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Deleting an item.

T-code: MM02 & MM06

Go to Basic data 1 and click Basic Data Text.

1. Copy the description.

2. Type OLD DESCRIPTION and then paste the description in this box as shown above.
3. Press F3.
1. Type DELETED: USE <substitution material number> as shown above if the item to be
deleted duplicates another one.
2. Type DELETED: OBSOLETE if the item is deleted for other reasons.
3. Select 9999999 for Material Group field.
1. Go to Purchasing tab.
2. Select 01 (Blocked for procurement/warehouse) for the field above.
1. If the item to be deleted has an MRP Type of V1 and Lot size of HB with quantities for
Reorder Point (Min) and Maximum stock level (Max), then delete these quantities.
2. Change V1 to PD and HB to EX.
Go to MRP 4 tab and click Material memo.
1. Type the reason why the item is deleted.
2. Click the icon to save the text.
3. Click the icon to go back.
1. Attach any relevant email or document about this deletion.
2. Ctrl + S or press the icon to save the whole transaction.
1. Type the material number of the item to be deleted in the first field.
2. Type 1010 for the Plant field.
3. Press Enter.
3. Click this
icon to
save the

1. Tick this

2. Tick this

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