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The beginning:
Nobody knows where and when Frug was born. Nobody knows who his parents are either.
People say that one day he just showed up as a 5 year old orphan. And since then he’s been
a nuisance to all of the townsfolk. He often steals food, clothes and other things that he
thinks he needs. He does this with some simple illusions, disguises and shows he performs to
distract everyone. He has his little hidey-hole close by the river where he keeps his
possessions and got along with rats and other unwanted animals. This has gone on for 11
years and little Frug has magically survived on his own. Which is a surprise for most people
because he isn’t the brightest and he never received anything from people because he stank,
and people would much rather have him go away or even die than help him.

The Frug hunt:

When Frug got older he further developed his magic and started to get more enjoyment out
of messing with people. His thieving skills were also at an all time high and he started to
steal more expensive things, mostly instruments and weird looking clothes because he was
fascinated by them. The townspeople hated Frug more and more every day and one day
they had a huge meeting where they decided that Frug had to leave. So that same night they
picked up their torches and pitchforks and set of to Frug’s place to deal with him for good.
Frug saw them coming and knew they were coming for him. He probably would have fought
but he didn’t want to endanger al the creatures around him which were in a sense his only
family. So he packed some of his favourite belongings and set of.

The kind stranger:

Frug’s journey to absolutely anywhere was covered in mosquitoes, shite and the occasional
wood elf trying to have sex with furry animals.

Frug started out simple enough, avoiding any contact with one of the taller folk. but after a
few weeks he had run out of food and water. Desperate for even the tiniest scrap, he
crawled his way to a small settlement nearby.

Filled with fear he entered the small town and by sticking to the shadows he was able to
make his way to a local tavern. “there ought to be some spicy grub there” Frug thought. So
he quickly tried squeezing himself through the cellar grate, Frug however did not anticipate
the grate being half his size, so the little dumpling quickly got his torso stuck between the

He tried to get out but to no avail, he pleaded to whatever pidgeon god he believed in and
squirmed and squeemed.
What happened next is for another time (lol) but in the end Frug had another friend and at
last, some tasty grub

Bla blab la vul zelf maar in ulfje van me maar zorg ervoor dat ik u zie als een soort van
superheld en dat ik men leven zou geven om je te behagen (en dat ik wel nog schuw ben van
andere mensen omdat ik me een beetje verraden voel en altijd al alleen ben geweest)

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