Introduction To Pharmacology Cheat Sheet: by Via

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Introduction to Pharmacology Cheat Sheet

by Carm (Carmilaa) via

Defi​nit​ions Routes of Admini​str​ation General Principles of Drug Abso​rpt​ion:

Action: (cont)
Phar​mac​olo​gy: The study or Local routes of admist​rat​ion: Transfer of a drug from its site of
science of drugs. Or the study of 3. Aqueous Diffus​ion: Filtration admini​str​ation to the blood stream.
- topical - intrat​hecal
the effects of chemical substances through pores. Water-​soluble Its rate & efficiency depend on the
- - vaginal
upon living tissues. drugs: MW < 100 Daltons, Cross route of admini​str​ation.
the cell membranes through the
Drug: Chemical substance. Complete (100%) after IV
- intrad​ermal - intra-​nasal polar pores and the spaces
Capable of modifying a biological admini​str​ation.
- intra-oral - between membranes of adjacent
system. Used for the treatment,
intra-​art​icular cells.
diagnosis or prevention of a
Factors Influe​ncing Absorption
condition. 4. Active transp​ort: Specific
Locally admini​stered drugs may of Drugs:
carrie​r-m​ediated transport
Phar​mac​ody​nam​ics: Study of the result in production of systemic
sysytem. For substances which 1. Blood flow to the absorption site
biological activity a drug has on a effects
are: Lipid insoluble to dissolve in 2. Total surface area available for
living system. Mechanism of
the cell membrane and too large to absorption
action. Structure- activity Routes of Admini​tra​tion
flow through pores.
relati​onship of the drug. 3. Contact time at the absorption
Features for active transport site
Phar​mac​oki​net​ics: Study of the
Enternal Admini​str​ati​on: system: -Ability to workag​ainst
processes of absorp​tion, 4. Presence of food and gastric
concen​tra​tion, osmotic ,elect​rical or
distri​bution, transf​orm​ation and - sublingual emptying
hydros​tatic gradiants. -Speci​ficity. -
excretion of drugs in the body in
- gastro​int​ers​inal: oral Need for energy source (usually 5. Binding of drugs to food
function of the time. Study of consti​tuents
-rectal ATP) -Site for compet​ition of
effects the body has on a drug.
drugs/​sub​sta​nces. -Saturable
Pare​nteral Admini​str​ati​on:
pH , pKa and Ionization of a Weak
5. Facill​itated Diffus​ion: Passive
Sources of Drugs - subcut​aneous (sc) Basic Drug:
- intram​uscular (im) process. Involves a specific and
Natr​ual: saturable carrier system. More
- intrav​enous (iv) When a weak basic drug is in a
1: Insulin: Obtained from the rapid than simple diffusion. medium where the pH is alka​line ,
pancreas of bovine or pigs General Principles of Drug 6. Pinocy​tos​is: Extrac​ellular fluid it dissoc​iates into ionized and un-

Action: taken into a cell. The membrane ionized particles. The fraction (%) of
2: Digitalis: Extracted from species
of the foxglove plant develops a saccular indent​ation un-ionized particles is higher than
*see picture in Powerpoint the fraction of ionized particles.
fillled with extrac​ellular fluid. The
3: Iron (ferro​us/​Sul​fate): Obtained
Mech​anisms involved in indent​ation is pinched off forming a Therefore the absorption rate of the
mineral sources
passage of drugs across cell vesicle or vacuole of fluid within the drug is higher. The higher the
Synt​het​ic: membra​nes: cell. alkalinity of the medium the higher
1: Synthe​sized by chemists - the absorption rate of a weak basic
1. Pharma​ceu​tical formul​ation
Majority of today's drugs drug.
Factors of the Fate of a Drug in
2. Lipid diffus​ion: A lipid-​soluble
the Body: When a weak basic drug is in a
Routes of Admini​tra​tion: , non-el​ect​rolyte is readily
medium where the pH is acidic , it
absorbed. A lipid insoluble non- Physical and Chemical profile of
dissoc​iates into ionized and un-
Inha​lat​ion: el​ect​rolyte is absorbed very slowly. the drug:
ionized particles. The fraction (%) of
Used as gas: volatile anaest​hesia Most drugs are weak organic 1. molecular Weight. 2.
un-ionized particles is lower than
substa​nces. Most drugs exist Chemical stabilty. 3. Lipid
Used as an areosol: the fraction of ionized particles.
partly un-ionized and partly ionized solubi​lity.
bronch​odi​altors Therefore the absorption rate of the
Most common mechanism by drug is lower. The higher the acidity
Degree of ioniza​tion.
which drugs cross cell membranes: of the medium the lower the
To enter the body, To be absorption rate of the weak basic
distri​buted To be reabsorbed drug.

By Carm (Carmilaa) Published 18th February, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 18th February, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Introduction to Pharmacology Cheat Sheet
by Carm (Carmilaa) via

Drug Distri​but​ion: Bioe​qui​val​ance:

Process by which a drug leaves Two related drugs that show

the blood stream and enters the comparable bioava​ilibity
inters​titium (extra​cel​lular fluid) or
Bioi​neq​uiv​ala​nt: Two related
the cells of the tissues
drugs with a signif​icant difference
Principle factors involved in drug in bioava​ila​bility.

1.Blood flow Inac​tiv​ation of Drugs:

-Drug metabolism
2.Capi​llary permea​bility
-Drugs are eliminated from body
by 2 principle mechan​isms:
3.Degree of binding of the drug
1. Liver metabolism
to plasma and tissue proteins
2. Renal excretion

Drug Displa​cem​ent: > Water- soluble drugs are

generally excreted unchanged by
Warfarin and other highly bound the kidney.
coumar​in-type antico​gau​lants > Lipid- soluble drugs are not

Clofibrate Phenyl​but​azone, easily excreted by the kidney

Ethacrynic acid, Mefenamic because they are largely

acid, Nalidixic acid, reabsorbed from the proximal tube

Oxyphe​but​azone , Chloral
hydrate Effects of Drug Metabo​lism:

Tolb​uta​mide > To form inactive metabolite from

an active drug, thereby
Phenyl​but​azone, Salicy​lates,
termin​ating the action of the drug.
(eg. asprin, parace​tamol)

> To form an active metabolite

from an inactive or less active drug.
Extent of absorption ofa drug (eg. dopamine)
following its admini​str​ation by
>To form a toxic metabolite from an
routes other than iv injection.
initially less toxic drug. (eg.
factors that infuence bioava​ili​bity:* hydrox​yla​mine)
-First pass effect

-Solub​ility of drug

-Chemical stability

-Nature of drug formation

Ther​apeutic Equiva​lan​ce:

Two similar drugs that have

comparable efficancy and safety.

By Carm (Carmilaa) Published 18th February, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 18th February, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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