Bar, that:
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE 1.) Beginning one month after the promulgation of this
MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND Resolution, the rule shall be strictly enforced that no motion
CONSEQUENTLY DECREEING THAT THE MOTION for extension of time to file a motion for new trial or
FOR RECONSIDERATION WAS FILED OUT OF reconsideration may be filed with the Metropolitan or
TIME.[46] Municipal Trial Courts, the Regional Trial Courts, and the
[Court of Appeals]. Such a motion may be filed only in
cases pending with the Supreme Court as the court of last
resort, which may in its sound discretion either grant or deny as against him. The rule is clear that no modification of
the extension requested.[49] judgment could be granted to a party who did not appeal. It
is enshrined as one of the basic principles in our rules of
procedure, specifically to avoid ambiguity in the
The foregoing rule is still good presently. The Court, in the presentation of issues, facilitate the setting forth of
more recent case of V.C. Ponce Company, Inc. v. arguments by the parties, and aid the court in making its
Municipality of Parañaque,[50] still observed strict adherence determinations. It is not installed in the rules merely to make
to the rule laid down in Habaluyas Enterprises. The Court litigations laborious and tedious for the parties. It is there for
acknowledged in said case that it sometimes allowed a a reason.
liberal reading of the rules in the interest of equity and
justice, so long as the petitioner is able to prove the
existence of cogent reasons to excuse its non-observance. Petitioner received a copy of the Decision dated June 21,
However, the Court also found therein that petitioner's 2010 of the Court of Appeals on June 28, 2010 and the 15-
reason for failing to meet the deadline, i.e., it was without day reglementary period expired on July 13, 2010 without
aid of counsel, did not warrant a relaxation of the rules as "it her filing a motion for reconsideration or an appeal, hence,
is incumbent upon the client to exert all efforts to retain the the said judgment already became final.
services of new counsel."
Moreover, the Court is unconvinced that it should set aside
Petitioner's counsel in the instant case sought extension of the finality of the Court of Appeals judgment for the sake of
time to file the motion for reconsideration of the Court of substantive justice, as the appellate court did not commit
Appeals Decision claiming that she had already started the reversible error in ruling that the marriage of petitioner and
draft of said motion but was unable to finalize the same "due respondent is subsisting and valid because petitioner failed
to heavy pressure of work in the preparation of pleadings in to establish respondent's psychological incapacity.
other equally important cases requiring immediate
attention."[51] The excuse of petitioner's counsel does not Petitioner insists on respondent's psychological incapacity, a
constitute cogent reason or extraordinary circumstance that ground for declaration of nullity of marriage under Article
warrant a departure from the general rule. Pressure and large 36 of the Family Code,[54] which provides:
volume of legal work do not excuse a counsel for filing a
pleading out of time. It is the counsel's duty to devote
his/her full attention, diligence, skills, and competence to Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time
every case that he/she accepts.[52] of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage,
The Court stressed in De Leon v. Hercules Agro Industrial shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
Corporation[53] that compliance with the reglementary manifest only after its solemnization.
period for perfecting an appeal is not only a procedural
issue, but jurisdictional, thus:
Jurisprudence had laid down guiding principles in resolving
cases for the declaration of nullity of marriage on the ground
As the period to file a motion for reconsideration is non- of psychological incapacity. In Azcueta v. Republic,[55] the
extendible, petitioner's motion for extension of time to file a Court presented a summation of relevant jurisprudence on
motion for reconsideration did not toll the reglementary psychological incapacity, reproduced hereunder:
period to appeal; thus, petitioner had already lost his right to
appeal the September 23, 2005 decision. As such, the RTC
decision became final as to petitioner when no appeal was Prefatorily, it bears stressing that it is the policy of our
perfected after the lapse of the prescribed period. Constitution to protect and strengthen the family as the basic
autonomous social institution and marriage as the
Doctrinally-entrenched is that the right to appeal is a foundation of the family. Our family law is based on the
statutory right and the one who seeks to avail that right must policy that marriage is not a mere contract, but a social
comply with the statute or rules. The requirements for institution in which the state is vitally interested. The State
perfecting an appeal within the reglementary period can find no stronger anchor than on good, solid and happy
specified in the law must be strictly followed as they are families. The break up of families weakens our social and
considered indispensable interdictions against needless moral fabric and, hence, their preservation is not the concern
delays. Moreover, the perfection of appeal in the manner alone of the family members.
and within the period set by law is not only mandatory but
jurisdictional as well, hence, failure to perfect the same Thus, the Court laid down in Republic of the Philippines v.
renders the judgment final and executory. Court of Appeals and Molina stringent guidelines in the
interpretation and application of Article 36 of the Family
The CA correctly ordered that petitioner's appellant's brief Code, to wit:
be stricken off the records. As the CA said, the parties who
have not appealed in due time cannot legally ask for the
modification of the judgment or obtain affirmative relief (1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of the
from the appellate court. A party who fails to question an marriage belongs to the plaintiff. Any doubt should be
adverse decision by not filing the proper remedy within the resolved in favor of the existence and continuation of the
period prescribed by law loses his right to do so. As marriage and against its dissolution and nullity. This is
petitioner failed to perfect his appeal within the period for rooted in the fact that both our Constitution and our laws
doing so, the September 23, 2005 decision has become final cherish the validity of marriage and unity of the family.
Thus, our Constitution devotes an entire Article on the and 225 of the same Code in regard to parents and their
Family, recognizing it "as the foundation of the nation". It children. Such non-complied marital obligation(s) must also
decrees marriage as legally "inviolable", thereby protecting be stated in the petition, proven by evidence and included in
it from dissolution at the whim of the parties. Both the the text of the decision.
family and marriage are to be "protected" by the state.
(7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate
The Family Code echoes this constitutional edict on Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
marriage and the family and emphasizes their permanence, Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be
inviolability and solidarity. given great respect by our courts x x x.

(2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must

be: (a) medically or clinically identified, (b) alleged in the In Santos v. Court of Appeals, the Court declared that
complaint, (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a)
clearly explained in the decision. Article 36 of the Family gravity, (b) juridical antecedence, and (c) incurability. It
Code requires that the incapacity must be psychological – should refer to "no less than a mental, not physical,
not physical, although its manifestations and/or symptoms incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive of the
may be physical. The evidence must convince the court basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed
that the parties, or one of them, was mentally or and discharged by the parties to the marriage." The
psychically ill to such an extent that the person could not intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of
have known the obligations he was assuming, or "psychological incapacity" to the most serious cases of
knowing them, could not have given valid assumption personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter
thereof. Although no example of such incapacity need be insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to
given here so as not to limit the application of the the marriage.
provision under the principle of ejusdem generis (Salita v.
Magtolis, 233 SCRA 100, 108), nevertheless such root However, in more recent jurisprudence, we have observed
cause must be identified as a psychological illness and its that notwithstanding the guidelines laid down
incapacitating nature fully explained. Expert evidence in Molina, there is a need to emphasize other perspectives as
may be given by qualified psychiatrists and clinical well which should govern the disposition of petitions for
psychologists. declaration of nullity under Article 36. Each case must be
judged, not on the basis of a priori assumptions,
(3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at "the predilections or generalizations but according to its own
time of the celebration" of the marriage. The evidence facts. In regard to psychological incapacity as a ground for
must show that the illness was existing when the parties annulment of marriage, it is trite to say that no case is on "all
exchanged their "I do's". The manifestation of the illness fours" with another case. The trial judge must take pains in
need not be perceivable at such time, but the illness itself examining the factual milieu and the appellate court must, as
must have attached at such moment, or prior thereto. much as possible, avoid substituting its own judgment for
that of the trial court. With the advent of Te v. Te, the Court
(4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically encourages a reexamination of jurisprudential trends on the
or clinically permanent or incurable. Such incurability interpretation of Article 36 although there has been no major
may be absolute or even relative only in regard to the other deviation or paradigm shift from the Molina doctrine.
spouse, not necessarily absolutely against everyone of the (Citations omitted.)
same sex. Furthermore, such incapacity must be relevant
to the assumption of marriage obligations, not necessarily
to those not related to marriage, like the exercise of a It bears to stress that the burden of proving the nullity of the
profession or employment in a job. Hence, a pediatrician marriage falls on petitioner. Petitioner's evidence shall still
may be effective in diagnosing illnesses of children and be scrutinized and weighed, regardless of respondent's
prescribing medicine to cure them but may not be failure to present any evidence on his behalf. Any doubt
psychologically capacitated to procreate, bear and raise shall be resolved in favor of the existence and continuation
his/her own children as an essential obligation of marriage. of the marriage. Tested against the present guidelines, the
Court agrees with the Court of Appeals that the totality of
(5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the petitioner's evidence is insufficient to establish respondent's
disability of the party to assume the essential obligations psychological incapacity.
of marriage. Thus, "mild characteriological peculiarities,
mood changes, occasional emotional outbursts" cannot be Petitioner imputes almost every imaginable negative
accepted as root causes. The illness must be shown as character trait against respondent, but not only do they not
downright incapacity or inability, not a refusal, neglect satisfactorily constitute manifestations of respondent's
or difficulty, much less ill will. In other words, there is a psychological incapacity as contemplated in the Family
natal or supervening disabling factor in the person, an Code, petitioner's averments are riddled with inconsistencies
adverse integral element in the personality structure that that are sometimes contradicted by her own evidence.
effectively incapacitates the person from really accepting
and thereby complying with the obligations essential to Petitioner avers that respondent tried to persuade her to have
marriage. an abortion when she became pregnant with Michael and
respondent even questioned Michael's paternity. Yet,
(6) The essential marital obligations must be those notably, respondent never sought the correction of Michael's
embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as Certificate of Live Birth, which specifically named him as
regards the husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221 Michael's father. The following verbal exchanges between
the couple in the Kasunduang Pag-aayos[56] also show that and respondent continued to misrepresent themselves as a
respondent acknowledged his children with petitioner, married couple in the purchase of the Pila property and in
namely, Michael and Michelle, and was concerned with the case of the Morong property, the purchase took place
their welfare: when petitioner was then working in Japan. It appears that
petitioner belatedly renounced respondent's authority to
purchase and register the subject properties, as well as to sell
Ayoko na nga basta umalis ka sa bahay natin at a portion of the Morong property, only after their
Yoly - kung hindi ka aalis kami ng mga anak mo ang relationship had gone sour.
Furthermore, petitioner complains about respondent's
Vencidor Paano mga anak natin, sinong mag-aalaga sa joblessness, gambling, alcoholism, sexual infidelity, and
– kanila. neglect of the children during their marriage.

Ako na ang bahala sa mga anak ko bubuhayin ko Contrary to petitioner's assertion, it appears that respondent
Yoly –
sila. took on several jobs. As indicated in Michael's Certificate of
Live Birth, respondent's occupation was listed as a "vendor."
xxxx Respondent was also in-charge of the mini-grocery store
which he and petitioner put up. Most recently, respondent
Makikita mo pa naman ang mga anak mo, worked as a jeepney driver. Petitioner's claim that
Yoly – puwede mo rin naman dalawin kahit dalawang respondent never plied the jeepney[60] was contradicted by
beses sa isang lingo. her own sister and witness, Marites, who testified that
respondent sometimes plied the jeepney himself or asked
Ayoko yata Yoly na magkahiwalay tayo paano somebody else to drive it for him.[61] Petitioner criticized
na ako, sino ang mag-iintindi sa mga anak ko, respondent for not looking for a stable job, but did not

halimbawa na umalis ka uli papunta abroad. specify what job suits respondent's qualifications. More
importantly, it is settled in jurisprudence that refusal to look
for a job per se is not indicative of a psychological defect.[62]
Even assuming that respondent initially reacted adversely to
petitioner's pregnancy with Michael, it would appear from As for respondent's alleged drinking and gambling vices,
respondent's subsequent actuations that he had come to petitioner herself had no personal knowledge of the same,
accept that he is indeed Michael's father. relying only on what relatives relayed to her while she was
in Japan.[63] Being hearsay evidence, petitioner's testimony
In her testimony, petitioner claimed that her relationship on the matter had no probative value[64] even if allowed by
with respondent was cut off when she got pregnant; that the Court as part of her narration. It is Marites, in her
respondent never visited her during her pregnancy; and that testimony[65] and Sinumpaang Salaysay,[66] who recounted
respondent visited her only once after she gave birth to that petitioner would often play tong-its and mahjong until
Michael on November 9, 1989. According to petitioner, she early morning, come home drunk, sleep until afternoon, and
had no relationship with respondent until she purchased the leave again to gamble. While respondent could have
Pila property on March 3, 1994.[57] The records, though, indulged in the vices of drinking and gambling, it was not
bear out the continuous relationship between petitioner and established that it was due to some debilitating
respondent. First, petitioner stated in her own Memorandum psychological condition or illness or that it was serious
before the RTC that she "did not sever her ties with enough as to prevent him from performing his essential
[respondent]."[58] Second, petitioner remitted money to marital obligations. As the Court pronounced in Suazo v.
respondent sometime in 1992 for the purchase of the Suazo[67]:
Morong property, where they eventually lived. Third, Ms.
De Guzman recounted in her Psychological Report that
sometime "[i]n 1992, Petitioner and Respondent started to Habitual drunkenness, gambling and refusal to find a job,
live [in] Morong, Rizal."[59] And fourth, petitioner married while indicative of psychological incapacity, do not, by
respondent on March 4, 1994, which would just be the day themselves, show psychological incapacity. All these simply
after she bought the Pila property. indicate difficulty, neglect or mere refusal to perform
marital obligations that, as the cited jurisprudence holds,
Petitioner further alleges that respondent meddled with the cannot be considered to be constitutive of psychological
purchase and registration of the Morong and Pila properties. incapacity in the absence of proof that these are
Although he did not make any monetary contribution at all manifestations of an incapacity rooted in some debilitating
for the said purchases, respondent registered the TCT of the psychological condition or illness.
Morong property in his name and as one of the owners in
the TCT of the Pila property. In addition, respondent
purportedly sold a portion of the Morong property without There is utter lack of factual basis for respondent's purported
petitioner's consent. But the Court notes that petitioner and sexual infidelity. Aside from petitioner's bare allegations, no
respondent had already deported themselves as husband and concrete proof was proffered in court to establish
wife long before the purchase of the Morong and Pila respondent's unfaithfulness to petitioner. Petitioner failed to
properties and their actual marriage. Petitioner had a direct provide details on respondent's supposed affairs, such as the
hand in the preparation of Michael's Certificate of Live names of the other women, how the affairs started or
Birth in 1989 and she made it to . appear therein that she and developed, and how she discovered the affairs. Ms. De
respondent were already married on December 27, 1988 in Guzman, in her Psychological Report, quoted respondent's
Pasay City. It is not inconceivable, therefore, that petitioner brother, Avelino, as saying that different women often
looked for and visited respondent at the latter's house after later on, for Michelle. Granting that Marites was primarily
petitioner and respondent separated, but this is still responsible for the children's care, there is no showing that a
insufficient evidence of respondent's marital infidelity. serious psychological disorder has rendered respondent
incognizant of and incapacitated to perform his parental
The Court already declared that sexual infidelity, by itself, is obligations to his children. There is no allegation, much less
not sufficient proof that a spouse is suffering from proof, that the children were deprived of their basic needs or
psychological incapacity. It must be shown that the acts of were placed in danger by reason of respondent's neglect or
unfaithfulness are manifestations of a disordered personality irresponsibility.
which makes the spouse completely unable to discharge the
essential obligations of marriage.[68] In Navales v. Petitioner additionally accuses respondent of taking her
Navales,[69] the Court still found no factual basis for the money and jewelry after their marital dispute sometime in
husband's claim that his wife, being flirtatious and sexually 2001, and submitted the Kasunduang Pag-aayos they
promiscuous, was psychologically incapacitated, regardless executed before the barangay in which respondent admitted
of the submitted psychological report concluding that the doing so. The submitted document recorded the exchange
wife was a nymphomaniac. The Court reasoned as follows: between the couple, thus:

The Court finds that the psychological report presented in VencidorO sige Yoly ibabalik ko yong alahas mo at pera
this case is insufficient to establish Nilda's psychological – mo magsimula uli tayo.
incapacity. In her report, Vatanagul concluded that Nilda is Ayoko na nga makisama sa iyo, basta ibalik mo na
Yoly –
a nymphomaniac, an emotionally immature individual, has a lang ang pera ko at mga alahas ko.
borderline personality, has strong sexual urges which are Vencidor
Paano naman ako dapat tayo ay hati.
incurable, has complete denial of her actual role as a wife, –
has a very weak conscience or superego, emotionally Yoly – O sige ibalik mo ang P150,000.00, at alahas ko.
immature, a social deviant, not a good wife as seen in her Vencidor
Gawin mo namang P300,000.00.
infidelity on several occasions, an alcoholic, suffers from –
anti-social personality disorder, fails to conform to social O sige gawin mo ng Tatlong daan, pati bahay sa
norms, deceitful, impulsive, irritable and aggressive, Yoly – Pila, Laguna jeep at trysikel sa iyo na umalis ka
irresponsible and vain. She further defined "nymphomania" lang ng bahay.
as a psychiatric disorder that involves a disturbance in motor Vencidor Saan naman ako uuwi, pero pansamantala lang ito
behavior as shown by her sexual relationship with various – di ba?
men other than her husband. Makikita mo pa naman ang mga anak mo, puwede
Yoly – mo rin naman dalawin kahit dalawang beses sa
The report failed to specify, however, the names of the isang lingo.
men Nilda had sexual relationship with or the Ayoko yata Yoly na magkahiwalay tayo paano
circumstances surrounding the same. As pointed out by na ako, sino ang mag-iintindi sa mga anak ko,

Nilda, there is not even a single proof that she was ever halimbawa na umalis ka uli papunta abroad.
involved in an illicit relationship with a man other than Ayoko na nga makisama sayo kung [di] ka aalis
Yoly –
her husband. Vatanagul claims, during her testimony, mapipilitan ako na itataas ko na ito kaso natin.
that in coming out with the report, she interviewed not Vencidor O sige kukunin ko ang pera sa bangko at ibibigay
only Reynaldo but also Jojo Caballes, Dorothy and – ko sa iyo dadalhin ko sa bahay.
Lesley who were Reynaldo's sister-in-law and sister, Yoly – Ang kikita (sic) ko lagi niyang sinisilip.
respectively, a certain Marvin and a certain Susan. Vencidor Dapat naman mag-asawa naman tayo kung ano
Vatanagul however, did not specify the identities of these – ang iyo ay akin rin yon di ba.
persons, which information were supplied by whom, and Yoly – Bakit mo kinuha ang pera ko [?]
how they came upon their respective informations. Ginalaw ko iyon kasi inuunahan mo ako. Di mo
Indeed, the conclusions drawn by the report are vague, ako pinalalapit pagtulog ay mag-asawa tayo. At
sweeping and lack sufficient factual bases. As the report yong Hapon palaging tumatawag, kaya naitago

lacked specificity, it failed to show the root cause of Nilda's ko ang mga alahas mo. Hinabol pa niyan ng
psychological incapacity; and failed to demonstrate that saksak.
there was a "natal or supervening disabling factor" or an Sinisiraan niya ako sa Hapon ay iyon ay mga
"adverse integral element" in Nilda's character that Yoly – kustomer ko. Masasakit ang mga sinasabi niya sa
effectively incapacitated her from accepting, and thereby kin.
complying with, the essential marital obligations, and that Vencidor
Binabalewala niya ako.
her psychological or mental malady existed even before the –
marriage, x x x. (Citations omitted.) Basta umalis ka na sa baliay at naibigay ko na sa
iyo ang [b]ahay sa [L]aguna, jeep, trysikel at pera
ano pa ang gusto mo[?] [S]a amin ng mga anak
Yoly –
That respondent delegated the care for the children to mo ang bahay sa Natividad St., Ibaba. Wala ka
Marites, petitioner's sister, does not necessarily constitute pakialam roon at ako ang nagpundar
neglect. While it is truly ideal that children be reared noon.[70] (Emphases supplied.)
personally by their parents, in reality, there are various
reasons which compel parents to employ the help of others,
such as a relative or hired nanny, to watch after the children. A perusal of the aforequoted verbal exchange between
In the instant case, it was actually petitioner who brought petitioner and respondent in the Kasunduang Pag-
Marites from Bicol to Manila to care for Michael, and also aayos, though, reveals that respondent only hid petitioner's
money and jewelry as a desperate attempt to stop petitioner reacted and responded to the doctor's probes.
from leaving him, taking with her the children. In fact,
respondent repeatedly expressed concern about saving their Dr. Tayag, in her report, merely summarized the petitioner's
marriage, offering to return the money and jewelry back to narrations, and on this basis characterized the respondent to
petitioner as long as they stay together. It was petitioner who be a self-centered, egocentric, and unremorseful person who
categorically stated that she no longer wanted to live with "believes that the world revolves around him"; and who
respondent, offering to the latter P300,000.00 cash, the Pila "used love as a . . . deceptive tactic for exploiting the
property, the jeepney and the tricycle, just for respondent to confidence [petitioner] extended towards him." Dr. Tayag
leave their marital home. then incorporated her own idea of "love"; made a
generalization that respondent was a person who "lacked
Petitioner asserts too that she had been physically abused by commitment, faithfulness, and remorse," and who engaged
respondent, but offers no substantiating evidence, such as "in promiscuous acts that made the petitioner look like a
details on the instances of abuse, pictures of her injuries, fool"; and finally concluded that the respondent's character
medico-legal report, or other witness' testimony. traits reveal "him to suffer Narcissistic Personality Disorder
with traces of Antisocial Personality Disorder declared to be
While the Court does not hold respondent totally without grave and incurable."
blame or free of shortcomings, but his failings as husband
and father are not tantamount to psychological incapacity We find these observations and conclusions insufficiently
which renders their marriage void from the very beginning. in-depth and comprehensive to warrant the conclusion that a
Worthy of reiterating herein is the declaration of the Court psychological incapacity existed that prevented the
in Agraviador v. Amparo-Agraviador[71] that: respondent from complying with the essential obligations of
marriage. It failed to identify the root cause of the
respondent's narcissistic personality disorder and to prove
These acts, in our view, do not rise to the level of that it existed at the inception of the marriage. Neither did it
psychological incapacity that the law requires, and should be explain the incapacitating nature of the alleged disorder, nor
distinguished from the "difficulty," if not outright "refusal" show that the respondent was really incapable of fulfilling
or "neglect," in the performance of some marital obligations his duties due to some incapacity of a psychological, not
that characterize some marriages. The intent of the law has physical, nature. Thus, we cannot avoid but conclude that
been to confine the meaning of psychological incapacity to Dr. Tayag's conclusion in her Report – i.e., that the
the most serious cases of personality disorders – existing at respondent suffered "Narcissistic Personality Disorder with
the time of the marriage – clearly demonstrating an utter traces of Antisocial Personality Disorder declared to be
insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to grave and incurable – is an unfounded statement, not a
the marriage. The psychological illness that must have necessary inference from her previous characterization and
afflicted a party at the inception of the marriage should be a portrayal of the respondent. While the various tests
malady so grave and permanent as to deprive one of administered on the petitioner could have been used as a fair
awareness of the duties and responsibilities of the gauge to assess her own psychological condition, this same
matrimonial bond he or she is about to assume. (Emphases statement cannot be made with respect to the respondent's
supplied, citations omitted.) condition. To make conclusions and generalizations on the
respondent's psychological condition based on the
information fed by only one side is. to our mind, not
Finally, the Court is not bound by Ms. De Guzman's different from admitting hearsay evidence as proof of the
Psychological Report. While the Court previously held that truthfulness of the content of such evidence.
"there is no requirement that the person to be declared
psychologically incapacitated be personally examined by a
physician," yet, this is qualified by the phrase, "if the totality The Court similarly rejected the psychiatric evaluation
of evidence presented is enough to sustain a finding of report presented by the petitioner in Agraviador for the
psychological incapacity."[72] The psychologist's findings following reasons:
must still be subjected to a careful and serious scrutiny as to
the bases of the same, particularly, the source/s of
information, as well as the methodology employed. The Court finds that Dr. Patac's Psychiatric Evaluation
Report fell short in proving that the respondent was
In Padilla-Rumbaua v. Rumbaua,[73] the Court did not give psychologically incapacitated to perform the essential
credence to the clinical psychologist's report because: marital duties. We emphasize that Dr. Patac did not
personally evaluate and examine the respondent; he, in fact,
recommended at the end of his Report for the respondent to
We cannot help but note that Dr. Tayag's conclusions about "undergo the same examination [that the petitioner]
the respondent's psychological incapacity were based on the underwent." Dr. Patac relied only on the information fed by
information fed to her by only one side – the petitioner – the petitioner, the parties' second child, Emmanuel, and
whose bias in favor of her cause cannot be doubted. While household helper, Sarah. Largely, the doctor relied on the
this circumstance alone does not disqualify the psychologist information provided by the petitioner. Thus, while his
for reasons of bias, her report, testimony and conclusions Report can be used as a fair gauge to assess the petitioner's
deserve the application of a more rigid and stringent set of own psychological condition (as he was, in fact, declared by
standards in the manner we discussed above. For, Dr. Patac to be psychologically capable to fulfill the
effectively, Dr. Tayag only diagnosed the respondent from essential obligations of marriage), the same statement
the prism of a third party account; she did not actually hear, cannot be made with respect to the respondent's condition.
see and evaluate the respondent and how he would have The methodology employed simply cannot satisfy the
required depth and comprehensiveness of the examination of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 89142
required to evaluate a party alleged to be suffering from a are AFFIRMED.
psychological disorder.
We do not suggest that a personal examination of the party REYES BAKUNAWA, RESPONDENT,
alleged to be psychologically incapacitated is mandatory.
We have confirmed in Marcos v. Marcos that the person
sought to be declared psychologically incapacitated must be RESOLUTION
personally examined by a psychologist as a condition sine REYES, JR., J:
qua non to arrive at such declaration. If a psychological For resolution of the Court is a petition for review
disorder can be proven by independent means, no reason
on certiorari[1] filed by Manuel R. Bakunawa III (Manuel)
exists why such independent proof cannot be admitted and
given credit. No such independent evidence appears on challenging the Decision[2]dated March 27, 2014 and
record, however, to have been gathered in this case. [74] Resolution[3] dated April 22, 2015 of the Court of Appeals
(CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 98579, which upheld the validity
of his marriage to Nora Reyes Bakunawa (Nora).
Much in the same way, the Court finds herein that Ms. De
Guzman's sources and methodology is' severely lacking the
requisite depth and comprehensiveness to judicially
establish respondent's psychological incapacity. Ms. De
The Facts
Guzman relied on the information given by petitioner;
Avelino, respondent's brother; Ramil Ereve, petitioner's
brother; an anonymous female cousin of petitioner;[75] and
the couple's neighbors who refused to give their Manuel and Nora met in 1974 at the University of the
names.[76] On the basis thereof, Ms. De Guzman determined Philippines where they were students and became
that respondent suffered from Narcissistic Personality sweethearts. When Nora became pregnant, she and Manuel
Disorder, the root cause of which, Ms. De Guzman traced got married on July 26, 1975 at St. Ignatius Church, Camp
back to respondent, as the youngest child in the family, Aguinaldo, Quezon City.[4]
being favored, praised, and indulged by his caregivers. From
there, Ms. De Guzman already concluded that respondent's
Because Manuel and Nora were both college undergraduates
disorder rendered it beyond his capacity to understand,
comply, and attend to his obligations in the marriage; was at that time, they lived with Manuel's parents. While Nora
present even before marriage; and was "pervasive, was able to graduate, Manuel had to stop his studies to help
permanent and clinically proven to be incurable." To put it his father in the family's construction business. Manuel was
simply, Ms. De Guzman is saying that respondent was a assigned to provincial projects and came home only during
spoiled child, and while it can be said that respondent has weekends. This setup continued even as Nora gave birth to
grown up to be a self-centered and self-indulgent adult, it their eldest child, Moncho Manuel (Moncho). However,
still falls short of establishing respondent's psychological
incapacity characterized by gravity, juridical antecedence, whenever Manuel came back from his provincial
and incurability, so as to render respondent's marriage to assignments, he chose to spend his limited time with friends
petitioner void ab initio. and girlfriends instead of his family. Nora resented this and
they started quarreling about Manuel's behavior. Worse,
All told, the Court agrees with the Court of Appeals in Manuel depended on his father and on Nora for their
declaring that the marriage of petitioner and respondent as family's needs.[5]
subsisting and valid. As the Court decreed in Republic v.
In 1976, Manuel and Nora lived separately from Manuel's
parents. It was during this period that Manuel first observed
The Constitution sets out a policy of protecting and Nora's passiveness and laziness; she was moody and
strengthening the family as the basic social institution, and mercurial. Their house was often dirty and disorderly. Thus,
marriage is the foundation of the family. Marriage, as an Manuel became more irritated with Nora and their verbal
inviolable institution protected by the State, cannot be quarrels escalated to physical violence.[6]
dissolved at the whim of the parties. In petitions for the
declaration of nullity of marriage, the burden of proof to
show the nullity of marriage lies with the plaintiff. Unless On May 9, 1977, Nora gave birth to their second child.
the evidence presented clearly reveals a situation where the However, nothing changed in their relationship. Manuel
parties, or one of them, could not have validly entered into a spent most of his time with friends and engaged in drinking
marriage by reason of a grave and serious psychological sprees. In 1979, he had an extramarital affair and seldom
illness existing at the time it was celebrated, we are came home. He eventually left Nora and their children in
compelled to uphold the indissolubility of the marital tie. 1980 to cohabit with his girlfriend. They considered
themselves separated.[7]
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for
Review on Certiorari is DENIED. The assailed Decision In 1985, Manuel, upon Nora's request, bought a house for
dated June 21, 2010 and Resolution dated August 24, 2010 her and their children. After Manuel spent a few nights with
them in the new house, Nora became pregnant again and
thereafter gave birth to their third child.[8]
The CA, in its Decision[14] dated March 27, 2014, granted
On June 19, 2008, Manuel filed a petition for declaration of Nora's appeal and reversed the RTC decision. The decretal
nullity of marriage with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of portion of the decision states:
Quezon City,[9] on the ground that he and Nora are
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential
obligations of marriage. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal
filed by [Nora] is GRANTED. The Decision dated March
Manuel presented a psychiatrist, Dr. Cecilia Villegas (Dr. 28, 2011 of the RTC, National Capital Judicial Region in
Villegas), who testified that Manuel has Intermittent Civil Case No. Q-08-62822 is REVERSED and SET
Explosive Disorder, characterized by irritability and ASIDE.
aggressive behavior that is not proportionate to the cause.
Dr. Villegas diagnosed Nora with Passive Aggressive SO ORDERED.[15]
Personality Disorder, marked by a display of negative
The CA denied Manuel's motion for
attitude and passive resistance in her relationship with
reconsideration[16] through a Resolution[17] dated April 22,
Manuel. Her findings were based on her interview with
Manuel and the parties' eldest son, Moncho, because Nora
did not participate in the psychological assessment.[10]
Manuel filed the present petition raising the following
Manuel alleges in his petition that he continues to live with
his common-law wife and has a son with her, whereas, Nora
lives alone in her unit in Cubao, Quezon City. Their house
and lot was already foreclosed following Nora's failure to
pay a loan secured by a mortgage on the said property. [11] OF THE PARTIES DESPITE MORE THAN

The RTC granted the petition in its Decision[12] dated March II. THE HONORABLE CA ERRED WHEN IT
28, 2011. The dispositive portion thereof reads: FAILED TO RECONSIDER ITS DECISION
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby-
rendered declaring the marriage between MANUEL R.
Ruling of the Court
and void ab initio under Article 36 of the Family Code.
As the CA correctly ruled, the totality of evidence presented
by Manuel comprising of his testimony and that of Dr.
The Office of the City Civil Registrar of Quezon City is
Villegas, as well as the latter's psychological evaluation
hereby ordered to make entries into the records of the
report, is insufficient to prove that he and Nora are
respective parties pursuant to the judgment of the Court.
psychologically incapacitated to perform the essential
obligations of marriage.
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished upon the Office of
Solicitor General, the Office of the City Prosecutor of
Dr. Villegas' conclusion that Manuel is afflicted with
Quezon City, the Office of the Civil Registrars of Quezon
Intermittent Explosive Disorder and that Nora has Passive
City, and the National Statistics Office, as well as the parties
Aggressive Personality Disorder which render them
and counsel.
psychologically incapacitated under Article 36 of the Family
Code,[19] is solely based on her interviews with Manuel and
the parties' eldest child, Moncho. Consequently, the CA did
Nora appealed the RTC decision to the CA, arguing inter not err in not according probative value to her psychological
alia that the RTC erred in finding that the testimony of the evaluation report and testimony.
psychiatrist is sufficient to prove the parties' psychological
incapacity. In Republic of the Philippines v. Galang,[20] the Court held
that "[i]f the incapacity can be proven by independent
means, no reason exists why such independent proof cannot
be admitted to support a conclusion of psychological
Ruling of the CA incapacity, independently of a psychologist's examination
and report."[21] In Toring v. Toring, et al.,[22] the Court stated belonging to the deceased together with others exclusively
that: owned by petitioner. It was averred that in these
circumstances the appointment of a special administrator to
take custody and care of the interests of the deceased
Other than from the spouses, such evidence can come from pending appointment of a regular administrator became an
persons intimately related to them, such as relatives, close urgent necessity.
friends or even family doctors or lawyers who could testify
on the allegedly incapacitated spouses' condition at or about
the time of marriage, or to subsequent occurring events that
trace their roots to the incapacity already present at the time ISSUE: Can petitioner claim ownership.
of marriage.[23]

In this case, the only person interviewed by Dr. Villegas

HELD: Until such right to co-ownership is duly established,
aside from Manuel for the spouses' psychological evaluation
petitioner's interests in the property in controversy cannot be
was Moncho, who could not be considered as a reliable
considered the "present right" or title that would make
witness to establish the psychological incapacity of his
available the protection or aid afforded by a writ of
parents in relation to Article 36 of the Family Code, since he
injunction. For, the existence of a clear positive right
could not have been there at the time his parents were
especially calling for judicial protection is wanting.
Injunction indeed, is not to protect contingent or future
rights; nor is it a remedy to enforce an abstract right.
The Court also notes that Dr. Villegas did not administer
Common-law wife was not able to prove that they jointly
any psychological tests on Manuel despite having had the
bought the property in Forbes Park so it belonged to the
opportunity to do so. While the Court has declared that there
legal marriage.
is no requirement that the person to be declared
psychologically incapacitated should be personally
examined by a physician,[24] much less be subjected to MINORU FUJIKI v. MARIA PAZ GALELA MARINAY,
psychological tests, this rule finds application only if the GR No. 196049, 2013-06-26
totality of evidence presented is enough to sustain a finding
of psychological incapacity. In this case, the supposed
personality disorder of Manuel could have been established Petitioner Minoru Fujiki (Fujiki) is a Japanese national who
by means of psychometric and neurological tests which are married respondent Maria Paz Galela Marinay (Marinay) in
the Philippines[2] on 23 January 2004. The marriage did not
objective means designed to measure specific aspects of
sit well with petitioner's parents. Thus, Fujiki could not
people's intelligence, thinking, or personality.[25] bring his wife to

With regard to the Confirmatory Decree[26] of the National Japan where he resides. Eventually, they lost contact with
each other.
Tribunal of Appeals, which affirmed the decision of the
Metropolitan Tribunal of First Instance for the Archdiocese In 2008, Marinay met another Japanese, Shinichi Maekara
of Manila in favor of nullity of the Catholic marriage of (Maekara). Without the first marriage being dissolved,
Marinay and Maekara were married on 15 May 2008 in
Manuel and Nora, the Court accords the same with great
Quezon City, Philippines. Maekara brought Marinay to
respect but does not consider the same as controlling and Japan. However, Marinay allegedly suffered physical abuse
decisive, in line with prevailing jurisprudence.[27] from
Maekara. She left Maekara and started to contact Fujiki.[3]
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DENIED.
The Decision dated March 27, 2014 and Resolution dated Fujiki and Marinay met in Japan and they were able to
April 22, 2015 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. reestablish their relationship. In 2010, Fujiki helped Marinay
98579 are AFFIRMED. obtain a judgment from a family court in Japan which
declared the marriage between Marinay and Maekara void
on the ground of bigamy.[4] On
14 January 2011, Fujiki filed a petition in the RTC entitled:
Yaptinchay v. Torres, 28 SCRA 489 "Judicial Recognition of Foreign Judgment (or Decree of
FACTS: Teresita C. Yaptinchay alleged that the deceased Absolute Nullity of Marriage)." Fujiki prayed that (1) the
Isidro Yaptinchay had lived with her continuously, openly Japanese Family Court judgment be recognized; (2) that the
bigamous marriage between Marinay and
and publicly as husband and wife for 19 year. The deceased
died without a will left an estate consisting of personal and Maekara be declared void ab initio under Articles 35(4) and
real properties situated in the Philippines, Hongkong and 41 of the Family Code of the Philippines;[5] and (3) for the
other places with an estimated value of about P500,000. The RTC to direct the Local Civil Registrar of Quezon City to
annotate the Japanese Family Court judgment on the
deceased left three daughters, Virginia Yaptinchay, Mary
Certificate of
Yaptinchay Eligir and Asuncion Yaptinchay, who carted
away from the residences aforesaid personal properties
Marriage between Marinay and Maekara and to endorse Principles:
such annotation to the Office of the Administrator and Civil
Registrar General in the National Statistics Office (NSO). Civil Law

the RTC immediately issued an Order dismissing the A foreign judgment relating to the status of a marriage
petition affects the civil status, condition and legal capacity of its
parties. However, the effect of a foreign judgment is not
The RTC cited the following provisions of the Rule on automatic. To extend the effect of a foreign judgment in the
Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Philippines, Philippine courts must... determine if the
foreign judgment is consistent with domestic public policy
Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages (A.M. No. and other mandatory laws.[60] Article 15 of the Civil Code
02-11-10-SC) provides that "[l]aws relating to family rights and duties, or
Fujiki moved that the Order be reconsidered. to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are...
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living
The... petitioner contended that the Japanese judgment was abroad." This is the rule of lex nationalii in private
consistent with Article 35(4) of the Family Code of the international law. Thus, the Philippine State may require, for
Philippines[11] on bigamy and was therefore entitled to effectivity in the Philippines, recognition by Philippine
recognition by Philippine courts.[12] courts of a foreign judgment... affecting its citizen, over
Issues: whom it exercises personal jurisdiction relating to the status,
condition and legal capacity of such citizen.
Whether the Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of
Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages A petition to recognize a foreign judgment declaring a
(A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC) is applicable. marriage void does not require relitigation under a
Philippine court of the case as if it were a new petition for
Ruling: declaration of nullity of marriage. Philippine courts cannot
presume to know the foreign laws under which the... foreign
A foreign judgment relating to the status of a marriage
judgment was rendered. They cannot substitute their
affects the civil status, condition and legal capacity of its
judgment on the status, condition and legal capacity of the
parties. However, the effect of a foreign judgment is not
foreign citizen who is under the jurisdiction of another state.
automatic. To extend the effect of a foreign judgment in the
Thus, Philippine courts can only recognize the foreign
Philippines, Philippine courts must... determine if the
judgment as a fact according to... the rules of evidence.
foreign judgment is consistent with domestic public policy
and other mandatory laws.[60] Article 15 of the Civil Code Garcia-Quiazon v. Belen
provides that "[l]aws relating to family rights and duties, or
to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are... Amelia Garcia-Quiazon, Jenneth Quiazon and Maria
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living Jennifer Quiazon v. Ma. Lourdes Belen, for and in behalf of
abroad." This is the rule of lex nationalii in private Maria Lourdes Elise Quiazon
international law. Thus, the Philippine State may require, for G.R. No. 189121, July 31, 2013
effectivity in the Philippines, recognition by Philippine Perez, J.
courts of a foreign judgment... affecting its citizen, over
whom it exercises personal jurisdiction relating to the status,
condition and legal capacity of such citizen. Eliseo died intestate on 12 December 1992. On 12
A petition to recognize a foreign judgment declaring a September 1994, Maria Lourdes Elise Quiazon (Elise),
marriage void does not require relitigation under a represented by her mother, Ma. Lourdes Belen (Lourdes),
Philippine court of the case as if it were a new petition for filed a Petition for Letters of Administration before the
declaration of nullity of marriage. Philippine courts cannot Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Las Piñas City.
presume to know the foreign laws under which the... foreign In her Petition, Elise claims that she is the natural child of
judgment was rendered. They cannot substitute their Eliseo having been conceived and born at the time when her
judgment on the status, condition and legal capacity of the parents were both capacitated to marry each other. Insisting
foreign citizen who is under the jurisdiction of another state. on the legal capacity of Eliseo and Lourdes to marry, Elise
Thus, Philippine courts can only recognize the foreign impugned the validity of Eliseo’s marriage to Amelia by
judgment as a fact according to... the rules of evidence. claiming that it was bigamous for having been contracted
There is therefore no reason to disallow Fujiki to simply during the subsistence of the latter’s marriage with one
prove as a fact the Japanese Family Court judgment Filipito Sandico (Filipito).
nullifying the marriage between Marinay and Maekara on
the ground of bigamy. While the Philippines has no divorce To prove her filiation to the decedent, Elise, among others,
law, the Japanese Family Court judgment is fully... attached to the Petition for Letters of Administration her
consistent with Philippine public policy, as bigamous Certificate of Live Birth signed by Eliseo as her father. In
marriages are declared void from the beginning under the same petition, it was alleged that Eliseo left real
Article 35(4) of the Family Code. Bigamy is a crime under properties worth ₱2,040,000.00 and personal properties
Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code. Thus, Fujiki can worth ₱2,100,000.00. In order to preserve the estate of
prove the existence of the Japanese Family Court Eliseo and to prevent the dissipation of its value, Elise
judgment... in accordance with Rule 132, Sections 24 and sought her appointment as administratrix of her late father’s
25, in relation to Rule 39, Section 48(b) of the Rules of estate.
WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition.
ISSUE: she revealed that she recognized the named witnesses to the
marriage as she had met them while she was working as a
Did the Court err in declaring the marriage of Amelia to receptionist in Tadels Pension House.
Eliseo void?
her name was... used by a certain Johnny Singh, who owned
HELD: a travel agency, whom she gave her personal circumstances
in order for her to obtain a passport.
No. The existence of a previous marriage between Amelia
and Filipito was sufficiently established by no less than the Respondent also presented as witness a certain Eufrocina
Certificate of Marriage issued by the Diocese of Tarlac and Natinga, an employee of MTCC, Branch 1, who confirmed
signed by the officiating priest of the Parish of San Nicolas that... the marriage of Ye Son Sune was indeed celebrated in
de Tolentino in Capas, Tarlac. The said marriage certificate their office, but claimed that the alleged wife who appeared
is a competent evidence of marriage and the certification was definitely not respondent.
from the National Archive that no information relative to the
a document examiner testified that the signature appearing
said marriage exists does not diminish the probative value of
in the marriage contract was... forged.
the entries therein.
RTC granted petition
in a void marriage, no marriage has taken place and it
cannot be the source of rights, such that any interested party RTC rendered the assailed Decision
may attack the marriage directly or collaterally without Petitioner, however, moved for the reconsideration of the
prescription, which may be filed even beyond the lifetime of assailed Decision on the grounds that: (1) there was no
the parties to the marriage. Relevant to the foregoing, there clerical spelling, typographical and other innocuous errors in
is no doubt that Elise, whose successional rights would be the marriage contract for it to fall within the provisions of
prejudiced by her father’s marriage to Amelia, may impugn Rule 108 of the Rules of Court; and
the existence of such marriage even after the death of her
father. The said marriage may be questioned directly by (2) granting the cancellation of all the entries in the wife
filing an action attacking the validity thereof, or collaterally portion of the alleged marriage contract is, in effect,
by raising it as an issue in a proceeding for the settlement of declaring the marriage void ab initio
the estate of the deceased spouse, such as in the case at bar.
Ineluctably, Elise, as a compulsory heir, has a cause of Issues:
action for the declaration of the absolute nullity of the void whether or not the cancellation of entries in the marriage
marriage of Eliseo and Amelia, and the death of either party contract which, in effect, nullifies the... marriage may be
to the said marriage does not extinguish such cause of undertaken in a Rule 108 proceeding.
We deny the petition.
189538, 2014-02-10 Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides the procedure for
cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry. The
proceedings may either be summary or adversary. If the
Merlinda L. Olaybar's petition for cancellation of entries in correction is clerical, then the procedure to be adopted is
the latter's marriage contract... the assailed Order denied the summary. If the rectification affects... the civil status,
motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner Republic of citizenship or nationality of a party, it is deemed substantial,
the and the procedure to be adopted is adversary.
Philippines through the Office of the Solicitor General Republic v. Valencia[19] in 1986, the Court has repeatedly
(OSG). ruled that "even substantial... errors in a civil registry may
be corrected through a petition filed under Rule 108, with
Respondent requested from the National Statistics Office the true facts established and the parties aggrieved by the
(NSO) a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) as one of error availing themselves of the appropriate adversarial
the requirements for her marriage with her boyfriend of five proceeding.
years. Upon receipt thereof, she discovered that she was
already married to a certain An appropriate adversary suit or... proceeding is one where
the trial court has conducted proceedings where all relevant
Ye Son Sune, a Korean National, on June 24, 2002, at the facts have been fully and properly developed, where
Office of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), opposing counsel have been given opportunity to demolish
Palace of Justice. She denied having contracted said the opposite party's case, and where the evidence has been
marriage and claimed that she did not know the alleged thoroughly weighed and... considered.
husband; she did not appear before the solemnizing...
officer; and, that the signature appearing in the marriage as long as the procedural requirements in Rule 108 are
certificate is not hers. followed, it is the... appropriate adversary proceeding to
effect substantial corrections and changes in entries of the
During trial, respondent testified on her behalf and civil register
explained that she could not have appeared before Judge
Mamerto Califlores, the supposed solemnizing officer, at the In this case, the entries made in the wife portion of the
time the marriage was allegedly celebrated, because she was certificate of marriage are admittedly the personal
then in Makati working as a medical... distributor in Hansao circumstances of respondent. The latter, however, claims
Pharma. that her signature was forged and she was not the one who
contracted marriage with the purported husband. In... other
words, she claims that no such marriage was entered into or FACTS:
if there was, she was not the one who entered into such
contract. It must be recalled that when respondent tried to Dorothy Terre was then married to a certain Merlito
obtain a CENOMAR from the NSO, it appeared that she Bercenillo, her first cousin. Atty. Jordan Terre successfully
was married to a certain Ye Son Sune. She... then sought the convinced Dorothy that her marriage was void ab initio for
cancellation of entries in the wife portion of the marriage the reason of public policy and that they are free to contract
certificate. marriage. They got married in 1977 where he wrote single
under Dorothy’s status. After getting Dorothy pregnant,
Aside from the certificate of marriage, no such evidence was Atty. Terre abandoned them and subsequently contracted
presented to show the existence of marriage. Rather, another marriage to Helina Malicdem in 1986. Atty. Terre
respondent showed by overwhelming evidence that no was charged with abandonment of minor and bigamy.
marriage was entered into and that she was not even aware
of such existence. The testimonial and documentary... ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Terre’s marriage with Dorothy
evidence clearly established that the only "evidence" of is null and void.
marriage which is the marriage certificate was a forgery.
in allowing the correction of the subject certificate of HELD:
marriage by cancelling the wife portion thereof, the trial
court did not, in any way, declare... the marriage void as Dorothy’s first marriage is indeed void ab initio considering
there was no marriage to speak of. that Merlito is her first cousin thereby against public policy.
However, she did not file any declaration for the nullity of
Principles: their marriage before she contracted her marriage with Atty.
Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides the procedure for Terre thus, her second marriage is void. Article 40 states
cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry. The that the absolute nullity of a former marriage may be
proceedings may either be summary or adversary. If the invoked for the purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of
correction is clerical, then the procedure to be adopted is a final judgment declaring such previous marriage void.
summary. If the rectification affects... the civil status,
citizenship or nationality of a party, it is deemed substantial, VERONICO TENEBRO, petitioner, v.
and the procedure to be adopted is adversary. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS,
Republic v. Valencia[19] in 1986, the Court has repeatedly G.R. No. 150758. February 18, 2004.
ruled that "even substantial... errors in a civil registry may
be corrected through a petition filed under Rule 108, with
the true facts established and the parties aggrieved by the
error availing themselves of the appropriate adversarial
proceeding. Petitioner Veronico Tenebro contracted marriage with
private complainant Leticia Ancajas on April 10, 1990. The
Weigel vs Sempio-Diy two were wed by Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. of the City
Trial Court of Lapu-lapu City. Tenebro and Ancajas lived
FACTS: together continuously and without interruption until the
Karl Heinz Weigel asked for the declaration of Nullity of his latter part of 1991, when Tenebro informed Ancajas that he
marriage with Lilia Oliva Weigel on the ground that the had been previously married to a certain Hilda Villareyes on
latter has existing marriage with Eduardo A. Maxion. November 10, 1986. Tenebro showed Ancajas a photocopy
of a marriage contract between him and Villareyes. Invoking
Lilia claimed that prior marriage was null and void because this previous marriage, petitioner thereafter left
she and Eduardo were forced to enter said marital union. the conjugal dwelling which he shared with Ancajas, stating
She likewise alleged that Eduardo was married to someone that he was going to cohabit with Villareyes.
On January 25, 1993, petitioner contracted yet another
ISSUE: marriage, this one with a certain Nilda Villegas, before
Whether or not Karl's marriage with Lilia is void. Judge German Lee, Jr. of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu
City, Branch 15. When Ancajas learned of this third
RULING: marriage, she verified from Villareyes whether the latter was
indeed married to petitioner. In a handwritten letter,
Yes. It was not necessary for Lilia to prove that her first Villareyes confirmed that petitioner, Veronico Tenebro, was
marriage was vitiated with force because it will not be void indeed her husband.
but merely voidable(Art. 85, Civil Code). Such marriage is
valid until annulled. Since no annulment has yet been made,
Ancajas thereafter filed a complaint for bigamy against
it is clear that when she married Karl, she is still validly
married to her first husband. Consequently, her marriage
The trial court rendered a decision finding the accused guilty
to Karl is void. Likewise, there is no need of introducing
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of bigamy. On appeal,
evidence on Lilia's prior marriage for then such marriage
the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court.
though void still needs a judicial declaration before she can
remarry. Accordingly, Karl and Lilia’s marriage are
regarded void under the law. Issue:
Terre vs. Terre
211 SCRA 6 Whether or not the court erred in convicting the accused for
the crime of bigamy despite clear proof that the marriage
between the accused and private complainant had been Antipolo City itself declared the bigamous nature of the
declared null and void ab initio and without legal force and second marriage between petitioner and

private respondent. Thus, the subsequent judicial declaration
As such, an individual who contracts a second or subsequent of the second marriage for being bigamous in nature does
marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage is not bar the prosecution of petitioner for the crime of bigamy.
criminally liable for bigamy, notwithstanding the subsequent
declaration that the second marriage is void ab initio on the SALLY GO-BANGAYAN vs. BENJAMIN BANGAYAN,
ground of psychological incapacity. JR. CASE DIGEST [G.R. No. 201061, July 3, 2013,
As a second or subsequent marriage contracted during the
subsistence of petitioner’s valid marriage to Villareyes, TOPIC: Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage
petitioner’s marriage to Ancajas would be null and void ab (Article 148)
initio completely regardless of petitioner’s psychological
capacity or incapacity. Since a marriage contracted during
the subsistence of a valid marriage is automatically void, the DOCTRINE: Benjamin and Sally cohabitated without the
nullity of this second marriage is not per se an argument for benefit of marriage. Thus, only the properties acquired by
the avoidance of criminal liability for bigamy. them through their actual joint contribution of money,
property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in
Thus, as soon as the second marriage to Ancajas was proportion to their respective contributions, in accord with
celebrated on April 10, 1990, during the subsistence of the Article 148.
valid first marriage, the crime of bigamy had already been
consummated. Moreover, the declaration of the nullity of FACTS: Benjamin and Sally developed a romantic
the second marriage on the ground of psychological relationship in 1979. Sally’s father was against the
incapacity is not an indicator that petitioner’s marriage to relationship. Sally brought Benjamin to an office in
Ancajas lacks the essential requisites for validity. In this Santolan, Pasig City where they signed a purported marriage
case, all the essential and formal requisites for the validity of contract. Sally, knowing Benjamin’s marital status, assured
marriage were satisfied by petitioner and Ancajas. Both him that the marriage contract would not be registered. Sally
were over eighteen years of age, and they voluntarily filed criminal actions for bigamy and falsification of public
contracted the second marriage with the required license documents against Benjamin, using their simulated marriage
before Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. of the City Trial Court of contract as evidence. Benjamin, in turn, filed a petition for
Lapu-lapu City, in the presence of at least two witnesses. declaration of a non-existent marriage and/or declaration of
The decision of the Court of Appeals convicting petitioner nullity of marriage before the trial court on the ground that
Veronico Tenebro of the crime of Bigamy is AFFIRMED. his marriage to Sally was bigamous and that it lacked the
formal requisites to a valid marriage. Benjamin also asked
Capili vs People GR 183805 the trial court for the partition of the properties he acquired
FACTS: On June 28, 2004, petitioner was charged with the with Sally in accordance with Article 148 of the Family
crime of bigamy before the RTC of Pasig City. Petitioner Code, for his appointment as administrator of the properties
thereafter filed a Motion to Suspend Proceedings alleging during the pendency of the case, and for the declaration of
Bernice and Bentley as illegitimate children. A total of 44
that: (1) there is a pending civil case for declaration of
registered properties became the subject of the partition
nullity of the second marriage before the RTC of Antipolo before the trial court. Aside from the seven properties
City filed by Karla Y. Medina-Capili; (2) in the event that enumerated by Benjamin in his petition, Sally named 37
the marriage is declared null and void, it would exculpate properties in her answer.
him from the charge of bigamy; and (3) the pendency of the
civil case for the declaration of nullity of the second The trial court ruled that the marriage was not recorded with
marriage serves as a prejudicial question in the instant the local civil registrar and the National Statistics Office
criminal case. because it could not be registered due to Benjamin’s
subsisting marriage with Azucena. The trial court ruled that
the marriage between Benjamin and Sally was not
ISSUE: Whether or not the subsequent declaration of nullity
of the second marriage is a ground for dismissal of the ISSUES:
criminal case for bigamy.

1. Whether the marriage between Benjamin and Sally are

void for not having a marriage license
RULING: NO. It is undisputed that a second marriage 2. Whether Art. 148 should govern Benjamin and Sally’s
between petitioner and private respondent was contracted on property relations
December 8, 1999 during the subsistence of a valid first
3. Whether bigamy was committed by the petitioner
marriage between petitioner and Karla Y. Medina-Capili
contracted on September 3, 1999. Notably, the RTC of
HELD: As regards the seven remaining properties, we rule that the
decision of the CA is more in accord with the evidence on
record. Only the property covered by TCT No. 61722 was
1. YES. registered in the names of Benjamin and Sally as spouses.
The properties under TCT Nos. 61720 and 190860 were in
We see no inconsistency in finding the marriage between the name of Benjamin with the descriptive title “married to
Benjamin and Sally null and void ab initio and, at the same Sally.” The property covered by CCT Nos. 8782 and 8783
time, non-existent. Under Article 35 of the Family Code, a were registered in the name of Sally with the descriptive
marriage solemnized without a license, except those covered title “married to Benjamin” while the properties under TCT
by Article 34 where no license is necessary, “shall be void Nos. N-193656 and 253681 were registered in the name of
from the beginning.” In this case, the marriage between Sally as a single individual. We have ruled that the words
Benjamin and Sally was solemnized without a license. It “married to” preceding the name of a spouse are merely
was duly established that no marriage license was issued to descriptive of the civil status of the registered owner. Such
them and that Marriage License No. N-07568 did not match words do not prove co-ownership. Without proof of actual
the marriage license numbers issued by the local civil contribution from either or both spouses, there can be no co-
registrar of Pasig City for the month of February 1982. The ownership under Article 148 of the Family Code.
case clearly falls under Section 3 of Article 35which made
their marriage void ab initio. The marriage between
Benjamin and Sally was also non-existent. Applying the 3. NO.
general rules on void or inexistent contracts under Article
1409 of the Civil Code, contracts which are absolutely On whether or not the parties’ marriage is bigamous under
simulated or fictitious are “inexistent and void from the the concept of Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code, the
beginning.” Thus, the Court of Appeals did not err in marriage is not bigamous. It is required that the first or
sustaining the trial court’s ruling that the marriage between former marriage shall not be null and void. The marriage of
Benjamin and Sally was null and void ab initio and non- the petitioner to Azucena shall be assumed as the one that is
existent. valid, there being no evidence to the contrary and there is no
trace of invalidity or irregularity on the face of their
2. YES. marriage contract. However, if the second marriage was
void not because of the existence of the first marriage but
for other causes such as lack of license, the crime of bigamy
The property relations of Benjamin and Sally is governed by
was not committed. For bigamy to exist, the second or
Article 148 of the Family Code which states: Art. 148. In
subsequent marriage must have all the essential requisites
cases of cohabitation not falling under the preceding Article,
for validity except for the existence of a prior marriage.In
only the properties acquired by both of the parties through
their actual joint contribution of money, property, or this case, there was really no subsequent
industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to marriage. Benjamin and Sally just signed a purported
marriage contract without a marriage license. The supposed
their respective contributions. In the absence of proof to the
marriage was not recorded with the local civil registrar and
contrary, their contributions and corresponding shares are
the National Statistics Office. In short, the marriage between
presumed to be equal. The same rule and presumption shall
Benjamin and Sally did not exist. They lived together and
apply to joint deposits of money and evidences of credit.
represented themselves as husband and wife without the
benefit of marriage.
If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her
share in the co-ownership shall accrue to the absolute
130 Phil. 528
community of conjugal partnership existing in such valid
marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly
married to another, his or her share shall be forfeited in the
manner provided in the last paragraph of the preceding REYES, J. B. L., J.:
Article. On February 4, 1963, Gloria G. Jocson commenced in the
Juvenile 6 Domestic Relations Court an action for the
The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even if annulment of marriage to Ricardo R. Robles (Civ. Case
both parties are in bad faith. No. E-00013), on the ground that it was bigamous. It was
alleged in the amended complaint previous to his marriage
to plaintiff on May 27, 1958, defendants Robles had
Benjamin and Sally cohabitated without the benefit of contracted a first marriage with Josefina Fausto, who had
marriage. Thus, only the properties acquired by them instituted a criminal action for Bigamy against the same
through their actual joint contribution of money, property, or defendant in the Court of First Instance of Manila (Crim.
industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to Case No. 64124). Plaintiff also demanded from the
their respective contributions. Thus, both the trial court and defendant moral and exemplary damages, attorneys' fees,
the Court of Appeals correctly excluded the 37 properties and costs, claiming that during their cohabitation, she was
being claimed by Sally which were given by Benjamin’s subjected to physical maltreatment by her husband, resulting
father to his children as advance inheritance. Sally’s Answer in the premature birth of their first child, who died three
to the petition before the trial court even admitted that days later.
“Benjamin’s late father himself conveyed a number of
properties to his children and their respective spouses which In his answer, defendant also assailed the validity of the
included Sally x x x.” marriage. But he charged plaintiffs' parents
with having compelled him by force, threat and
intimidation, to contract that marriage with her
notwithstanding their knowledge that he is a married man; affidavits annexed to the petition for summary judgment
and that said threat and intimidation allegedly persisted until practically amount to these methods not countenanced by
January, 1963 when he was finally able to get away and live the Civil Code.
apart from the plaintiff.
FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS, this proceeding is
Thereafter, defendant filed a motion for summary judgment, hereby dismissed conformable to Section (a) of Revised
on the ground that no genuine issue of fact is involved in the Rule 50 of the Rules of Court, and the judgment appealed
case. It was claimed that defendant's contention, that his from is affirmed. Costs against the appellant.
consent to the marriage was secured by force and
intimidation employed upon his person by the relatives of 155 Phil. 1
plaintiff, was allegedly supported by the joint affidavit of
plaintiff's father and brother, dated October 28, 1963,
attached to the motion (pp. 22-32, Record on MAKASIAR, J.:
Appeal). Plaintiff, on the other hand, submitted the case for Petitioner prays for the nullification of the order dated July
judgment on the pleadings. 29, 1963 of the respondent judge of the Juvenile and
On December 23, 1963, defendant's motion for summary Domestic Relations Court of Manila.
judgment was denied, the court ruling that before it can pass
upon plaintiff's prayer for the declaration of nullity of her On April 26, 1962, petitioner Romulo Tolentino filed a suit
marriage to defendant, there is necessity for proof that when for annulment of his marriage to private respondent Helen
he contracted marriage with plaintiff, defendant Robles had Villanueva, alleging that his consent was obtained through
a previous and subsisting valid marriage. The evidentiary fraud because immediately after the marriage celebration, he
requirement to establish these facts, according to the court, discovered that private respondent was pregnant despite the
was not met in the motion for summary fact that he had no sexual relations with her prior to the
judgment. Defendant's plea to have his marriage declared as marriage ceremony; and that they did not live as husband
having been brought about by force and intimidation, was and wife as immediately after the marriage celebration,
also denied, the court finding indications of collusion Helen Villanueva left his house and her whereabouts
between the parties in their attempt to secure the remained unknown to him until January, 1962 when he
nullification of said marriage. Reconsideration of this order, discovered that she is residing in San Francisco, Cebu. Said
sought by defendant, was denied on January 18, 1964. And, marriage was solemnized by Quezon City Judge Mariano R.
when both parties failed to appear at the scheduled hearing Virtucio on September 28, 1959. Said case was docketed as
on March 9, 1964, the court directed the dismissal of the Civil Case No. 43347 of the Juvenile and Domestic
action. Relations Court of Manila.

On April 17, 1964, defendant notified the court below of his Despite the fact that she was served with summons and copy
intention to appeal to this Court from the abovementioned of the complaint, Helen failed to file a responsive pleading,
orders of December 23, 1963, January 18, 1964, and March for which reason petitioner filed on June 13, 1962 a motion
9, 1964. The appeal bond and amended record on appeal, to declare her in default and to set the date for the
dated April 15, 1964, were thereafter approved. presentation of his evidence.
It is noted that, as specified in the notice of appeal, In an order dated June 28, 1962, respondent Judge declared
defendant is taking exception from the lower court's orders private respondent in default, but, pursuant to the provision
of December 23, 1963, January 18, 1964, and March 9, of Articles 88 and 101 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
1964; however, there is no indication or certification or referred the case to the City Fiscal of Manila for
proof that the filing of the appeal notice, bond and record on investigation to determine whether collusion exists between
appeal on April 17, 1964 were made within the parties, directing the City Fiscal to submit his report
the reglementary period, as required by the provisions of within sixty (60) days from receipt thereof, and, in the event
Section 6, Revised Rule 41 of the Rules of of a negative finding, to represent the State at the trial of the
Court. Thereunder, the record on appeal must contain, not case to prevent fabrication of evidence; and likewise
only the full names of all the parties to the proceeding, as directed herein petitioner to furnish the City Fiscal with
well as the pleadings, petitions, motions and orders related copies of the complaint and such other documents necessary
to the order or judgment subject of the anneal and which are for the City Fiscal's information and guidance.
necessary for the proper understanding of the issue involved
therein, but also "such data as will show that the appeal was On July 3, 1962, thru counsel, petitioner submitted to the
perfected on time." This requirement, incorporated in the City Fiscal only a copy of his complaint.
new Rules of Court to enable the appellate courts to
determine without protracted inquiry whether an appeal was Assistant City Fiscal Rafael A. Jose, assigned to the case,
timely made or not, was held to be jurisdictional, failure to issued a subpoena to petitioner's counsel requiring him to
comply with which shall cause the dismissal of the bring petitioner with him as well as copies of other
appeal.[1] There is here no showing that the present appeal documents in connection with the annulment case on August
was perfected within the reglementary period, which datum 27, 1962 at 10:00 A.M.
should have appeared in the record on appeal.
On the merits, we are satisfied that the Court of Domestic Plaintiff's counsel, in a letter dated August 24, 1962,
Relations correctly denied the motion for summary informed Assistant City Fiscal Jose that he could not comply
judgment in view of the first paragraph of Articles 88 and with the subpoena for it will unnecessarily expose his
101 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, that expressly evidence.
prohibit the rendition of a decree of annulment of a marriage
upon a stipulation of facts or a confession of judgment. The In a motion dated and filed on October 29, 1962, petitioner,
thru counsel, prayed the respondent Judge to set the date for preservation of these social institutions against desecration
the reception of his evidence on the ground that the City by collusion between the parties or by fabricated evidence.
Fiscal had not submitted a report of his findings despite the The prohibition against annulling a marriage based on the
lapse of sixty (60) days from July 10, 1962 when he stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment or by non-
submitted to the City Fiscal a copy of the complaint. appearance of the defendant stresses the fact that marriage is
more than a mere contract between the parties; and for this
On November 6, 1962, respondent Judge denied the reason, when the defendant fails to appear, the law enjoins
aforesaid motion of petitioner unless he submits himself for the court to direct the prosecuting officer to intervene for the
interrogation by the City Fiscal to enable the latter to report State in order to preserve the integrity and sanctity of the
whether or not there is collusion between the parties. marital bonds (De Ocampo vs. Florenciano, 107 Phil. 35,
38-40; Brown vs. Yambao, 102 Phil. 168, 172; Bigornia de
In an order dated July 29, 1963, respondent Judge dismissed Cardenas vs.Cardenas, et. al., 98 Phil. 73, 78-79;
the complaint in view of the fact that petitioner is not willing Roque vs. Encarnacion, et. al., 95 Phil. 643, 646).
to submit himself for interrogation by the City Fiscal
pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article Hence, the inevitable conclusion is that the petition is
101 of the New Civil Code. without merit.

His motions for the reconsideration of the aforesaid order WHEREFORE, THE ORDER DATED JULY 29, 1963 IS
having been denied on July 29, 1963 and on April 11, 1964, HEREBY AFFIRMED AND THE PETITION IS HEREBY
petitioner now files his petition to annul said order of July DISMISSED. WITH COSTS AGAINST PETITIONER.
29, 1963 and to compel the respondent Judge to receive his Buccat v. Mangonon de Buccat
evidence. April 25, 1941
Appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance
Articles 88 and 101 of the Civil Code of the Philippines of Baguio.
expressly prohibit the rendition of a decision in suits for
annulment of marriage and legal separation based on a Facts:
stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment and direct Godofredo Buccat and Luida Mangonon de Buccat met in
that in case of non-appearance of defendant, the court shall March 1938, became engaged in September, and got
order the prosecuting attorney to inquire whether or not married in Nov 26.
collusion between the parties exists, and if none, said On Feb 23, 1939 (89 days after getting married) Luida, who
prosecuting attorney shall intervene for the State to prevent was 9 months pregnant, gave birth to a son. After knowing
fabrication of evidence for the plaintiff. Thus, Articles 88 this, Godofredo left Luida and never returned to married life
and 101 state: with her.
On March 23, 1939, he filed for an annulment of their
"ART. 88. No judgment annulling a marriage shall be marriage on the grounds that when he agreed to married
promulgated upon a stipulation of facts or by confession of Luida, she assured him that she was a virgin.
judgment. The Lower court decided in favor of Luida.

"In case of non-appearance of the defendant, the provisions Issue:

of article 101, paragraph 2, shall be observed." Should the annulment for Godofredo Buccat’s marriage
be granted on the grounds that Luida concealed her
"ART. 101. No decree of legal separation shall be pregnancy before the marriage?
promulgated upon a stipulation of facts or by confession of
judgment. Held:
No. Clear and authentic proof is needed in order to nullify a
"In case of non-appearance of the defendant, the court shall marriage, a sacred institution in which the State is interested
order the prosecuting attorney to inquire whether or not a and where society rests.
collusion between the parties exists. If there is no collusion, In this case, the court did not find any proof that there was
the prosecuting attorney shall intervene for the State in order concealment of pregnancy constituting fraud as a ground
to take care that the evidence for the plaintiff is not for annulment. It was unlikely that Godofredo, a first-year
fabricated." law student, did not suspect anything about Luida’s
Even the 1940 Rules of Court, which preceded the 1950 condition considering that she was in an advanced stage of
Civil Code of the Philippines, direct that actions for the pregnancy (highly developed physical manifestation, ie.
annulment of marriage or divorce shall not be decided enlarged stomach ) when they got married.
unless the material facts alleged in the complaint are proved
(Sec. 10, Rule 35, 1940 Rules of Court). The same rule is Decision:
reiterated in Section 1 of Rule 19 of the 1964 Revised Rules, SC affirmed the lower court’s decision. Costs to plaintiff-
with "legal separation" being substituted for "divorce", appellant
obviously because the present Civil Code does not authorize Aquino vs. Delizo
absolute divorce. 109 Phil 21

The prohibition expressed in the aforecited laws and rules is FACTS:

predicated on the fact that the institutions of marriage and of
the family are sacred and therefore are as much the concern Fernando Aquino filed a complaint in September 1955 on
of the State as of the spouses; because the State and the the ground of fraud against Conchita Delizo that at the date
public have vital interest in the maintenance and of her marriage with the former on December 1954,
concealed the fact that she was pregnant by another man and L-12790, August 31, 1960
sometime in April 1955 or about 4 months after their
marriage, gave birth to a child. During the trial, Provincial FACTS:
Fiscal Jose Goco represent the state in the proceedings to
prevent collusion. Only Aquino testified and the only Joel Jimenez, the petitioner, filed a petition for the
documentary evidence presented was the marriage contract annulment of his marriage with Remedios Canizares on the
between the parties. Delizo did not appear nor presented ground that the orifice of her genitals or vagina was too
any evidence. small to allow the penetration of a male organ for
copulation. It has existed at the time of the marriage and
CFI-Rizal dismissed petitioner’s complaint for annulment of continues to exist that led him to leave the conjugal home
marriage, which was affirmed by CA thus a petition for two nights and one day after the marriage. The court
certiorari to review the decisions. summoned and gave a copy to the wife but the latter did not
file any answer. The wife was ordered to submit herself to
ISSUE: Whether or not concealment of pregnancy as physical examination and to file a medical certificate within
alleged by Aquino does not constitute such fraud as would 10 days. She was given another 5 days to comply or else it
annul a marriage. will be deemed lack of interest on her part and therefore
rendering judgment in favor of the petitioner.
ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage can be annulled with
The concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of only the testimony of the husband.
the marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her
husband constitutes fraud and is a ground for annulment of HELD:
marriage. Delizo was allegedly to be only more than four
months pregnant at the time of her marriage. At this stage, The wife who was claimed to be impotent by her husband
it is hard to say that her pregnancy was readily apparent did not avail of the opportunity to defend herself and as
especially since she was “naturally plump” or fat. It is only such, claim cannot be convincingly be concluded. It is a
on the 6th month of pregnancy that the enlargement of the well-known fact that women in this country are shy and
woman’s abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus, bashful and would not readily and unhesitatingly submit to a
making the roundness of the abdomen more general and physical examination unless compelled by competent
apparent. authority. Such physical examination in this case is not self-
incriminating. She is not charged with any offense and
In the following circumstances, the court remanded the case likewise is not compelled to be a witness against herself.
for new trial and decision complained is set aside. Impotence being an abnormal condition should not be
Anaya vs. Palaroan presumed. The case was remanded to trial court
36 SCRA 97 Jones v. Hortiguela, 64 Phil 179
FACTS: Marciana Escano and Arthur Jones got married in
FACTS: December 1914. On January 10, 1918, Jones secured a
passport. She never heard from him again. In 1919, she filed
Aurora Anaya and Fernando Palaroan were married in
1953. Palaroan filed an action for annulment of the for a proceeding to judicially declare Arthur missing. On
marriage in 1954 on the ground that his consent was October 25, 1919, the court declared Arthur as an absentee
obtained through force and intimidation. The complaint was with the proviso that said judicial declaration of absence
dismissed and upheld the validity of the marriage and would not take effect until six months after its publication in
granting Aurora’s counterclaim. While the amount of the official newspapers pursuant to Art. 186 of the Old Civil
counterclaim was being negotiated, Fernando divulged to Code. In 23 April 1921, the court issued another order for
her that several months prior to their marriage, he had pre-
the taking effect of the declaration of absence, publication
marital relationship with a close relative of his. According
to her, the non-divulgement to her of such pre-marital secret thereof having been made in the Official Gazette and in "El
constituted fraud in obtaining her consent. She prayed for Ideal." On May 6, 1927, Marciana contracted a second
the annulment of her marriage with Fernando on such marriage with Felix Hortiguela. When Marciana died
ground. intestate, Felix was appointed as judicial administrator of the
estate. Angelita Jones, Marciana’s daughter from her first
ISSUE: Whether or not the concealment to a wife by her marriage, filed a case and alleged that she is the only heir of
husband of his pre-marital relationship with another woman
her mother and that her mother’s marriage to Felix was null
is a ground for annulment of marriage.
and void on the ground that from April 23, 1921 (when the
HELD: court issued an order for the taking effect of declaration of
The concealment of a husband’s pre-marital relationship absence & publication thereof) to May 6, 1927 (her mother
with another woman was not one of those enumerated that and Felix’s marriage) was below the 7-year prescriptive
would constitute fraud as ground for annulment and it is period. With this, the marriage would be null and void and
further excluded by the last paragraph providing that “no
would render her as the sole heir.
other misrepresentation or deceit as to.. chastity” shall give
ground for an action to annul a marriage. Hence, the case at
bar does not constitute fraud and therefore would not
warrant an annulment of marriage.
ISSUE: W/N the marriage of Marciana and Felix is null and
Jimenez vs. Canizares
void. W/N Felix is a legitimate heir of Marciana.
HELD. Yes and Yes. the absence of Marciana Escaño's
former husband should be counted from January 10, 1918,
the date on which the last news concerning Arthur W. Jones
was received, and from said date to May 6, 1927, more than
nine years elapsed. The validity of the marriage makes him a
legitimate heir.

Lukban vs Republic
L-8492, February 29, 1956


Lourdes Lukban and Francisco Chuidian got married in

1933 and after a violent quarrel he left Lukban and has not
been heard of since then. She diligently looked for him
asking the parents and friends but no one knew his
whereabouts. She believes that husband is already dead
since he was absent for more than 20 years and because she
intends to marry again, she desires to have her civil status
put in order to be relieved on any liability under the law.

ISSUE: Whether Lukban needs to secure declaration of

presumptive death before she can remarry.


The court ruled that Lukban does not need to secure

declaration of presumptive death of her husband because
Civil Code prevails during their marriage in 1933. It
provides that “for the purposes of the civil marriage law, it
is not necessary to have the former spouse judicially
declared an absentee. The declaration of absence made in
accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code has for its
sole purpose to enable the taking of the necessary
precautions for the administration of the estate of the
absentee. For the celebration of civil marriage, however, the
law only requires that the former spouse has been absent for
seven consecutive years at the time of the second marriage,
that the spouse present does not know his or her former
spouse to be living, that each former spouse is generally
reputed to be dead and the spouse present so believes at the
time of the celebration of the marriage.

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