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ANSWERS (Year 5 Pemahaman)

1 D 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 A
11 D 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 A

21. (Accept any suitable answer)

a) Let me help you sweep the floor, Mother.
b) Thank you, Darshini.
c) Let’s eat at that restaurant.
22. a) She could not do anything well. b) a friend in need is a friend indeed
c) She broke a lot of plates when she tried to wash them.
d) Yes, she was because she helped the princess to realize that she could bake
cakes and bread very well. (Accept any suitable answer)
e) I will tell them that no one is useless and everyone is good at something. Besides
that, I would tell them to always thinks about themselves in a positive way.
(Accept any suitable answer)
23. a) four hours b) food and drinks

d) They will receive an Etiquette Talk notebook when they attended the talk.
e) Yes, I do because they will learn how to improve their manners at home, at
school and in public. Their parents and teachers will be very proud of them if
they behave well. (Accept any suitable answer)
24. a) 9.30 a.m. b) Harin, Rahul and their siblings
25. a) i) garden rakes ii) garbage bags
b) They are asked to dress suitably because they are going to do the clean-up in
the hot sun. The organiser wants the participants to feel comfortable when
they are doing the activities. (Accept any suitable answer)
c) I think the organiser provides lunch and music after the clean-up as a way
thanking the participants for sacrificing their time to clean up the area.
(Accept any suitable answer)
ANSWERS (YEAR 5 Penulisan)
Section A
1. pianist
2. signed up for piano lessons
3. parents encouraged
4. practise playing the piano
5. successful pianist

Section B
a) sharpener, eraser, pencil, scissor, pen, glue, crayon set, ruler, note book, pen ink
(Accept any suitable answer)

b) (Date)
Dear Uncle Lewis,
Thank you for the wonderful gift. I love the coloured pencil set very much. I am
going to use the gift to participate in a colouring contest next week. I will take good
care of it. Thank you again for the lovely present. You are my favourite uncle.
Your niece / nephew,
Section C

Question 1
Last month, Ben saw a poster about a race. He wanted to join the race but he
was scared. When his friends encouraged him to join, he decided to give it a try. Ben’s
friend also helped him practise every day after school. On the day of the race, Ben
was very nervous. He ran as fast as he could. His friends even came to cheer for him.
Finally, Ben won the first place. He was very proud of himself. He was also glad he
listened to his friends.

Question 2
It was a Saturday afternoon. Simon was doing his homework in the living room
when the postman came. He quickly ran out of his house. The postman had a parcel
for him.
Simon thanked the postman and went back into the house. The parcel was from
his aunt in Australia. She had sent him a set of building blocks.
Simon liked the gift very much. He was grateful to his aunt. That night, he wrote
a letter to thank her for the wonderful gift.

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