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Name : Desinta Triana

NIM : 160210401052



As it i commonly, language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-

sounds combined into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination
answering to that of ideas into thoughts (Henry Sweet). It means that language sets
people apart from all other creatures. Every known human society has had a
language and though some nonhumans may be able to communicate with one
another in fairly complex ways, none of their communication systems begins to
approach language in its ability to convey information. We must have knowledge
about language so that what we convey to others is understandable, vice versa.

Language is related with culture so we have to pay attention in using

language. With whom we speak? Is the language we use correct or not? And more.
Here, I would like to discuss about the dialogues in a cartoon picture that I got from
internet. I would like to analyze them using Politeness Principle because I honestly
want to learn more about this material so that I can understand and know what to
do in language.

As I said before, I want to analyze the dialogue in this picture using a theory of
“POLITENESS PRINCIPLES”. We can see that in this picture there are some dialogues
between a man and a girl that happened in a supermarket. Here are the analysis of the

1. Negative Face Strategy. There are some dialogues that include in negative face
 “Can you help me? I’m looking for a birthday gift” because it is using formal
 All the answers of the girl is include in negative face strategy because it is
showing respect that the man asked.
 “Maybe a new electronic gadget?” because it is a request.
 “How about a tablet pc?” because it is a suggestion.
 “We have a few different kinds right over there” because it is an offer.
 “I’ll take the most expensive one” because it is accepting the offer.

2. Positive Face Strategy. There are some dialogues that include in positive face strategy:
 “Wow, that’s very generous of you, Mr.Weber” because it is using first name.
 “That’s a great idea!” because it is act interested and showing agreement that
the man will buy an electronic gadget.
 All of the dialogues in that picture is include in positive face strategies because
they do the conversation in direct.
 “Me” because he is acting stupid even though the birthday is himself but he
pretends to want to buy a present for someone else.
 “Happy Birthday” because I think it is a common language.

3. Maxims of politness principle

 Tact maxim : “Wow, that’s very generous of you, Mr.Weber” because the girl
maximizes benefit to tha man by praising him.
 Generosity maxim : “We have a few different kinds right over there” because
the girl minimizes benefit to the man by offering him with other tablet pc.
 Approbation maxim : “That’s a great idea!” because the man appreciates the
girl’s idea.
 Modesty maxim : “Nothing but the best for this guy” because he maximizes
 Agreement maxim : “That’s a great idea!” because he accepted the suggestion
from the girl.
 Symphaty maxim : “Happy Birthday” because the girl gives him a symphaty.


Politeness is a duty which will we owe to ourselves as well as to our

neighbours. A person who is polite to others shows that he/she is cultured. A really
polite person is equally polite superiors, equals and juniors. And then, one does not
lose anything by being polite to others.


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