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Ian Cavanaugh

Prof. Dunham

English 1201


Annotated Bibliography

My essay is going to be about the connection between mental illness and drug abuse. I

want to know if these two topics are connected with one another and why the country not talk

about these two being link together. Furthermore, if they are connected to each other, what is

the country going to do about it?

“Mental Illness Genetically Linked to Drug Use and Misuse.” US Official News,

2016. EBSCOhost,

sgin&AN=edsgcl.486906514&site=eds-live. There have been many scientific research

studies that are starting to say these two topics are related. This article explores the

correlation between drug abuse and mental health being genetically linked to each other.

They are linked because whenever someone is going through mental health issues the person

will sometimes abuse drugs to numb the pain of their problems.

The writer's purpose to this article is to show the link between these two dilemmas

and also to show what to do when the signs start showing that a person is going through

mental health issues and drug abuse. The audience of this article is the people that are

experiencing or have gone through something like this and want answers. The context that

the article was written in was from a scientific standpoint to help show the world that they are


The article was published by EBSCOhost and the source of the article is from Science

Daily. The author is credible because they are a large group of researchers that have done
many projects. The source is reliable because of the fact that they are well known researchers

in the science world.

I plan on using this article to help give different research data to show how these two

are genetically connected.

“Getting the Mentally Ill Out of Jail and Off the Streets.” The New York Times, The

New York Times,

of-jail-and-off-the-streets/drug-addiction-cannot-be-decoupled-from-mental-illness. The

main point that Ayesha Delany-Brumsey and Chelsea Davis are trying to portray is that drug

abuse comes from mental illness, and you cannot separate the two. This article explores the

fact that we need mentally ill people out of prisons and these are not able to be separated.

Furthermore, the authors found these go hand in hand because of the fact when someone is

experiencing heavy symptoms, they use drugs to suppress the symptoms.

The writer's purpose in this article is to show how people with mental illness do not

need to be in prisons and also when someone is hurting, they use substances to calm

themselves. The audience for this article is those that are ill and the families hurting and

looking for help. This affects the justice system by checking someone's sanity before

sentencing them.

The writers are Ayesha Delany-Brumsey and Chelsea Davis. These authors are

credible because Ayesha Delany-Brumsey who is the director of, and Chelsea Davis is a

research associate at, the Substance Use and Mental Health program at the Vera Institute of

Justice. It is a reliable source because the New York Times is well known news source and

these are well known authors/researchers.

I plan on implementing this article to give a different side of the mentally ill in the

justice system and how they should not be in jail. They need to go to somewhere where they

can heal not be trapped.

Loranger, Armand W. “The International Personality Disorder Examination.” JAMA,

American Medical Association, 1 Mar. 1994, The main point that

Armand W. Loranger, PhD; Norman Sartorius, MD, PhD; Antonio Andreoli, MD are trying

to portray is that you are able to get personality disorders from different cultures. We are able

to get these disorders from the different cultures because of new technology and drug trade.

Another way we can get it is from the new drugs that are imported says World Health

Organization/Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration joint program.

The writer's purpose in writing the article is to show a different side of the drug and

mental health epidemic and how we can get it from different cultures. The audience for this

article is the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) and concerned

Americans looking for answers. The article has affected the way many researchers look at

where the illness and drug addiction is coming from.

The writers are Armand W. Loranger, PhD; Norman Sartorius, MD, PhD; Antonio

Andreoli, MD. The authors are credible because these are mental health doctors that have

done many research projects. The source is reliable because it is a secure website and there

are many well known researchers that have articles published there.

I plan on implementing this information into my paper by showing different sides

from different countries that are also going through the same epidemic. The information from

the article shows how we might have gotten some of our mental health and drug issues from

other cultures. It will help me tell others how it is possible that it is not all our fault for these


“Addiction or Mental Illness: Which Should You Treat First?” The Fix, 28

Jan. 2019,

The main point that Kristance Harlow is trying to portray is that addiction is a mental
illness, and we need to treat either the mental illness first or the abuse problem. She

goes into the basics of what they do to determine mental health and substance abuse.

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the standard

diagnostic tool for mental health conditions in the United States and often used in

North America. Then for mental health they use the same tool but called DSM-5,

which is used to determine substance abuse.

The writer's purpose is to help show her side of mental health and drug abuse,

to show them that there is a connection and there is hope. They just need to figure out,

through tests, what to treat first. The audience is for families and individuals looking

for someone else’s side on the issue to see what he/she went through and learned. This

article was written from personal experience.

The author is Kristance Harlow. It is not specifically reliable or unreliable

since she is not a doctor or a specialist, and also since the website is specifically for

anyone to post on . However, she has personally gone through mental illness and


I plan on using this article to give a little bit of a personal aspect to my paper. I

plan to use a small part of this article to show from the inside of the whole epidemic.

It will help me give the stance of how these are connected through someone who has

been through it and thinks the same as I do.

Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics, The main point Agnes B. Hatfield,

Ph.D. is trying to show is that if you have mental illness history in your family, you

will most likely inherit it. Also, yes, drug abuse is caused by mental health issues. The

article states that as much as 50 percent of the mentally ill population also has a
substance abuse problem. The drug most commonly used is alcohol, followed by

marijuana, and cocaine.

The writer’s purpose of this article is to show the world after so many tests,

these two epidemics are connected. Also, to show the help they can receive and the

problems that can come with that help. The audience for this piece is researchers and

families looking into the subject to either try and help someone or to stay updated and

watch their family members. When it was written affected the source because it is up

to date and is not from a very long time ago.

The writer is Agnes B. Hatfield, Ph.D. Yes it is appropriate and credible. For

example Professor Hatfield stated, "50 percent of the mentally ill population also has

a substance abuse problem. The drug most commonly used is alcohol, followed by

marijuana and cocaine." It is reliable because the author is a well known professor and

author of multiple books.

I plan on using this article to give some facts from a well known and respected

professor. It will help show my stance on the subject by giving more in depth

information and show data on how these two are connected.

“The Connection Between Mental Illness and Substance Abuse.” Dual

Diagnosis, The

main point Dual Diagnosis is trying to portray is the fact that mental illness and

substance abuse have a definite connection. Through all of the data they found that

almost every mental health patient used or abused some type of drug or alcohol.

The writer’s purpose is to show the world that these two are connected and the

specific data they found while talking to real mental health patients about their

problems. The audience of this article is for people experiencing mental illness and

substance abuse. The audience is also for rehabilitation facilities who have patients
going through this exact subject. The context was written from a standpoint of

someone on the outside looking in, so this person does not know exactly how it feels

to go through this, they just know the data.

The writer is the website Dual The author is credible because

there are many research studies, articles, and academic journals written by highly

respected professionals included on the site. Furthermore, there is adequate

information because it is a secure website with many highly educated professionals

and many studies.

I plan on using this article to implement hard facts and percentages of the data

founded from research over the past year. It will help me show the stance of how

these are linked through the percentages and facts.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Part 1: The Connection Between

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness.” NIDA,

use-disorders/part-1-connection-between-substance-use-disorders-mental-illness. The

main point The National Institute on Drug Abuse is portraying includes how both the

mental health and drug epidemics are connected, and how these start when someone

in a young child. The researchers found anyone with a high prevalence of mental

health issues like depression, anxiety, and panic disorders will abuse drugs and

alcohol. Also, drug abuse and mental health issues can start when someone is an

adolescent or the transition to adulthood, ages 18-25, as the highest substance abuse


The writer's purpose of this article is to expand people's minds on the topic.

For example, some people just believe someone who is depressed needs to just get

over their sadness, and someone who is a drug addict is just unstable and wants to die.
That is far from the truth. The audience for this article is researchers and persons

seeking for answers and help. The context was written from a standpoint of someone

on the outside looking in, so this person does not know exactly how it feels to go

through this, they just know the data.

The writer of this article is The National Institute on Drug Abuse. The author

is reliable because it is a website that has multiple highly respected professors and

scientists essays/articles. This information is adequate because the author went out

and did their own research and field work. The source is reliable because it is a secure

website and a website that researchers and professors put their information they found

on to.

I plan on using this article to implement hard facts and percentages of the data

found from research over the past year. It will help me show the stance of how mental

illness and substance/drug abuse are linked through the percentages and facts.

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