The Case Method Reviewer

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Case Analysis or the underlying issues at an institutional

Equity Literacy Approach (Paul Gorski)
 Expected Outcomes – Name the outcomes
 Problem Identification – Identify or name you foresee as a result of the solutions you
the situation and relevant related issues. identified. Revisit the perspectives step to
What is the conflict? What is the source of ensure a standard of equity and fairness.
the conflict?  So, what would you do if you were
 Perspectives – Create a list of every person, Ms.Grady?
group, and institution impacted by the  What would you do in the immediate
incident. How is each of these people and term?
institutions affected by the situation? Be  Would you adjust your policies to
sure to include possible victims, victimizers, accommodate Samantha, a gifted
members of the community, and anyone student whose grade is suffering for
else who is touched by the incident directly reasons beyond her control?
or indirectly. Would doing so threaten your
 Challenges and Opportunities – What are commitment to expressing high
the individual and institutional challenges expectations forall of your students?
and constraints within which the situation  Would you look for new ways to reach
must be addressed? What are the challenges out to her family?
based on the individuals directly involved,  How would you respond in the longer
and what institutional constraints must term, knowing that other students might
inform an approach for addressing the be in similar situations?
situation? What are the educational and  How, if at all, might you adjust the way in
growth opportunities presented by the which you give homework or how you
incident, both for the people directly weigh it when you are calculating
involved and the institution? grades?
 Strategies – Brainstorm approaches for  How would you use what you’ve learned
addressing the situation, attempting to to become a more equitable educator,
maximize the extent to which the negative not just for your current students but for
outcomes of the situation are addressed your future students?
while simultaneously maximizing the extent
to which you take advantage of educational
and growth opportunities. Keep in mind the The Case Method
varied perspectives and the fact that any
 By analyzing real-life scenarios based on
solution will affect everyone differently. This
actual events, we can practice applying
is not the step at which to challenge and
theoretical ideas (such as educational
critique each other's ideas. Record every
equity) to on-the-ground professional
idea, no matter how unreasonable it may
practice (Darling-Hammond, 2006)
sound to individuals in the group.
 This allows us to practice stepping through a
 Solutions – Focus your strategies into a
process of considering a range of
formal plan of action. Keep in mind the
perspectives and angles; to practice seeing
varied perspectives as well as the challenges
the full complexity of everyday classroom
and opportunities. Be sure to come up with
situations; and, as a result, to reflect on the
at least two or three specific responses,
perspectives, angles, and complexities we
whether they focus on the individual conflict
might not see in the chaos of our day-to-day  It challenges us to question our own mental
work lives. models by examining classroom situations
 An “active pedagogical practice,” an through a variety of lenses (Gallucci,2006).
applicative process designed to build our  It challenges us to practice asking the
capacities for evaluating and implementing questions we previously might never have
mindful responses to complex, and often thought to ask; to reconsider old ways of
inequitable, school and classroom thinking in light of new understandings.
conditions (Leonard & Cook, 2010)

Dangers of Stereotype
The Nature of Case Method
In the end, our understandings of poverty and our
 The teaching case is a story, a narrative if you attitudes toward poor families play an enormous
will, usually based on actual events and told role, and perhaps the most enormous role, in how
with a definite teaching purpose. It does not we see and treat our low-income students
have a correct answer or obvious solution, (Robinson, 2007; Williams, 2009), not to mention
relying instead on the nature of the real the lengths to which we will or will not go to
world where answers are difficult to come by advocate for them and their educational rights.
and solutions are always contested.
This means that whenever we’re in a situation
 We are introduced to the need to think
where a bad stereotype could be applied to us –such
carefully, to listen to the points made by
as those being old, poor, rich, or female –we know
others and to evaluate those arguments, to
it. We know people fits the stereotype could be
review alternative courses of action and
taken as confirming it. And we know that, for that
their efficacy, and to interpret real-world
reason, we could be judges and treated accordingly.
 The point of examining a case, as we see it,
is not to be constrained by boxes—this is
correct, so this must be incorrect but rather
to muddle through the gray areas by
considering all that makes them gray.

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