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In a world where technology is rapidly changing , creating improvements and

enhancements in society, it is only natural that in a Caribbean Organization Technology is

at the forefront of issues that can be improved to benefit the organization’s management .

It is one of the external environmental factors that affect businesses, however, these

problems trickle down into the business culture and affect the day to day to day operations

and functioning of management within the cooperation. Technology generally refers to the,

“ physical equipment ,electronics and telecommunications and various processing systems

that are used to perform business activities ,” (Griffin, 2013). Human knowledge and work

methods are also considered to be factors of technology due to the process and training of

the intelligence needed to operate and use the systems . Both the aspects of electronical

and human knowledge can give a considerable amount of help to organizations especially

for organizations that traditionally operate on a private basis with their respective clients

such as the sector of Public healthcare in which the Pharmacy operates. Over the years,

the technological system that Pharmacies use to efficiently manage their client’s personal

information and the accurate information about the needed supply of the proper

medications that is being distributed, has been updated. Therefore, it is critical that the

technologies that are being used in pharmacies are updated to ensure that their service is

top tier because the handling and licensed selling of drugs is very risky and if it is not done

properly it can result in several repercussions. Hence, it is important that managers within

the functions of Planning and Controlling consider the issues involving Technology. The

different lines of managers interviewed at The Public Pharmaceutical Organization gave

their like-minded views of the problems created due to the lack of technology that is being

used within the cooperation. The first problem that was introduced was the fact that the

system that their currently use to track, and keep data is very slow and outdated. As

mentioned before the technological systems of Pharmacies hold’s tons of personal

information about persons and their health status. Updates in technology correct issues that

that affect not only the efficiency of the systems but the security. As a Public institution the

database should be secured and the more outdated the programs , the easier it is for

hackers to corrupt the system files and access information. Moreover, there are 15

branches of the Organization including the main branch and the systems in which they

operate are not networked with each other. Meaning, it is a very long process to access

information that one branch has, so if there is a problem the main office cannot properly

handle the situation without sending someone at the physical location. As a result the

service that is given by the organization is not efficient. The main branch needs to know at

all times the different supplies , shortages and issues with distribution that may come up in

a branch but there is a lack of transparency within the networking of the establishment. The

technological issues were further discussed as a solution into the Issues of Human

Resource where the lines of faulty communication was established and for the tracking of

absenteeism and punctuality in the workplace. Technology was also mentioned as a means

by which Pharmacist will be able to better communicate with the consumers because of the

nature of the service. The Director of the Firm shared all of these opinions however she

pointed out that within a Public owned Entity funding comes from the government and the

only way improvements can be made will be based on how much money is allocated to the

Sector. Most importantly improvements in technology within an organization or company can

benefit it by:

 GROWTH IN THE FIRM: if a company or organization technology is well managed

the company’s day to day operations will improve and the operational cost of the

company can be reduced. Even though a challenge may occur when trying to identify

which technologies need to be used, which ones can continue to be used and which ones
are to be discontinued, the organization will see its benefits after the outcome of the


 ELIMINATES DUPLICATION: putting in place a technological system to process

large automatic operations to keep information flow in the organization. In this case a

system would be set up to provide reports and summarize information to support

decision-making task such as periodic, comparative, exception and ad hoc reports.

Although new technology requires the cost of training of managers and employees in managing

the resources, in the end it will improve day to day activities within the organization. Also, with

proper planning there can be a certain amount of money that can be allocated to improving the

Technology within the firm using affordable but effective methods to approach specific areas

where the problem is more Prevalent.

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