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TEMENOS – PBG – Country Model Bank

JBOSS Configuration
ATM Interface

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ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

Amendment History

Version Date Author Status Description

0.1 21-03-2013 Pradeep M T Draft Initial

0.2 21-06-2013 Pradeep M T Amendment Phoenix added


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

Table of Contents

1. Assumptions ....................................................................................................................... 4
2. Functionality Overview ....................................................................................................... 4
3. Prerequisites....................................................................................................................... 4
4. Detailed Navigational Steps ............................................................................................... 4
5. Creation of message-driven bean (tocfOFSmessage-ejb.jar) ............................................ 6
6. Creation of message-driven bean (tocflistener-ejb.jar) ...................................................... 7
7. TCS Plugin Configuration ................................................................................................... 8
tocfplugin-ra.rar: ................................................................................................................. 8
8. How it works? ................................................................................................................... 11


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

1. Assumptions
The reader of this document should have fair knowledge in java / jboss server

2. Functionality Overview
This document explains about the jboss configuration for the ATM Interface.

3. Prerequisites
 TAFC JCA Resource Adapter
o JBoss deployment descriptor: t24-ds.xml

 JMS destinations
o JBoss deployment descriptor: t24-destinations-service.xml

 TOCF(EE) components
o TOCF(EE) enterprise archive: tocfee.ear

4. Detailed Navigational Steps

1. TOCFEE- Deployment

Please place the tocfee.ear inside the../server/default/deploy folder and extract the same in
the same folder and remove the tocfee.ear file and rename the extracted folder name as

Inside the tocfee.ear folder you will have these three ofsmessage-ejb.jar, tocflistener-ejb.jar,
tocfplugin-ra.rar files. Please extract these jar files in the same folder with same name and
extension and remove the original jar files from this folder as you cannot have two files with
the same name. After that you will get the below structure in the tocfee.ear folder


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

2. Connection Factory Creation

This is the setup which makes connection establishment between T24 system and Jboss
server. Each interface will have its own connection factory based on the OFS SOURCE
record. Here we are creating the connection factory for ATM. From the jboss deploy folder,
we have to make the below create/changes in the t24-ds.xml file. If these file are not present
in the deploy folder by default then please contact distribution team for the same.


Jndi-name: This is the name of connection factory which we are going to create for interface.
This should be unique in the t24-ds.xml file.
Hosts: Mention the IP address of the T24 system machine.
Ports: Mention the port number of the jbase agent.
envVariables: Mention the OFS.SOURCE record; this is specific to the interface.


The transaction queues are created by the help of t24-destination-service.xml. For each
interface we have to create one request queue and response queue. This is the optional one.
We can use the default t24OFSQueue and t24ReplyQueue which has to be mapped properly
with the bean property files (jboss.xml and ejb-jar.xml).


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

5. Creation of message-driven bean (tocfOFSmessage-ejb.jar)

Amend the jboss.xml file which will be available under tocfee.ear\tocfOFSmessage-
ejb.jar\META-INF as shown below. EJB NAME – This should be unique
for each message driven bean and
the same name has to defined in the
ejb-jar.xml of tocfofsmessage-ejb.jar

Request Queue - this

request queue name
which is defined in the
t24- destinations-

Reply Queue - this reply

queue name which is
defined in the t24-

This is JCA connection

factory name given in t24-

Amend the ejb-jar.xml file which will be available under tocfee.ear\tocfOFSmessage-

ejb.jar\META-INF as shown below.

This is the Bean name which we have

already given in the jboss.xml file. This
ejb-bean name will be looked up in the
jboss.xml and ejb-jar.xml of file of


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

6. Creation of message-driven bean (tocflistener-ejb.jar)

Amend the ejb-jar.xml file which will be available under tocfee.ear\ tocflistener-ejb.jar \META-
INF as shown below.
EJB-NAME – give the ejb-name
same as tocfofsmessage-ejb.jar

Listener names given in the tcserver.xml.

Multiple listeners can be given using
comma separator.

Amend the jboss.xml file which will be available under tocfee.ear\ tocflistener-ejb.jar \META-
INF as shown below.

EJB-NAME – give the ejb-name

same as tocfofsmessage-ejb.jar

Request Queue - this

request queue name
which is defined in the
t24- destinations-

Reply Queue - this reply

queue name which is
defined in the t24-


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

7. TCS Plugin Configuration

This is the file which contains the tcserver as plug-in. we have to deploy our local listeners
inside this rar file.
Place isolistner.jar file and atmlogger.jar inside tocfee.ear\tocfplugin-ra.rar.

Amend the MANIFEST.MF file under tocfee.ear>tocfplugin-ra.rar>META-INF to include the

name “isolistener.jar” and “atmlogger.jar” (without quotes)

Similarly amend the MANIFEST.MF file under tocfee.ear>tocfplugin-

ra.rar>tocfplugin.jar>META-INF to include the name “isolistener.jar” and “atmlogger.jar”
(without quotes)


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

Amend the tcserver.xml file as shown below which will be available under

Create the Adapters for ATM inside the ADAPTERS tag as shown below.

Create the Listeners for ATM or PHOENIX inside the LISTENERS tag as shown below.

Based on the Interface used, any one configuration has to be done in tcserver


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

Note: MSG_HEADER_BYTE can be set as 4 or 2 based on the header length of incoming message from switch.
E.g.: in the below mentioned message:
If the header is represented with 4 characters then MSG_HEADER_BYTE has to be set as 4.

If the header is represented with 2 characters then MSG_HEADER_BYTE has to be set as 2.


Note: Any one configuration either ATM or PHX has to be done and all the data provided in above screenshot
has to be inputted in tcserver.xml

Create atmlog.properties file with the below properties under Jboss/Bin folder


ATM Interface – JBOSS Configuration

8. How it works?
Start the Jboss server using startjboss.bat / startjboss.sh. Below screenshot shows the
successful loading of listeners.

Start the jbase agent from T24 system

On successful message posts, atm_monitor.log will be written under log folder as below:



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