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Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163– 171

Increase in coordination number of lanthanide complexes with

2,2%-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline by using b-diketonates
with electron-withdrawing groups
Dave R. van Staveren a,1, Gerard A. van Albada a, Jaap G. Haasnoot a,
Huub Kooijman b, Anna Maria Manotti Lanfredi c, Peter J. Nieuwenhuizen a,2,
Anthony L. Spek b, Franco Ugozzoli c, Thomas Weyhermüller d, Jan Reedijk a,*
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Gorlaeus Laboratories, Leiden Uni6ersity, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Bij6oet Center for Biomolecular Research, Department of Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Utrecht Uni6ersity, Padualaan 8,
3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dipartimento di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica Chimica Analitica Chimica Fisica, Uni6ersità di Parma,
Centro di Studio per la Strutturistica Diffractometrica del C.N.R., Parco area delle Scienze 17 /a, 43100 Parma, Italy
Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Stiftstrasse 34 -36, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Received 3 November 2000; accepted 16 January 2001


The coordination chemistry of Ln(hfpd)3 (hfpd=1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoropentane-2,4-dionate) with phen and bpy depends on the
size of the Ln3 + ion and on the used solvent. The complexes [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7) and [Er(hfpd)3(bpy)] (14) were obtained from
the synthesis of Er(CF3SO3)3 with Hhfpd, CsOH and either 1,10-phenanthroline or 2,2%-bipyridine in acetonitrile. The structure
of 7 was determined by X-ray crystallography. Similar reactions, but performed in methanol, with various other lanthanide
elements resulted in isolation of five different types of complexes, according to stoichiometry and spectral properties.
With elements later in the lanthanide series eight-coordinated complexes of the types [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)] (for Ln = Dy, Ho and
Yb) and [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)] (for Ln = Tb, Ho and Yb), like 7, were obtained, whereas with the early lanthanide elements
ten-coordinated complexes of the types [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)2] (for Ln = La and Sm) and [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)2] (for Ln = La, Ce, Pr and
Nd) were isolated. The X-ray crystal structure of [La(hfpd)3(bpy)2] (9) was determined, which provided proof for ten-coordination
around the La ion. In addition to [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2], the synthesis with Sm and bpy and a trace of water yielded a second
compound: the nine-coordinated complex [Sm(hfpd)3(H2O)(bpy)]·(bpy) (11), which was structurally characterised by X-ray
crystallography. The LnN distances vary largely, depending on the used N-donor and the Ln3 + ion, and do not run parallel with
the Ln3 + ionic radius. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Crystal structures; Lanthanide complexes; Bidentate ligand complexes

1. Introduction of their luminescent properties [1], their use as NMR

shift reagents and their application in the synthesis of
Lanthanide b-diketonato complexes have been the electroceramics, e.g. superconductors such as
subject of extensive research in the last decades because LnBa2Cu3O7 − l [2,3] and La2 − x Srx CuO4 [3,4].
Ln(dpm)3 (dpm =dipivaloylmethanato) and tris-com-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 31-71-527 4459; fax: + 31-71-527 plexes with fluorinated b-diketonates, such as Ln(fod)3
4671. (fod= 2,2-dimethyl-6,6,7,7,8,8-heptafluoro-octane-3,5-
E-mail address: (J. Reedijk). dionato), are amongst the most frequently used NMR
Present address: Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Stift-
strasse 34-36, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
shift reagents. For this application, also Ln(hfpd)3 com-
Present address: Akzo Nobel Chemicals Research, P.O. Box 9300, pounds have attracted some attention [5,6]. Apart from
6800 SB Arnhem, The Netherlands. increased solubility in common organic solvents, the

0020-1693/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 1 6 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 3 4 - 6
164 D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171

advantage of fluorinated b-diketonato complexes over (hfpd)3(bpy)2] and the former was structurally charac-
Ln(dpm)3 is primarily enhancement of the Lewis acidity terised by X-ray crystallography. These five types of
of the lanthanide ion and subsequent increase of the complexes mentioned above are discussed in the present
shifting power, due to the inductive effect of the paper in relation to Ln3 + -ion size and solvent used.
fluorine atoms [7,8].
Tris-b-diketonato lanthanide complexes with the
chelating ligands 2,2%-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthro-
line were first reported more than two decades ago 2. Experimental
[9,10]. Since then a substantial number of these com-
plexes with various b-diketonates have been structurally
characterised by X-ray crystallography [11 – 18]. X-ray 2.1. Materials
crystal structures of eight-coordinated adducts of Ln-
(hfpd)3 elucidated so far include Cs[Eu(hfpd)4] [19], 2,2%-Bipyridine (99+ %) was obtained from Lan-
[Tb(hfpd)3(H2O)2] [20] and [Gd(hfpd)3(H2O)(Me2CO)] caster Synthesis. Cesium hydroxide monohydrate
[21]. Furthermore, several tris-hfpd lanthanide com- (99.5%), CDCl3 (99.9% D) as well as 1,10-phenanthro-
plexes with various substituted nitronyl nitroxide radi- line monohydrate (99+%) were purchased from Acros.
cals have been structurally characterised by X-ray 1,1,1,5,5,5-Hexafluoro-2,4-pentanedione (98%) and
crystallography [22 – 28]. Er(CF3SO3)3 (98%) were received from Aldrich.
Our interest concerned the structure of tris-hfpd lan- Methanol and acetonitrile, both hplc grade, were pur-
thanide complexes with bpy and phen. The objective chased from Biosolve Ltd. Methanol was dried over
was to determine whether the inductive effect of the activated 3 A, molecular sieves for the synthesis of
ligand’s fluorine atoms would be reflected in the struc- [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2].
ture of these complexes compared to analogous com-
plexes containing b-diketonates without electron-
withdrawing substituents. In a previous paper [29] it 2.2. Spectroscopy and analysis
was reported that the reaction of Er(CF3SO3)3 with
Hhfpd, CsOH and either phen or bpy in methanol Infrared spectra were recorded on a Perkin –Elmer
yields the dinuclear complexes [Er(hfpd)2- Paragon 1000 FTIR spectrophotometer as KBr disks
(m-OCH3)(phen)]2 and [Er(hfpd)2(m-OCH3)(bpy)]2, re- (4000 –300 cm − 1, with a resolution of 4 cm − 1). Ele-
spectively. By performing an analogous reaction in mental analyses were performed using a Perkin –Elmer
acetonitrile, now the complexes [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7) Series II CHNSIO elemental analyser. 1H NMR spectra
and [Er(hfpd)3(bpy)] were obtained and the structure of were recorded on a Bruker WM-300 spectrometer
7 was determined by X-ray crystallography. Subse- (300.13 MHz for 1H) in CDCl3. Chemical shifts are
quently, it was investigated whether the previously re- given in parts per million (ppm) relative to TMS. X-ray
ported [29] remarkable reactivity of Er in methanol, powder diffraction patterns were recorded on a Philips
yielding methoxo-bridged dimers, would extend to the PW 1050 diffractometer using Cu Ka: (u= 1.54184 A, )
other lanthanide elements as well. Similar syntheses with 2q in the range 10–45° or 10–70° and a scan rate
with various lanthanide elements have now yielded five of 0.03° s − 1.
different types of mononuclear complexes, i.e. two in
which the lanthanide ion is ten-coordinated, two with
eight-coordination around the lanthanide ion and one 2.3. Synthesis of [Er(hfpd)3(bpy)] (14) and
type in which a Sm ion is nine-coordinated.3 Which [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7)
type is formed for a specific lanthanide element appears
to be ion-size dependent. The elements later in the A solution of 0.32 g (1.5 mmol) Hhfpd, 0.25 (1.5
series form complexes of the types [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)] mmol) CsOH·H2O and either 0.08 g (0.5 mmol) bpy or
and [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)], whereas the early lanthanide ele- 0.10 g (0.5 mmol) phen·H2O in 5 ml of acetonitrile was
ments, which have larger ionic radii, yield complexes of mixed with a hot solution of 0.30 g (0.5 mmol)
the types [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)2] and [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)2]. Er(CF3SO3)3 in 15 ml of acetonitrile. After cooling to
Ten-coordination around the La-ion in [La(hfpd)3- room temperature, the mixture was filtered to remove
(bpy)2] (9) was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. In any undissolved material. Slow evaporation of the sol-
the case of Sm and bpy, two types of complexes were vent at room temperature yielded a microcrystalline
isolated: [Sm(hfpd)3(H2O)(bpy)]·(bpy) (11) and [Sm- precipitate in the case of bpy and needle-shaped crystals
suitable for X-ray analysis in the case of phen after 2–3
weeks. The yield and colour of the isolated precipitates,
Although officially being a Group 3 member, lanthanum is also as well as the results from elemental analyses, are
called a lanthanide element in this work for reasons of convenience. presented in Table 1.
D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171 165

2.4. General synthesis of other lanthanide 2.6. X-ray crystallography

hexafluoropentane-2,4 -dionato complexes with bpy
The crystal data and the most relevant experimental
Reactions were performed with La, Sm, Dy, Ho and parameters used in the X-ray measurements and in the
Yb. A solution of 0.32 g (1.5 mmol) Hhfpd, 0.25 g (1.5 crystal structure analyses are reported in Table 2.
mmol) CsOH·H2O and 0.08 g (0.5 mmol) bpy in 10 ml A pink crystal of 7 was mounted on a Lindemann-
of methanol was added to a hot solution of 0.5 mmol glass capillary and transferred into the cold nitrogen
Ln(CF3SO3)3 in 10 ml of methanol. For the synthesis of stream of a Nonius KappaCCD diffractometer on ro-
[Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2] dry methanol was used. After cooling tating anode (graphite monochromated Mo Ka radia-
to room temperature, the mixture was filtered to re- tion, u= 0.71073 A, , € and (… scans). Data were
move any undissolved material. Slow evaporation of corrected for absorption effects using a multi-scan
the solvent at room temperature yielded precipitates method (transmission range 0.730 –0.754). Pertinent
after 2–3 weeks. Experimental details, such as the yield, data for the structure determinations are given in Table
form and colour of the isolated precipitates, as well as 3. The structure was solved with automated Patterson
the composition and results from elemental analyses, and subsequent difference Fourier methods using
are tabulated in Table 1. SHELXS-86 [30]. Full matrix refinement on F 2 was per-
formed with SHELXL-97 [31], no observance criterion
2.5. General synthesis of other lanthanide was applied during refinement. Hydrogen atoms were
hexafluoropentane-2,4 -dionato complexes with phen included in the refinement on calculated positions rid-
ing on their carrier atoms. The non-hydrogen atoms
Reactions were performed with La – Nd, Tb, Ho and were refined with anisotropic displacement parameters.
Yb in an analogous manner as for the bpy complexes, The hydrogen atoms were refined with a fixed isotropic
but by using 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate (0.10 g; displacement parameter related to the value of the
0.5 mmol) instead of 2,2%-bipyridine. The yield, form, equivalent isotropic displacement parameter of their
colour and composition of the isolated precipitates are carrier atoms. All CF3 moieties were refined with a
presented in Table 1, together with the results from disorder model involving two sites: an occupation fac-
elemental analyses. tor was refined for each CF3 group. Mild distance

Table 1
Composition, experimental details and results from elemental analysis for the obtained complexes

Complex Assigned type Colour Form a Yield (%) Anal. Calc. Anal. Found

IR X-ray C H N C H N

1 [La(hfpd)3(phen)2] b A "a colourless c 10 c 41.8 1.7 5.0 41.5 1.7 4.8

2 [Ce(hfpd)3(phen)2] A a yellow c 14 c 41.7 1.7 5.0 41.0 1.8 4.8
3 [Pr(hfpd)3(phen)2] A a green c 43 c 41.7 1.7 5.0 40.9 1.8 4.7
4 [Nd(hfpd)3(phen)2] A "a blue c 15 c 41.6 1.7 5.0 40.6 1.8 5.1
5 [Tb(hfpd)3(phen)] D "d light-yellow c 45 d 33.8 1.2 2.9 33.2 1.1 2.9
6 [Ho(hfpd)3(phen)] D d light-orange p 6d 33.5 1.1 2.9 32.4 1.3 2.9
7 [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] e,f D d pink c 10 d 33.5 1.1 2.9 33.0 1.1 3.0
8 [Yb(hfpd)3(phen)] D d colourless p 17 d 33.3 1.1 2.9 31.8 1.2 2.8
9 [La(hfpd)3(bpy)2] f,g B " colourless c 65 h 39.2 1.8 5.2 38.7 1.8 5.0
10 [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2] B " yellow m 40 h 38.8 1.8 5.2 37.3 1.9 4.8
11 [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)(H2O)](bpy) f C yellow c 5h 38.1 1.9 5.1 37.6 1.9 5.1
12 [Dy(hfpd)3(bpy)] E "e colourless m 16 d 31.9 1.2 3.0 30.6 1.3 3.4
13 [Ho(hfpd)3(bpy)] E e light-orange p 18 d 31.9 1.2 3.0 30.9 1.2 2.8
14 [Er(hfpd)3(bpy)] c,e E e pink m 30 d 31.8 1.2 3.0 30.2 1.1 2.8
15 [Yb(hfpd)3(bpy)] E e colourless p 20 d 31.6 1.2 3.0 31.1 1.2 2.8

c= crystalline; m = micro-crystalline; p = powder.
H NMR: l= 9.13 (d, 4H, 3J= 6 Hz), 7.95 (d, 4H, 3J= 8 Hz), 7.85 (t, 4H, 3J =8 Hz), 7.38 (t, 4H, 3J =6 Hz), 5.65 (s, 3H).
Yield is calculated with respect to phen.
Yield is calculated with respect to Ln3+.
Isolated from acetonitrile.
X-ray crystal structure solved.
H NMR: l = 9.57 (d, 4H, 3J= 6 Hz), 8.32 (d, 4H, 3J= 7Hz), 7.82 (s, 4H), 7.70 (dd, 4H, 3J =7 Hz), 5.48 (s, 3H).
Yield calculated with respect to bpy.
166 D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171

Table 2
Summary of the crystallographic parameters for 7, 9 and 11

Crystal data 7 11 9

Empirical formula C27H11ErF18N2O6 C35H21F18N4O7Sm C35H19F18LaN4O6

Formula weight 968.63 1101.94 1072.45
Crystal size (mm) 0.40×0.15×0.15 0.2×0.3×0.5 0.54×0.50×0.40
Crystal system monoclinic triclinic monoclinic
Space group C2/c (no. 15) Pbarl (no. 2) C2/c (no. 15)
Unit cell dimensions
a (A, ) 23.4477(5) 12.087(5) 21.928(2)
b (A, ) 17.6282(4) 15.262(5) 11.9096(12)
c (A, ) 17.1720(4) 11.988(5) 18.183(2)
h (°) 90 91.680(5) 90
i (°) 113.4140(10) 100.500(5) 118.99(2)
k (°) 90 82.650(5) 90
V (A, 3) 6513.4(3) 2156(1) 4153.6(7)
Z 8 2 4
z (calc.) (g cm−3) 1.9756(1) 1.697 1.715
F (000) 3720 1078 2096
Data collection
T (K) 150 295 213(2)
q Range for data collection (°) 1.6–27.50 3.00–30.00 2.01–30.00
Index ranges −305h527, 05k522, −155h517, −215k513, −225h533, −185k59, −275l528
05l522 −165l516
Reflections collected 48 255 13 161 19 698
Independent refections 6864 [Rint = 0.1068] 12 515 6016 [Rint =0.0231]
Observed reflections 6864 (no criterion applied) 7319 (I]2|(I)) 5246 [I]2|(I)]
Data/restraints/parameters 6864/72/446 12515/0/512 6003/60/346
Weighting scheme a w= [| 2(Fo 2)+(0.0851P)2]−1 w= [| 2(Fo 2)+(0.1452P)2]−1 w= [| 2(Fo 2)+(0.0923P)2+4.66P]−1
Goodness-of-fit on F 2 b 0.942 0.972 1.040
Final wR2 (all. data) c 0.173 0.199 0.137
Final R1 (I\2|) d 0.0554 0.0691 0.0479
Largest difference peak and hole 2.81, −1.52 (near Er) 1.46 and −0.92 1.422 and −0.583
(e A, 3)

P = (Fo 2+2Fc 2)/3.
GooF= [w(Fo 2-Fc 2)2/(n-p)]1/2, where n is the number of reflections and p the number of parameters.
wR2 =[w (Fo 2-Fc 2)2/wFo 4]1/2.
R1 =  Fo − Fc 2 / Fo .

Table 3
Selected bond lengths (A, ) for 7, 9 and 11

[Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7) [La(hfpd)3(bpy)2] (9) [Sm(hfpd)3(H2O)(bpy)]·(bpy) (11)

ErO(32) 2.305(6) ErO(34) 2.326(7) LaO(18) 2.524(3) SmO(lW) 2.422(5) SmO(l) 2.491(5)
ErO(42) 2.309(7) ErO(44) 2.291(7) LaO(19) 2.541(2) SmO(2) 2.434(5) SmO(3) 2.394(5)
ErO(52) 2.311(7) ErO(54) 2.266(7) LaO(29) 2.557(2) SmO(4) 2.414(5) SmO(5) 2.387(6)
ErN(ll) 2.482(8) LaN(1) 2.773(3) SmO(6) 2.522(5) SmN(1) 2.611(5)
ErN(21) 2.468(7) LaN(8) 2.771(3) SmN(2) 2.650(5)

restraints were applied in order to ensure a tetrahedral on a Siemens AED diffractometer equipped with
geometry on the CF3 moieties. Neutral atom scattering graphite monochromated Mo Ka radiation (u=
factors and anomalous dispersion corrections were 0.71073 A, ). The intensities were corrected for Lorentz
taken from the International Tables for Crystallogra- and polarization effects but not for absorption effects.
phy [32]. Geometrical calculations were performed with The phase problem was solved by direct methods
PLATON [33]. using SIR-92 [34] and the structure was refined by
A single crystal of 11 suitable for the X-ray analysis blocked full-matrix least-squares methods on F 2 using
was mounted on a glass rod and protected from the the SHELXL-97 program [31]. The non-coordinated bpy
atmosphere with perfluoric oil. The data were collected molecule was refined with some geometrical constraints
D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171 167

and with isotropic thermal parameters. The hydrogen

atoms were maintained at their calculated positions
with the geometrical constraint CH 0.96 A, and refined
‘‘riding’’ on their corresponding carbon atoms. The
final molecular geometry was analysed with the pro-
gram PARST-97 [35]. All the calculations were carried
out on the DEC Alpha 250 workstation at the Centro
di Studio per la Strutturistica Diffractometrica of
C.N.R., Parma.
A colourless single crystal of 9 sealed in a glass
capillary under an atmosphere of argon was mounted
on a Siemens Smart CCD diffractometer equipped with
a cryogenic nitrogen cold stream at 213(2) K. Graphite
monochromated Mo Ka radiation (u = 0.71073 A, ) was
Fig. 1. Projection of the structure of [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7) and the
used. Final cell constants were obtained from a least- selected atom-labelling scheme. Fluorine atoms, which are all disor-
squares fit of a subset of 6379 strong reflections. Data dered, and hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.
collection was performed by hemisphere runs taking
frames at 0.3° in …. A semi-empirical absorption cor-
[Ln(hfpd)3(phen)]. Similarly, the synthesis of Dy and
rection using the program SADABS [36] was performed.
Ho –Yb with bpy yield complexes of the type [Ln-
The Siemens SHELXTL [37] software package was used
(hfpd)3(bpy)]. However, the elemental analyses on the
for solution, refinement and artwork of the structure.
[Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)] and [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)] complexes
The structure was readily solved by direct methods and
yielded consistent low-carbon values, but IR spectro-
refined by difference Fourier techniques. The CF3
scopic data and XRD establish the proposed constitu-
groups of the hfpd-ligands were found to be heavily tion (see below). The elements with larger ionic radii do
disordered. A split atom model was used for yield ten-coordinated complexes of general composition
F(20)···F(25) with occupancies of about 2/3 and 1/3. [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)2] (for Ln=La –Nd) and [Ln-
The CF and FF distances in these groups were (hfpd)3(bpy)2] (for Ln= La and Sm).
restrained to be equal within errors using the SADI With Sm and bpy two types of complexes were
option (60 restraints). All non-hydrogen atoms were isolated, depending on the trace water content of the
refined anisotropically and hydrogen atoms were placed methanol. When dry methanol (dried over activated 3
at calculated positions and refined as riding atoms with A, molecular sieves) was used, [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2] was
isotropic displacement parameters. easily obtained, whereas the use of regular methanol
( 1% H2O) invariably yielded [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)-
(H2O)]·(bpy) (11).
3. Results and discussion These five different types of complexes can be clearly
distinguished by IR spectroscopy and their XRD. The
3.1. Synthesis of the complexes and their composition solid-state structures of the three compounds are de-
throughout the series scribed and will be compared mutually, followed by
discussion of the IR spectra and XRD patterns.
All compounds except the Er complexes are formed
by reaction of Ln(CF3SO3)3 with Hhfpd, CsOH and 3.2. X-ray crystal structure of [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7)
either bpy or phen in a 1:3:3:1 ratio in MeOH. The Er
complexes are obtained from a similar reaction in A drawing of complex 7 and the selected atom-la-
MeCN to prevent formation of methoxo-bridged belling scheme are depicted in Fig. 1; the relevant bond
dimers [29]. No analogous dinuclear methoxo-bridged lengths are listed in Table 2. The structure consists of
compounds could as yet be obtained with the other Er(hfpd)3(phen) molecules, with the Er ion being octa-
lanthanide elements. By slow evaporation of the solvent coordinated, contributed by six oxygen atoms of three
at room temperature, the complexes precipitate after didentate hfpd ligands and two nitrogen atoms of a
2 – 3 weeks. An overview of the composition of the didentate phen. The symmetry around the Er ion is
isolated complexes for each lanthanide element used is square-antiprismatic.
shown in Table 1, together with the assigned type based The ErO distances vary between 2.266(7) A,
on patterns in the IR spectra and X-ray powder diffrac- (ErO(54)) and 2.326(7) A, (ErO(34)), whereas the
tograms (XRD). ErN distances are 2.468(7) A, (ErN(21)) and 2.482(8)
As shown in Table 1, the syntheses of the heavier A, (ErN(11)).
lanthanide elements Tb and Ho – Yb with phen all yield Complex 7 can be compared to [Yb(acac)3(bpy)] [16],
eight-coordinated complexes of general composition although it must be noted that phen is sterically more
168 D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171

3.3. X-ray crystal structure of

[Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)(H2O)] ·(bpy) (11)

A plot of 11 together with the atom-labelling scheme

is shown in Fig. 2, the relevant bond lengths are listed
in Table 2. The asymmetric unit of 11 consists of the
complex [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)(H2O)] and a non-coordinated
2,2%-bipyridine, which is not depicted because it is disor-
dered. The coordination sphere around the Sm ion
consists of seven oxygen atoms, from three didentate
hfpd ligands and a water molecule, and two nitrogen
atoms of a didentate bpy. The SmO(hfpd) bond
lengths are between 2.387(6) A, (SmO(5)) and 2.522(5)
A, (SmO(6)) and an average 2.44 A, , whereas the
distance of the Sm ion to the aqua oxygen atom is
2.422(5) A, . Significantly longer are the SmN(bpy)
Fig. 2. Projection of the structure of [Sm(hfpd)3(H2O)(bpy)]·(bpy) bond lengths, which are 2.611(5) A, (SmN(1)) and
(11) and the selected atom-labelling scheme. Fluorine atoms, which 2.650(5) A, (SmN(2)). The unit cell of 11 contains two
are all disordered, hydrogen atoms and the disordered uncoordinated [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)(H2O)] complexes and two non-coordi-
2,2%-bipyridine molecule are omitted for clarity. nated 2,2%-bipyridine molecules lying around the crys-
tallographic centre of symmetry at (0,0,0). The bpy
molecules are involved in a stacking interaction, with
an interplanar distance of 3.71(1) A, . The level of refine-
ment does not allow the detection of the hydrogen
atoms of the aqua ligand. But the two short interac-
tions between the aqua ligand and the two nitrogen
atoms of the non-coordinated bpy (not depicted)
[O(1W)···N(2G) 2.948(14) A, and O(1W)···N(12G)
3.142(7) A, ] seem to suggest that only one hydrogen
atom of the aqua ligand interacts via a bifurcated
hydrogen bond with the two nitrogen atoms of the
non-coordinated bpy. This is in agreement with the IR
spectroscopic data of 11 (see below).
Nine-coordinated tris-b-diketonato lanthanide com-
plexes with a didentate nitrogen donor ligand and a
monodentate ligand occupying the remaining three co-
ordination sites have not been reported thus far. Com-
Fig. 3. Projection of the structure of [La(hfpd)3(bpy)2] (9) and the
plex 11 can be compared to the nine-coordinated
used atom-labelling scheme. Fluorine atoms, which are all disordered, compounds [Eu(dpm)3(terpy)] [39] and [Eu-
and hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. (terpy)3](ClO4)3 [40] (terpy= 2,2%:6%2¦-terpyridine), both
in which the lanthanide ion is nine-coordinated. The
average SmN bond lengths in 11 (2.63 A, ) are slightly
shorter than the EuN bond lengths in the compound
demanding and much more rigid than bpy. The average [Eu(dpm)3(terpy)] (average 2.65 A, ) but longer than the
YbO and YbN distances in [Yb(acac)3(bpy)] are 2.27 EuN bond lengths in the complex [Eu(terpy)3](ClO4)3,
and 2.52 A, , respectively. When compensated for the which lie in the range of 2.57 –2.62 A, . The average
approximate 0.01 –0.02 A, smaller ionic radius of Yb3 + SmO(hfpd) bond length (2.44 A, ) in 11, however, is
for eight-coordination compared to Er3 + [38], the longer than the average EuO(dpm) bond length (2.38
LnO distances are roughly similar (average ErO = A, ) in [Eu(dpm)3(terpy)].
2.30 A, ), whereas the ErN bond lengths (average 2.47
A, ) are significantly shorter compared to the YbN 3.4. X-ray crystal structure of [La(hfpd)3(bpy)2] (9)
bond lengths. Transfer of electron density to the CF3
groups results in a relatively more positively charged Er A plot of 9 and the atom-labelling scheme are shown
ion and, apparently, the ErN bonds become stronger in Fig. 3; the relevant bond lengths are listed in Table
and shorter, although shortening of the ErO bonds is 2. Contrary to 11, both bpy ligands are coordinated to
not observed. the La ion. Furthermore, three hfpd ligands are present
D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171 169

in the first coordination sphere, resulting in a [O6N4] E) and phen (for the types A and D) [46]. The differ-
coordination environment around the La ion. The ence between the eight-coordinated complexes (types D
structure possesses a C2 rotation axis through the La and E) and the ten-coordinated complexes (types A and
ion and C(20), which implies symmetry-equivalence of B) is clearly reflected in the IR spectra. In particular, a
the two remaining hfpd ligands and also of the bpy vibration originating from hfpd [44,45] clearly indicates
ligands. Furthermore, the atoms C(26), C(27) and the whether the coordination number of the complex is
three fluorine atoms, which are not depicted, of the eight or ten. The vibration at 802 cm − 1 in the types D
third hfpd ligand present are equivalent on basis of and E shifts to 794 cm − 1 in the types A and B. The
symmetry to the other half of this hfpd ligand. The observed shift of this hfpd-vibration to lower wavenum-
LaO distances vary between 2.524(3) A, (LaO(18) and bers upon increase of the coordination number from
LaO(18)%) and 2.557(2) A, (LaO(29) and LaO(29)%), eight to ten is consistent with elongation of the metal –
whereas the complex shows two similar LaN distances donor atom distance.
of 2.771(3) A, (LaN(8) and LaN(8)%) and 2.773(3) A The IR spectrum of 11 is completely different from
(LaN(1) and LaN(1)%). This crystal structure is the those of the type A, B, D and E complexes due to the
first example of a structurally characterised ten-coordi- presence of the coordinated water molecule. Additional
nated tris-b-diketonato lanthanide compound. With the vibrations are present at 716, 1695, 3114 and 3610
exception of 11, thus far only eight-coordinated tris-b- cm − 1. The last vibration is at high frequency and
diketonato complexes were found with bpy as the neu- sharp, and is assigned as the wOH stretch vibration of
tral ligand. The structure of the nine-coordinated the non-hydrogen bonded OH group of the aqua lig-
polyether complex [La(hfpd)3(diglyme)] (diglyme= and. The wOH stretch vibration of the OH group that
bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether) is known and also formation interacts with the uncoordinated bpy via a bifurcated
of [La(hfpd)3(triglyme)] (triglyme=2,5,8,11-tetraoxo- hydrogen bond is observed at 3114 cm − 1. This vibra-
dodecane) was reported [41]. However, the latter com- tion is much broader than the vibration at 3610 cm − 1
pound was not structurally characterised and, thus, it and is of lower intensity. These IR spectroscopic data
remains uncertain whether all four oxygen atoms of the are in agreement with the X-ray crystal structure of 11.
triglyme ligand are coordinated to the La ion. The From IR spectroscopic data, it can clearly be deduced
average LaO(hfpd) bond length in 3 (2.54 A, ) is which type of complex is formed. Since some of the
slightly shorter than the average LaO(hfpd) bond carbon percentages of the elemental analyses were too
length in [La(hfpd)3(diglyme)] (2.55 A, ), although the low, X-ray powder diffraction patterns were recorded
coordination number of the La ion in 9 is ten compared to obtain further proof about isomorphism between
to nine for the diglyme compound. complexes that belong to the same type. Within the
Structurally characterised lanthanide complexes with [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)] complexes, the Ho, Er and Yb com-
the Ln ion in a [LnO6N4] chromophore that resemble 9 pounds show isomorphic powder patterns. Therefore,
constitute [La(NO3)3(bpy)2] and [La(NO3)3(phen)2] the Ho and Yb complexes possess a similar solid-state
[42,43]. Also in these cases a twofold crystallographic structure as [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7), of which the X-ray
axis is present through one of the anionic ligands crystal structure is solved. The X-ray powder pattern of
(nitrato ligands in these cases) and the La ion. The the Tb complex, on the other hand, is completely
average LaN bond length in 9 (2.77 A, ) is significantly different. Within the [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)] series, the Ho, Er
longer than the average LaN bond length in and Yb complexes show isomorphic powder patterns,
[La(NO3)3(bpy)2] (2.66 A, ) and [La(NO3)3(phen)2] (2.67 whereas the Dy compound displays a different type of
A, ), whereas the average LaO(hfpd) bond length in 9 pattern. This trend is similar as observed for the com-
(2.54 A, ) is significantly shorter than the average LaO pounds [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)]. The elements with a slightly
distances in the nitrato compounds (in both cases 2.60 larger ionic radius apparently favour a different orien-
A, ). The hfpd ligands are sterically more demanding tation of the ligands, leading to a different X-ray
than nitrates and contain, in contrast to the nitrates, powder pattern. The fact that these octa-coordinated
electron-withdrawing substituents. These differences be- tris-b-diketonato complexes can exist in different iso-
tween these two types of ligands result in elongation of mers has been previously demonstrated [15]. X-ray
the LaN and compression of the LaO bonds in 9 in crystallographic studies of [Ln(dpm)3(2,9-dimethyl-
comparison to [La(NO3)3(bpy)2] and [La(NO3)3(phen)2]. phen)] (for Ln= La, Eu –Tb and Ho) revealed the
concomitant presence of two geometrical isomers in the
3.5. Infrared spectroscopy and X-ray powder unit cell [15]. The [Ln(hfpd)3(phen)2] complexes show
diffractograms three different types of X-ray powder diffraction pat-
terns: the Ce and Pr compounds are isomorphic,
The vibrations observed in the IR spectra of the type whereas the La and Nd complexes each display a
A, B, D and E complexes are all assigned as vibrations unique pattern. Also both [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)2] complexes
originating from hfpd [44,45], bpy (for the types B and (La and Sm) each show a unique X-ray powder pattern.
170 D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171

The coordination number of these compounds is ten, accommodate only one bpy or phen molecule. The bpy
for which it has been demonstrated that several differ- complexes show a transition at Sm, because when a
ent geometries are possible [42,47 – 49] each of which is small amount of water is present, formation of the
expected to yield a unique XRD pattern. nine-coordinated complex 11 is preferred over forma-
tion of [Sm(hfpd)3(bpy)2].
3.6. 1H NMR spectra of the La-compounds The formation of ten-coordinated complexes with the
lanthanide elements early in the series can be attributed
The 1H NMR spectrum of 9 is in accordance with a to the strong electron-withdrawing effect of the ligand-
hfpd/bpy ratio of 3:2. Only one set of signals is ob- fluorine atoms. With other b-diketonates thus far in-
served for the protons of the bpy ligands between 7.37 variably eight-coordinated compounds of general
and 9.13 ppm (two doublets and two triplets), as ex- composition [Ln(b-diketonate)3(bpy)] and [Ln(b-diketo-
pected from the geometry in the X-ray crystal structure. nate)3(phen)] have been reported. Due to the inductive
Observation of one signal for the three protons of the effect of the CF3 groups, the lanthanide ion becomes
three hfpd ligands (singlet at 5.65 ppm) indicates that relatively more positively charged. In order to compen-
fluxional processes occur in solution because two sig- sate for that, the lanthanide ion apparently accommo-
nals are expected on the basis of symmetry from the dates a second bpy or phen ligand in the first
X-ray crystal structure. coordination sphere, in this way increasing the number
Similarly, the 1H NMR spectrum of [La(hfpd)3- of electron density donating atoms. The electron-with-
(phen)2] (1) is consistent with a hfpd/phen ratio of 3:2. drawing effect of the CF3 groups is also displayed in
Also in this case only one set of signals for the 1,10- the solid-state structure of [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] (7). Com-
phenanthroline ligands between 7.69 and 9.58 ppm (one pared to [Yb(acac)3(bpy)] [16], which contains a b-dike-
singlet, two doublets and a triplet) is observed. Further- tonate without electron-withdrawing substituents, the
more, the three protons of the three hfpd ligands show average ErN bond length in 7 is about 0.05 A, shorter,
one resonance at 5.48 ppm, which illustrates that 1 is, whereas the average ErO distance is roughly similar to
like 9, fluxional in solution. Also, it can be observed the average YbO bond-distance. The behaviour of Er
that the hfpd protons in 1 resonate 0.17 ppm upfield is unique, because it is the only element for which
compared to 9. dinuclear methoxo-bridged complexes are isolated from
methanol [29]. Only, when the syntheses are performed
3.7. Results with other lanthanide elements in dry in MeCN, the common mononuclear complexes
[Er(hfpd)3(bpy)] and [Er(hfpd)3(phen)] can be obtained.
Results obtained from the syntheses of Sm – Gd with
phen as the neutral ligand were inconclusive. Although
5. Supplementary material
the IR spectra are very similar to the type A and D
spectra, the elemental analyses are not consistent with
Crystallographic data (excluding structural factors)
either type. The IR spectra of the precipitates obtained
for the structural analysis have been deposited with the
with Ce –Nd and bpy are similar to the spectra of the
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, CCDC nos.
type B spectra, but the results obtained from elemental
150660 for compound 7, 150186 for compound 9 and
analysis invariably displayed very low carbon values
143569 compound 11. Copies of this information can
(35.2 –37.2%; calculated values: 38.8 – 39.1%). The IR
be obtained free of charge from The Director, CCDC,
spectra of the precipitates obtained with Eu – Tb and
12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK (fax:
bpy are dissimilar to the type B and E spectra and also
+ 44-1223-336-033; e-mail: or
the results of elemental analysis are not consistent with
the formulations [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)] or [Ln(hfpd)3(bpy)2].
Further research will be required to elucidate the exact
composition of these complexes, and to investigate Acknowledgements
whether more types are possible.
This work was supported in part (A.L.S.) by the
Netherlands Foundation of Chemical Research (SON)
4. Concluding remarks with financial aid from the Netherlands Organisation
for Scientific Research (NWO). Furthermore, we are
All the characterised compounds and their variations indebted to the Italian M.U.R.S.T. and C.N.R. for
can be rationalised on the basis of the ionic radius of providing financial support. The authors are grateful to
the lanthanide ion. The elements with larger ionic radii, Akzo Nobel (Prof. Dr. J.W. Hofstraat, presently at
i.e. the elements early in the series, can accommodate Philips) for the generous gift of lanthanide triflates.
two bpy or phen ligands in the first coordination Mrs. H. Schucht is kindly acknowledged for recording
sphere, whereas the elements later in the series can the X-ray crystal data set of 9.
D.R. 6an Sta6eren et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 315 (2001) 163–171 171

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